BRN Discussion Ongoing


Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
What's the low-down here?
Hi B,

Just showing that's its actual Morningstar, news feed on Commsec.

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Nothing on there about income from sales. its positive because of their access to the lending facility.
Hi Boab,

True to that, all the figures is from the March 31, 2022: 4C. So why is Morningstar only reporting its today @5.55pm as news? What Morningstar trying to achieve with old news?🤔🤔🤔

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Nothing on there about income from sales. its positive because of their access to the lending facility.

Wake me up in two weeks!

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
But on a positive note, all we need is for just one of these big names to endorse BrainChip: Qualcomm, Intel, Meta, Apple, Panasonic, Sony, etc, etc. Thinking back on the Mercedes reveal, I mean, no-one knew they were going to do it. NO-ONE. They just did it!

How much would the share price go up with any ONE of the above companies doing a Merc?

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Hi Boab,

True to that, all the figures is from the March 31, 2022: 4C. So why is Morningstar only reporting its today @5.55pm as news? What Morningstar trying to achieve with old news?🤔🤔🤔

Hopefully they've bought in and trying to put a positive spin on things🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
@Sirod69 Hey babe, can you do me a favour and ask your mate Leendert van Dorn from Qualcomm, how long we need to wait before they make an announcement?

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Decisions, decisions 🤔🤔🤔
Found another 15 K in the ole couch. But tossing up if to buy more BRN or hold that for nvisio listing 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔💦🤔🤔🤔🤔🍆💦👀🤔
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I dont even have 15 buks left in the couch! Absolutely taken a battering since this war started... lets hope it ends soon and the techs turn around in general
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I dont even have 15 buks left in the couch! Absolutely taken a battering since this war started... lets hope it ends soon and the techs turn around in general
Yeah has been a bit of a stinker of a year. In many ways. THE LAW IS AN ASS!!!!
Sorry don't know where that came from😐
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While looking at some of the Arm DevSummit Developer videos, I found this interesting Neural Network 3D Simulation. First they show a visual of a one layer, then at the 48 second mark a multilayer, then at 1:25 a CNN, followed by a Spiking Neural Network at the 2 minute mark. Seems like a great tool to help grasp the concepts quickly, when explaining the SNN rationale, smarts with low power! You can see the power usage difference between CNN and the SNN, illustrated so well.

Best Regards, Stuart

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Notice its some little fish thats been caught and prosecuted,cant remember seeing any insto employees and their bosses or ASX directors being caught! Just like the drug trade only ever the little fishes,big fishes can afford to pay off the powers that

Sharemans in trouble
If Shareman's in trouble, then hotcrapper should be in trouble, because that's who's paying him to do what he does..

Him and all the rest of his work buddies,, that play their conflict model/sentiment games (possibly for "clients").

Just my delusional musings and hypothesis, on the matter of course..
Sharemans in trouble
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Now this is an earlier article from Mar 21 that came up and I decided to only a few mins but worth it now with the ARM link.

Was prior to the NVIDIA buy getting turfed but makes the case why NVIDIA wanted or should want ARM at that time.

Can see where some pieces start to fit and link in the broader scope.

Read the analogy around the coffee maker and also look at the last graphic and the little green squares....what can we see potentially fitting in around there?

Also look at some of the numbers re chips, devices etc they throwing around and I also saw the mention of HiSilicon when discussing servers.

You might note that we previously discussed HiSilicon as a sub of Huawei and the "research" servers and HiSilicon KunPeng processors with apparently Akida onboard at eX3.

We get some traction with ARM and the V9 architecture....just some reasonable traction and hmmmm :love:


March 30, 2021 Timothy Prickett Morgan

Many of us have been wracking our brains why Nvidia would spend a fortune – a whopping $40 billion – to acquire Arm Holdings, a chip architecture licensing company that generates on the order of $2 billion in sales – since the deal was rumored back in July 2020. As we sat and listened to the Arm Vision Day rollout of the Arm V9 architecture, which will define processors ranging from tiny embedded controllers in IoT device all the way up to massive CPUs in the datacenter, we may have figured it out.

There are all kinds of positives, as we pointed out in our original analysis ahead of the deal, in our analysis the day the deal was announced in September 2020, and in a one-on-one conversation with Nvidia co-founder and chief executive officer Jensen Huang in October 2020.

We have said for a long time that we believe that Nvidia needs to control its own CPU future, and even joked with Huang that it didn’t need to have to buy all of Arm Holdings to make the best Arm server CPU, to which he responded that this was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create value and push all of Nvidia’s technologies – its own GPUs for compute and graphics and Mellanox network interface chips, DPU processors, and switch ASICs – through an Arm licensing channel to make them all as malleable and yet standardized as the Arm licensing model not only allows, but encourages.

Huang would be the first to tell you that Nvidia can’t create every processor for every situation, and indeed no single company can. And that is why the Arm ecosystem needs to not only be protected, it needs to be cultivated and extended in a way that only a relatively big company like Nvidia can make happen. (Softbank is too distracted by the financial woes of its investments around the globe that have gone bad and basically has to sell Arm to fix its balance sheet. Which is a buying opportunity for Nvidia, which is only really spending $12 billion in cash to get control of Arm; the rest is funny money from stock market capitalization, which in a sense is “free” money that Nvidia can spend to fill in the remaining $28 billion.)

We have sat through these interviews, and chewed on all of this, and chocked it up to yet another tech titan having enough dough to do a big thing. But, as we watched the Vision Day presentations by Arm chief executive officer Simon Segars and the rest of the Arm tech team, they kept talking about pulling more vector math, matrix math, and digital signal processing onto the forthcoming Arm V9 architecture. And suddenly, it all finally became clear: Nvidia and Arm both believe that in a modern, massively distributed world all kinds of compute are going to be tailored to run analytics, machine learning, and other kinds of data manipulation and transaction processing or preprocessing as locally as possible and a single, compatible substrate is going to be the best answer to creating this malleable compute fabric for a lot of workloads. What this necessarily means is that both companies absolutely believe that in many cases, the applicability of a hybrid CPU-GPU compute model will not and cannot work.

In other words, Nvidia’s GPU compute business has a limit to its expansion, and perhaps it is a lot lower than many of us have been thinking. The pendulum will be swinging back to purpose built CPUs that have embedded vector and matrix capabilities, highly tuned for specific algorithms. This will be specifically true for intermediate edge computing and endpoint IoT devices that need to compute locally because shipping data back to be processed in a datacenter doesn’t make sense at all, either technically or economically.

Jem Davies, an Arm Fellow and general manager of its machine learning division, gave a perfect example of the economic forces that are driving compute out of the datacenter and into a more diffuse data galaxy, as we called it three years ago.

“In the Armv9 decade, partners will create a future enabled by Arm AI with more ML on device,” Davies explained. “With over eight billion voice assistive devices. We need speech recognition on sub-$1 microcontrollers. Processing everything on server just doesn’t work, physically or financially. Cloud computing bandwidth aren’t free and recognition on device is the only way. A voice activated coffee maker using cloud services used ten times a day would cost the device maker around $15 per year per appliance. Computing ML on device also benefits latency, reliability and, crucially, security.”

To bring this on home, if the coffee maker with voice recognition was in use for four years, the speech recognition cost for chewing on data back in the Mr Coffee datacenter would wipe out the entire revenue stream from that coffee maker, but that same function, if implemented on a device specifically tuned for this very precise job, could be done for under $1 and would not affect the purchase price significantly. And, we think, the coffee maker manufacturer could probably charge a premium for the voice recognition and recoup some or all of the investment in the technology added to the pot over a reasonably short time until it just became normal. Like having a clock and timer in a coffee maker did several decades ago, allowing us all to wake up to a hot cup of java or joe or whatever you call it in the morning by staging the ground coffee beans and water the night before.

What holds true for the coffee maker is going to hold true for most of the hundreds of billions of devices that span from the client back to the edge and up through the datacenter.

There will be millions of such examples across hundreds of billions of devices in the next decade, and that is why with the Armv9 architecture, Arm engineers are planning to make so many changes. The changes will come gradually, of course, just as happened with the Armv7 and Armv8 architectures that most IT people are familiar with because these designs coincide with the rise of the Arm’s use as the motor of choice in smartphones and tablets and increasing use in datacenter infrastructure, including but not limited to servers.

Here is the key question, and it is one that we have asked in many slightly different ways over in the several decades we have been watching the IT sector grow and evolve: Does the world want a single, malleable, compatible substrate? By which we mean in the next decade will it be Arm’s time to help IT wave goodbye to X86? The rise of the mobile phone and then smartphones put the Arm architecture on a collision course with the X86 instruction set starting with the launch of the Nokia 6110 mobile phone in 1997 and with the Apple iPhone launch in 2007.

With the launch of server chip maker Calxeda in 2010, we thought something could give X86 a run for the server money, much as X86 did for RISC/Unix and RISC/Unix did for proprietary CISC in the prior decades of datacenter compute. And we have watched over the past decade as Arm server chip makers have come and gone. But today it is different. Amazon Web Services is already the largest maker of Arm servers in the world, with its Graviton2 chip, and it looks like Microsoft could be working on its own Arm server chips. Ampere Computing is fielding a good set of Arm server processors, too. Fujitsu’s A64FX is a resounding success in the “Fugaku” supercomputer in Japan, and SiPearl in Europe and HiSilicon in China are continuing to invest in new chippery for systems, too.

Despite all of the disappointments – and some successes – with servers to date, it is hard to bet against Arm. Volume and momentum is on the side of the Arm architecture so long as Nvidia does not mess with success should it prevail in its $40 billion acquisition. (We do not believe Nvidia will change Arm’s licensing and take it at face value from Huang himself that Nvidia will pump more, not less, technology through the Arm licensing pipeline.) In his keynote address, Segars said that by the end of 2021, Arm’s partners would ship a cumulative of 200 billion devices based on its architecture. The first 100 billion took 26 years, as Acorn Computers evolved into Advanced RISC Machines and transmuted into Arm Holdings. The second 100 billion chips (through the end of 2021) took only five years to sell. And between the end of 2021 and the end of this decade, Segars predicts that Arm will sell another 300 billion chips. If history is any guide, then that is a run rate of 20 billion chips per year here in 2021 but around 55 billion per year through 2030. The rate of change of Arm deployments is itself expected to accelerate.

How much of these Arm chips will be in the datacenter, at different levels of the edge, and within endpoints remains to be seen. While Arm server shipments were up by a factor of 4.5X in the fourth quarter, according to IDC, it is from a base that is small enough that this is not really affecting Intel’s hegemony in the datacenter server. As we reported years ago, Arm had hoped to represent 20 percent of server shipments by now, and at one point raised its expectations to 25 percent of shipments by 2020. Not even close. And the re-emergence of AMD with its Epyc processors has not helped. But only a fool would count Arm out. Hope springs eternal for Arm servers, as we discussed a few months ago.

The ArmV9 architecture certainly has servers in mind as well as other devices, and Segars contends that there won’t be one bit of data in the world that doesn’t somehow go through or end up on an Arm-based device. It might take another five to ten years for Arm to be representative in servers, we think. Segars and the Arm team were not foolish enough to put a new stake in that old ground as part of the architecture rollout – particularly with the Nvidia acquisition still not completed. But clearly one of the arguments that Nvidia can credibly make is that there needs to be more competition and more innovation inside the servers of the world.

Richard Grisenthwaite, another Arm Fellow who is also the company’s chief architect, gave an overview of the evolution of the Arm architecture since 1990 and pulled back the curtain a bit on the forthcoming Armv9 architecture. We have mashed up these two charts into one so you can see it all in proper perspective.


As far as we area concerned, Arm did not become a possible server instruction set until 40-bit memory addressing (LPAE), hardware-assisted server virtualization, and vector floating point (VFP) units, and Advanced SIMD Extensions (which made integer and floating point vector instructions native to the architecture) were added with Armv7. But it really took the Armv8 architecture launched in 2011, with its memory extended to 64-bits, to make a good server chip, and in the past decade a slew of technologies have been added to this architecture to make it a very good instruction set for a server chip.

“The architecture is not a static thing,” Grisenthwaite explained. “We keep on innovating and evolving it to meet the ever-changing needs of the computing world. In the years since we introduced 64-bit processing in Armv8, we’ve added a number of extensions, such as improved support for virtualization, the addition of float16 and bfloat to substantially enhance the performance of machine learning, and a number of security enhancements, including increased resilience against return-oriented programing and support for a secure hypervisor. Innovating the Arm architecture never stops.”

The Armv9 architecture unveiled today is technically known as the Armv9-A architecture profile, with the A being short for “application” and is meant to designate the fullest feature set for client and server devices. The R profile is for “real-time” uses, and the M profile is for “microcontrollers” that do not need the full set of features and are aimed at low cost and low power uses. The R and M profiles will be added soon, we presume, and the feature set will expand for all Armv9 profiles as needed by the market, based on input from Arm licensees who make chips, Arm chip buyers, and the competitive landscape.

The first thing to note in the Armv9 architecture is that it is a superset of Armv8 and there is absolute backwards compatibility. Without that, Arm is dead in the water.

The second big thing on the computing front is support for Scalable Vector Extensions 2, or SVE2, vector processing.


Arm worked with Fujitsu to create the original SVE vector math specifications, which are implemented in Fujitsu’s A64FX processor, the heart of the “Fugaku” supercomputer at the RIKEN lab in Japan. These are 512-bit wide SIMD processors that support FP32 and FP64 math as you might expect but also FP16 half precision and INT16/INT8 dot product processing as well – the latter mixed precision formats all important for digital signal processing and machine learning.

Arm’s own “Ares” N1 processor core design did not support SVE, but the Neoverse “Zeus” V1 core has a pair of 256-bit vector units compatible with SVE2 and the “Perseus” N2 core will have a pair of 128-bit SVE units. Future “Poseidon” Neoverse V2 and N3 cores, we presume, will support SVE2 vector units with the expanded capabilities outlined in the chart above.

“That technology was designed in a scalable manner so that the concepts used supercomputers can be applied across a far wider range of products,” said Grisenthwaite. “We have added increased functionality to create SVE2 to enhance scalable vector extensions, to work well for 5G systems and in many other use cases, such as virtual and augmented reality, and also for machine learning within the CPU. Over the next few years, we will be extending this further with substantial enhancements in performing matrix-based calculations within the CPU.”

That sure doesn’t sound like a company that is just going to offload hard math problems to a GPU.

The biggest parts of the Armv9 architecture have to do with completely reworking the security model in the processor to make Arm a better option than an X86 processor besides that it might be a little more energy efficient and it might cost a little bit less. While these are important, the idea that companies could deploy more secure chippery across the spectrum of client, edge, and datacenter devices is one that we think IT organizations all over the world will be able to get behind.

One new security technology is called Memory Tagging Extensions, which is going to make it a lot harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities hidden in time and space within the code of the world.

“Analyzing the large number of security issues that get reported in the world’s software, a depressing reality is the root cause of many of those problems really comes back to the same old memory safety issues that have been plaguing computing for the last 50 years. Two particularly common memory safety problems – buffer overflow and use after free – seem to be incredibly persistent over the years. And a huge part of the problem is that they are frequently present in software for years before they are discovered and exploited.”

While this is a complex feature, the idea is to encapsulate the accessibility information for data stored in memory with the data itself – a kind of object-oriented security, we reckon. If a pointer to memory has a tag, and the tag doesn’t match when the application tries to access memory – perhaps the memory has moved on or the access is out of range – the tag check fails and the memory access is denied. No more access to memory thanks to buffer overflows and use after free hacks.

We often talk about a 20 percent price/performance advantage being enough to change chip instruction sets. What is this kind of security worth, particularly if it can be done transparently to applications? We will find out more about the CHERI project at the University of Cambridge and its derivative Project Morello that Arm Holdings is working on with Microsoft, Google, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Edinburgh, which implement memory tagging as Arm is pulling into the Armv9 architecture. Not for nothing, but IBM’s proprietary CISC processors used in its AS/400 line dating from 1988 had memory tags for just this reason, and this capability moved over to Power chips in 1995 and is still in the IBM i follow-on platform today. That said, IBM has not used the memory tags for security, per se, but rather to enhancement the performance of the system. So that use appears to be new.

The other new feature in Armv9 is called Realms, and it adds a new, secure address space extension to the trusted firmware that has evolved during the Armv8 generation.


A realm is a kind of memory partition, it looks like, at least according to the explanation given by Mark Hambleton, vice president of open source software at Arm. So instead of hosting virtual machines in a common address space, as is done by hypervisors today, each VM would be hosted in a protected address space that is walled off from the other VMs in the system, and equally important, from the unsecured areas where the operating system is running. The question we have is: Why have a hypervisor at all then, if the realm manager can do all this carving up and securing.

That’s a very high level for the Armv9-A architecture, to be sure, and we will learn more as Arm says more. But the real takeaway is that Arm believes in specialized processing within a device as well as across devices as the only way to keep advancing compute as Moore’s Law goes the way of Dennard scaling. Like this:


In the next decade, software is going to have to be co-designed with hardware on a ridiculous scale, and the idea of a what constitutes a high volume chip is going to change. It is going to be quite a balancing act between having a general purpose platform that has too much dark silicon but is cheaper per unit to make and having a specifically designed ASIC with all the right features for a specific workload right now.

This is going to be one, massive hardware-software engineering headache. So many choices, maybe too many choices.

Welcome to being a hyperscaler, everyone. Sucks, don’t it? At least Arm and its licensees – and maybe along with Nvidia – are going to try to help.
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Bit more recent article on MCU and NN's that adds weight to the progress and opps for the IP, with one bit that caught my eye (my bold).

Not saying Akida but who knows with all these bloody NDA's. Be nice to think ours but no doubt plenty others it could be.

Also...close to a WANCA style in the title but not quite thankfully as knows more about it than those others :LOL:

What’s a Neural microcontroller?

The ability to run neural networks (NNs) on MCUs is growing in importance to support artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the Internet of Things (IoT) nodes and other embedded edge applications. Unfortunately, running NNs on MCUs is challenging due to the relatively small memory capacities of most MCUs. This FAQ details the memory challenges of running NNs on MCUs and looks at possible system-level solutions. It then presents recently announced MCUs with embedded NN accelerators. It closes by looking at how the Glow machine learning compiler for NNs can help reduce memory requirements.

Running NNs on MCUs (sometimes called tinyML) offers advantages over sending raw data to the cloud for analysis and action. Those advantages include the ability to tolerate poor or even no network connectivity and safeguard data privacy and security. MCU memory capacities are often limited to the main memory of hundreds of KB of SRAM, often less, and byte-addressable Flash of no more than a few MBs for read-only data.

To achieve high accuracy, most NNs require larger memory capacities. The memory needed by a NN includes read-only parameters and so-called feature maps that contain intermediate and final results. It can be tempting to process an NN layer on an MCU in the embedded memory before loading the next layer, but it’s often impractical. A single NN layer’s parameters and feature maps can require up to 100 MB of storage, exceeding the MCU memory size by as much as two orders of magnitude. Recently developed NNs with higher accuracies require even more memory, resulting in a widening gap between the available memory on most MCUs and the memory requirements of NNs.


Figure 1: The available memory on most MCUs is much too small to support the needs of the majority of NNs. (Image: Arxiv)

One solution to address MCU memory limitations is to dynamically swap NN data blocks between the MCU SRAM and a larger external (out-of-core) cash memory. Out-of-core NN implementations can suffer from several limitations, including: execution slowdown, storage wear out, higher energy consumption, and data security. If these concerns can be adequately addressed in a specific application, an MCU can be used to run large NNs with full accuracy and generality.

One approach to out-of-core NN implementation is to split one NN layer into a series of tiles small enough to fit into the MCU memory. This approach has been successfully applied to NN systems on servers where the NN tiles are swapped between the CPU/GPU memory and the server’s memory. Most embedded systems don’t have access to the large memory spaces available on servers. Using memory swapping approaches with MCUs can run into problems using a relatively small external SRAM or an SD card, such as lower SD card durability and reliability, slower execution due to I/O operations, higher energy consumption, and safety and security of out-of-core NN data storage.

Another approach to overcoming MCU memory limitations is optimizing the NN more completely using techniques such as model compression, parameter quantization, and designing tiny NNs from scratch. These approaches involve varying tradeoffs between model accuracy and generality, or both. In most cases, the techniques used to fit an NN into the memory space of an MCU result in the NN becoming too inaccurate (< 60% accuracy) or too specialized and not generalized enough (the NN can only detect a few object classes). These challenges can disqualify the use of MCUs where NNs with high accuracy and generality are needed, even if inference delays can be tolerated, such as:

  • NN inference on slowly changing signals such as monitoring crop health by analyzing hourly photos or traffic patterns by analyzing video frames taken every 20-30 minutes
  • Profiling NNs on the device by occasionally running a full-blown NN to estimate the accuracy of long-running smaller NNs
  • Transfer learning includes retraining NNs on MCUs with data collected from deployment every hour or day
NN accelerators embedded in MCUs

Many of the challenges of implementing NNs on MCU are being addressed by MCUs with embedded NN accelerators. These advanced MCUs are an emerging device category that promises to provide designers with new opportunities to develop IoT node and edge ML solutions. For example, an MCU with a hardware-based embedded convolutional neural network (CNN) accelerator enables battery-powered applications to execute AI inferences while spending only microjoules of energy (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Neural MCU block diagram showing the basic MCU blocks (upper left) and the CNN accelerator section (right). (Image: Maxim)

The MCU with an embedded CNN accelerator is a system on chip combining an Arm Cortex-M4 with a RISC-V core that can execute application and control codes as well as drive the CNN accelerator. The CNN engine has a weight storage memory of 442KB and can support 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-bit weights (supporting networks of up to 3.5 million weights). On the fly, AI network updates are supported by the SRAM-based CNN weight memory structure. The architecture is flexible and allows CNNs to be trained using conventional toolsets such as PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Another MCU supplier has pre-announced developing a neural processing unit integrated with an ARM Cortex core. The new neural MCU is scheduled to ship later this year and will provide the same level of AI performance as a quad-core processor with an AI accelerator but at one-tenth the cost and one-twelfth the power consumption. Additional neural MCUs are expected to emerge in the near future.

Glow for smaller NN memories

Glow (graph lowering) is a machine learning compiler for neural network graphs. It’s available on Github and is designed to optimize the neural network graphs and generate code for various hardware devices. Two versions of Glow are available, one for Ahead of Time (AOT) and one for Just in Time (JIT) compilations. As the names suggest, AOT compilation is performed offline (ahead of time) and generates an object file (bundle) which is later linked with the application code, while JIT compilation is performed at runtime just before the model is executed.

MCUs are available that support AOT compilation using Glow. The compiler converts the neural networks into object files, which the user converts into a binary image for increased performance and a smaller memory footprint than a JIT (runtime) inference engine. In this case, Glow is used as a software back-end for the PyTorch machine learning framework and the ONNX model format (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Example of an AOT compilation flow diagram using Glow. (Image: NXP)

The Glow NN complier lowers a NN into a two-phase, strongly-typed intermediate representation. Domain-specific optimizations are performed in the first phase, while the second phase performs optimizations focused on specialized back-end hardware features. NNs on MCUs are available that combine support for Arm Cortex-M cores and Cadence Tensilica HiFi 4 DSP support, accelerating performance by utilizing Arm CMSIS-NN and HiFi NN libraries, respectively. Its features include:

  • Lower latency and smaller solution size for edge inference NNs.
  • Accelerate NN applications with CMSIS-NN and Cadence HiFi NN Library
  • Speed time to market using the available software development kit
  • Flexible implementation since Glow is open source with Apache License 2.0

Running NNs on MCUs is important for IoT nodes and other embedded edge applications, but it can be challenging due to MCU memory limitations. Several approaches have been developed to address memory limitations, including out-of-core designs that swap blocks of NN data between the MCU memory and an external memory and various NN software ‘optimization’ techniques. Unfortunately, these approaches involve tradeoffs between model accuracy and generality, which result in the NN becoming too inaccurate and/or too specialized to be of use in practical applications. The emergence of MCUs with integrated NN accelerators is beginning to address those concerns and enables the development of practical NN implementations for IoT and edge applications. Finally, the availability of the Glow NN compiler gives designers an additional tool for optimizing NN for smaller applications.
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Anyone around HC few years back would recall Fib.

The thing that gets me is if the same rules for supposed “pump & dump” are applied to coordinated shorting bear raids? :unsure::cautious:
You bring up exactly the thought I had immediately. I thought that this was not in the interest of the really nasty, big and well-paying or greasing investors. Maybe the pump & dumpers are just the investors FF describes as sophisticated.

But those who transfer millions of shares and place millions of shorts to then throw the millions of shares into the market are playing the criminal role in my view. They work ruthlessly for a much greater purpose and fund their action within themselves and then get paid for their services. If someone whips and pumps up and takes his pay, it may not be the best way but I think it's a small fish, like a pawn sacrifice (?) to distract. Nothing will change with the real criminals. But that's just my guess and I can definitely be wrong as I only have the insight into the machanisms of the ASX shared here at tse.

nice term - bear raid...

If only I had known all this about the ASX two or three years ago. 🤣
~one of the last scenes of The big Short...
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