BRN Discussion Ongoing


I did rather want to see BRN as Turtle, Story from childhood pops over my mind, When rabbit and turtle had a race everyone thought rabbit will win but at the end Turtle won. Being slow doesn't mean you will lose. As turtle is persistent and has longevity as well.
Slowly but surely few % high every day :)
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$1.00 increment parties 🎉 should be the goal.

My opinion only DYOR

I agree 1.00 $ increments parties. 🥳🥳

In time we may see 1.00$ daily jumps that's lots of parties on your yatch FF
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I did rather want to see BRN as Turtle, Story from childhood pops over my mind, When rabbit and turtle had a race everyone thought rabbit will win but at the end Turtle won. Being slow doesn't mean you will lose. As turtle is persistent and has longevity as well.
Slowly but surely few % high every day :)
Very true.

A five cent rise every trading day for 12 months would see the price of Brainchip shares sitting around $13.00.

At $13.00 a five cent a day rise does not even rate as a one percent rise.

From little things big things grow or Pantene.

My opinion only DYOR

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Dang Son

Very true.

A five cent rise every trading day for 12 months would see the price of Brainchip shares sitting around $13.00.

At $13.00 a five cent a day rise does not even rate as a one percent rise.

From little things big things grow or Pantene.

My opinion only DYOR

1% rise every day compounding for six months be like $10 per share and 10c rise per day before Christmas 2022🤓
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US futures going against me after I land. Racism


Autonomous arms race is underway.
Fire and forget weaponry is being born... :/
"Only AI can keep up with AI against drone swams" DW news...
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I was just listening to a BBC discussion and it was proposed that this decision may (fingers crossed) act as a catalyst in the ultra conservative Republican states for change at the ballot box.

It occurred to me that a consequence of this could be that over time a new less conservative Congress and Senate will be prepared to move on gun law reform to protect children at school.

The one thing that did come out of this discussion on the BBC was the fact that this decision is in a practical sense only going to affect the poor as they will most likely not be able to afford the cost of travelling to one of the many US states where abortion will continue to be legal.

Being poor has little to commend it.

That is why to have true choice you need some wealth so DYOR as those with wealth hold onto it very tightly.

My opinion only DYOR

I find it strange (but not surprised) that politicians say a woman cannot choose to have an abortion due to child's rights etc but those same politicians see no problem selling guns to kill school kids as it is a constitutional right to bare arms. I am pretty sure the writers of said constitution never foresaw the weapons of today.

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Top 20
I find it strange (but not surprised) that politicians say a woman cannot choose to have an abortion due to child's rights etc but those same politicians see no problem selling guns to kill school kids as it is a constitutional right to bare arms. I am pretty sure the writers of said constitution never foresaw the weapons of today.

It's worse than politicians - you can't vote this lot out - and they are there for life.

Trump has sabotaged US democracy for 40 years.
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Founding Member
There may be BRN investors who like Trump, and those who like Biden.

But can we not poke each other from a political stand point here please?

It won't progress well, because both sides have their Positives and negatives to talk about. We all have our own personal opinions, it'd be based own personal experiences in the past.
About time people respect it🙏
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Top 20
There may be BRN investors who like Trump, and those who like Biden.

But can we not poke each other from a political stand point here please?

It won't progress well, because both sides have their Positives and negatives to talk about. We all have our own personal opinions, it'd be based own personal experiences in the past.
About time people respect it🙏
Quite right - there is a US politics thread in The Lounge.
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Quite right - there is a US politics thread in The Lounge.
And Article V of the US Constitution allows the people to correct errors made by the Supreme Court through Amendments.

At the end of the day Americans like Australians get the laws and government they deserve.


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Life is not a dress rehearsal!
And Article V of the US Constitution allows the people to correct errors made by the Supreme Court through Amendments.

At the end of the day Americans like Australians get the laws and government they deserve.


Very true, FF
The other truism is 'No matter who you vote for, the government still gets in. '

If you don't have dreams, you can't have dreams come true!
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BRN discussion thread all please, lets circle it back! think some off topic stuff is ok in moderation, but I hardly have time to even keep up on all the quality posts and detail and definitely not interested in wasting time reading through American politics and crap on here as its getting out of control.

just imo ...
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There may be BRN investors who like Trump, and those who like Biden.

But can we not poke each other from a political stand point here please?

It won't progress well, because both sides have their Positives and negatives to talk about. We all have our own personal opinions, it'd be based own personal experiences in the past.
About time people respect it🙏
I saw some art/graffiti in NYC that said “we are all the same, we are all different”
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We have discussed how BrainChip will lead categories not even evented yet.
IMO the medical profession is about to undergo revolutionary change, as the article below from WIRED portrays.
The key will be AI on the edge, reducing the dataset to the cloud for individual patients from continuous monitoring to meaningful & significant changes that require specialist intervention.
I believe BrainChip will play a large role in the future of medicine.

How a Data-Enabled Future Will Revolutionize Patient Experiences
The explosion in health data will provide smarter insights and personalized healthcare experiences to patients, anytime and anywhere.

According to EY’s Intelligent Health Ecosystem report, the healthcare industry is on the brink of revolutionary change. In some areas, the future is already accelerating towards us. “There’s an awful lot of health data around at the moment,” says Pamela Spence, global health sciences and wellness industry leader at EY. “But it's growing disproportionately more than ever before.”

In Spence’s view, the future of healthcare lies not in doctors’ waiting rooms. Instead, doctors—or medical engineers, as they could be called—will no longer even need to be in the room; they could oversee multiple patients at a time, remotely from hundreds of miles away. Nanobots, rather than the physician, will deliver the medical interventions to patients. But for that to become a reality, the industry has some streamlining to do to move towards this more integrated, comprehensive virtual model of care.

Here are the major trends, identified by EY, that will enable the healthcare industry from its old, sluggish days of paperwork and pills, to its data-enabled, patient-focused future.

Sensors, everywhere and anywhere, will be the norm

Ingestible sensors. Biometric tattoos. Nanobots. Hand-held genomic sequencers that scan our food for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. An explosion in sensors in our homes and on our bodies will produce mountains of valuable data that is constantly being collected—a new and ever-growing Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Doctors will be able to compare each patient’s data to their baseline, or to a larger cohort of datasets. It will mean that diseases can be spotted earlier—or before they even develop. These kinds of interplays between data and actionable insight already happen to a small degree, says Spence—“they’re just not happening at a scale to be meaningful.”

Ultimately, data-led insights will become much more tailored to each and every one of us.

Patient experience will be king

“Unlocking the power of data to drive a personalized health experience is where we see value lying,” says Spence.

And to make that a reality, the future of healthcare will require all (major) participants to opt into an interconnected ecosystem where data is exchanged. As more organizations, stakeholders and individuals partake, the stronger and more effective the insights garnered become. “The power comes in unlocking and combining individuals’ own data, to their own individual ‘baseline’ and also and other relevant (cohorts) of people’s data to determine what treatment and care pathway is right for any specific individual to really drive that personalized health experience,” she says. “On the flip side of that, it won’t work unless organizations, stakeholders and people opt in.

”Other industries, such as retail and entertainment, have long understood that bettering the user experience is where the value lies. In healthcare, the key to encouraging patients to opt in will be to show them the benefits of doing so upfront, says Spence. This becomes even more crucial considering that patient expectations are now higher than ever before. “Once things start to be measured, then people will see the value. And so people will see it as a no-brainer to participate in this wider ecosystem, especially if they are sick.”

And part of that will be allowing patients the autonomy to inspect and probe their own datasets, rather than hiding it away under lock and key. “Organizations really need to think about actually allowing people to interrogate their data with specific questions,” says Spence.

The Intelligent Health Ecosystem is coming

But with the reams of data constantly being collated and stored away, comes the need to find a way to make sense of it. Already, billions of gigabytes of patient data is produced every single year in the healthcare industry. Those mind-boggling numbers are set to continue to grow and multiply, with new sensors being invented and patented all the time. “There’s an explosion in health data, but how much of it is meaningless,” says Spence.

For data to be of true value, we need human-type AI—that is, AI technologies which are capable of sensing, perceiving, learning, reasoning, knowing, planning, and acting. The adoption of this more human-like AI to decipher and analyze patient data will be paramount to scaling up what a physician can actually treat, and, ultimately, will make healthcare more human, unlocking far more actionable insights for patients. Doctors could be trained in AI, big data, and robotics. Companies will need to prioritize personalized data to stay abreast of this new, interconnected health landscape; it will mean sharing and combining datasets between each other. “Armed with much better data and more cognitive rather than computational AI, putting the winning characteristics with platform-based business models—that could serve to define a personalized health experience for all of us,” says Spence.
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Have not bothered to post a link but just read a tech news item claiming without any real details that rumour has it that Apple is planing to release a new more powerful upgraded Pod later this year or early 2023.

No other details provided but one for the 1,000 Eyes to keep in mind.

My opinion only DYOR

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Holding onto what I've got
Worth watching if you have an hour to sit back to get an in-depth understanding of a datacentre...there is a lot of tech monitoring infrastructure in datacentres'.

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