Reports On Zijin Mining’s Violations

Dave Evans

Read multiple reports on Zijin Mining’s violations

Non fiction journalists reports on Zijin Mining 👇

Zijin’s poisoned legacy

A toxic spill last year blackened the name of Chinese metals giant Zijin Mining. But, in Fujian, its broken promises and environmental failures have a longer history, writes Yang Chuanmin, joint winner of the in-depth reporting category at the 2011 China Environmental Press Awards.

China Violates Human Rights in Peru - Diálogo Américas

Peru fights for its economic, social, and cultural rights as it faces the disproportionate growth of Chinese companies. Peruvian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) expressed their concern about the growing economic influence and increasing participation of Chinese companies in Latin America...

China's Zijin Mining Polluting Serbian Village, Says Group

China's Zijin Mining is polluting a village in southeastern Europe's Serbia without consent or transparency, an environmental group claims.

Serbia halts Zijin mine over environmental breaches

Government has ordered Zijin Mining Group to halt work at a shaft at the RTB Bor copper mine and to complete a wastewater treatment plant after it failed to comply with environmental standards.

In less than a year, the company Zijin was convicted four times for the same commercial offence, each time fined below the legal minimum - RERI

In less than a year, the company Zijin was convicted four times for violating the Law on Mining and Geological Research, for which it was ordered to pay a….

Leaders - Au cœur de la bataille pour le contrôle du lithium de Manono par la Chine en République Démocratique du Congo :

Que veut en réalité l’entreprise chinoise Zijin chez la congolaise Cominière SA et chez Dathcom Mining

Zijin’s Negligence: How the Demolition of the Smelter Cost a Worker His Life - Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia

At the Smelter, where rules and reality are miles apart, a Zijin worker lost his life. CINS reveals Zijin's negligence that preceded the accident.

Le Chinois ZIJIN MINING se moque de la politique minière de Félix Tshisekedi : COMMUS, une filiale de Zijin Mining, accusée de violations graves des droits humains à Kolwezi (Rapport) - L'info qui fait échos

Depuis quelques mois, le consortium « LA RDC ET SON PEUPLE D’ABORD », constitué des organisations non gouvernementales et médias membres de la coalition ‘’TOUS POUR LA <a class="mh-excerpt-more"...

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Par Kiki Kienge Stephie Mukinzi était le rédacteur en chef du média et fondateur de, jeune étudiant de l’Université catholique du Congo (UCC) et l’Institut facultaire des sciences…

Forced evictions at industrial cobalt and copper mines in the DRC

Expansion of mines has led to grievous human rights abuses.

Mine in ‘world cobalt capital’ displaces locals and monks under questionable circumstances

This report was produced with the support of the Rainforest Investigations Network in partnership with the Pulitzer Center. LUBUMBASHI — In Kolwezi, the self-proclaimed cobalt capital of the world, 400 households and a monastery are preparing to leave. Recently in 2022, one area, known as the...

Chinese State-owned Zijin Mining Under International Scrutiny

In a world where business activities are under constant global scrutiny, Zijin Mining, a Chinese state-owned company specializing in gold and lithium mining, stands out as a symbol of persistent concerns about its impact and operating practices in Latin America and beyond, Radio FM Bolivia reported.

New report exposes the environmental and human costs of DRC’s cobalt boom

New investigation by RAID and AFREWATCH into toxic environmental pollution from industrial cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reveals devastating human rights impacts.

Zijin’s Congo mine shipments returned due to radiation levels, ministry says

Congolese mines minister suspended the copper and cobalt operation's licence while it investigated the issue.
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Dave Evans


MINES.CD - First Congolese media in the mining sector

Lualaba: Between hope and despair of victims to relocate after the damage of the Zijin Mining Group project

Lualaba: Between hope and despair of the victims to relocate after the damage of the Zijin Mining Group project​

Last updated: 10/17/2024 at 1:21 PM


The years go by and look alike. The inhabitants of the Gécamines district, located a few meters from the city of Kolwezi, Lualaba province, no longer know which Saint to devote themselves to. They have been living in the impasse for five years now. The promise of relocation, made by the managers of the cuprifer company COMMUS as a rea sus of a common ground already found in 2019 between the protagonists, is struggling to take shape.
Impacted by the COMMUS project, a subsidiary of the Chinese giant Zijin Mining Group, local communities are still waiting for the fallout of the said compromise, including the remission of funds in exchange for departures for another city such as Patrick Ilunga, the company's lawyer, revealed in December 2023 at the microphone of The China Global South Project, an independent non-profit multimedia organization dedicated to exploring all aspects of China's commitment to Africa. "We are going to build Tshabula 2, although several occupants of Tshabula or all want to receive money as compensation," he observed. This is also what the Village Chief herself confirms: "Everyone will have their money and we will go build our new village". But until then, it seems that the saying that the promise only commits the one who believes in it, finds its meaning here.

Although the company had committed to compensating the victims of mining operations up to $25,000 to $100,000 depending on the value of the goods contained in the plot, nothing seems to be done so far, the communities interviewed by one of local media regret.

According to one of the inhabitants of the Gécamines Musonoie city, since COMMUS identified the victims impacted by its project, the mining company has not returned to the communities. In the meantime, residents continue to "pay the heavy toll" orchestrated by the company, in particular by COMMUS mining operations. Houses cracked by explosive devices, roofs washed away, air polluted and many other damages.

"Since 2019, we have been identified by the company COMMUS to be relocated. I don't know what the authorities are looking for. Our houses are in a very advanced state of dilapidation. It is a permanent danger because of COMMUS. We are really tired. This tree you see in front of my door is the witness of the event, "said one of the residents on condition of anonymity.

The Gecamines city was created around the 1940s. And it is for the housing of GECAMINES employees, a company in the portfolio of the Congolese State. The mine located there, with an annual production of 120,000 tons of copper and 3,000 tons of cobalt, is majority owned by the Chinese group Zijin Mining Group.


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Today's PaperPlace an AdFriday, 20 December 2024

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Zijin Mining’s WA subsidiary Norton Gold Fields to probe corruption claims​

Norton Gold Fields says it has brought in lawyers to examine allegations some of its employees are extracting side payments from WA businesses, following an investigation by The West Australian.
The alleged racket centres on contractors and suppliers being coerced into paying certain Norton staff off the books to keep doing business with the Chinese company.
The West has sighted and verified a $47,540 invoice for “project planning, resources co-ordination and administration assistance” paid by one of the impacted contractors to a private entity owned by a current Norton employee, who for legal reasons cannot be named.
A Norton Gold Fields spokeswoman on December 11 said the company is taking the allegations “extremely seriously” following queries by The West and “has taken immediate action” after its preliminary assessment of the claims.
“Norton has engaged law firm HFW Australia to fully investigate the allegations which have been made against a small number of employees,” she said.
“Norton’s management want to make it clear that the company in no way tolerates or condones any type of inappropriate conduct by employees.
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“Norton has a clear anti-corruption policy in place, and we encourage any employee, contractor or supplier who has any knowledge of these allegations to immediately contact the external investigators.”
The West understands Norton is sending out letters to its contractors and suppliers asking them to contact HFW if they have any information regarding the allegations, which stretch over a number of years.
“Anyone who comes forward can remain anonymous and will be afforded the protection of Norton’s whistleblower policy,” the spokeswoman said.
“We anticipate the independent investigators will take around three weeks to interview witnesses, review documents and make evidence-based findings.
“Norton wants to assure all of our stakeholders that the company will take decisive action if any of the allegations are substantiated.”
Contractors and suppliers have been afraid of facing prosecution for being complicit in the alleged racket if they go through the courts to try and claw their money back, according to Dean Logan.
Mr Logan, who works as an adviser to small and medium-sized firms, said he has clients caught up in the allegations.
Dean Logan Yes
Norton is a subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group, China’s largest non-coal mining company, and has two main local gold mining hubs in WA — Paddington and Binduli.
The Paddington mine and mill is Norton’s flagship operation, while Binduli’s existence revolves around processing low-grade ores through the heap leaching technique.
Those two operations are both near Kalgoorlie and combined produce about 200,000 ounces of gold each year.
“If you’re thinking about taking work with Norton, be warned,” Mr Logan said.
“It all starts above board and ‘matey’, but once the contractor has mobilised and settled in, that’s when some of these Norton employees start asking for cash.”
He said the affected businesses are reticent to pull out after sinking substantial time and capital to get workers and equipment on site.
“Yes, contractors make the mistake of getting caught up in it . . . but it starts off at 3 per cent of the invoice value then it’s ratcheted up,” he said.
“When the pressure gets too much and you push back, Norton prosecute you for the most trivial site matter, stand you down and dispute contract or progress payments.
“Then they rinse and repeat with a new contractor.”
Two other local business not connected to Mr Logan have told The West they were caught up in a similar scheme with Norton.
“These Norton guys know contractors are unwilling to go to court, it’s designed this way from the very start,” Mr Logan said.
Norton Gold Fields' Paddinton operation north of Kalgoorlie. Yes
“I’ve helped one client get back $400,000 of the $1.2 million they were owed. Contractors have to take the offer and just walk away.”
In October, the low-profile Norton lodged its 2023 accounts to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, revealing a bottom-line loss of $44.3m for the year despite a strong gold price.
Norton’s borrowings with related party Gold Mountain International Mining jumped from $460.4m to $581.9m over the year, and interest payments on the debt nearly doubled from $11.4m to $21.6m.
Norton said the extra debt was used to fund its Binduli North heap leach project, which was finished in 2022.
Costs for “maintenance” surging from $24.8m to $66.4m was another stand-out balance sheet line item, as expenses rose across the board.
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