I tell you what Frank, and everyone else for that matter. SugeKnight is one of the better posters on the Crapper for finding good Lithium company’s early, and I have found him to be honest and transparent.
He has done extremely well getting into AZS around the 30c mark with a very substantial holding, and when the SP hit 60c from memory last Friday, he disclosed that he was 100% up and had just sold 50% of his holdings to free carry, which is his in line with his investing strategy. The poor bugger sold the last trading day before the drilling announcement which was the start of last weeks big run. I feel bad for him as it has cost him big time, although no doubt being stringent in his trading strategy has worked very well for him. He goes hard early with conviction then de-risk. Would have worked well on AVZ wouldn’t it
I‘m feeling a bit annoyed at myself as I decided last weekend to sell a decent portion of my GL1 holding to double down on AZS after thinking about doing that for the whole week but that Monday morning announcement stuffed me up also and I have missed out on some big gains there.
As I have mentioned previously, I believe AZS has a big chance of getting up near LTR or even PLS.
Frank has shown their market caps in the posts above.. AZS could still be a good investment if you look at those company’s and are looking long term.