Dathcom Exploration & Exploitation Maps

Don’t really care if no one else looks at this thread…. It will just make it a little easier for me (and hopefully others) to view any changes made by CAMI regarding our licences and ownership.

And much appreciated for the maps Nuts
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Phew I got there in the end @Winenut after a bit of editing
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25 Apr 2022

13 Jan 2022
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Have a Cigar 1975
You can see the distinct alterations to our 100% owned tenements, by comparing the most recent mapping to the old one from the AVZ site publication. So, when these PR's were renewed, they seem to have given back 50% (??), but it looks like they were able to pick what areas they kept - see the bottom RHS of PR4030, showing the zig zag shaped boundaries still covering an area of possible interest, as one example.

Another example is PR4029 on the LHS still covers nearly all of that possible pegmatite extension, despite having a fair bit of the perimeter shaved off
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Have a Cigar 1975
Actually, I can't find any AVZ notified evidence of these two tenements being up for and/or granted renewal, so treat my previous post as entirely fictional :poop:until someone can confirm:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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The Fox

Repost from main thread.

Below are 2 of the 5 or more new sections / allocations.

And bugger me (not an invitation Wombat, it's an expression) as I circle back to review Cami again before posting, (one minute later), they are gone, unbelievable. 🧐

What to make of this? Probably nothing........hmmmm


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Have a Cigar 1975
Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 9.44.09 AM.png

It's interesting to know what they have done for DATHCOM.

Notice that we are no longer looking to mine Spudomene, but in actual fact have commenced processing carrots
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I was just looking at the maps again and it looks to me like the problem that’s holding up our mining license (PE) is because CAMI granted the PE for the area covering RD and CDL to Mincom in March 2017 and it expired in March 2022.

This looks like what you were pointing out in your maps at the top of this thread, but I’m just about to see if that’s just the tailings which is now under Tantalex, but it’s bloody confusing isn’t it

No need for us to start swearing at this stage, I think it’s all been discussed before and Xerof actually pointed it out at the time…. Still, it’s confusing to see the PE was already awarded for this area

I just found a discussion on it in the attached twitter thread, so time to stop thinking about it and move on to other things, still doesn’t hurt to review it all and keep it fresh in the mind…. lucky we spent some time on the magic mushies and have that area of our brain to work with 😉 good night mate

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Just adding two different links to make it easy for me to get to the maps of Manono, and if you’re out there Winenuts, thanks for telling me to click on the black line across the top to move the details around the page 👍


The first link which is the CAMI link allows easier enlarging of the map…. The second link is the landfolio platform that CAMI uses but seems harder for enlarging maps
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As posted on twitter, an update happened on the 1st Nov with the below applications added.



With regard to AJN's announcement dated 1/11/2022:
"State Endorses New Licence Applications by Congo Ressources SAU according to the MOU signed with Democratic Republic of the Congo"

Page 3, Figure 2: "Manono Application Area"
AJN Manono Application Area.png

I've georeferenced their map using the latitude and longitude grid markers at the border and overlaid the north eastern boundary of AVZ tenement 13359 (after the northern section was removed) using the vertex coordinates obtained from the DRC Mining Cadastre (http://drclicences.cami.cd/EN/).

The blue dots in the image below are the vertices of our north eastern boundary as defined in the DRC Mining Cadastre. The blue line illustrates how they are connected. The red line is me tracing over the map produced by AJN.
Fuck You Klaus.PNG

The result is conclusively what we are all concerned about; AJN are indeed attempting to claim the northern half of our tenement. This is not opinion, it is a geospatial fact based on the information in their announcement. The AJN Application Area is our northern CDL tenement. This is serious and needs to be pursued at the next roadshow event. Our BoD must be made aware of this if they aren't already, and if they are aware of it we need to know why it was not discussed in Perth on 31/10.
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From @Xerof

Mate, yes it's been discussed before but to summarize

1. We were required under the Mining Code to relinquish 50% of 4020/30 after 5 years, due to no exploration having been done. Refer to the Annual Report notes, we wrote off ~650k.

2. Subsequently applied for and granted to CEMIC, which is NOT Kunt Klaus (at least not directly, but who the fuck would know) Personally I couldn't give a shit about those tenements.

3. I do give a shit about the northern end, simply because by LAW, it is ours. No other fucking arsehole cunt should get this until it is relinquished by LAW under the Mining Code, least of all Kunt Klaus via Princess Bitchface

4. to repeat, AJN does not have anything in or adjacent to 13359, other than an Application for that northern end (blank space), on which we are expecting a renewal as a PR, according to GARP, HOYLE, and FERGUSON

5. @MoneyBags1348 mate, could you fire this into the tenements threads please. Might be easier to find these details later, when someone else raises it again
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@Carlos Danger

I’m copying your posts from today and putting them here on the ‘Maps’ thread because they relate to our Tenements and it makes it easier for me to find all the information you posted today…. Many thanks for all your input and I hope you don’t mind me adding your posts here

Fossil 😉
Another indication that the statement, that cami need so much time to calculate without having a reason for, could maybe be wrong.

You all remeber that i said acaj posted in may/june that the ICC cominiere vs. MMCS have settled with help of the government? I didn't think it was that exact date.

AVZ beginning of Suspension from official quotation: 11 May 2022

Acaj posted settled dispute between Cominiere and MMCS on: 11 May 2022

Annoucement of Arbitration from Zijin: 11 May 2022

What i think will be some possible steps

1. we need to solve the problem with MMCS
-through a deal with MMCS
-or need to go against cominere and mmcs with a international arbitration process. which of course could take years, and like I said...time is not our friend
-the DRC rule against it but i really doubt it

2. we maybe need to solve the problem with Zijin
-through a deal
-winning or loosing the ICC....problem again, it could take years
-or maybe not to much important for the ML when we solve it with MMCS and Cominiere can cede 10% to the state

I believe the 10% cede to government could be the real problem, when this is the case (personally i believe in it to 99.99%, but you don't need to think the same and all of you can of course build your own opinion), then we could have a problem which could take a long time to solve.

But maybe, AVZ can cede 5% for the moment and cominiere 5%, but of course I have no idea if that violates any part of the jv contract and if it is not possible. Then cath just have 4% for the moment+ pre offtake agreements????


The illegal delay by CAMI is 100% about the 'disputed' northern part of PE13359. Not ownership.

Nigel said something in an interview (I can't remember which one) earlier this year about the DRC government possibly getting 15% of the project. I've always assumed he meant them getting the extra 5% from MMCS.

AVZ are the majority shareholder of Dathcom. We control the project. We will have at least 51% no matter what so ownership is not an issue for the mining licence.

The amount of carrés is the missing number in Mupande's surface rights calculations


What i don’t understand in that case, when the final decree is about a PE of that circa 130 from 221 quadrants ( don’t remember the right number), it definitely need a new exploration license area with a new number for the nothern exploration part. So why did we get no mining license and work out the new jv relationships at the same time? Or is it possible to take out a certain part within a license transform it in a PE and the rest is a PR with the same License number? From a bureaucratic Point of view it seems illogical to me.

Would a mining licence for PE13359 that covers a perimeter of the entire 221 carrés that Dathcom are legally entitled to require a new ministerial decree?

You mean the company have a problem with the ministerial decree of the 139 quadrants, because cami gave the technical decree for the complete 221? That would mean the MoM made a mistake or had the instructions to do. Or why did she reduce the quadrants for the PE? In this case i think we need of course a new decree from the minister of mines about the 221 quadrants when the company is fighting for it and thats the reason we still have no ML. But that would mean we have to go against that decree to change it for the complete area?

If Dathcom have successfully retained the northern part of the tenement for the PE then there might need to be a new decree or an amendment to the existing decree currently covering 139 carrés to legally give them the entire area covering 221 carrés.

The MoM didn't make a mistake. The reduction was negotiated with AVZ. If anyone made a mistake it was management because Dathcom were legally entitled to it all. However, according to Nigel Mupande said that request came from Tshisekedi but he was later told that wasn't true by Felix when he met him.

Management were happy enough with the splitting of the tenement and proposed joint venture negotiations with the DRC government for the northern part under a 5 year PR in the May 4th 2022 ministerial decree announcement. We traded for 3 days after they told the market. They definitely knew about it beforehand.

What they didn't know was that Mupande and Klaus were scheming to give the northern part to AJN. That's why Nigel resigned from their board a few days after the ministerial decree announcement when he found that out. He should have also sold his shares imo. Hopefully it won't be a potential conflict of interest issue much longer.

Conclusion....it looks like we have two different main problems. That we at least know about.

The ownership issue and no 10% left to cede it to the state. The 5% MMCS were not a problem at the time nigel gave the interview about to maybe give 15% to the state. In my opinion, the management did not expect cominiere to give up the 5% to MMCS. AVZ had already won several times against MMCS and Cominiere would violate the jv agreement again.

And our Nothern part. It would be important to know if the management fell for the trap and confirmed the "wish of the president's request" in a letter that they give up a part or are willing to enter into a new jv. In the end it was perhaps also a trick to accuse avz of violations in order to be able to contest the whole area, which could fit in one point as cominiere has already formulated in their letter to question avz or to claim the 60% in a international arbitration. If based on this fact there really is a chance to revoke the license from avz, i wonder where the president's help is. And would be deeply amazed by the associated stupidity of our management not to ask beforehand whether if its was actually true. If avz never formulated this letter i think we are on the safe side. If not, and its possible that they make a mistake it has caused massive damage, for which their maybe could certainly be liable one day?

On the other hand i think the management must have promised it in some way?

Otherwise why would it happen without a basis? Why is the ministerial decree only 139 quadrants of 221? Why is in the decree a new PR formulated? Why would ajn stated it to acquire on 1 november on the tsx?

One thing is mysterious, on the 30 November Ajn stated again: "an area located in Tanganyika Province that is prospective for lithium and that originates from the partial relinquishment (which is disputed) of exploration permit number PR 13359"

And is there any evidence that mupande is spreading lies on behalf of the president? If so, why hasn't action been taken against mupande after 8 months? Is the president part of it or was it really just a mistake by the management? Or have they done it the same way they sell to zijin without any legal basis and give a fuck about the laws? In this case i wonder, is it possible to bring an entire government before the International Court of Justice? To sue them for damages? Could be maybe more than the drc has available in a year. But maybe its a good sign that ajn stated a month later under dispute, to save their faces?

Many good points there Schuss

I agree "If based on this fact there really is a chance to revoke the license from avz, i wonder where the president's help is. And would be deeply amazed by the associated stupidity of our management not to ask beforehand whether if its was actually true."

Which followed on from Carlos Dangers point "The MoM didn't make a mistake.

The reduction was negotiated with AVZ. If anyone made a mistake it was management because Dathcom were legally entitled to it all. However, according to Nigel Mupande said that request came from Tshisekedi but he was later told that wasn't true by Felix when he met him."

If I "heard" that request I would be seriously looking for confirmation from the President himself and getting it in writing....wouldn't you think?

My recollection is PE13359 was carved up, the exploitation permit to be approved for the Lower section containing RD and the northern section including part of CDL to be subject to a new Exploration/Research permit for 5 years with the JV arrangements to be discussed further.

Nige was apparantly happy with that because he either "assumed" or was "convinced" or "tricked" into believing the northern section JV arrangements and discussions would be exclusively with AVZ/Dathcom as holder of the original 13359 permit covering the entire area

The absolute SHIT hit the fan IMO when he woke up and realised that might not be the case..... Farken!


Seems to me that Felix of CAMI took a personal view (influenced by other parties?) that as AVZ had 'only' worked on a small portion of 13359, it seemed only fair for them to be decreed 133 of the 221, and so started the lies and farken around

HOW the Princess 'amicably' resolved the 5% with MMCS?

Seems perhaps, they just gave it to them out of Cominiere holding? I recall Nige saying that happened and it is causing an inconvenience

Monsieur Bags
Final comment from me to Xero…. I am now referencing anything Nigel says to the Brothers Grim Fairy Tails and Felix might not have had any idea about what was and wasn’t going on
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@Mr Inappropriate

These are the latest PR and PE licenses from Cominiere’s 2023 site. I’m not sure if there has been a few changes as I deleted past copies I had. It looks like some changes may have been made to us but not sure. Unfortunately the copy and paste picture isn’t as good as the picture on the website, but at least now there is a current map here to make future comparisons with:

12436PRDATHCOM mining SAS
12449PRDATHCOM mining SAS
12450PRDATHCOM mining SAS
12454PRDATHCOM mining SAS
12459PRDATHCOM mining SAS
12707PRMURUMBI mineral
12708PRMURUMBI mineral
13348PRMINOCOM mining SAS
13359PRDATHCOM mining SAS
13698PERMINOCOM mining SAS

© Copyright La Cominière SA 2023
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