BRN Discussion Ongoing



It's a quiet day for me so I thought I'd try my hand at some digging on this. Came across this article

that mentions the use of an "ultra-large scale online neural network engine as well as a small offline splicing engine" that's linked with Microsoft Azure. Not suggesting at all that Akida is involved but the small offline splicing engine is intriguing.
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Really appreciate you sharing this FF. It’s good to know that BrainChip are putting a lot of thought into their decisions of whether or not to announce something. How long ago was this conversation between you and BrainChip because what stood out to me was: ‘ones that are pending and will be granted in the next few weeks’.
The discussion took place over 1st and 2nd September, 2022.


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Dang Son

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Newk R

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

SiFive announces three RISC-V automotive processors​

RISC-V is ready to power the next gen electric cars. (Image Source: SiFive)

RISC-V is ready to power the next gen electric cars. (Image Source: SiFive)
The new E6-A, S7-A and X280-A RISC-V-based processors will be utilized by car component manufacturers like Renesas and Siemens to power safety-critical compute applications along with sensor arrays, AI-assisted driving systems and IC components used by HUDs or electrification pathways.

Bogdan Solca, 09/15/2022 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 ...
E-Mobility RISC-V

SiFive is looking to expand the utility of the RISC-V processor architecture beyond the consumer computer market and address performance and feature needs for evolving sectors including aerospace and e-mobility. The premiere RISC-V processor maker was recently selected by NASA to provide advanced compute power for upcoming space missions, and now SiFIve is launching three new automotive chips designed to power various electric car components such as the infotainment system, cockpit, connectivity, driver assistance and electrification. SiFive’s new E6-A, X280-A and S7-A processors will be used by top-tier car component suppliers like Renesas and Siemens for safety-critical compute applications.
The E6-A chip is designed for 32-bit applications controlling security modules and safety islands or it can be used to power microcontrollers. On the other hand, the S7-A is designed for 64-bit applications with low-latency interrupt support that complement the main application processor, while the X280-A is derived from the power-efficient X280 chip that will be used by NASA, which makes it a great choice to power sensor arrays and AI-assisted driving systems.

RISC-V’s ecosystem expansion will continue throughout 2023, as SiFive plans to further diversify its portfolio with high performance, out of order application CPUs, plus a complete lineup of compute IP for microcontroller and memory protection units, as well as a high performance automotive processor family.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
X280-A...I wonder if the "A" stands for Akida?


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Newk R

While I am an investor and sometimes trader in Brainchip Inc and maintain a positive overall view of the prospects for success I do not always agree with decisions made by the Brainchip Inc and when that is the case I invariably take my concerns to the company privately.

Fortunately this company unlike some I have invested in will engage in robust debate with me and on my preferred terms which is in writing. Often I am not persuaded by the company but to date though not persuaded they have convinced me that the basis of the decision they have made is their genuine attempt to comply with the law and look after the best interests of all shareholders.

On the issue of the non publication of the last granted patent I had the following discussion and as this issue is still gnawing at some I have sort permission to publish the following email discussion I had with Brainchip Inc on the subject:

Fact Finder: I am very unhappy with this news regarding the patent...

Brainchip: I understand your frustration. There are good reasons for the non-announcements. It has nothing to do with any attempt to distance ourselves from the retail shareholders at all. Let me begin by saying that the decision to announce or not to announce falls into a very grey area of the guidance which I can share with you. Even after reading my justification below, you may not agree but hopefully you can see this from our perspective.

In this case, applying the Continuous Disclosure standards by asking, would this information make an informed investor buy or sell the stock, we believe the answer is that it is unlikely that it would. This decision was not taken lightly by any means. We had lengthy conversations with our two patent attorneys based in Perth at the research institute who advised us on this position. One of the very key differentiators of this patent from the others in the past and the ones that are pending and will be granted in the next few weeks is that this is a patent on an application of Akida and not on the very critical and core technology that makes Akida what it is. Protecting one possible use of Akida is not nearly as critical as protecting the “secret sauce”. And while this is one potential way of encrypting data, according to our best and brightest, “encryption is a dime a dozen” and there are many other ways to do it. For someone to infringe upon this patent, first they have to invent their own neuromorphic chip and then do voice encryption using two chips and an SNN.

As you know, the applications of Akida are endless and if we take the position that we are going to do an announcement for each and every one of them, it would be dilutive to the more valuable and critical announcements and we will have reverted back to being the very “noisy” BRN that drew some very unwanted attention and criticism from the ASX over the past few years. We are on their closely watched list and everything we do is scrutinized to death to ensure we are not pumping the stock so we err on the side of caution.

Fact Finder: It seemed to myself and others that this patent allowed for the use of the Hey Mercedes to securely interact with home and office as proposed by Mercedes Benz. If this is only in part correct then it is clearly significant.

Brainchip: A Patent on an application of Akida which in of itself is not a unique application (encryption) although it may be unique to do so on a neuromorphic chip. This does not protect our core Akida technology and although we felt the research was valuable and worth patenting, we do not foresee any immediate commercial applications or demand for this.

Fact Finder: Secondly having regard to the five criteria for the grant of any patent, as well as the time and cost involved unless the company does not concern itself with the proper allocation of scarce resources all patents by their very nature are important. Thirdly for the company, to as Tony Dawe suggested to another shareholder, decide this patent can be consigned to a footnote in the October 4C is to raise concerns about the true motives of management.

Brainchip: The next few patents that are issued will definitely be announced. When you see them, the difference will be very clear.

I have previously mentioned that in my communications and discussions at the AGM I formed the view that Brainchip Inc is very, very, very concerned about having any adverse entries made against them by the ASX. While Brainchip Inc has never stated why unlike every other company I have invested in they have such deep rooted concerns I am of the opinion that as it is the end goal to list on the Nasdaq that this is the reason. The Nasdaq looks at the character of the company and its history on other exchanges in determining how and when any new company will be permitted to list. Brainchip Inc wants an unblemished good name and in my opinion goes overboard to comply beyond strictly with the ASX Rules.

My opinion only DYOR

Honestly, this gives me so much more of an understanding of the present dearth of announcements. Thank you for sharing.
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the ones that are pending and will be granted in the next few weeks…

Does anyone know what these patents describe?
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Well, that's interesting because we know, thanks to @Fact Finder's previous discovery below, that NASA aims to increase the performance of its autonomous rovers to allow for greater speeds, up to 20km/hr, with a little help from Akida.

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Not sure how many of the 1000 eyes have some spare cash but the market has now turned green for BRN.
Was it @Fact Finder 's correspondence that did the trick??
Whatever it is we are all very grateful to know that FF has got our backs.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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the ones that are pending and will be granted in the next few weeks…

Does anyone know what these patents describe?

You can go here for one spot to have a look at various patents and search.

Snip samples below.

This particular search was just Brainchip Inc, Peter Van Der Made and returned 23 results.

Click on the patent number (top left) and will take to the patent and can see if granted or not yet.

When in that section, can also click on Patent Family tab for additional related patents, snip also below.

Also is a doc tab can click and review / download any attached docs, snip at bottom.

There are other Patent search engines around can try that may have additional info available.



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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

You can tell us U-bby! We promise we won't tell anyone else. Pretty please with a cherry on top! 🍒

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This has me really confused. We are aware that Akida works effectively and efficiently using only 4 bits, minimising power usage without affecting quality. Akida is agnostic to environment.
So why are these two behemoths promoting 8 bits for widespread use of neural networks? I just don’t understand. If somebody with more understanding than me can explain I would be grateful please.
Hi Dr E,

AI problems can be solved in 2 different ways - either using huge datasets, and training a CNN on that set which will hopefully contain all the possible things you want to look for and label and this uses a lot of number crunching and the numbers need to be precise (These are the widespread uses and is why NVIDIA has the chips for this), OR
an SNN which models the problem very differently, requires less information of less accuracy, but can still be done in a silicon chip. (This is where Akida comes in).
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Interface works. Experience requires reboot…


Almost 3 million shorts taken out yesterday! No wonder we are red today! Moffos!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
SiFive +NASA + Microchip + ARM + BrainCHip

Did you know that MicrochipTechnology has a long track record of providing radiation hardened technology, including its RT PolarFire FPGA?

DId you know Arm's CoreCortex M1 processor is a general purpose 32-bit microprocessor that offers high performance and small size in FPGAs for PolarFire?

Did you know BrainChip’s Akida IP is fully compatible with Arm’s product families?

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Deleted member 118

Is this a new page on Nviso website? I think quite a bit of there website has had an update so I might have missed other stuff as well.

NVISO is a global leader in human behaviour artificial intelligence (AI) software for the extreme edge, serving manufacturers of user-centric products and services worldwide. Our mission is to help teach machines to understand people and their behavior to make autonomous machines safe, secure, and personalized for humans.


The age of autonomous machines and intelligent IoT devices is upon us. They will affect many aspects of our lives. They will bring about a new generation of diagnostic instruments to clinics, improve cars and transportation, and create new consumer experiences, while being embedded into the networks that power and inform society underpinning the efficient provision of public and private services.

Critical to their operation, will be improving the safety, security, and quality of life of humans that interact with such intelligent systems. To interact efficiently and effectively, sensing and interpreting human behaviour will become mission critical to connecting the human user with automated systems.


Globally deployed, validated, and award-winning human behaviour AI technology for key applications in electric and autonomous vehicles with advanced in-cabin monitoring, patient monitoring for remote tele-medicine in healthcare/ robotics, and intelligent devices for smart homes. Built on real-time perception and observation of people and objects in contextual situations combined with the reasoning and semantics of human behavior based on trusted scientific research.

NVISO's SDK's provides a robust real-time human behaviour AI API, NVISO Neuro Models™ interoperable and optimised for neuromorphic computing, the ability for flexible sensor integration and placement while delivering faster development cycles and time-to-value for software developers and integrators.


Smart Living
Smart Health
Smart Mobility

Neuromorphic Computing
Internet of Things
High Performance Computing
Mobile Phones


CNNs scale to learn from billions of examples resulting in an extraordinary capacity to learn highly complex behaviors and thousands of categories. NVISO can train powerful and highly accurate and robust models for use in the toughest environments thanks to its proprietary datasets captured in real-world environments.


Where AI is fragmented and difficult-to-navigate at the edge, NVISO AI Apps are simple to use, develop, and deploy, with easy software portability across a variety of hardware and architectures. It reduces the high barriers-to-entry into the edge AI space through cost-effective standardized AI Apps that are future proof and work optimally at the extreme edge.


AI systems need to be resilient and secure. They need to be safe, ensuring a fall back plan in case something goes wrong, as well as being accurate, reliable and reproducible. Additionally unfair bias must be avoided, as it could could have multiple negative implications. NVISO adopts Trustworthy AI frameworks and state-of-the-art policies and practices to ensure its AI Apps are "fit-for-purpose".


The task of understanding humans by using smart sensing has become increasingly important in modern society, given the proliferation and ubiquity of embedded sensors in a huge range of devices ranging from smartphones and smart city infrastructure to consumer IoT devices and health monitoring systems. A key to enabling the human user to connect with automated systems is artificial intelligence, which enables the plethora of sensing data to be processed in a way that gives context and meaningful insights to aid smart devices to make decisions and perform tasks.

Although there are a number of challenges in developing and integrating artificial intelligence into smart sensing and IoT applications (ranging from memory footprint and computational complexity, to privacy and robustness), the detection and understanding of human activities using artificial intelligence can be divided into three fundamental layers as described below.


Sensors are devices that detect and respond to changes in an environment in which humans are present. Inputs can come from a variety of sources such as light, temperature, motion and pressure (e.g. cameras, microphones, IMUs, etc) which generate data-streams that are used by data-driven and learning-based frameworks.


Non-verbal “expressions” can communicate emotions faster, more subtly and more effectively than words ever can, which is why understanding non-verbal cues remains crucial for systems doing human behavioural analysis. Detectors and observations consist of reusable core signals (e.g. finding and locating a face or head in an image) around well understood human modalities.


Human behaviour signals provide important information by themselves useful for machines or computers to detect and understand humans. Additional insights however can be extracted by looking at how the core observations change over time or correlate together and can be used with context and/or application specific reasoning and semantics for industry specific solutions.



By processing video and audio sensor data locally it does not have to be sent over a network to remote servers for processing. This improves data security and privacy as it can perform all processing disconnected from the central server, which is a more secure and private architecture decreasing security risks.


The more we move data, the more energy we use. Processing data first on-device opposed to sending it to the cloud uses a lot of less energy. As the amount and rate of data exchange with the cloud is minimised, the power consumption of the device is reduced thus improving battery lifetime, which is critical for many edge devices.


Decentralisation and offline capabilities make edge AI more robust since internet access is not required for processing data. This results in higher availability and reliability as weak WiFi signals do not impact the device performance.


NVISO Neuro Models™ are purpose built for a new class of ultra-efficient machine learning processors designed for ultra-low power edge devices. Supporting a wide range of heterogenous computing platforms ranging from CPU, GPU, DSP, NPU, and neuromorphic computing they reduce the high barriers-to-entry into the AI space through cost-effective standardized AI Apps which work optimally at the extreme edge (low power, on-device, without requiring an internet connection). NVISO uses low and mixed precision activations and weights data types (1 to 8-bit) combined with state-of-the-art unstructured sparsity to reduce memory bandwidth and power consumption. Proprietary compact network architectures can be fully sequential suitable for ultra-low power mixed signal inference engines and fully interoperable with both GPUs and neuromorphic processors


NVISO Neuro Models™ use proprietary datasets and modern machine learning to learn from billions of examples resulting in an extraordinary capacity to learn highly complex behaviors and thousands of categories. Thanks to high quality datasets and low-cost access to powerful computing resources, NVISO can train powerful and highly accurate deep learning models.


NVISO Neuro Models™ store their knowledge in a single network, making them easy to deploy in any environment and can adapt to the available hardware resources. There is no need to store any additional data when new data is analysed. This means that NVISO Human Behaviour AI can run on inexpensive devices with no internet connectivity providing response times in milliseconds not seconds.


NVISO Neuro Models™ are scalable across heterogeneous AI hardware processors being interoperable and optimised for CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, NPUs, and the latest neuromorphic processors using in-memory computing, analog processing, and spiking neural networks. NVISO Neuro Models™ maximise hardware performance while providing seamless cross-platform support on any device.



Modern AI can transform the healthcare industry by analyzing vast amounts of data with incredible accuracy.


Next generation mobility requires AI, from self-driving cars to new ways to engage customers.


Smart Living is a solution that aims to make an environment of the future that improves people’s quality of life.
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