Founding Member
My letter to Sean:
Dear Sean,
Looking forward to meeting you at the up-coming AGM. Boy did we have a great time last year!
It's so good that you are excited about the year ahead, and that you have taken some difficult decision this year. I'm so glad that rotter Stevens was given the boot, let me tell you (even though he was a good dancer - what was it? The limbo?)
But this brings me to the reason for my email. We can only okay remuneration based on achieved results and not the effort expended.
These are difficult times, and well, we all need to tighten our belts. I realize that you have a grand plan to sell only IP and not chips, as this would maximize our profit down the tack. But we are not down the track yet, as I'm sure you'll agree.
If only you had decided to manufacture a small batch of our most powerful Akida2 variant, we might have signed off on a new licensing agreement that would have paid for the manufacturing, and a big pile of remuneration for you. But you stuck to your guns and stayed true to your word!
Your firm approach is commendable, except that your remuneration bonus will need to be delayed until your planned super-revenue can be realized.
Sadly we can not postpone your remuneration bonus, unless this is something that you organize. We can only vote on what you put before us.
Thus it is with profoud regret that we must vote down this year's bonus even though it will cause some chaos in the office and on the ASX. But then shares do what shares will do. But just imagine what we can do for you next time!