Melbourne BRN catchup


Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
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I'm Spartacus!
Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
Thanks JoMO. :) Not certain can make it at this stage but tentatively am in.


Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
Count me in x1


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I think i can make it too.. need to check with Z and wilzy too..
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Tentatively count me in too :)
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Count me in for 2 tentatively. I will confirm with you at least a week before.


@JoMo68 @zeeb0t I'm just thinking this thread should be moved into the BRN sub forum; I don't think many people know its here because of the lack of views?
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Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
Yep will drop in to say hello - and meet the melb team
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Top 20
I am very jealous
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So how many in now total.. tentative....
Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
Awesome work JoMo in getting this organised. I'm interested in going but will have to be a tentative for now. Will need to see if I can fit it in around work and family. Hopefully let you know soon 😊
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I would love to join you guys. Unfortunately Melbourne is a little bit too far away...
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5 tentative plus 5 more certain.
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Ok, for those of us who were discussing a Melbourne catch-up over on HC, this is for you: I’m going to book a table on the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond if people are still interested. Tuesday 15th of March for MDhere - 6.30. Let me know if you’re in, and how many. I’ll post this in the ‘lounge’ as well, so reply over there (so we don’t fill this thread with junk!)
I’m in Melb for a couple of weeks from 5th March so count me in!…(y)
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Another x 1 tentacle-y 🐙 here. Will be able to confirm a week prior. Cheers
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Hi kids,
I’ve booked a table for 20 (just guessing numbers at this point) at the rooftop bar at Harlow, Richmond 6.30 pm on Tuesday the 15th of March. Please confirm when you’re able.
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Hopefully this won't be half a dollar party by 15th of March :eek::ROFLMAO:😂
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