

Seems there’s an endless amount of articles on this M F and his corruption

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It is good that the blocking by CAMI is being reported in the press.

Lithium Manono: Analysis of IGF reports and COMINERE accusations.​

Does the IGF give reason to AVZ, the silence of the Congolese government?​

October 20, 2022
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
If we come back to his two files of the accusations of COMINIERE , a mining and commercial exploitation company under Congolese law, to the Australian-Americans of AVZ Minerals , in particular on the report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finances), it is simply because the start of work for the exploitation of lithium is blocked by the non-delivery of the exploitation permit to AVZ Minerals by the CAMI (mining cadastre).

It was following the report of the General Inspectorate of Finance on COMINIERE S. A that the lawyer for the Congolese mining company, Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi had reacted on Saturday July 30 of this year during a conference held in Kinshasa in the commune of Gombe.

Accusations of COMINIERE SA to AVZ Minerals
According to Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi on the feasibility study made by AVZ Minerals;“Under the terms of article 8.3 of the joint-venture contract, the feasibility study must be sent to COMINIERE for its opinion within a period not exceeding 15 months from the date of the start of its preparation. What was not done. It is only after request that we will be sent a feasibility study in English, contrary to our agreements. We may believe that our partner is acting in bad faith. We have never been informed of the level of investment committed by AVZ in DATHCOM MINING SA for carrying out the research work. All expenses incurred during operations were made in total opacity. COMINIERE learned through the media that amounts of around 30 to 70 million were used.

Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi speaks of lies on the sale of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM to MMS, he accuses AVZ Minerals of having included in the feasibility study the Mpiana Mwanga plant which is 100% owned by COMINIERE . Of the US$6,800,000 received from AVZ Minerals and already spent by COMINIERE, for the lawyer it is a non-refundable signature bonus as provided for in the provisions of the joint venture contract.

Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi denounces the management without the consultation of the other partners of the DATHCOM, he speaks in particular of the regularity on the sale of the 15% of the shares of the COMINIERE to the Chinese of the company JIN CHEN.

Me Popol Mutamba had concluded his accusations against AVZ Minerals as follows;
"By attempting to turn the signature bonus into a doorstep, by undermining DATHCOM's social governance, by intervening to prevent COMINIERE from regularly selling some of its shares to partners with genuine financial and technical capacity, by proof of opacity in the development of the feasibility study and by insisting on transferring more shares than those it holds, the company AVZ ceases to show good faith and jeopardizes the outcome of the project.

Report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance)
This report was signed by Muhiya Lumbu Nicolas , Inspector General of Finance Head of Revenue and Tax Services Brigade and Jules Alingete Key , Inspector General of Finance and Head of Service. Here are a few passages.
On the "regularity" alleged by Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi of the transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining, the IGf had proved the opposite:
  1. The sale of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the assessments made in the study of feasibility, a significant shortfall for the Public Treasury estimated at US$116,560,000. It was a real sale of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible.
Would the US$6,800,000 be kickbacks ?
  1. Out of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to US$33,440,000, you have already used approximately US$6,800,000 for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments, including USD 5,438,198 $US for commissions, collations, fees, exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation.
On the sale of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM to MMS
  1. The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHOMIR Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE.
The IGF considers in particular that there was a violation in the sale of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to the Chinese of ZIJIN Mining Ldt:

“The control team maintains the observation, because the Managing Director ai is effectively content to cede the mining rights without first valuing them. Aware that the partnerships initiated do not really benefit the State-owner, the Managing Director ai is embarrassed to display the meager results he has obtained. He was therefore unable to prove the contrary.

Remember that we are witnessing until today a total silence on the part of the government on the report of the IGFF. Is this a position taken by the Congolese government in favor of the Chinese ZIJIN Mining Ldt and against AVZ Minerals or the opposite?


Saturday, October 22, 2022
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The IGF has been notifying NGOs on the filing of the COMINIERE and DATHCOM file at the Gombe Court of Appeal since April 21, 2022



The IGF has been notifying NGOs on the filing of the COMINIERE and DATHCOM file at the Gombe Court of Appeal since April 21, 2022​

October 22, 2022
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
A file on Manono lithium in the province of Tanganyika, which is pouring a lot of ink and is currently moving the political, economic and judicial world in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This case pits the Australian giant, AVZ Minerals and the Chinese of Zijin Mining, the latter through a financial carousel would have managed to take possession of 15% of shares in Manono's lithium project through the companies of another Chinese national, Cong Mao Huai (Simon Cong/Dathomir) very well placed in the Congolese political and economic environment, especially in the
Something that the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance), had declared fraudulent not respecting Congolese law and violating the pre-emption rights AVZ Minerals, after its investigation into the Congolese state company, the COMINIERE, which had sold its shares to the Chinese:

"The transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the disengagement of the State from the Portfolio companies (...)"

Civil Society NGOs and human rights activists in a statement signed by Timothée Mbuya lawyer, accusing the managers of COMINIERE SA (Congolese de l'exploitation minière) of mismanagement and selling off the Congolese state's mining assets, had asked the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi to personally take care of the situation and to take urgent measures. This, to replace agents of this COMINIERE company:

"There is the inability of the a.i CEO of the COMINIERE company to ensure the protection of the state's mining heritage in the exploitation of Congolese lithium (...) The giants Zijin, Dathomir and Canadians are fighting clumsily at United Cominiere. "Said the press release.

Given the slowness and "negligeny" of the case according to Civil Society NGOs and human rights activists, the latter are putting pressure on the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance), which on October 19, 2022 notified the NGOs that they had already delegated the COMINIERE and DATHCOM case since April 21, 2022 to the Gombe High Court in Kinshasa for legal action.

"Exee: Your referral to the COMINIERE SA and DATHACOM MINING file.

To Master Timothy MBUYA. For the Civil Society Organizations and Platforms of the DRC. Master, the copy reserved for me of your letter referenced 004/PNG/TIM/2022 dib11 October 2022, sent on my behalf of the aforementioned NGOs to the Attorney General near the Court of Cassation, in connection with what is being discussed on the sidelines has reached me and I thank you for it.

In response, I have the advantage of informing you that by my letter No. 0666/PR/IGF/IG-CSA/VBP/OM54/BRF/2022 of April 21, 2022, this file is transmitted to the Office of the Attorney General near the Court of Appeal of the Gombe for disposition and jurisdiction. ”


But in reality, this would be pressure from the IGF, which is in the area of the presidency of the republic on the judicial body and even see the government, which seems to have a heavy hand on this issue that blocks the beginning of lithium exploitation in Tanganyika.

Already we are beginning to note reactions, the Chinese camp that seems to soften its virile claims on the 15% in the Manono lithium project.

Kiki Kienge

URGENT ! Le groupe #Zijin propose de rétrocéder les 15% à l'État Congolais et de ne pas réclamer le prix y attaché (...) Le groupe se propose de conclure un nouveau partenariat dans les thermes a définir. $AVZ @AvzMinerals #SimonCong

Jens Emil Soderlund

En réponse à @emil_jens @joe_mbaya et @IgfRdc

$AVZ And here is the vid of #Zijin retracting their claim in front of MOP and proposing something in return A lot of guilty people sitting around this table IMO

Vidéo intégrée
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Good work MoneyBags appreciated a little more organisation is certainly a good thing. However, I'm shocked at the suggestion there is corruption in the DRC.
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The Kinshasa/Gombe Peace Court acquitted Félix Tshisekedi's former strategic advisor, vidiye Tshimanga. The information is confirmed to ACTUALITE.CD by his lawyer ClÉment Ilunga. The judgment was issued on Friday, December 23, 2022.

The public prosecutor had requested 3 years of criminal servitude against Vidiye Tshimanga. The latter was prosecuted for influence peddling, corruption and offense to the Head of State, following a video showing him visibly negotiating income from alleged investors by promising them his involvement in obtaining the market. Vidiye Tshimanga's lawyers considered that the facts alleged against their client being committed abroad, they had raised the decline of jurisdiction of the court seized. The decline of jurisdiction is an exception raised by the parties to demonstrate that the court seized has no material, territorial or personal jurisdiction to hear the case.

As a reminder, Vidiye Tshimanga was placed in pre-trial detention on September 21 by the General Prosecutor's Office at the Kinshasa/Gombe Court of Appeal before obtaining provisional release a few days later.

Ivan Kasongo
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Hates a beer
Good work MoneyBags appreciated a little more organisation is certainly a good thing. However, I'm shocked at the suggestion there is corruption in the DRC.

I thought that's what the C in DRC stood for?
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Yeah I've called him out on those claims, but he's go nothing so far.
So he's likely just trying to reverse suspicion, the usual tactics when worms get caught in the sunlight.
What a piece of work (shit), really.
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I’ll be adding a few more of Mupande’s mates, co-conspirators and corrupt companies here over time…. lets put this ugly fuckwit’s credentials up next

Mwamba Misao Athanase (CEO / Managing Director of Cominiere)


Whoops, I mean
Mwamba Misao Athanase (CEO / Managing Director of Cominiere)

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Celestin Kibeya Kabemba (Technical Director at Cominiere)

Denard Longwa (Technical Director at Cominiere)

Alpha Monga (Administrative and Financial Director at Cominiere)

Adele Kahinda Mahina (DRC Minister of Portfolio)


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Sus - Corrupt Cominiere arseholes inspecting our core drill samples (below)…. I haven’t worked out yet, but from their website


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So why is that prick Mupande still running the show???? 🤨
Sorry Nuts, just using this thread to put info on that I can refer to rather than keeping it all on my phone or having to sift through the discussion thread….

But probably partially due to the influence (financial and otherwise) his connections hold (Chinese, corrupt politicians, big businesses, possibly the World Bank, etc) and probably partially due to the fact they need him to keep other resource sectors advancing until someone can replace him and the IGF and Felix can get rid of him

I personally think Mupande will have to sort out our mining and exploration rights soon (perhaps when notification is officially given regarding Dathomir and Zigin) so we can pay them and then be awarded the PE. I also think the more he is exposed for his corruption, the more embarrassing for Felix
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Hi @mouseflying, thank you for all the information you find and post on the threads. I hope you don’t mind me copying some of your posts and putting them here, it just makes it easier for me to sort through the related issues…. really appreciate the info you provide!!



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Hi @mouseflying, thank you for all the information you find and post on the threads. I hope you don’t mind me copying some of your posts and putting them here, it just makes it easier for me to sort through the related issues…. really appreciate the info you provide!!
Thanks, of course. my purpose is to share these information.;)
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