Poll regarding being informed.

Are you happy with the way you have been kept informed regarding news flow

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 31.9%
  • No

    Votes: 98 68.1%

  • Total voters
Also no time limit on the poll but one can change their vote anytime they wish.
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I like this @Rise from the ashes , thanks for posting it.
I actually think Polls are a decent way to gauge true feelings, which could prevent the vocal minority from representing the majority.
If it turns out most of the holders here disagree with the current management decisions, then that's probably a good indication of the general sentiment of the 40k odd holders out there.
As for why they feel that way, or whether it's justified is another question!
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Deleted member 118

And no is winning by a mile
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I don't feel long term holders have any objection with company disclosures at asx as long as things are legal.
A few short term holders may have an issue here as they either are making losses or their money is getting held up.
But I have another issue which may be more than we share holders.
That issue is brn gives too many shares and options to employees as incentive and that is a big part of motivation. So if the sp kept low for a long time that may demotivate a few employees. Which is more of a concern to me
So definitely pressure will also be there on management but the same is beyond anyone's control.
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I don't feel long term holders have any objection with company disclosures at asx as long as things are legal.
A few short term holders may have an issue here as they either are making losses or their money is getting held up.
But I have another issue which may be more than we share holders.
That issue is brn gives too many shares and options to employees as incentive and that is a big part of motivation. So if the sp kept low for a long time that may demotivate a few employees. Which is more of a concern to me
So definitely pressure will also be there on management but the same is beyond anyone's control.
If things go as I have hoped they will for BRN I don't really see much of an issue with increasing shares on issue. But that's only if it heads the way I have believed it will if not well yes nothing worse than being diluted the heck out of. We have something that is truly unique and such a game changer. I find that most people I've chatted with are finding it a bit difficult to keep positive due to the secret squirrel comms of late. Anyway onwards and upwards from here I hope and that regarding news flow not share price related.
Obviously price will move accordingly with new revelations.
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And while I'm at it.
Screw the people here who are trying the divide and conquer route.
In my German understanding this poll has only one reason: To show that TSE-shareholders are divided.

This may be a general translation problem: I don't understand the deeper sense of it.

Could you please explain?

Btw.: Votet with "I am happy" - I still have 100% confidence in our Management.
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It just gives people a chance to voice their ( without using their voice🤔)feeling without reprisal. Which normally is the case here on this forum. And also doing this poll saved the forum from being filled with the to and fro arguing that one person's opinion is more valid than the other person's. @Krustor
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In my German understanding this poll has only one reason: To show that TSE-shareholders are divided.

This may be a general translation problem: I don't understand the deeper sense of it.

Could you please explain?

Btw.: Votet with "I am happy" - I still have 100% confidence in our Management.
I find that analogy incorrect because if we all voted yes we are happy that would show we are all united.
This just give a true prospective of the feeling here.
Apologies if I misunderstood your statement regarding that🙏
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Founding Member
When does this poll finish Rise?
Great initiative in my view, cheers for organising.
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Oh it has no time limit
Was hoping to use it as a consistent gauge on people's feelings as you have the option of changing your vote @BaconLover
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To be fair everyone who participates on this board does so, at least in part, because they want more information......

So all might feel that they have inadequate info from news...and I assume other sources

Makes the poll less informative and makes me wonder if those that indicated that they are satisfied may be fooling themselves.

We may understand why Brainchip is being (overly) tight lipped but still we want to know more regardless of the source.

Not profound I know...the risk of thinking out loud. Sorry in advance.
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To be fair everyone who participates on this board does so, at least in part, because they want more information......

So all might feel that they have inadequate info from news...and I assume other sources

Makes the pole less informative and makes me wonder if those that indicated that they are satisfied may be fooling themselves.

We may understand why Brainchip is being (overly) tight lipped but still we want to know more regardless of the source.

Not profound I know...the risk of thinking out loud. Sorry in advance.
All opinions are welcome mate, you'll get no belittling from me nor insults.
Yes poll could be useless but also harmless.
I've had idiots accuse me of downramping for doing the poll. That is the stupidity that is amongst this forum.
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Happy to update, as we get more votes, just thought some perspective might help.
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View attachment 30882

Happy to update, as we get more votes, just thought some perspective might help.
I don’t think that’s how Polls work Damo. The idea is to take a snap shot of consensus.
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Founding Member
I don’t think that’s how Polls work Damo. The idea is to take a snap shot of consensus.
Pretty sure the rest of 46832 would vote they're happy being well informed 😁
Poor souls probably wouldn't even know half of the partnerships 😂
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I don’t think that’s how Polls work Damo. The idea is to take a snap shot of consensus.

Yes, I understand your point, my first post on this thread was the idea that it's a cross section.
However I think it's worth noting we are not a true cross section, but a concentrated group with an existing curiosity for more info.
I also think that a lot of us have shorter horizons than those who buy in a set-and-forget style.
These people likely have done their DD and decided it's worth a punt and will return later.

Perhaps I could have drawn the comparison to holders here on TSEx as well.
I know more members have arrived post BRN exit, and there are 2,905 members.
Even if we took the 1st 2000 to come across, the percentage of disgruntled holders is still small.

Pretty sure the rest of 46832 would vote they're happy being well informed 😁
Poor souls probably wouldn't even know half of the partnerships 😂

Lol I agree about the lack of info for them, but I guess they also don't have any of the speculation.
The company doesn't attempt to join dots, so their info is concise and accurate if they were to go off ASX announcements.
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Pretty sure the rest of 46832 would vote they're happy being well informed 😁
Poor souls probably wouldn't even know half of the partnerships 😂
I am replying but not voting, because such a poll is as pointless as attending mass if your an atheist. Am I a poor soul among the choosen few? Perhaps.

But I am invested for reasons having to do with the investment prospects owning Brainchip stock offers down the road and because of their management who I have utmost respect and admiration for. Especially when it comes to their hands being tied because of non disclosure agreements.

Brainchip's management has said in no uncertain terms that they are in discussion(s) with companies and maybe EAP's and that some or all of these companies seek strict confidentialty with respect to the relationship. Brainchip is trying to honor those requests for fear of severing the relationship suddenly because of leaks, or missteps.

Why would our company possibly be so driven and anal about maintaining secrecy and radio silence if the customer were someone inconsequential ?
My opinion is they wouldn't. And I wouldn't want them to be. But radio silence implies BIG customers and BIG customers get to set the rules.

If, ....and it is a big if,......if Brainchip were in negotiations with a company whose name was known by all of the worlds population and that company said, "blab our name as one of your prospects, and enjoy the view of our backside as we leave this relationship because you broke the terms of our non disclosure contract..... " I would as an investor be furious with them.

You all have a right to your polls and your opinions. I don't see the value. I have put my faith, trust and my money in the B of D's, and the management. If they don't want to reveal news that's fine with me. Nobody is forcing me to stay invested. Thank you, dippY
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