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Good morning chippers.

Have a great weekend!

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Die Alexa-Integration kombiniert weltraumtaugliche Hardware, die von Lockheed Martin entwickelt wurde, mit Akustik- und Audioverarbeitungssoftware von Amazon, um zu untersuchen, wie Sprachtechnologie und KI zukünftige bemannte Weltraummissionen unterstützen können.

Benutzerdefinierte Alexa-Hardware und -Software wird in der Lage sein, auf Echtzeit-Telemetriedaten zuzugreifen und Tausende von missionsspezifischen Fragen an Bord der Orion zu beantworten – Dinge wie „Alexa, wie schnell fährt die Orion?“ oder „Alexa, wie ist ihre Temperatur in der Kabine?“ – und sogar angeschlossene Geräte an Bord des Raumfahrzeugs steuern.

Alexa kann Sie der Mission auch näher bringen als je zuvor. Um Updates zu erhalten und die Mission zu verfolgen, sagen Sie einfach: „Alexa, bring mich zum Mond.“
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The Alexa flying on Orion isn’t just your standard, off the shelf, device. To function on Earth, Alexa uses the "the cloud," or software and services that run on the internet, located on computer servers in data centers all over the globe. Traveling in deep space, it would take too long for Alexa on Orion to use the cloud back on Earth, so Callisto will use NASA’s Deep Space Network and a local database aboard the spacecraft to communicate with Alexa and respond. The payload’s on-board hardware has been hardened to protect it for the radiation environment on Orion’s deep space journey.

Without astronauts aboard the spacecraft, the industry partners provided unique hardware that will allow operators to interact with Callisto and evaluate performance throughout the mission from a payload operations room in mission control. Participants will assist with the demonstration by asking Alexa a question or delivering a task command in front of a console with a camera and microphone.

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Ach ja, schnell vergessen
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Thanks for kind words.

Will try explain a few things below and provide some poss supp / resist visuals you can use as a guide.


Love the Heineken Asahi word play :LOL:

Though, the HA candles are still ok so far.

As simple as I can explain.

The HA candles use a diff calculation and are based over 2 candles (averages) & filters a lot of noise so smoother for trend / reversals.

Long body, long upper wick more bullish. Bulls pushing it up.
Long body, long lower wick more bearish. Bears pushing down.
Shorter bodies with top & bottom wicks poss pause, indecision as bulls / bears fight (bit of equilibrium). Watch for change.

So, currently, the recent HA candles are stronger bullish though wicks a little short as we hit into a poss resist area.

Would like to clear this zone but do need watch for any candle body shortening or doji around this level next week if we can't.

Anyway, I use a number of diff charts / indicators as there are certain one I favour more but can't all on one chart so I look for correlations between various indicators / supp & resist levels as most indicators have slightly diff formulas, data sources etc and finding correlations between them provides me a little more confidence on what I'm looking at.

I get they can appear a bit busy, complex or confusing and if any questions, just ask. If looking at lower indicators, look at their movement then vertically above to the what the SP / Bar did...they are related obviously.

I can always just strip one back to only show a couple maybe key thoughts based on what I've already looked at on the other charts.

Charting & Fundamentals go hand & hand imo.

Charting imo is essentially a visual representation of how the mkt (buyers / sellers) react at certain levels, with certain news flow, released or perceived / known as coming. Explosive moves (like Merc) obviously happen when unexpected...good or bad.

A lot of people try to think it is forward looking crystal ball dark magic stuff haha...but basically to look at a chart....LOOK LEFT then R.

It is not an exact science as it is dealing with human emotions (other the effing bots) and other variables, like Mkt Makers painting the tape etc.

Human nature being what it is, if you can identify certain moves or reactions left then can start to draw some probabilities for current / future situations.

So, a few charts D & a Wkly (couple posted prev) and I've tried to provide some basic info on the indicators and if you look at all then you can start to see certain levels / areas across all.

Higher 70's / 80 as pointed out the other day, around 90 next up etc.

Remembering supply vol comes from sellers & buyers either need hold a level & absorb then move up or if the smart money are in, then they may be able to assist push through supply.

Simplest charting to learn & is worthwhile imo is supp / resist, trendlines, moving averages (common) & maybe some basic patterns like channels, flags / pennants & triangles. General rule is prev support can become future resist & vice versa.

Good w/end all.

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Awesome post, thanks for spending the time. It's refreshing to see your balanced view on technical and fundamental investing - so often people espouse one or the other but I agree they go hand in hand. Keep posting the charts with commentary if you have the time, it all helps to build a solid picture of what the market and BRN is doing. Cheers
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Can’t see obvious link to BrainChip but looks to be right up our alley

PreMa: Predictive Maintenance of Solenoid Valve in Real-Time at Embedded Edge-Level

@Diogenese anything noteworthy in the specs or link?


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While we are talking charts and all things related to attempts to understand the market it is essential to understand the fundamentals of the application in the real world of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Observer Effect.

Both principles found their origins in Quantum Mechanics but have been expanded into the real World.

In the real world the Observer Effect when applied to human behaviour everything done, said and observed has an affect.

The simple act of observation will affect the outcome of a given event.

The simple act of reporting an observation of this given event will affect the outcome that was likely to occur at the time the given event was taking place.

These reactions or changes can be less than minuscule but in the world of Quantum Mechanics need to be taken into account.

In our day to day activity we observe that someone we engage with has done something let’s say a child has drawn a picture and the fact of our observation is known by the child then a number of possibilities flow from this:

1. The child knowing we have observed feels embarrassed;

2. The child knowing we have observed but have not commented assumes we do not like or approve of the drawing;

3. The child knowing we have observed is upset because it was to be a surprise.

Just this simple act of observation without anything else has affected the child in the present moment.

In the future however this act of observation can cause a range of further events:

1. The child is offered a choice at school to do art or sport. The child chooses sport because the child believes the option 2. above and in consequence now believes it lacks the ability to do art;

2. The child offered the same choice chooses art even though it wants to do sport because it wants to get better at art to win your approval.

Then adding into this the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which in its most basic form proposes that the very act of observing the child doing art means that there will be other unknown events that you are not observing that could affect the accuracy of the observation.

A simple example in a class room you are observing a child drawing a circle with a peculiar ‘v’ shape on one side so you form an opinion unaware that behind you is a blackboard on which is drawn a circle with this ‘v’ and an instruction requiring the child to draw a circle with this ‘v’ shape.

Every opinion you read here is affected by these limitations both at the authors end and at your end as the observer.

A chart, a publication, a press release every single thing has in this imperfect world errors or inadequacies that we need to take into account when forming an opinion as to what value such things have for us as individual investors.

You can never afford to take anything at face value it always has to be filtered through your own research and life experience because we all are inadequate capable of making errors or allowing bias to colour our observations.

My opinion only DYOR

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Cracking night catching up with the Perth Brainchip crew at the Hilton. Thanks to @Earlyrelease for organising it, much appreciated, thanks to Tony Dawes for taking to time to come and meet with us all, and it was great to (re)meet everyone else.

This really is a great little company with massive potential, and I look forward to watching it grow with the fellow investors who I’ve met through this forum (thanks to @zeeb0t). Here’s to 2023 being OUR year!
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Cracking night catching up with the Perth Brainchip crew at the Hilton. Thanks to @Earlyrelease for organising it, much appreciated, thanks to Tony Dawes for taking to time to come and meet with us all, and it was great to (re)meet everyone else.

This really is a great little company with massive potential, and I look forward to watching it grow with the fellow investors who I’ve met through this forum (thanks to @zeeb0t). Here’s to 2023 being OUR year!
@robsmark was Tony super excited for the company and its progress?
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@robsmark was Tony super excited for the company and its progress?
Tony is an astute gentlemen and a true professional. We talked about what had already been announced and I asked him as a retail investor in the company himself, was he excited about where we are heading, to which he responded yes. I like to think I’m a fairly good judge of character and he seemed very genuine in his response.
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‘There’s always next year’

Spare a thought for St Kilda supporters. Their club was founded in 1873, and in the 149 years since, they’ve only won a single flag, and that by the barest of margins (Barry Breen you beauty). Fifty six years have now passed since that heroic last Saturday in September 1966. But for unpredictable bounces of the ball late in Grand Finals, they could have won in 2009 and 2010. The agonizing pain of defeat continues, but as lack of success follows lack of success…proud and defiant Saints supporters say there’s always next year.

Of late I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts critical of our Battler, and questioning a whole raft of issues. Return fire has quickly followed questioning the author‘s motives. If we are reasonable, I think we can all understand why dissent is inhabiting our forum...some of us are worried.

Those of us who got in early, have been able to assemble our holdings for quite modest investments. Although we can still feel frustration and impatience from a lack of success, spare a thought for those who invested later. No doubt they are also suffering anxiety and fear, because they’re in the red…some pretty deeply. Let’s use a bit of empathy and show a little kindness in the debates.

Certainly I would like to see things moving faster, but as some would know, I’m a true believer. In the next twelve months, our Battler will be riding high, giddy with success, dissent will be absent, and we’ll all be happy little Vegemites. If our share price is not at least $5.00 by this time next year, I’ll shout everyone here lunch at The Briars…Fact knows where this is.

Just like Sainters say…there’s always next year !!
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Did someone say KFC
‘There’s always next year’

Spare a thought for St Kilda supporters. Their club was founded in 1873, and in the 149 years since, they’ve only won a single flag, and that by the barest of margins (Barry Breen you beauty). Fifty six years have now passed since that heroic last Saturday in September 1966. But for unpredictable bounces of the ball late in Grand Finals, they could have won in 2009 and 2010. The agonizing pain of defeat continues, but as lack of success follows lack of success…proud and defiant Saints supporters say there’s always next year.

Of late I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts critical of our Battler, and questioning a whole raft of issues. Return fire has quickly followed questioning the author‘s motives. If we are reasonable, I think we can all understand why dissent is inhabiting our forum...some of us are worried.

Those of us who got in early, have been able to assemble our holdings for quite modest investments. Although we can still feel frustration and impatience from a lack of success, spare a thought for those who invested later. No doubt they are also suffering anxiety and fear, because they’re in the red…some pretty deeply. Let’s use a bit of empathy and show a little kindness in the debates.

Certainly I would like to see things moving faster, but as some would know, I’m a true believer. In the next twelve months, our Battler will be riding high, giddy with success, dissent will be absent, and we’ll all be happy little Vegemites. If our share price is not at least $5.00 by this time next year, I’ll shout everyone here lunch at The Briars…Fact knows where this is.

Just like Sainters say…there’s always next year !!
Hi Real, great deal, just to clarify, does this include an open baro_O🥂🍹🍾🍺🍸🚱

Party Drinks GIF by UMC - Stream Black Better
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‘There’s always next year’

Spare a thought for St Kilda supporters. Their club was founded in 1873, and in the 149 years since, they’ve only won a single flag, and that by the barest of margins (Barry Breen you beauty). Fifty six years have now passed since that heroic last Saturday in September 1966. But for unpredictable bounces of the ball late in Grand Finals, they could have won in 2009 and 2010. The agonizing pain of defeat continues, but as lack of success follows lack of success…proud and defiant Saints supporters say there’s always next year.

Of late I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts critical of our Battler, and questioning a whole raft of issues. Return fire has quickly followed questioning the author‘s motives. If we are reasonable, I think we can all understand why dissent is inhabiting our forum...some of us are worried.

Those of us who got in early, have been able to assemble our holdings for quite modest investments. Although we can still feel frustration and impatience from a lack of success, spare a thought for those who invested later. No doubt they are also suffering anxiety and fear, because they’re in the red…some pretty deeply. Let’s use a bit of empathy and show a little kindness in the debates.

Certainly I would like to see things moving faster, but as some would know, I’m a true believer. In the next twelve months, our Battler will be riding high, giddy with success, dissent will be absent, and we’ll all be happy little Vegemites. If our share price is not at least $5.00 by this time next year, I’ll shout everyone here lunch at The Briars…Fact knows where this is.

Just like Sainters say…there’s always next year !!
Realinfo, you can say all of that again, obviously because I'm a holder in both these entities, and a believer in always that things will turn around eventually, for both. There's one of these entities though that, is my favourite to succeed, next year, have a guess at which one I'm talking about, and it ain't the tri colored one. However, I've never lost hope in any. Next year is the year, for one or both IMO, just because I'm always a believer in things I believe in.

Akida Ballista >>>>> Somethings happening folks I believe <<<<<

Go Saints >>>>> Somethings surely going to happen eventually <<<<<

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This is not new news but I write this to cheer myself up and of course if it gives others greater heart and more confidence, well all the better.
our CEO said in the latest 4C:
Screen Shot 2022-11-26 at 11.36.33 am.png
To me, this is exceedingly bullish, because we know through the continued 1000 Eyes research efforts that Brainchip is a unicorn disruptor. Why would sensor centric companies ignore us? It wouldn't make logical sense. They all want to be a market leader, and therefore I am waiting around to hear of a MAJOR company to reveal themselves. Could it be Google? Could it be Amazon? Could it be Qualcomm? Could it be Apple? Dell? Or, a combination of these?

Roll on late January*.

*I do acknowledge that the 'headwinds' comment that may also negatively bias the next 4C. But all we need is something left (or right) field to fill our spinnaker.
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‘There’s always next year’

Spare a thought for St Kilda supporters. Their club was founded in 1873, and in the 149 years since, they’ve only won a single flag, and that by the barest of margins (Barry Breen you beauty). Fifty six years have now passed since that heroic last Saturday in September 1966. But for unpredictable bounces of the ball late in Grand Finals, they could have won in 2009 and 2010. The agonizing pain of defeat continues, but as lack of success follows lack of success…proud and defiant Saints supporters say there’s always next year.

Of late I’ve noticed an increasing number of posts critical of our Battler, and questioning a whole raft of issues. Return fire has quickly followed questioning the author‘s motives. If we are reasonable, I think we can all understand why dissent is inhabiting our forum...some of us are worried.

Those of us who got in early, have been able to assemble our holdings for quite modest investments. Although we can still feel frustration and impatience from a lack of success, spare a thought for those who invested later. No doubt they are also suffering anxiety and fear, because they’re in the red…some pretty deeply. Let’s use a bit of empathy and show a little kindness in the debates.

Certainly I would like to see things moving faster, but as some would know, I’m a true believer. In the next twelve months, our Battler will be riding high, giddy with success, dissent will be absent, and we’ll all be happy little Vegemites. If our share price is not at least $5.00 by this time next year, I’ll shout everyone here lunch at The Briars…Fact knows where this is.

Just like Sainters say…there’s always next year !!
Hi @Realinfo
In football or any sport but likely most evident in team sports judging success at the end of the season is not necessarily as simple as they won therefore they have succeeded, they did not win therefore they have failed.

A team that won this year with players at the end of their careers may be in the history of the club judged as a failure for having neglected to nurture new players to continue the clubs success in successive years whereas the club that did not win but in the process was building a team which will go on to dominate for the next ten years can be judged as being at least as successful and perhaps more successful if 10 wins are compared to 1 win.

If Brainchip succeeds next year as described by yourself it will not be because the share price next year recovers or contracts are announced it will be because 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 have been incredibly successful years during which the company was hard at work building and nurturing the technology and engagements both hidden by intellectual property concerns, NDA's and those exposed with trusted partners.

To believe as you and I do that 2023 will produce results of the type you describe logically it must involve 2022 as being one of the company's most successful years on record otherwise the success we believe will occur in 2023, 2024 & 2025 cannot possibly take place.

Implicit in a belief in next year is an obligation to accord similar belief in the success that is currently being achieved because without one the other cannot exist.

So far everything that has been discovered about the Brainchip progress in 2022 confirms that it is on track to deliver its promised potential starting in January, 2022 when out of the blue Mercedes Benz lauded Brainchip and AKIDA through to Edge Impulse recently describing AKIDA as science fiction made real.

In sporting terms coaches will often say we have been building and working towards this win since......and this clearly applies to Brainchip as well.

My opinion only DYOR

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Drinks at the Hilton. I’m gonna need to buy some shoes if I’m invited to the next shareholder gathering.
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