
Carlos Posted



To the broader point of whether Jin Cheng should have been allowed to buy part of Dathcom instead of Zijin, Christian Lukusa talks about it in this interview he did in September. Here's my notes from the time.

- The transfer of shares isn't between Cominiere and Zijin. In the transfer contract (which is shown) it is between Cominiere and Zijin's subsidiary Jin Cheng. Allegedly this is not allowed in the mining code without approval from the government which wasn't received.
- Says even worse in the notary deed it is not the CEO signing the documents which is required.

Here are the documents shown in the video supporting what he is saying. Sorry about the image quality and some of the translation being inaccurate







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Carlos Posted

There's something else very interesting he says in this video

- AVZ's offer was valued at $166m USD including 8% of AVZ shares. AVZ had submitted proof that this could be paid. Document shown is dated 21/9/21.










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Sangster Posted

Document 8196 on page 1 states a partial renunciation of area, not rights. Page 2 defines the boundary vertices and the area of the part being renounced. Neither page suggests we renounced part of our rights. Both refer to area.

Without other supporting documentation 8196 is a full renounciation of all our rights to part of the area of tenement 13359.

MoM rescinded this, Nigel argued it still stands. Personally I think MoM did the right thing for the wrong reasons, because with 13359 unified the north cannot go to AJN. I'd like to better understand why Nigel appears to be arguing against the reunification of 13359.

Carlos Posted
The devil is in the detail


The MoM used Cominiere's salty tears as her reason for cancelling the initial decree. They only started making noise about this after they got caught selling the 15% of Dathcom illegally. However, it's important to note that the timing of their appeal being announced on December 7th 2022 is in the 60 day window of the Zijin offer.

Here's what Cominiere are claiming:



I still think the justification used by the MoM is setting a path to give the north to someone else, given the need and urgency, because Dathcom were causing delays on that part of the project


Nigel obviously feels more confident in retaining the most amount of Manono he can for Dathcom by laying out the legal reasoning proving the new decrees are illegal. This is the correct strategy given what has most likely occurred with Cominiere accepting an offer from Zijin that is motivating the MoM's intentions imo
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@Charbella Posted

Manono's lithium, a Tasmanian already makes a fortune before exploitation

Eight months ago, former economic journalist David Robertson wrote a three-page letter to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).Robertson's target was the company led by Tasmanian geologist Nigel Ferguson.

By Gaby Kuba Bekanga​


Nigel Ferguson, the strongman of Manono's AVZ lithium project @Photo Third-party rights published on February 20, 2023 at 14:28:08

For three years, Robertson followed AVZ Minerals when he raised funds. Ferguson had promised to discover a large lithium mine. David Robertson wrote as follows: "We ask ASIC and ASX to investigate AVZ Minerals, its refusal to disclose important information and its apparently false and misleading statements to investors". If the journalist was right, Ferguson could say goodbye to his US$66 million fortune. Until then, everything is correct. Ferguson is very little known to the Australian business community. However, if he succeeds in building the Manono mine in the DRC, he will become an emblematic figure of the global mining industry such as Andrew Forrest or Gina Rinehart. But he will first have to debunk the Chinese who dominate the sector in Congo.

After a degree in geology from the University of Tasmania, he worked in several countries. Africa has become his favorite land. He ran the Ashanti Goldfields mine in Tanzania where he bought a gold mine, currently one of the most profitable of Anglo Gold Ashanti. In 2018, he became CEO of AHV and said he had discovered "the largest hard rock spodumen deposit" in the world in Manono.

A visionary geologist​

A few years later, Ferguson worked on a plan to transform the deposit into an active mine. Lithium stocks would soon increase due to the demand for this ore essential to the production of electric vehicle batteries. At one time, investors had little interest in lithium. AVZ had to find Chinese donors to develop the project. In 2021, he raised $100 million from partners. Ferguson told the press that " Manono would become the most profitable lithium mine in the world. It is the largest undeveloped deposit in the world." We will be in the quartile of lower costs for production. We are also in the lower quartile for greenhouse gas emissions."

The company's geologists estimate that there were 401 million tons of ore containing 1.65% lithium oxide. According to Ferguson, this mine would generate US$380 million in operating profits per year.

"AVZ will be one of the largest producers of lithium. It will place the DRC at the heart of a global struggle for a mineral essential to the energy transition. Manono potentially holds 10 to 15% of the current market. But in the event of oversize, it will be 25% of the market,"
Ferguson told 121 Mining TV, an online news site.

The government's strategy​

Just recently, David Robertson hypothesized that Nigel Ferguson was defenestrated for the benefit of the Chinese. The latter would have contacted the Congolese government by proposing a little better than the AHV offer. In this regard, the former journalist believes that the Congolese state is trying to oppose mining operators in order to choose the best offer. AVZ still has $36 million. The seven senior executives and the president of the company received US$3.5 million last year. With $3.2 million, Nigel Ferguson was the highest-paid employee. The feasibility study of the Manono lithium and tin project was published in April 2020 and shows that the project's deposit is unlike any other. AVZ has been in talks with potential partners in Australia, Europe, the Middle East and South Africa to obtain about US$550 million needed to start production.

The financing of the Manono project will involve a mix of equity and loans. Once the final investment decision is made, the construction of the mine will begin and last about 24 months. AVZ has already contacted buyers of spodumen and tin concentrates before producing. In September 2020, he decided to increase his participation in the Manono project to 75% when he acquired an additional 10% of Dathomir Mining's stake in the project. For the project to take shape, a dispute must be resolved at the Paris Arbitration Chamber.
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@Bin59 Posted


“1. The United States intends to support DRC and Zambia in their development of a value chain for EV batteries in the DRC and Zambia in a manner consistent with applicable domestic laws and international best practices that facilitate the prevention, detection, and prosecution of corruption, as well as applicable obligations under the United Nations Convention against Corruption.”

Convention against Corruption

Convention against Corruption

United Nations

United Nations

Office on Drugs and Crime

United Nations Convention against Corruption​

The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The Convention covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector. A highlight of the Convention is the inclusion of a specific chapter on asset recovery, aimed at returning assets to their rightful owners, including countries from which they had been taken illicitly. The vast majority of United Nations Member States are parties to the Convention. Read more»
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office on
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@Sammael Posted

(SEZ) Special Economic Zone for lithium and batteries, with the Australians, the Chinese or the Americans and the Zambians?​

February 25, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
This is following a tweet from the Minister of Industry of the DR Congo, Julien Paluku after a tete-a-tete with the Chinese Ambassador to the DR Congo, Zhu Jing in order to guarantee the interests of Chinese companies in the DR Congo. That a large number of Congolese have called for caution and vigilance on the creation of a Chinese Special Economic Zone (SEZ), for the development of a value chain of lithium electric batteries in Manono.

What is a special economic zone?
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are free zones often created by the central government, at the scale of a port, a district or a city, functioning as economic and fiscal enclaves.

A geographical region in which the economic laws are more liberal and advantageous for the companies which settle there, than those in the rest of the country. The SEZ offers a combination of tax incentives, favorable customs duties, simplified customs procedures and limited regulations.

Why this concern of the Congolese on the Chinese SEZ?

Recently in the DR Congo we are witnessing negative revelations of an economic nature, mostly from Chinese companies. Finally it was the report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) under the batons of the chief inspector, Jules Alingete who revealed the underside of the figures of the Sino-Congolese contract, a barter signed in 2008 under the regime of Joseph Kabila between the DR Congo and a consortium of Chinese companies.

Manono ZES (AVZ), Chinese ZES (CATL) and the DRC/USA/Zambia value chain
Upstream on the development of Manono lithium which will be exploited in Tanganiyka by Dathcom, a joint venture between the Congolese State with COMINIERE and the Australians of AVZ Minerals, we must talk about the special economic zone of Manono, a concept of AVZ Minerals with Dathcom for the recovery and proper exploitation of lithium and tin from Manono.

In short, below are some passages from the AVZ Minerals press release of February 18, 2020 after the meeting between its representatives in DR Congo with that of the Congolese government, the Minister of Industry Julien Paluku; AVZ signs a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Industry to create a special economic zone in Manono
  • AVZ has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Congolese government to create a special economic zone in Manono, Tanganyika province, DRC.
  • The special economic zone has the potential to present significant economic benefits for business development and profitability. significant economic benefits to the development and profitability of the Manono lithium and tin project, including exemptions or reductions on corporate income tax and customs duties.
  • AVZ Minerals Limited (ASX: AVZ, “the Company”) is pleased to announce that AVZ has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with the Ministry of Industry for the development of a extraction of lithium and tin.
  • The objective of the memorandum of understanding is to establish the conditions for collaboration and negotiation between the Ministry of Industry and AVZ with a view to establishing the "Special Economic Zone of Manono" in the province of Tanganyika and the development of basic infrastructure in this area.
  • The defined geographical area will initially include all essential infrastructure such as water, electricity (the Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric installation) and health services. electricity (Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric plant) and roads, including the Manono Lithium and Tin project licenses (PR13359, PR4029 and PR4030) to facilitate successful mining.
AVZ Managing Director Nigel Ferguson said: “We are extremely excited about this major milestone for the Manono lithium and tin project (…)”

Julien Paluku , Minister of Industry, declared in particular: “We are very happy to be able to count on AVZ. Industry must now be a factor of stability and peace with the creation of wealth and jobs…”
To understand AVZ's press release, this Manono SEZ would not be linked to the electric battery value chain project, because AVZ Minerals is not a battery manufacturer.


But the question arises when we look at the entry of the Chinese giant in the manufacture of batteries, CATL with 24% in AVZ Minerals for a possibility of developing Manono's lithium and why not the manufacture of batteries in the future.

But now in Minister Julien Paluku's Tweet, there is talk of another Chinese SEZ with the same CATL operated in AVZ Minerals for the development of a project in the value chain of Manono's lithium electric batteries.

In addition to the two possible SEZs linked to lithium, from Manono with AVZ/CATL and the Chinese SEZ, there is also the zone to be created in Haut Katanga on the basis of the agreement between the same government of DR Congo, of Zambia and the United States for the manufacture of Manono's lithium-bonded batteries.
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@Sammael Posted

#RDCongo #DRCongo : I have just finished reading the summary report of #IGF_RDC on the management of the mining assets of #RDC by the public company #COMINIERE_SA , to understand the complaint of $AVZ . First thing, the agents of the State, do as they please (1/4)

#RDCongo #DRCongo : #COMINIERE_SA sold 15% of its shares in violation of the law #congolaise to #Zijing at $33,440,000 on a value assessed at 154,200,000 causing the State to lose #congolais120,760 .000$!! Who can understand this logic? (2/4)

#RDCongo #DRCongo : All the $33,440,000 fruits of the illegal sale of shares of #COMINIERE_SA went directly into the pockets of the managers of #COMINIERE_SA , their consultants and nothing to revive the operation. In short, nothing for the people (3/4)

#RDCongo #DRCongo : We ask the President #Tshisekedi who is looking for investments #Win_Win , to take a personal interest in the file of #COMINIERE_SA and $AVZ which highlights the architecture of corruption within public enterprises (4/4)
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@Sammael Posted

1/5 Sale of 15% of #RDC to #ZIJIN in 2020, the underside of the figures! COMINIERE hires 2 firms to assess the value of the shares of #Dathcom , strangely these last two independently based on the study of $AVZ , give the same figure to the nearest decimal point,

2/5 $2,636,660. But @AvzMinerals who did the feasibility study, puts forward the figure of 10 million for 1%. La COMINIERE ignores the amount of #AVZ, with the Ok of the Ministers of the portfolio and of Mines, sells to #ZIJIN at the price of 33 million $ for the 15% against

3/5 $150 million certified by $AVZ . The $33 million should be used for the revival of COMINIERE (payment of workers, purchase of machinery, other investments...), but the money ended up in something other than the revival of the company: - $6 million was

4/5 paid to the two firms that "assessed" the price at $2.2 million. - $7 million paid to the commissioners, including $5 million to Ms. Lisette Kananga #Tshibwanwa from the office of the President of the Republic. - $2 million for the members of the administration of La Cominiere.

5/5 - The rest was squandered according to
@IgfRdc and according to some journalists, would be in a bank. Kiki #Kienge
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@Sammael Posted

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@Sammael Posted

  • Fp-Qd1BWcAArAlE.jpeg

Mining Code: Continuation and closure of assessment work​

February 27, 2023

The Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'Samba Kalambayi personally chaired the work relating to the evaluation of the Mining Code, five years after its implementation.

On the instruction of the Minister, on Saturday February 25, the Director of Cabinet Me Michel KIBONGE gave new orientations which enabled the Technical Secretariat to prepare the matter according to the said recommendations.

According to the working methodology adopted, six pillars were examined; in particular: the management of the mining and quarrying domain, the role of the State and stakeholders in the administration, the application of the Mining Code transparency and good governance, social responsibility and environmental protection as well as the tax system customs and exchange.

On the same day of Saturday, before leaving Zongo, the Minister of Mines congratulated the experts who participated in this work, the text of which, to be submitted to the hierarchy, will first undergo some fine-tuning on Monday February 27 in Kinshasa during a select commission for harmonization.
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Carlos Posted

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@Sammael Posted

Cancellation of DATHCOM's lithium exploitation license for Manono: the ruse of Zijin and his mafiosi exposed.​

3 weeks ago


Not a day goes by without a scandal appearing in the Democratic Republic of Congo and upsetting the tranquility of the peaceful Congolese. This is the case of the very ambiguous cancellation of DATHCOM's lithium operating license which has been in the news for several days. This soap opera is very similar to the big joke of 2009 when the Australian-Canadian First Quantum Minerals (FQM) was stripped of its mining rights in the former Katanga (Haut-Katanga and Lualaba) for the benefit of a third party , Sama Lukonde, under the reign of Félix Tshisekedi and with the same leaders in charge for more than fifteen years of the very dark mining cadastre (CAMI), which resolved to play its traditional score about the Manono lithium project in the province of Tanganyika. Worse still, the highly contested Antoinette N'Samba Kalambay, Minister of Mines, curiously, resolved to shamelessly cancel this operating permit in complete illegality, by the decree of January 28, 2023. This unfounded act of the suspension of operating permit no. 13359 of the DATHCOM Mining SA aroused great anger and disappointment among the people of Manono. Reason given by the Minister: “conflicts between shareholders”. This resonates like an insult for these populations who know well that this is not one of the reasons provided for by the mining law of the country. Having understood that there are many shadows in this matter, which study served as a basis for the argument of Cominière SA, recently in international arbitration in Paris against MMCS1. As in 2009 with FQM, AVZ is therefore suffering the martyrdom of political control over the only viable and world-class mining project of President Félix Tshisekedi's mandate.

Back to a nebula
We know a little more about the real reasons which pushed the Government, via the Minister of Mines who seems like a simple executor of an illegal decision of the anti-patriots and sappers of the mining vision of Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, canceled, by its decree of January 28, 2023, operating permit no. 13359 relating to the Manono lithium project. As in 2009 under the reign of Kabila who withdrew from the Australian-Canadian First Quantum Minerals (FQM) all the mining rights it held on three flagship projects in Greater Katanga, namely Kinga-myambo Musonoi Tailings (KMT) became Metalkol, Frontier Sprl and the Lonshi mine for the benefit of Dan Gertler's companies,

In Kinshasa, everything is being done to push AVZ Minerals to abandon its Manono project. In ambush, there is the Chinese Zijin Mining Company which pulls the strings, ready to pull out all the stops to recover the Manono project after its 35 million US dollars, there would have been more if the security services are investigating well on statements attributed to the technical director of Cominiere, Kibeya, which circulate on social networks, for which the interim general manager of Cominière, Mwamba, is in detention after the audit report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).

It is therefore understandable why the Minister of Mines, on January 28, 2023, decided to cancel the EP granted in April 2022 to the company DATHCOM, in which AVZ Minerals is the majority shareholder.

Curiously, the Minister of Mines justifies her decision by "conflicts between shareholders". A scenario that can never lead to the forfeiture of a mining right, with regard to the mining legislation in force in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Zijin's Dark Hand
What and who does AVZ Minerals bother? Why has Kinshasa just withdrawn PE n°13359 from DATHCOM? So many questions that led Econews to take a closer look at this project proposed by the Chinese in Zijin. Through a cross-checking and investigation exercise, our editorial staff and partners came across a letter from Zijin to the general management of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA) dated October 21, 2022.

The title of this correspondence (Cfr. extracts in facsimile), signed from the Chinese city of XIAMEN, is evocative. By this letter, signed by CHEN Jingne in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZijinMining Group CO. Ltd, this Chinese group accused by NGOs of Lualaba for its abuses and violations of the laws at Comus and Kamoa Copper presented to Cominière its ''partnership offer to advance the Manono lithium exploitation project''. Better an order to close the deal on the problematic $35 million.

From the outset, Zijin introduces his letter in these terms: “We are honored to send you this letter in relation to the object taken up. As a multinational mining group, Zijin Mining Group Company Ldt (abbreviated as "ZijinMining") focuses on the exploration and exploitation of gold, copper and other metallic mineral resources as well as the application and study in engineering technology, headquartered at No. 1 Zijin Avenue, Shanghang Township, Longgyan City, Fujian Province, China. It is listed on both the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 2899) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 601899). Service Center, Wickhamscay II, Road Town Tortola, VG 1110. JIN CHENG Mining Limited (abbreviated as "JIN CHENG"), is a subsidiary of Zijin Mining,

The motives of Zijin Mining
Then, the letter describes all the steps taken: "Since COMINIERE and JIN CHENG concluded on September 10, 2021 a contract for the transfer of shares (the "Transfer Contract"), according to which COMINIERE transferred to JIN CHENG the 15% of shares it held in the share capital of the company DATHCOM MINING SA (abbreviated "DA-THCOM"), in return for this transfer, a payment of the amount of 33,440,000.00 USD (Thirty - three million four hundred and forty thousand US dollars) was carried out by JIN CHENG on behalf of COMINIERE (the “Sale of 15% of shares”); Considering that the Extraordinary General Meeting of DATHCOM held on November 20, 2021 approved this transaction of sale of 15% of shares, thus materializing the quality of JIN CHENG as one of the shareholders of DATHCOM; Considering that the minutes of the aforementioned Extraordinary General Meeting were notarized, deposited at the One-Stop Shop for Business Creation in Lubumbashi on November 23, 2021, and its resolutions were entered in the RCCM Register of Commerce and Credit Mobilier of the DATHCOM company; Given that the company AVZ International Pty Ltd, which is the majority shareholder in DATHCOM, noted all the resolutions adopted during the Extraordinary General Meeting of November 20, 2021 of DATHCOM, thus abusing its majority, consequently the Coordinated Articles of DATHCOM, as modified by the resolutions of the General Assembly of November 20, 2021, have not yet been signed to date; Considering that Zijin Mining, parent company of JIN CHENG, which is one of the shareholders of DATHCOM, wish to see the Manono lithium mining project develop successfully, given that the financial, technical as well as operational capacity has been demonstrated by Zijin Mining, this proves that it could move forward effectively in the construction and in the operation of the Manono lithium project; Given that the evaluation of the reserves in the PR13359 was made partially, during the transformation of the PR (Exploration Permit) into PE (Exploitation Permit), by the holder DATHCOM, who renounced the north-eastern part of the PR13359, which is the Affected Party; Given that COMINIERE's geologists have confirmed to Zijin Mining a certain mineralization potential within the scope of the Affected Party; Given that on August 15, 2022, Her Excellency the Minister of State,
In view of the foregoing, Zijin Mining then presented its offer – “the Present offer” – in the following terms: “1. A joint venture agreement (the "Joint Venture Agreement") will be entered into between a designated subsidiary of ZijinMining and COMINIERE, pursuant to which the parties will create a joint venture (the "Joint Venture"), in which the subsidiary of Zijin Mining will hold 71% of shares and COMINIÈRE 29% of shares”.

This offer concerns the northern part of Dathcom Mining SA's Manono Permit for which AVZ MInerals is Cominière's only partner to have invested expertise and money there in exploration and studies leading to the certification of the largest lithium deposit in world when La Cominière and his poor engineers at the head of the Technical Department could not imagine it.

Zijin is even more explicit: “After the creation of the Joint-Venture, COMINIERE will assign the mining right on the Target Party legally held by it to the Joint-Venture, free of any lien, charge, claim, dispute and default. The research, development and exploitation of the Covered Party will be carried out on behalf of the Joint Venture. On the date on which COMINIERE transfers the mining right of the Target Party to the Joint Venture by completing all the relevant procedures such as registration, registration and notarization, and the Joint Venture becomes the legal and effective holder of 100% of the rights and interests of the Affected Party,

Finally, Zijin concludes his letter by noting that "to avoid any ambiguity, it should be specified that if COMINIERE fails to legally and effectively Transfer the mining right of the Party Targeted to the Joint Venture, COMINIERE will not have the right to demand from JIN CHENG the retrocession of 15% of shares in DATHCOM, nor the waiver of the payment it made for the acquisition of 15% in the capital of DATIHCOM on behalf of COMINIERE”.

The letter goes further: "In application of this Office, COMINIERE will undertake to bear any income tax, stamp duty, transfer duty and any other tax or duty which may arise in the DRC and in any other country or region following the aforementioned "15% Share Retrocession", recalling that "both parties and its directors, officers, employees and agents must keep this letter and this Offer in the strictest confidence.

No information, knowledge, discussions, negotiations or developments between the parties of which they are aware in connection with this Offer, the Joint Venture Agreement and all transactions and documents relating thereto will be disclosed without the prior written consent of each party. . And specify, to avoid any ambiguity: “The validity of this Offer is 60 days (“the Validity”) from the date of its receipt by COMINIERE. In the event of acceptance of this Offer by COMINIERE, the latter must acknowledge receipt and sign on the signature page before the expiry of the Validity period. Otherwise, this Offer will be considered automatically null and void, unless Zijin Mining decides otherwise”.

This is where investigators from the Court of Auditors, the internal security of the Presidency of the Republic of Jacques Tshibanda tshisekedi, the General Inspectorate of Finances of Jules Alingete Key and the National Intelligence Agency of Jean- Hervé Mbelu Biosha must snoop more closely with the Cominière, the Ministry of Portfolio, the Ministry of Mines, the Mining Cadastre, Zijin in the DRC to protect the interests of the Republic and bring to justice the accomplices in the sale of important mining assets

We understand everything when there is a deal that exists between Zijin and Cominière, millions of American dollars for illegal selling off according to the IGF. All in all, La Cominière could never conclude such a contract without the approval of its double hierarchy, namely the bosses of the Ministry of Portfolio and that of Mines. The pride of its Technical Director who is free despite the IGF Report demonstrates this. This clearly explains the decree of the Minister of Mines who will not be able to legally defend her signature before a panel of independent investigators. However, there is already an arbitration proceeding on this same mining Permit,

In reality, the Government has decided, to please the Chinese Zijin, to withdraw what rightfully belongs to DATHCOM Mining SA in which AVZ Minerals is a shareholder, as was the case with First Quantum Minerals in 2009 under Joseph Kabila by Minister Kabwelulu, for entrust it partially or entirely to the new joint venture formed between Zijin Mining Company (71% of shares) and Cominière (29%). A way to cover the 35 million USD or more disbursed by Chinese.

We therefore find ourselves with an unbalanced shareholding, to the benefit of the Chinese who already dominate the cupro-cobalt sector in a wild way. This financial package demonstrates all the mafia that surrounds this case in which the investigations of the consortium of media and NGOs working on the natural resources sector is certain to discover several corpses and skeletons in the cupboards of Congolese citizens who behave like mercenaries in the detrimental to the interests of the Republic. With these shameless practices, it is the President of the Republic who is stabbed in the back by crooked officials who undermine for prebends, as in the Mexican narcotic mafia, imposing a kind of omerta on any voice that will denounce evil .
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@Flight996 Posted

Immediately after church today, I had a look at the role of the International Court of Arbitration (ICC) in order to see specifically its role and the type/s of orders it can make.

(My paraphrasing and emphases)
Although called a court in name, the ICC does not make formal judgments on disputed matters. Instead, it exercises judicial supervision of arbitration proceedings, including ensuring procedural fairness of the negotiations, proper application of ICC rules, approving final awards and ensuring that they are robust and enforceable.

What this means is that the ICC's roles and responsibilities are different from the its sister organisation, the International Court of Cassation (France) that is the ultimate arbiter on whether the law was followed in commercial disputes. This court's decision is final.

What does this mean for AVZ and other vested parties?

Noting that negotiations are hopefully already well advanced; it means that the ICC is the forum for AVZ to formalise any final negotiated position. In the usual manner, negotiations will be conducted off-site and well in advance of the ICC hearing date. The ICC will stamp and legitimise the negotiated outcome.

That's my understanding. Others may have different views, which I respect.
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Carlos Posted




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Misfits Posted
A good post by Combaste on HC

17/03/23 - 11:54:04
Post #:66821344

Dear investors, dear Dom74.
First of all I would like to thank the AVZ team for the report, which wonderfully shows the legal situation of the parties involved.
@ Dom74 your statement is unfortunately also wrong! I want to explain why.
One has to be absolutely correct/abstract about law and order to understand the situation correctly.

let's get started:

1. AVZ vs. Dathomir
AVZ currently owns 75%!
60% are safe because Cominiere and Dathomir have waived any rights in the joint venture agreement and at the same time are participants in the same joint venture. This is not contestable!
15% bought AVZ from Dathomir and are legally transferred. AVZ owns the shares! Dathomir revoked this in writing to AVZ without going to court.
AVZ has gone on the offensive and has applied to the ICC for legal confirmation so that this can no longer be contested in the future.
Nevertheless, AVZ is the legal owner of this 15%. Also until 09.2024!
It is very unlikely that Dathomir will get the 15% back. Why? With what reason? It's just a stalling tactic and they want more money.
This can run alongside further development and would not interfere, since AVZ owns it.

2. Cominière vs. Zijin Mining / Jin Cheng
I have to quote the text from the report exactly!
"Through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, AVZ has at all material times held a right of first refusal over 15% of shares in Dathcom (noting that Cominière holds a 25% interest in Dathcom to which this right of first refusal applies and Cominière must cede 10% out of its 25% interest to the DRC Government as a condition of the award of the Mining Licence for the Manono Project).On 10 September 2021, Cominière purported to conclude a Share Transfer Agreement with Jin Cheng for 15% of the shares in Dathcom. This purported sale and transfer breached AVZ’s right of first refusal, is null and void under DRC law and has not been recognised by Dathcom.Jin Cheng filed an International Chamber of Commerce arbitration claim in Paris in May 2022 against AVZ citing “an abuse of majority” and based on the arbitration clause provided in Dathcom’s Articles of Association is seeking to be recognised as a minority shareholder of Dathcom.AVZ is seeking the dismissal of Jin Cheng’s claims by the ICC’s sole arbitrator as Jin Cheng does not have the capacity to rely on the arbitration clause agreement provided by Dathcom’s Articles of Association, to which Jin Cheng is not a party.AVZ successfully obtained the bifurcation of the arbitration so the arbitrator will rule first on AVZ’s challenge of Jin Cheng’s capacity to rely on the arbitration agreement.AVZ considers it has a strong legal standing in these matters and prospects of success."

AVZ successfully split the proceedings before the ICC into two consecutive proceedings!
1. Court decision:
Can Jin Cheng even file a majority abuse lawsuit under a joint venture agreement in which they are not a party?
The arbitration clause in Dathcom's Articles of Association applies only to the parties to the joint venture agreement. This is AVZ and Cominiere! Externals have no right to it!If the rejection of the ICC is successful, there is no second procedure.
2.Court decision:
If Jin Cheng is not terminated, there will be procedure 2, which will determine whether the sale of Cominiere's 15% to Jin Cheng is legal and, more importantly, complete.

That is the correct legal situation that we have.
The mining license will be granted if the majority of shareholders and the ability to finance it are secured and DRC gets 10% from Cominiere.
This is the case. For this reason, the mining license must be considered separately.

Greetings from Germany
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Obe Posted


Charbella Posted
AVZI remains of the view that it will be successful in the Dathomir proceedings. An award in both proceedings is unlikely to occur before September 2024.

I think we need to pay attention to the word award, as we are seeking to recover losses sustained from Dathomir. How much are we claiming? If it’s significant then I wouldn’t be surprised if it will not occur before September 2024.

First Quantum launched ICC arbitration in Feb 2010, and only reached $1.2billion settlement in Jan 2012.

Carlos Posted
The announcement says award of ML is pending resolution of the ICC arbitrations


Both proceedings refers to the 2 separate claims at the ICC against Dathomir by AVZ for the 5% and 10% purchases of Dathcom in 2021

Cong is trying to get out of the ICC on jurisdiction because he knows he will lose both cases and be liable for damages to AVZ. If he loses his jurisdiction claim then he will finally fulfil his contractual obligations to transfer the total 15% of Dathcom to AVZ so he can avoid having to pay us compensation and this will all be over well before September 2024 imo





Li-AusPol Posted
Totally agree, the only thing that worries me regarding the ICC is that the case can be potentially delayed/adjourned as a result of ridiculous counter claims/excuses by Cong…..

Dragging it out as long as possible with Congs desired effect being 2 fold -

1. the DRC state getting fed up of the delay - ie. this was eluded to as the excuse in the decrees - ‘dathcom shareholders not getting along’….

2. The longer this drags on Cong is hoping AVZ will run out of money

That’s exactly Congs game plan IMO

I’ve just seen ICC cases in the past drag on for years - hope the ICC arbitrators will play hard ball and see through the games

Charbella Posted
AVZI submitted its Reply on Jurisdiction on 10 March 2023. Jin Cheng will submit a rejoinder on jurisdiction on 22 March 2023, and the hearing on jurisdiction will take place on 19 - 20 April 2023.
AVZI remains of the view that its jurisdictional challenge will be successful; an award on jurisdiction can reasonably be expected to be handed down mid-2023.

It should be noted that this does not finally determine whether the sale of shares from Cominière to Jin Cheng was effective, which will remain to be determined in separate proceedings.

Carlos Replied
Yeah I've been trying to work out what management's game plan is regarding how we will get the 15% transfer from Cominiere to Jin Cheng reversed so we can exercise our FROR. Basically the ICC case brought by Zijin is to force AVZ to recognise them in Dathcom not whether the 15% transfer was illegal.

AVZ is saying that the ICC isn't the correct jurisdiction for this hearing. I assume that was originally because we had already lodged the case in the DRC that would test the legality of the transfer therefore the ICC case is legally redundant.

But now we have also dropped the case within the DRC because it was taking too long. So I'm unsure what legal avenue management plan to use to enforce our rights. My guess is a higher court in the DRC but that will take time.

Note : Just trying to keep these important comments organised fellas…. They are greatly appreciated
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