IPR Silicone IP Ltd, has anyone come across useful information? I was curious if IPR resided in a tech precinct.
After working at ARM Mauro Diamant started IPro Silicon while simultaneously working for Tiempo, Signature IP, and SiFive all of which are listed as IP vendor partners. I feel I am missing something....
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@Jasonk, thank you, danke, תודה (toh-dah)!
You have actually just provided me with yet another puzzle piece to confirm what I had so far suspected but figured was maybe a bit too speculative!!!
Despite the rather unprofessional looking IPro Silicon IP website featuring an eclectic mix of random stock photos (!) weirdly not from Israel, but of what appears to be a Central European wintery landscape, an Icelandic waterfall and sportsfishing charter boats off the coast of Baja California, Mexico, I am convinced that Brainchip’s management knew exactly what they were doing when entrusting Mauro Diamant with representing Brainchip in Israel, a start-up nation with excellent scientists and researchers on the forefront of technology, a country that despite its relatively small size should not be underestimated as a market for Brainchip’s technology! On the contrary…
Just like you,
@Jasonk, I was expecting IPro Silicon IP to reside in a tech precinct, somewhere in the so-called Silicon Wadi (
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Wadi), most likely in or around Tel Aviv, Haifa or Be’er Scheva. Imagine my surprise when I googled Shomera ( שׁוֹמֵרָה, lit. “guard”) and discovered it to be a moshav (similar to a kibbutz) with a population of less than 400 (2021), a small village near the Lebanese border!
I immediately thought of a connection to the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) that are busy 24/7 monitoring the border to Lebanon (or rather the UN-recognised Blue Line, as there is no formal border due to territorial disputes, and the two countries technically remain at war) to protect Israel from Hezbollah attacks. Drones are one important tool for guarding the border - and this is, among other things, where Brainchip’s coveted technology comes in! UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) are a perfect use case for Akida.
On his website, Mauro Diamant states that his contact details are Hametzuda, Shomera. HaMetzuda המצודה literally means “the fortress / stronghold", which can easily be associated with a military base, and unsurprisingly there is the Shomera Armory nearby, home of the 300th Bar’am (Reserve) Infantry Brigade, one of the Northern Command brigades. (On one of the maps I googled it is however marked as having been closed down. If that is the case, maybe a new compound was built in Shomera itself?)
My Ivrith (modern Hebrew) is alas, very limited, and googling HaMetzuda either came up with info on the ancient Citadel of Acre (Akko) or various street names all over Israel. So since I hadn’t been able to confirm this further so far, I wasn’t sure whether my conjecture would be considered too far-stretched if I posted it at this point in time.
However, now seeing IPro Silicon IP registered at “Hatmar 1”, I am pretty confident that I am indeed on to something… My bet would be that Hatmar 1 is an address inside an IDF regional territorial brigade (Hatmar) compound.
Anyone fluent in Hebrew that could confirm my suspicion?
P.S.: The Mansion Lake Boutique’s address (Givat Tamir 1) is not the same one as the one IPro Silicon IP is registered at (Hatmar 1)…