
Translate to english isn't working for me unfortunately, this interview looks interesting.
It’s not working for me either Az, it’s an interview from a few months ago…. I just came across it on my phone

Maybe one of our French members could translate it, but I’m mostly just using this and a few other threads to store info because the discussion thread gets too many distracting comments and makes it harder to go back looking for info
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Post from Cruiser of AFR Article

This article is from the December 12 issue of Australian Financial Review Digital Edition. To subscribe, visit
Tom Richardson

Suspended lithium explorer AVZ Minerals kept an ownership dispute over rights to 15 per cent of the Manono lithium project – which has access to a major resource of the vital battery metal – hidden from investors for nearly 10 months, new information shows.

The details of the dispute with Congo state-owned miner Cominiere and China’s Zijin Mining reveal AVZ actively sought to dissuade Cominiere from selling the 15 per cent stake to Zijin in a battle for control of what may be the world’s largest lithium deposit.

Over the period AVZ failed to disclose the dispute – July 2021 to May 2022 – the company’s stock, at its peak, rocketed eight-fold to snag a place in the S&P/ASX 200 Index and a near- $4.6 billion valuation.

However, the stock’s suspension since May points to questions around AVZ’s journey into the Congo, where political instability makes for regular disputes over rights to vast deposits of clean-energy resources nickel, cobalt, copper and lithium.

New resources of such ‘‘ future facing’ ’ metals are being sought by Western governments and companies to lessen dependence on China for commodities vital to the decarbonisation of the global energy system.

Chinese state-backed miners dominate the control of supply from the Congo, although US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited in August to pitch US interests.

On August 4 last year, AVZ’s lawyer in Kinshasa wrote to Cominiere to urge it to abandon negotiations to sell a 15 per cent interest in Manono to state-owned Chinese miner Zijin.

However, the plea fell on deaf ears. Zijin said it lawfully registered its 15 per cent stake at Congo’s commerce registry in November last year in exchange for a $US33.4 million payment.

Congo’s Commercial Court of Lubumbashi rejected AVZ’s attempt to have the deal thrown out in November 2021 and January 2022, Zijin said later.

It can also be revealed that Cominiere first wrote to AVZ at its Perth headquarters on July 21 last year to inform it Zijin sought 15 per cent of the Manono project.

AVZ made no mention of the dispute until May this year and now faces multiple legal fights next year related to events it failed to disclose to the market.

The stock’s dream run began to unravel publicly on May 4 when it first acknowledged its claimed rights to Manono had been challenged by Zijin.

The Zijin dispute is set for arbitration in May.

AVZ is in another legal fight against a company called Dathomir Mining in the Congo.

Dathomir is reported to have obtained Congo court orders in December last year to have a deal annulled in which it sold a separate 15 per cent interest in Manono to AVZ for $US20 million in August last year.

AVZ did not acknowledge the tribunal verdict to investors until May 4 this year. It said it believed Dathomir’s claim to be spurious, without merit, and containing fundamental errors.

A further Congo court order in September also favoured Dathomir: it suspended the roughly $US20 million payment until the matter could be resolved by more arbitration. This time, AVZ dismissed the ruling as ‘‘ immaterial’ ’ and said it was not a party to the claim.

It has also dismissed Zijin’s claims as meritless and said it would defend its ownership rights to the two separate stakes worth 30 per cent of Manono.

Many investors who bought shares between July last year and May this year unaware that AVZ had actively engaged in the ownership dispute with Cominiere and Zijin over rights to Manono will fume at the latest revelations.

The company had just $3 million cash in May last year before its stunning run saw it raise $40 million in July that year and another $75 million in December. It said the December capital raising was partly to help it buy the 15 per cent stake from Cominiere, but never disclosed it had been notified the prior July about Zijin’s intention to buy the stake from Cominiere.

The company has declined to answer several questions put to it by The Australian Financial Review. It has also blamed a short research firm named Boatman Capital, the media in general and social media for what it says is misinformation.

Last week, the picture got murkier for the explorer when it disclosed the findings of a Congo government audit by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF). The report concluded Zijin had paid below the market value for its stake in Manono.

Zijin said the finding was incorrect because it did not account for the lower spot price of lithium at the time, or a price adjustment clause to allow the seller (the Congo government) to be properly compensated.

Another revelation is the finding that AVZ’s original agreement to acquire its 60 per cent stake in the Manono project from Dathomir was in violation of a governing joint venture agreement.

AVZ rejected this finding last week and said it held valid legal title to the ownership interest.

Moreover, it still insists it owns 75 per cent of Manono, having acquired the disputed 15 per cent from Dathomir, and it still claims rights to acquire another 15 per cent from Cominiere. This is even as Cominiere appears to have sold that 15 per cent to Zijin.

The IGF audit also found three Manono region mining tenement licences (titled 12436, 12449 and 12450) were illegally transferred by Dathomir as Manono’s holding company some time after 2017.

In January 2019, AVZ disclosed it held rights to mining licences 12436, 12449 and 12450, but in April that year it disclosed the rights had been ‘‘ relinquished’ ’ for unspecified reasons.

In a statement to the market last week, AVZ said nobody at the company had any involvement or prior knowledge of the transfers to any third party.

‘‘ AVZ has undertaken further investigations with respect to the transfer of these tenements and is continuing to cooperate with all competent DRC governmental authorities regarding the findings within the IGF Report,’’ it said.

‘‘ The company further confirms that it is, and continues to be, in compliance with its ASX continuous disclosure obligations and any inference to the contrary is misinformed and misguided.’’

If AVZ does reach a deal to receive its mining licence in the Congo and return to the ASX boards in 2023, investor confidence in its disclosures will be tested. In April this year, investigative media group Africa Intelligence said the Manono site in the remote southeast of Congo had long been the stronghold of the Kabila family.

Dathomir’s owner, Simon Cong, is a Chinese businessman believed to be close to Zoe Kabila, the sister of Joseph Kabila, as Congo’s long-serving ruler until January 2019, Africa Intelligence said.

Copyright © 2022 Australian Financial Review

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Lithium Gate: Alingete; AVZ had estimated at $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere sells at $2.2 million to Zijin, yes there was a sale

"La Cominiere paid $6 million to 2 firms, $7 million to a commissionaire and $2 million to executives"

Lithium Gate: Alingete; AVZ had estimated at $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere sells at $2.2 million to Zijin, yes there was a sale​

December 13, 2022
Kiki Kienge

Dathcom is a joint venture composed of three partners for the exploitation of lithium in Manono in Tanfanyika; AVZ of the Australians with 60%, Dathomir (belonging to a Chinese citizen, Simon Cong) 15% and the Congolese State with the Cominiere 25%, which gives the 100%. of Dathcom.

AVZ, which owns 60%, with the authorization of the Congolese State, had carried out studies for the valuation of deposits (valued at $75 million, spent in full by the Australian company). After the valuation study, AVZ had declared that 1% of Dathcom's capital was worth $10 million, all the partners of Dathcom, Dathomir and the Cominiere were served by AVZ for the price of US$10 million per percentage.

The Cominiere, which represents the Congolese State in Dathcom, without valid reasons by its leaders, decide to sell 15% of the shares in the lithium deposits of Manono, one of the richest in the world.
This decision is motivated by what, the IGF Inspector General, Jules Alingete, asks himself.

The reason for the sale of 15% of the shares of the Cominiere put forward by the company's managers was for the relaunch of the company's activities that was stagnating. Recall that the Cominiere was aware of AVZ's valuation study, which gave US $10 million for 1% of the shares, so the 15% was worth US$150 million.

Although the valuation study already exists, that of AVZ recommended by the Congolese State, which gives $10 million for 1%, the leaders of the Cominiere have used two other different firms to evaluate Dathcom's shares.

Strangely, the 2 firms give the same value to the comma, of $2,636,660 for 1%. What a coincidence that two firms without links all give the same evaluation figure?
Jules Alingete talks about the magic of planning the predation of the assets of the Congolese State.

Despite the valuation study of AVZ (serious people, according to the Inspector General of Finance) which gave $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere by the aval of the Ministry of the Portfolio sells 15% of the state's shares at only $2.2 million for 1%. So a total of US$33 million than the US$150 million of the value of the AVZ study, causing the Congolese taxpayer to lose the sum of $116 million.

According to the account statements in the possession of the IGF, the 33 million have disappeared from the Congolese state coffers.

On the expenditure of the 33 million that should be used to revive the company, the Cominiere defends itself as follows:
  1. $6 million was paid to the two firms for their studies, which lost $7.8 million in the value of Dathcom's 1%.
  2. $7 million paid to a commissioner who allegedly brought the buyer (the Chinese Zijin group).
  3. $2 million for members of the Cominiere administration.
  4. The rest was squandered, nothing would remain in the state's accounts according to the IGF report.

Why the silence of the Ministry of Mines, because the sale of the state's mining assets, is also within its jurisdiction. Is there a conflict between the ministers of portfolio and mines?

The Ministry of Portfolio through its Minister, S. E. Had Adèle Kayinda given her authorization to the Cominiere for this sale of the 15% to the Chinese of Zijin, without consultation with her mining counterpart?

What about the silence of the Ministry of Finance, which should control and have the traces of the 33 million.

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Excellent information from @Frank

IGF invites the population to make a common front against corruption and diversion

On the initiative of the ASBL Axiological Circle (CA), the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) shared, on the occasion of International Day of Fighting Corruption, its experience with youth, scientists and scientists and of managers, during a scientific morning.

It was the chief of the brigade in charge of companies and public establishments, Gabriel Kabanangi who represented the Inspector General of Service Finance, Jules Aldergete.

In his intervention, he presented the work carried out by the IGF in the fight against corruption and the diversion in a Congolese society infested with predators.

He explained that it was thanks to the political will of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi Tshilombo, to end corruption, that the IGF conducts the work of the implementation of good governance and the establishment Orthodox management in public establishments.

According to the brigadier manager in charge of public companies and establishments, the financial patrol is the basis of the increase in the state budget.

He pointed out that the a priori control is advantageous compared to the a posteriori control, which is exercised late after the fact commission.

“All these structures are linked. IGF cannot intervene directly in the fight against corruption alone. When we work we have to do it in synergy.

When we discover cases of diversion that have links with corruption, the APLC can be associated and in the case of money laundering, the Cenaref is there, "said Gabriel Kabanangi.

For his part, the advisor to the Coordinator of the APLC (Prevention and Fight Agency against corruption) appreciated at its fair value the initiative of the Axiological Circle ASBL in awareness and patriotic awakening in the face of corruption And the diversion that slows down the momentum of development in the DRC.

"Everyone's happiness requires that ourselves first we can depart from these anti-values in particular of corruption and diversion, because in reality it takes away the means to achieve what can benefit everyone" , advised a philosopher intervening as one of the speakers.

"For the coordinator of the axiological circle, Olivier Sambayi, there are efforts which are provided by the IGF and the APLC. Thanks to the vision of the Head of State and with the aim of raising awareness of the population, conferences are scheduled, "reports the IGF communication unit.

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Eco forum in the following link was given the following false information by a corrupt and paid off media source

Manono lithium: an Australian media discredits AVZ Minerals​

Eco forum

AVZ Minerals, the suspended lithium explorer in Manono, Upper Katanga, wants to take control of what could prove to be the largest lithium deposit in the world. And this, by all means. Including those seeking to hide from other investors and this, for 10 months, the dispute she had over the ownership of 15% of this famous Manono lithium project that she refused to sell to Zinjin. A dispute with the Cominière, a Congolese state-owned company and Zinjin Mining, a Chinese company. For 10 months, from July 2021 to May 2022, AVZ has the dispute. It was during this period that AVZ Minerals' share price was multiplied by eight to win a place in the S&P/ASX 200 index and a valuation of nearly $4.6 billion, Australian medians reveal. Can we trust such an explorer who has just lost such a fortune with his global partners? A company already suspected in the DRC in view of its practices unworthy of a reliable partner.

In the meantime, the Australian company made a trip to the DRC that raised questions. Especially since it is in a country that runs many Chinese and American investors, in particular because of the presence of vast deposits of clean energy resources such as nickel, cobalt, copper and lithium.

Without having disclosed the dispute it had over the 15%, AVZ is exposed to multiple legal battles next year related to events that it did not disclosed to the market. It is particularly against Zinjin to whom she refused to sell the 15% of the Manono project - a dispute that must be arbitrated in the next hand, as well as against another company, Dathomir Mining in Congo. This company reportedly obtained orders from the Congolese Tribunal in December last year to cancel an agreement in which it sold a separate 15% stake in Manono to AVZ for $20 million in August last year.

In addition, audit conclusions from the Congolese Government via the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) on AVZ are not encouraging. The report concluded that Zijin had paid below the market value of his stake in Manono.

Another revelation is the discovery that AVZ's initial agreement to acquire its 60% stake in Dathomir's Manono project was in violation of a joint venture agreement in force.

To make every effort, 2023 may not be a favorable year for AVZ which, according to many wise observers, in view of the above, continues to reveal the other side that is far from inspiring confidence in business and partnership. Should we trust a society whose activities are decoming? The DRC needs its deposits so precious and strategic that entrusting their exploitation to a sulphurous partner seems suicidal recklessness.

Kléber KUNGU

DRC: From $4.6 billion to suspension, an investigation reveals that AVZ has "hidden" from investors a dispute over the 15% of the Cominière and that 60% of its shares are not protected

Suspended lithium explorer AVZ Minerals has hidden from investors a dispute over the ownership of 15% of the Manono lithium project - which has access to a major vital metal resource for batteries - for nearly 10 months, according to new information.

Details of the dispute with the Congolese state mining company Cominière and Chinese company Zijin Mining reveal that AVZ has actively sought to dissuade Cominière from selling the 15% stake to Zijin in a battle for control of what could be the largest lithium deposit in the world.
During the period when AVZ did not disclosed the dispute - from July 2021 to May 2022 - the company's share price, at its peak, increased eightfold to win a place in the S&P/ASX 200 index and a valuation of nearly $4.6 billion.

However, the suspension of operations on its actions since May raises questions about AVZ's trip to Congo, where political instability leads to regular disputes over rights to large deposits of clean energy resources such as nickel, cobalt, copper and lithium.

New resources of these "future facing" metals are urgently sought by Western governments and companies to reduce their dependence on China for vital raw materials for the decarbonization of the global energy system.

Mining workers supported by the Chinese state dominate the control of supply from the Congo, although U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken went in August to present American interests.

On August 4 last year, AVZ's lawyer in Kinshasa wrote to Cominière to urge him to abandon negotiations to sell a 15% stake in Manono to the Chinese mining company Zijin.

However, the plea fell into the ear of a deaf person. Zijin said he legally registered his 15% stake in the Congo Trade Register in November last year in exchange for a payment of $33.4 million. The Commercial Court of Lubumbashi (Congo) rejected AVZ's attempt to cancel the transaction in November 2021 and January 2022, Zijin said later.

Multiple legal battles
It can also be revealed that Cominière first wrote to AVZ at its headquarters in Perth on July 21 last year to inform her that Zijin was looking for 15% of the Manono project.

AVZ made no mention of the dispute until May of this year and is now facing multiple legal battles next year related to events that it did not disclosed to the market.

The prodigious course of the action course began to fail publicly on May 4 when she first acknowledged that her claimed rights over Manono had been challenged by Zijin.

The dispute with Zijin is due to be arbitrated in May. AVZ is in another legal battle against a company called Dathomir Mining in Congo.

Dathomir reportedly obtained orders from the Congolese Tribunal in December last year to cancel an agreement in which he sold a separate 15% stake in Manono to AVZ for $20 million in August last year.
AVZ did not recognize the verdict of the court to investors until May 4 of this year. She said she believed that Dathomir's claim was false, unfounded and contained fundamental errors.

Another order from the Congolese court in September also favored Dathomir: it suspended the payment of about $20 million until the case could be resolved by a new arbitration. This time, AVZ rejected the decision as "insignificant" and declared that it was not a party to the claim.

She also dismissed Zijin's claims as unfounded and declared that she would defend her property rights in the two separate shares worth 30% by Manono.
The company accuses "disinformation"
Many investors who bought shares between July last year and May of this year without knowing that AVZ had actively engaged in the property dispute with Cominière and Zijin on Manono's rights will be furious with the latest revelations.

The company had only $3 million in cash in May last year before its breathtaking race allowed it to raise $40 million in July of the same year and an additional $75 million in December.

She said that the December fundraising was partly intended to help her buy the 15% share of Cominière, but never revealed that she had been informed in previous July of Zijin's intention to buy Cominière's stake.

The company refused to answer several questions asked by The Australian Financial Review. She also blamed a small research company named Boatman Capital, the media in general and the social media for what he says is disinformation.

Last week, the situation darkened for the explorer when he unveiled the findings of an audit of the Congolese government by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).
The report concluded that Zijin had paid below the market value of his stake in Manono. Zijin said that the conclusion was incorrect because it did not take into account the lower cash price of lithium at the time, nor a price adjustment clause to allow the seller (the Congolese government) to be properly compensated.
Another revelation is the discovery that AVZ's initial agreement to acquire its 60% stake in Dathomir's Manono project was in violation of a joint venture agreement in force.

AVZ rejected this conclusion last week and declared that it had a valid legal title on participation. In addition, she still insists that she owns 75% of Manono, after acquiring the contested 15% of Dathomir, and she still claims the right to acquire an additional 15% of Cominière. It is then that Cominière seems to have sold this 15% to Zijin.

The IGF audit also revealed that three mining securities from the Manono region (titled 12436, 12449 and 12450) were illegally transferred by Dathomir as a Manono holding company some time after 2017.

In January 2019, AVZ revealed that it held the rights to mining securities 12436, 12449 and 12450, but in April of the same year, it revealed that the rights had been "renominated" for undelivered reasons.
In a market statement last week, AVZ stated that no one in the company was involved or aware of transfers to a third party.

"AVZ has undertaken further investigations concerning the transfer of these securities and continues to cooperate with all the relevant government authorities of the DRC regarding the conclusions of the IGF report," she said.

"The company also confirms that it is, and continues to be, in compliance with its continuous disclosure obligations to the ASX and any inference to the contrary is misinformed and erroneous. ”

If AVZ reaches an agreement to receive its mining license in Congo and return to the ASX in 2023, investor confidence in its disclosures will be put to the test.
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Cruiser posted:

“From what I understand out of Jules press conference, he mentions the IGF doesn't charge people, neither is this his case or his investigation, but an investigation by his team of experts. He mentions that the report of the investigation has been forwarded to the prosecutor of the Criminal Court and to the prosecutor of the Court of Cassation”.

“Essentially he explained what the IGF found and it is up to the prosecutors to run with the case from here on”.

“I believe, but don't kill me if I am wrong, that the Court of Cassation is involved, because the IGF experts found that a minister is involved in disposing of undervalued assets and the funds paid have disappeared”.

“One would expect that Felix would suspend a minister who is under a cloud of fraudulent behaviour, until such time it is proven through the courts that the minister is not guilty, but the DRC is the DRC and Felix support basis is not that great”.

“Regarding throwing the towel in the ring, after having been suspended for 8 months, or starting to attack the BoD is exactly what Cong and cohorts is trying to achieve, by spreading misinformation about what took place and is taking place, in an attempt to undermine the BoD”.
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Carlos Danger Posted

“The official line from CAMI is that they are still calculating the surface rights. While that is nonsensical Mupande can say and do whatever he wants. The fact that he has been fired by 2 different presidents and a replacement has been named yet he is still in control speaks volumes. Nothing is going to happen until he is replaced or decides to register the mining licence to try and take the heat from the IGF off him”.

“This has to be done by the book. I understand Tshisekedi not intervening directly yet. He is promoting that the rule of law must be followed which means that the correct processes with the independent investigators and organisations need to be completed. The good news is all of the facts are on our side and that is recognised in the IGF report”.

From the AGM Question and Answer Session:

Q: What happened after ML Decree, spurious yet we’re in suspension. What’s the main issue for ML – is it Dathomir, is Zijin ICC arbitration 15, dispute with exploration rights?

A: Lot of players in vogue here in country, lot of hatchet jobs being done – President had a bad view from being ill advised by detractors (e.g. we hadn’t done anything, didn’t have money experience, and were speculators). Detractors continuing, but slowly slowly we’re working to remove the blocks.

Q: We knew Chinese would have a crack, but we did not expect parts of DRC government to be in on it?

A: Nor did we - “we thought it was gambit by Chinese groups to get project cheapest way. We weren’t aware it was also elements of the government complicit. We can’t go into it, but rest assured those people are being turned over within meetings with real information is being shared, and people put on the spot.

Q: Collusion between all those 3 – namely Zijin, Jin Cheng, CAMI?

A: That would be astute thought

Q: Issue that a portion of mines directorate said we hadn’t done the work on the northern tenement area, and shouldn’t get the north?

A: That’s not within the mining code. So 13359 should be retained in its entirety – however the northern area may need to come under a separate exploration tenement, even though that’s not the established process. – We know who’s behind this (e.g. DG CAMI)
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@Hudnut I hope you don’t mind me copying and pasting your information (post) here where it is easier to access (because of all the other posts on the discussion thread). It was an excellent account of what was said in the video (provided by @DoubleA). Much appreciation to both. Regards MB

A summary of the auto translate from the video after a brief discussion re: current flooding in Kinsasha:

Guest is Kas Kasongo from MCA movement who fight against embezzlement and corruption in the DRC.

  • A rundown on the ownership history to give context for the rest of the discussion
  • Cominiere gives 70% to Dathomir without having done a valuation on the deposit in return for road being built
  • Cominiere gives further 5% to Dathomir without a valuation being built.
  • At this point Cominiere has 25% ownership
  • 60% from Dathomir goes to AVZ via Dathcom.

Now the important parts

  • AVZ commissions independent valuation of the deposit from an internationally recognised 3rd party with proper experience,

  • Due to the valuation coming through people start to get interested, and Cominiere sell 15% to Zijin for $33M. This is $2.2M for each 1% ($33m/15% - $2.2M). This is one of the main points of the IGF report.

  • Question from presenter – “Is the IGF report wrong, and how do they know that’s not the correct number?”
    Answer – Because they can read it from the independent report commissioned by AVZ which values the deposit at $10M per 1%. Importantly, AVZ recognise this and sell 24% to CATH for $240M. Also Importantly, Cominiere also have this report so are aware of the value. The 15% should be sold for $150M.

  • Rhetorical questions from Guest:
    Q1. Why sell for only $33M?
    Q2. Why sell at all, when Cominiere could JV with someone and mine it themselves?
    Q3. Where did the $33M go?

  • Question re: What is the process to authorise the sale to Dathomir and to Zijin?
    Answer – Not only did the Minister of Portfolio sign letters authorising the sales, proving she was aware of the sales and the amounts, she should have sought authorizing from the Minister of Mines, whose department has the technical knowledge to value the deposit properly. MoP sold without the consent of the MoM, but whether this is required or a gap in Governance process is not clear. However, we know games are being played and why the MoP circumvented this and did not consult the MoM or the Mines technical department is for her to answer. The DG’s are already arrested and the file from IGF is with the Public Prosecutor’s office who are going through it well at the moment.
Then the Presenter throws to other footage of MoP’s Director of Cabinet giving the Emerald Princess’ side of the story.

  • Start with the usual “High integrity, Christian woman spiel”
  • Claims AVZ offered only $1M per 1%, whereas Zijin offered $2M per 1%, and AVZ are bandits because they know its worth more after selling at $10M per 1% to CATH.
  • Claims they have expertise to do their own valuation.
  • Claims the cost of the mine in $600M and $240M is not enough, so instead of gaining money to build the mine AVZ basically just sold 24% of DRC deposit to CATH outside the country.
  • It is known in the mining code when you make exceptional profits from mining you must pay tax, but this tax is not on sale to CATH. AVZ are just speculators based on price of lithium rising and falling. Selling to CATH outside the DRC avoids the tax.
Presenter comes back to Kas Kasongo for response:

Kas says the MoP’s DoC proves his point. The Doc says they have the technical expertise inhouse for value properly and AVZ managed to sell the deposit for $10M per %1. Everything else is a distraction from the main point, which is what the 15% is worth and why would the MoP and Cominiere sell it for $2M per % if AVZ can sell for $10M per % in the current market.

Presenter – “It becomes a matter of substance why the MoP would sell for the lower price”

Kas – “That’s what we want the Justice departments to answer. How can this be without external influences. DRC lost $121M and the only way we find out is if MoP answers in Court”

Presenter – “ Let’s focus on the $33M. Where did it go? IGF says $33M supposed to be paid. Ministers are saying other figures”

Kas – “It’s hard to argue with figures on Bank statements. The IGF has them. Not all the money was received. Everything that was received has been spent. Where did it go? People must answer. SNACKS! Why wasn’t all the money deposited? Subsequent paper trails aren’t in the correct dates to divert and lead public opinion away from the fact the remaining money was never going to be paid. The money deposited with one hand was withdrawn with the other. People attacking the IGF have not read the report.”

Presenter asks why Jules and IGF back AVZ. Kas says he doesn’t see that. As Jules says, the IGF investigated and provides reports. Others prosecute.

More stuff about why Jules would get a valuation report from AVZ and trying to tie Jules and AVZ together. AVZ gave the report to Cominiere as they needed to, mate. Jules got it from them.

Presenter throws shade on Jules’ Financial qualifications. Kas points out he doesn’t actually do the reports himself. IGF has plenty of qualified people.
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From @Sammael

RDC – IGF : La COMINIERE demande le report des arrêtés portant renonciation de PR13359 pour plusieurs violations par AVZ |

1ère source de l’actualité politique et économique en temps réel en RDC. Les dernières nouvelles, les enquêtes et les révélations exclusives.

DRC – IGF: COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations by AVZ​

Writing Kinshasa

By Editorial KinshasaDecember 15, 2022 at 9:53 am


COMINIERE SA, as a partner of DATHCOM and a company in the State portfolio, seized the Ministry of Mines on the 6th of the current month by its letter referenced CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022, accusing AVZ of having renounced part of PR13359 to transform it into PE13359. COMINIERE has asked the Ministry of Mines to postpone the decrees on the partial waiver of PR no. 13359.

While brandishing the Dathcom Joint Venture Agreement, COMINIERE revealed in this letter a large number of violations by AVZ, which resulted in the non-issuance of the MOU for Dathcom.

  1. The terms of the transaction for the sale of 60% of the shares of DATHOMIR and AVZ Minerals were never communicated to COMINIERE so that it could exercise its right of pre-emption. This is why COMINIERE is right to question this transaction before the Authority, even up to international arbitration.
  2. Through the feasibility study presented to the Ministry of Mines on behalf of Dathcom, AVZ wanted to:
· The over-invoicing at the level of the construction services, the price of acquisition of the factories for the metallurgical treatment as presented in the feasibility study are more than ten times higher compared to the real price.

· Spoliate the heritage of the State, by declaring that thanks to a law firm, AVZ was able to recover the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga. However, COMINIERE owns 100% of the plant.

· This is why COMINIERE did not give its favorable opinion on the feasibility study. Pursuant to the contractual clauses, once the feasibility study has been carried out, it must obtain COMINIERE's favorable opinion.
  1. AVZ unilaterally declared the transfer to the Congolese State of 10% of the shares which came from COMINIERE SA
  2. To date Dathcom has not paid for the pas de porte, although this is its contractual obligation. AVZ maintains the confusion between the notion of pas de porte and the signing bonus, claiming that it paid for the pas de porte.
  3. Lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ had to raise funds on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the joint project without communicating to the partners the amount obtained and the assignment to the project. DATHCOM's financial statements are never released to associates, and AVZ refuses to release them when other associates ask.
  4. Signature of subcontracting contracts without the approval of the partners, this concerns in particular contracts signed with drilling companies and those for the supply of fuel.
AVZ filed a request for waiver of part of PR13359 without the approval or of COMINIERE SA through the General Meeting of the partners in Dathcom, thus causing the loss of a very important part of this mining heritage on which COMINIERE was very attached for this project.

 Without the favorable opinion of the partners such as COMINIERE, how did the feasibility study pass the approval of the Ministry of Mines?

 Has the Ministry of Mines confirmed the transfer to the State of 10% of the shares of Dathcom? Has he confirmed that the Pas de Porte 1% deposit value has been paid to the public treasury?

 Has the Ministry of Mines checked whether AVZ presented the Minutes of the General Meeting of Partners to prove that all Dathcom partners agreed to relinquish part of PR13359?

 Is the part of PR13359 “renounced” unilaterally by AVZ transferred to AJN in which Nigel holds 9.65% of the shares? If this is the case, these actions will lead to the loss of assets, to the detriment of Congolese public companies and the Congolese State.

In addition, the courier of COMINIERE denounced the following violations and frauds of AVZ:
  1. Solitary management of the JV without the participation of the agents that COMINIERE has appointed within Dathcom.
  2. AVZ Power has signed a memorandum of understanding on the rehabilitation of the Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric plant with the Ministry of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity while ignoring COMINIERE (State representative) who owns the said plant.
  3. AVZ has a habit of making publications on the Australian ASX exchange without contacting partners and obtaining their opinions.
  4. AVZ never kept its commitment to COMINIERE given in the JV contract to pay the advances on the dividends.
  5. Mr. Graeme Johnson, who is Managing Director of Dathcom and Technical Director of AVZ, was sentenced to three years in prison, Dathcom was fined 50 million dollars. This was never released by AVZ in its announcements in 2021, everything is hidden.
Reminder: according to Mining Agents, for the deposits studied, Law No. 007/2002 of July 11, 2002 on the Mining Code as amended and supplemented by Law No. paragraph 2 and 71 provide the following conditions for the transformation of PR into PE:

 The feasibility study of the exploitation of the deposit to demonstrate the existence of an economically exploitable deposit;

 The notarized declaration of the commitment to transfer to the State 10% of the shares or shares of the share capital which are free of all charges and cannot be diluted;

 The financing plan with identification of the sources of financing targeted, to demonstrate the existence of the financial resources necessary to carry out its project according to a financing plan for the work of development, construction and exploitation of the mine as well as the rehabilitation plan for the site upon closure.

 Access to the exploitation of a studied, documented or worked deposit belonging to the State, obtained by call for tenders, is conditioned by the payment of a doorstep to the latter, representing 1% of the in-place value of said deposit. The value in place of the deposit is defined as being the price obtained for said deposit within the framework of the call for tenders.

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From @Sammael

DRC – IGF: COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations by AVZ​

Writing Kinshasa

By Editorial KinshasaDecember 15, 2022 at 9:53 am


COMINIERE SA, as a partner of DATHCOM and a company in the State portfolio, seized the Ministry of Mines on the 6th of the current month by its letter referenced CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022, accusing AVZ of having renounced part of PR13359 to transform it into PE13359. COMINIERE has asked the Ministry of Mines to postpone the decrees on the partial waiver of PR no. 13359.

While brandishing the Dathcom Joint Venture Agreement, COMINIERE revealed in this letter a large number of violations by AVZ, which resulted in the non-issuance of the MOU for Dathcom.

  1. The terms of the transaction for the sale of 60% of the shares of DATHOMIR and AVZ Minerals were never communicated to COMINIERE so that it could exercise its right of pre-emption. This is why COMINIERE is right to question this transaction before the Authority, even up to international arbitration.
  2. Through the feasibility study presented to the Ministry of Mines on behalf of Dathcom, AVZ wanted to:
· The over-invoicing at the level of the construction services, the price of acquisition of the factories for the metallurgical treatment as presented in the feasibility study are more than ten times higher compared to the real price.

· Spoliate the heritage of the State, by declaring that thanks to a law firm, AVZ was able to recover the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga. However, COMINIERE owns 100% of the plant.

· This is why COMINIERE did not give its favorable opinion on the feasibility study. Pursuant to the contractual clauses, once the feasibility study has been carried out, it must obtain COMINIERE's favorable opinion.
  1. AVZ unilaterally declared the transfer to the Congolese State of 10% of the shares which came from COMINIERE SA
  2. To date Dathcom has not paid for the pas de porte, although this is its contractual obligation. AVZ maintains the confusion between the notion of pas de porte and the signing bonus, claiming that it paid for the pas de porte.
  3. Lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ had to raise funds on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the joint project without communicating to the partners the amount obtained and the assignment to the project. DATHCOM's financial statements are never released to associates, and AVZ refuses to release them when other associates ask.
  4. Signature of subcontracting contracts without the approval of the partners, this concerns in particular contracts signed with drilling companies and those for the supply of fuel.
AVZ filed a request for waiver of part of PR13359 without the approval or of COMINIERE SA through the General Meeting of the partners in Dathcom, thus causing the loss of a very important part of this mining heritage on which COMINIERE was very attached for this project.

 Without the favorable opinion of the partners such as COMINIERE, how did the feasibility study pass the approval of the Ministry of Mines?

 Has the Ministry of Mines confirmed the transfer to the State of 10% of the shares of Dathcom? Has he confirmed that the Pas de Porte 1% deposit value has been paid to the public treasury?

 Has the Ministry of Mines checked whether AVZ presented the Minutes of the General Meeting of Partners to prove that all Dathcom partners agreed to relinquish part of PR13359?

 Is the part of PR13359 “renounced” unilaterally by AVZ transferred to AJN in which Nigel holds 9.65% of the shares? If this is the case, these actions will lead to the loss of assets, to the detriment of Congolese public companies and the Congolese State.

In addition, the courier of COMINIERE denounced the following violations and frauds of AVZ:
  1. Solitary management of the JV without the participation of the agents that COMINIERE has appointed within Dathcom.
  2. AVZ Power has signed a memorandum of understanding on the rehabilitation of the Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric plant with the Ministry of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity while ignoring COMINIERE (State representative) who owns the said plant.
  3. AVZ has a habit of making publications on the Australian ASX exchange without contacting partners and obtaining their opinions.
  4. AVZ never kept its commitment to COMINIERE given in the JV contract to pay the advances on the dividends.
  5. Mr. Graeme Johnson, who is Managing Director of Dathcom and Technical Director of AVZ, was sentenced to three years in prison, Dathcom was fined 50 million dollars. This was never released by AVZ in its announcements in 2021, everything is hidden.
Reminder: according to Mining Agents, for the deposits studied, Law No. 007/2002 of July 11, 2002 on the Mining Code as amended and supplemented by Law No. paragraph 2 and 71 provide the following conditions for the transformation of PR into PE:

 The feasibility study of the exploitation of the deposit to demonstrate the existence of an economically exploitable deposit;

 The notarized declaration of the commitment to transfer to the State 10% of the shares or shares of the share capital which are free of all charges and cannot be diluted;

 The financing plan with identification of the sources of financing targeted, to demonstrate the existence of the financial resources necessary to carry out its project according to a financing plan for the work of development, construction and exploitation of the mine as well as the rehabilitation plan for the site upon closure.

 Access to the exploitation of a studied, documented or worked deposit belonging to the State, obtained by call for tenders, is conditioned by the payment of a doorstep to the latter, representing 1% of the in-place value of said deposit. The value in place of the deposit is defined as being the price obtained for said deposit within the framework of the call for tenders.

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15/12/2022 From @Sammael

AVZ's clarifications to the allegations of the Australian Financial Review article​

December 15, 2022
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
This is the response of the Australian company, AVZ, to the Australian Financial Review article of December 12, 2022, written by journalist Tom Richardson, who says that AVZ failed to disclose to investors the conflicts over the sale of the 15% between the Cominiere and Zijin in Dathcom:
  • AVZ confirms that it has complied with the Company's disclosure obligations under the Corporation Act and the ASX rating rules. The Company considers that the article of the AFR was written without a competent understanding of the material facts (...) is likely to mislead.
  • AVZ did not hide the title conflict or fail to disclose the
    dispute during the period between July 2021 and May. See the ASX announcements dated May 4, May 11, June 17, September 9, October 20 and December 6, 2022. "The Company examined in detail the request for the transfer of Cominière and considered it to be misleading in nature, unfounded, containing fundamental errors and fundamental and material errors"
  • AVZ dissuaded the Cominière from selling its 15% stake in #Zijin. The Cominière was reminded of AVZI's pre-emption rights around July/August 2021, preventing any sale in violation of the company's contractual rights. The transfer of the 15% has never been concluded and is now the subject of ongoing legal proceedings, initiated by Jin Cheng/Zijin against the company, invoking an abuse of a majority.
  • The purchase by AVZ of the 15% to US$21 million of Dathomir's shares in Dathcom, the court's orders invoke by AFR, do not refer to AVZ's 75% participation in the Manono project. The sales and purchase agreements under which AVZ acquired the 75%, were duly executed, completed and were not cancelled or terminated by any court order, letter or other. The AFR article says that Dathomir reportedly obtained orders from the Congo court last December to cancel the agreement by which she sold a 15% stake in Manono to AVZ for $20 million in August 2021.
  • AVZ began in 2021 and will soon begin arbitrations against Dathomir, to confirm AVZI's acquisition of the 15% in the Manono project in order to end Dathomir's claims once and for all and recover the losses incurred.
As a reminder, the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance) report did not refer in any way to the legality or not of the purchase by AVZ of the 15% of Dathomir's shares in the Manono lithium project, which allowed AVZ to have 75% in Dathcom. The report criticizes the sale of the 15% of the Cominiere to the Chinese Zijin group, which it considers to be a sale of Congolese State assets, US$33 million than US$150 million.
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schusselfussel posted​

DRC - IGF: The COMINIERE requests the postponement of orders renouncing PR13359 for several violations by AVZ​

Writing Kinshasa
By Rédaction KinshasaDecember 15, 2022 at 9:53 am

COMINIERE SA, as a partner of DATHCOM and a company in the State portfolio, seized the Ministry of Mines on the 6th of the current month by its letter referenced CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022, accusing AVZ of having renounced part of PR13359 to transform it into PE13359. The COMINIERE asked the Ministry of Mines to postpone the decrees partially waiting PR No. 13359.

By brandishing the Dathcom Joint Venture Agreement, COMINIERE revealed in this letter a large number of violations by AVZ, which led to the failure to issue the PE for Dathcom.


  1. The terms of the transaction for the sale of 60% of shares of DATHOMIR and AVZ Minerals have never been communicated to COMINIERE for it to exercise its right of pre-emption. This is why COMINIERE is right to question this transaction before the Authority, even until international arbitration.
  2. Through the feasibility study presented to the Ministry of Mines on behalf of Dathcom, AVZ wanted to:
· The overbilling at the level of construction services, the purchase price of plants for metallurgical treatment as presented in the feasibility study are more than ten times higher than the actual price.


· Spoil the state's assets, by declaring that thanks to a Law Firm, AVZ was able to recover the Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric power plant. However, it is COMINIERE that owns 100% of the power plant.


· Here's why COMINIERE did not give its favorable opinion to the feasibility study. Pursuant to the contractual clauses, once the feasibility study is carried out, it must obtain the favorable opinion from COMINIERE.

  1. AVZ unilaterally declared the transfer to the Congolese State of 10% of the shares that came from COMINIERE SA
  2. To date, Dathcom does not pay the Pas de Porte when it is its contractual obligation. AVZ maintains the confusion between the notion of doorstep and the signature bonus, claiming that it paid the doorstep.
  3. Lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ had to raise funds from the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the joint project without communicating to the partners the amount obtained and the assignment to the project. DATHCOM's financial statements are never transmitted to the partners, and AVZ refuses to transmit them when other partners request.
  4. Signing of subcontracts without the approval of the partners, these are in particular contracts signed with drilling companies and those for the supply of fuel.
AVZ has filed an application for the renunciation of part of PR13359 without the endorsement or COMINIERE SA through the General Assembly of Associates in Dathcom, thus losing a very important part of this mining heritage on which COMINIERE was very important for this project.


 Without the favorable opinion of the partners such as COMINIERE, how did the feasibility study pass the approval of the Ministry of Mines?

 Has the Ministry of Mines confirmed the transfer to the State of 10% of Dathcom's shares? Has he confirmed that the 1% deposit value Step has been paid to the public treasury?

investingest replied:

Do you really believe that Cominiere waited 5 years (during which time they attended meetings with AVZ as part of Dathcom) before raising a question about exercising their pre-emptive right to purchase Dathomir's initial 60% share? It's rubbish as they gave Dathomir extra 5% of Dathcom to pay for a road as they didn't even have the money for that. So no, Cominiere does not have pre-emptive right to AVZ's 60% (whether expired or not).

Cominiere is not the one involved in the ICC cases with AVZ. It's Jin Cheng and Dathomir. Cominiere's two top execs have just been arrested recently anyway so no further action from them in the meantime. This letter from Cominiere was dated just before their arrest.

How I think it will play out:
IGF have referred the case to the Gombe court and submitted their report.

Court looks at the case and pursues it via prosecuting offenders and taking them to court.

AVZ vs Jin Cheng at the ICC - arbitration will be made public so Jin Cheng may be tempted to withdraw if it doesn't want its dirty laundry hanged out to dry.

AVZ vs Dathomir at the ICC - Simon Cong really has no leg to stand on since he accepted the initial payment/deposit for the 10% Sale Purchase Agreement in September 2020 (five months after the April 2020 DFS was published). If he has any issues with the agreed price, he would have disputed it back in Sept 2020, not in May 2021.

At any time while all of this is going on, someone pushes CAMI to calculate the surface rights and invoice Dathcom. AVZ pays it then gets the finalised ML in hand. Remember, CAMI is delaying surface rights calculation - if they admit to even have a need to calculate it means that they admit that Dathcom will get the ML, just a question of when (the only thing left that CAMI can control).

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@Sammael Posted

Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence​

December 19, 2022

Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence

Congolese civil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN, CERN/CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT), monitoring exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, accused, in a press release, the technical director Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of being no stranger to the selling off of the mining assets of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA). Worse still, the man exercises the functions of interim Director General without presidential order, nor decree of the ministry of supervision, that of the Portfolio, even less a report of the Board of directors. "Already on October 26, 2022, when the interim Managing Director Mwamba Athanase was not yet in the hands of Congolese justice, the same Mr. Kibeya had co-signed as '' Managing Director ai '' on behalf of Cominière SA a press release press attributed to UNITED COMINIERE SAS with Eric Allard, a convicted person in Lubumbashi for forgery and use of forgery, and Michel Kitwa Nelkin. “, denounce these NGOs.

These structures draw the particular attention of the President of the Republic, Félix Félix Tshisekedi and the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde to these facts. "Mr. Célestin Kibeya is one of the key players in the sale of Cominière SA shares to Jin Cheng Mining Company Limited (a subsidiary of Zijin) and the undervaluation of the market value castigated by the General Inspectorate of Finance ( IGF) and for which Mr. Mwamba is the only one warned to date, while several elements demonstrate internal teamwork at Cominière SA. “, warn these civil society structures.
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15/12/2022 AVZ Announcement

Disclosure Clarifications – AFR Article
AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX: AVZ) (AVZ or Company) is aware of an article published by the Australian Financial Review dated 12 December 2022 (AFR Article), which the Company notes contains various unsubstantiated allegations including that the Company failed to disclose ownership disputes with Congolaise d’Exploitation Minière (Cominière), Jin Cheng Mining Company Limited (Jin Cheng), a subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group Company Limited (Zijin) and Dathomir Mining Resources SARL (Dathomir) with respect to ownership interests in the Manono Lithium and Tin Project (Manono Project).
The Company treats such allegations seriously and confirms that it has and continues to comply with the Company’s disclosure obligations under the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules.

An allegation or threat by a third party that is made without legal merit or is spurious in nature, provides such circumstances that the Company, applying reasonable judgement to the facts in its possession from time to time, would consider to be insufficiently material to warrant disclosure.

Indeed, in such circumstances a reasonable person would not expect the disclosure of such information.
The Company considers that the AFR Article was written without a competent understanding of the material facts, contrary to the Company’s previous public disclosures, and using overly emotive and imprecise language, which in the Company’s opinion is likely to mislead investors.

The Company takes the opportunity to present a right of reply to certain of the allegations contained within the AFR Article in the table presented over the following page.

15 December 2022
AVZ Minerals Limited
Level 2, 1 Walker Street West Perth, WA 6005 Australia
T: + 61 8 6117 9397 F: +61861182106 E: W:
ABN 81 125 176 703

Non-Executive Chairman: John Clarke Managing Director: Nigel Ferguson Technical Director: Graeme Johnston Non-Executive Director: Rhett Brans

AFR Allegation Company Response
AVZ hid the dispute over title and failed to disclose the dispute during the period between July 2021 to May 2022


The Company considered the Cominière transfer claim in detail and assessed it as spurious in nature, without merit, containing fundamental and material errors, and as having no substance or foundation in fact or law.

Disclosure of the claim was ultimately released to ASX in May 2022 on account of the broad false and misleading rumourtrage promulgated on social media and other alternative media sources.
Refer to ASX announcements dated 4 May, 11 May, 17 June, 9 September, 20 October and 6 December 2022.

AVZ actively sought to dissuade Cominière from selling the 15 per cent stake to Zijin.

Correct, Cominière were reminded of the pre-emptive rights of AVZI around July/August 2021, preventing any such sale in breach of the Company’s contractual rights.

The transfer of the 15% was never concluded and this is now the matter of ongoing legal proceedings, commenced by Jin Cheng/Zijin against the Company claiming an abuse of majority. The Company is actively defending the proceedings and considers Jin Cheng’s/Zijin’s claims as also being spurious in nature, without merit, containing fundamental and material errors, and as having no substance or foundation in fact or law.

Refer to ASX announcement dated 11 May 2022.

Dathomir is reported to have obtained Congo court orders in December last year to have a deal annulled in which it sold a separate 15 per cent interest in Manono to AVZ for $US20 million in August 2021.
(Company note: the total amount paid to Dathomir was actually US$21M, which includes US$1M of deposits paid on signing of the SPA’s)


The Company considered Dathomir’s claim in detail and assessed it as spurious in nature, without merit, containing fundamental and material errors, and having no substance or foundation in fact or law.

As noted in the Company’s ASX announcement of 4 May 2022, neither AVZ, nor AVZI was a party to the court orders (or Tribunal Decision) of December 2021 to which the AFR refers. And the court orders did not purport to (nor did they, in fact, under DRC law) have any effect on:

• AVZ’s 75% equity interest in the Manono Project, to which AVZ holds good legal title); or

• the sale and purchase agreements under which AVZ acquired that interest (which AVZ has duly performed and completed and which have not been annulled by order, letter or otherwise).

As noted in the Company’s ASX announcement dated 9 September 2022, no court of law or arbitral tribunal has ruled that the Dathomir sale and purchase agreements entered into in 2019 and 2020 (Dathomir SPAs) were “cancelled”, validly terminated or not duly completed by AVZI. Both Dathomir SPAs contain and are subject to arbitration agreements, so only a properly constituted arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction to rule on such matters (and that was acknowledged by the DRC Tribunal decision dated 20 September 2022).

As noted in the Company’s ASX announcement dated 8 December 2022, AVZ has commenced (and shortly will commence) arbitrations against Dathomir to affirm AVZI’s acquisition in August 2021 of a 15% interest in Dathcom (and corresponding 15% interest in the Manono Project) from Dathomir and to put an end, once and for all, to Dathomir’s claims and to recover losses sustained from them.

Refer to ASX announcements dated 4 May 2022, 9 September 2022, 20 October 2022 and 8 December 2022.

This announcement was authorised for release by the board of directors of AVZ Minerals Limited. For further information, visit or contact:

Mr. Jan de Jager or Mr. Ben Cohen
Joint Company Secretary
AVZ Minerals Limited
Phone: +61 8 6117 9397

Media Enquiries:
Mr. Peter Harris
Peter Harris & Associates Phone: +61 (0) 412 124 833


Omni Bridgeway
AVZ Minerals Shareholder Class Action

AVZ Minerals Shareholder Class Action Investigation​

Omni Bridgeway has agreed to fund claims by shareholders of AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX:AVZ) (AVZ) against AVZ.

AVZ shareholders who acquired AVZ shares or an interest in AVZ shares between 17 May 2021 and 6 May 2022 inclusive are invited to sign up with Omni Bridgeway below.

The class action will be run by law firm Johnson Winter and Slattery.


AVZ is an Australian public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under ticker code ‘AVZ’ (ISIN: AU000000AVZ6). It is engaged in the business of resource exploration and mining in the DRC. AVZ’s flagship venture is the Manono Project in the DRC, which is one of the largest lithium-rich LCT (lithium, caesium, tantalum) pegmatite deposits in the world.

The Manono Project is 100% owned by Dathcom Mining SA (Dathcom). AVZ (via a wholly-owned subsidiary) holds its stake in the Manono Project by holding equity in Dathcom. Two other entities also hold (or at relevant time held) equity in Dathcom, they are:

  • a company called Dathomir Mining Resources SARL (Dathomir); and
  • a DRC government entity called La Congolaise D’Exploitation Minière (Cominière).
On 21 April 2020, AVZ announced that it held “rights of first refusal” over additional equity in Dathcom (and therefore the Manono Project) held by the other Dathcom shareholders.

Following a capital raising in July 2021, on 18 August 2021, AVZ announced that it had completed the acquisition of shares from Dathomir, increasing its interest in the Manono Project to 75%.

In an ASX announcement on 4 May 2022, AVZ announced a number of matters to the market in the one release. This included relevantly:

  1. positive news that the DRC Minister of Mines had signed a ministerial decree to award a Mining Licence for the Manono Project (subject to calculation and payment of a surface rights fee), but also
  2. AVZ sought to respond to “recent media speculation” which AVZ said it considered “spurious and immaterial”, namely:
    1. a reference to a decision by a tribunal in the DRC in respect of a claim by Dathomir regarding the validity of a share certificate and an extract of a shareholders’ registry from Dathcom (Dathomir Claim); and
    2. a claim that Cominière had transferred a 15% interest in Dathcom to Jin Cheng Mining Company Limited (Cominière Transfer Claim).
The share price of AVZ fell following the 4 May 2022 announcement. The closing price of AVZ shares on the ASX on 3 May 2022 was $0.99 and by the close of trade on 6 May 2022 was $0.78 (down approximately 21%).

AVZ shares were placed into a trading halt on 9 May 2022, were voluntarily suspended from quotation on 11 May 2022 and remain suspended as of 19 December 2022.

The basis of the Claim is that:

  1. The existence of each of the Dathomir Claim and Cominière Transfer Claim are (and would have been) material to the market as they are (and were) relevant to AVZ’s stake in the Manono Project, and its ability to ultimately hold a majority interest (of at least 51%, and as much as 66%) in Dathcom and the Manono Project, which is its flagship project;
  2. AVZ had information about the Dathomir Claim and Cominière Transfer Claim prior to the 4 May 2022 announcement and it:
    1. failed to disclose this information to the market in breach of its continuous disclosure obligations under s674A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act); and
    2. failed to adequately disclose the information when making positive statements about its ownership or ownership rights in respect of the Manono Project and accordingly engaged in conduct that was misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive, or was false or misleading, in contravention of statutory provisions including s1014H of the Corporations Act, s12DA of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001and/or s18 of the Australian Consumer Law;
  3. Prior to 4 May 2022 the price for AVZ shares was inflated by virtue of the non-disclosure of information related to the Dathomir Claim and Cominière Transfer Claim, and would have been lower had such information been disclosed to the market;
  4. As a result, shareholders who acquired shares, or an interest in shares, in AVZ in the period between 17 May 2021 and 6 May 2022 inclusive (Relevant Period) have suffered loss or damage.
The Relevant Period may change prior to the commencement of the Class Action.

AVZ shareholders who acquired AVZ shares or an interest in AVZ shares between 17 May 2021 and 6 May 2022 (inclusive) are encouraged to sign up with Omni Bridgeway below.

How much will it cost to take part in the class action?​

There are no costs involved for group members who wish to take part in the class action. In the event that the class action is unsuccessful, group members do not have to pay anything because Omni Bridgeway will pay any legal costs that may be awarded to AVZ. In the event of a successful outcome, Omni Bridgeway will be entitled to reimbursement of the costs of the class action that it has paid plus a commission from the judgment or settlement amount, pursuant to the terms of the funding agreement.

How can affected AVZ Minerals shareholders participate in the class action?​

It is currently proposed to bring the Class Action on an ‘open’ basis, that is, on behalf of all AVZ shareholders who acquired AVZ shares or an interest in AVZ shares between 17 May 2021 and 6 May 2022 (inclusive) whether or not they sign up to the funding agreement. If you do not wish to take part in the Class Action, you will need to opt out in accordance with the relevant court rules.

Omni Bridgeway encourages all group members who do not wish to opt out to sign up so that Omni Bridgeway can include you as ‘known’ funded group members and ensure you receive regular updates regarding the Class Action and, most importantly, so that any distribution from the proceeds of the Class Action to which you may be entitled is properly paid to you.

To sign up, you can do so by clicking on the “Sign up” button below. Alternatively, you can contact the Omni Bridgeway Client Liaison Team in our Perth office by email on or by calling 1800 016 464 (free call in Australia) or +61 8 9225 2322 (if overseas).

Please return your completed and signed Funding Agreement and Retainer by no later than 31 March 2023.
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@obe wan posted

A Presswire | Newsmatics

Way out of the lithium crime for AVZ Minerals shareholders​

A presswire
Dec 20, 2022, 11:38 AM ET
Deeland Investments Ltd.

FRANKFURT, GERMANY, December 20, 2022 / -- The arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris has not made any significant progress in recent weeks. The dispute with Jin Cheng Mining, which is decisive for the suspension of trading the shares of AVZ Minerals, remains pending. Now investors must continue to live with the fact that their investment is ''not tradable''' for the foreseeable future and thus no daily updated prices can be set.

Thus, the original condition for a resumption of trading of AVZ-Minerals shares is still not met. For the shareholders of AVZ Minerals, this situation is unsatisfactory, but the clarification of the property rights issue in Paris is uncertain.

The way out for unsettled shareholders from the lithium crime thriller is the sale of AVZ Minerals shares. But how is this still possible despite the suspension of trading on the stock exchange markets?

'Extra-the-counter trading / direct trade''

In over-the-counter trading, securities transactions at hedged purchase prices can be carried out directly with a trading partner.

Deeland Investments Ltd from London and various financial investors are a non-published report by J.P. According to Morgan, interested in considering an over-the-counter offer for AVZ Minerals shares. As Bloomberg reported, investor Deeland Investments spoke of the possibility of reviewing the takeover order to buy shares of AVZ Minerals over the exchange and consequently take the company off the stock exchange.

The aim is to secure and coordinate existing projects through effective cooperation with the Australian mining group. In this context, AVZ Minerals shareholders are expected to receive a cash settlement offer from Deeland Investments Ltd. through financial institutions.

Deeland Investments intends to proceed with your acquisition offer in the interest of its own group and to set appropriate conditions for the purchase of securities.

A British securities institution with a Frankfurt branch is responsible for the procurement of AVZ Minerals shares and their settlement.

A spokeswoman for Bloomberg said at the request of Dow Jones Newswires that no market rumors were commenting on. The aforementioned financial investors have at this time refused to provide detailed information. Further information will soon be available to the public.

Deeland Investments Ltd.
Deeland Investments Ltd. is a financial trading company founded in 1952 in Europe. The company, based in London UK, has a strong international presence in the financial centers of Europe."
Michael Busch
Stock Exchange Compass Europe
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obe wan

@obe wan posted

A Presswire | Newsmatics

Way out of the lithium crime for AVZ Minerals shareholders​

A presswire
Dec 20, 2022, 11:38 AM ET
Deeland Investments Ltd.

FRANKFURT, GERMANY, December 20, 2022 / -- The arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris has not made any significant progress in recent weeks. The dispute with Jin Cheng Mining, which is decisive for the suspension of trading the shares of AVZ Minerals, remains pending. Now investors must continue to live with the fact that their investment is ''not tradable''' for the foreseeable future and thus no daily updated prices can be set.

Thus, the original condition for a resumption of trading of AVZ-Minerals shares is still not met. For the shareholders of AVZ Minerals, this situation is unsatisfactory, but the clarification of the property rights issue in Paris is uncertain.

The way out for unsettled shareholders from the lithium crime thriller is the sale of AVZ Minerals shares. But how is this still possible despite the suspension of trading on the stock exchange markets?

'Extra-the-counter trading / direct trade''

In over-the-counter trading, securities transactions at hedged purchase prices can be carried out directly with a trading partner.

Deeland Investments Ltd from London and various financial investors are a non-published report by J.P. According to Morgan, interested in considering an over-the-counter offer for AVZ Minerals shares. As Bloomberg reported, investor Deeland Investments spoke of the possibility of reviewing the takeover order to buy shares of AVZ Minerals over the exchange and consequently take the company off the stock exchange.

The aim is to secure and coordinate existing projects through effective cooperation with the Australian mining group. In this context, AVZ Minerals shareholders are expected to receive a cash settlement offer from Deeland Investments Ltd. through financial institutions.

Deeland Investments intends to proceed with your acquisition offer in the interest of its own group and to set appropriate conditions for the purchase of securities.

A British securities institution with a Frankfurt branch is responsible for the procurement of AVZ Minerals shares and their settlement.

A spokeswoman for Bloomberg said at the request of Dow Jones Newswires that no market rumors were commenting on. The aforementioned financial investors have at this time refused to provide detailed information. Further information will soon be available to the public.

Deeland Investments Ltd.
Deeland Investments Ltd. is a financial trading company founded in 1952 in Europe. The company, based in London UK, has a strong international presence in the financial centers of Europe."
Michael Busch
Stock Exchange Compass Europe
email us here
Some good sleuthing by the guys on the other thread ; looks like this domain only registered last month ; they’re trying All angles
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Some good sleuthing by the guys on the other thread ; looks like this domain only registered last month ; they’re trying All angles

Yes I see that good sleuthing obe. I started a few threads like this ‘Corruption’ thread a while back so I can access information in a more categorised manner rather than going through a few hundred posts on the discussion thread.

I’m afraid I have even let these threads get a little sloppy where once I was keeping a rough index of what was where.

I read but have lost interest in posting on the discussion thread since that histrionic dickhead with the superiority complex went into a flat panic about the scam class action and blamed it all on Winenut’s but I still share information with Winenut’s, Sammael, Frank and one of two others.

Anyone who does their homework knows the inns and outs of what has happened including why our BOD have followed this direction, all the ramifications and players involved, why the BOD increased their insurance, the perception of current and future investors, what those conspiring against us pick up from social media sites like this, what the paid corrupt media sites in the DRC are putting out and so on.

I’m well aware of all that and I know what I say about our exec’s is not flattering but I also know that speaking earnestly doesn’t mean implying illegalities, and unlike many on tse who vent and then apologise, I don’t vent, I express what I feel is the truth and stand by my convictions.

I appreciate you replying to my post here and it’s nice to know a well informed poster like yourself is still putting very useful information on the threads like your comments around this class action scare tactic 👍
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@Carlos Danger Posted

The CEO and technical director of Cominiere have been arrested

The president of the commercial court in Lubumbashi that oversaw the case Cong bribed is now gone

Zoé Kabila was removed as Governor of Tanganyika last year

The IGF was reestablished by Tshisekedi to fight corruption. They have published their impartial report that completely vindicates AVZ which is now with the prosecutors.

The IGF have launched a public awareness campaign to call for action against the MoP and Mupande

Tshisekedi is about to announce a cabinet reshuffle

Think of how hard it is to get anything done politically in Australia. Now add in tribal tensions and a mistrust of authority from generations of colonisation and despotism. Kabila to Tshisekedi was the first peaceful transfer of power in DRC history.

Sorry this is taking longer than you would like but progress is being made imo
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Xerof Posted

If it’s not a fake email, Deeland appear to be offering EUR0.96 per share for up to 50m, max 100k per individual parcel to German holders only.

That’s AUD 1.53 per share

Would some of our German participants like to contact them?, as I don’t trust JohnBro in any shape or form

Twitter has the emails posted

But very interesting if genuine

Of course it’s not farken genuine, but at least get a genuine German take a good look


Schemozzle Replied To Xerof

I will contact them tomorrow.

But I’m sure this is 100% fake, the website is new without any information of who they are. And when i search for more i find a few sites which stated that deeland manages 1.3 billion euro but they all just coming out 2 days ago.

Germany is known for one of the biggest scam countries. There is a proverb known internationally: stupid german money

And the uk is known for their stupid laws in the company area. A lot german assholes uses uk offshore companies to hide behind them and even when they loose all their money and the money of other people no one can go against them.

I can’t believe that this is not fake, but i will find it out!
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