BRN Discussion Ongoing

Does that mean I don’t have to eat my hat?
Did you notice there was no mythical beast appearing in any of the responses?


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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

I'll be a monkey's uncle if Elon Musk isn't referring to AKIDA when he says "AUTONOMY MUST & WILL WORK EVEN WITH NO CONNECTIVITY".


23Tesla FSD, Autopilot to Work Even Without Internet Connection? Elon Musk Says It's a Must​

Issiah Richard Tech Times 17 October 2021, 09:10 pm

Tesla's FSD and Autopilot are working without an internet connection, and it goes to show what Elon Musk wants for the future of autonomy, especially with it to need no sort of connections whatsoever. However, that being said, versions and updates are still distributed over the air, and it would be intended for that purpose only.

The Safety focus of Tesla is massive, and it has looked for options to look at possible changes that would improve its features, as well as bring its updates for online releases. The latest version, 10.2 of the Tesla FSD beta, has been distributed to the rightful owners with high-ranking safety scores, bringing the latest version of the feature.

Elon Musk: Autonomous Vehicles Need No Internet to Work​

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said that autonomous vehicles "must" work without an internet connection, and this says a lot about what he sees in the future of the vehicle industry. However, it also seems like a challenge or statement among those in the industry, as a lot have bordered on an internet connection, even outside the self-driving business.

Autonomous driving features like the FSD, Autopilot, Alphabet's Waymo, General Motors' Cruise, and other features should need no internet connection for it to work, in general. This was stated by Musk, and sure, navigation needs internet and, of course, hailing a ride from robotaxis, but the driving part of it should be independent of the connection.

This only shows that the CEO is concerned of the different trends in motor vehicles and its features as it gets integrated on the streets.

It may be so that he is talking about that the main system of autonomy like driving the car through the streets and traffic should need no internet for it to work, especially with it focusing on its sensors and control of the vehicle.

View attachment 7235

Tesla FSD, Autopilot Working Without Internet?​

For a car to be truly autonomous, it should not rely on any form of internet connection to help a vehicle move and go places, even without human intervention. GPS can be downloaded and updated through a car's infotainment system, but that does not mean that it needs to be reliant on an internet connection for it to work.

The Q3 2020 earnings report by Tesla, as presented by Elon Musk, has shared his initial opinions about autonomous driving features to have no internet. Here, the CEO said that it does not need it, as it navigates the streets and roads for a driver.

The Tesla FSD and Autopilot could work without the need for any network connections, may it be WiFi or cellular data (3G, 4G LTE, 5G).

Tesla's Autonomy for EVs​

Autonomy for EVs has been two correlated things, as these EVs have electric motors that can easily be controlled using engineering that has massive correlations. Unlike traditional cars that are more mechanical with their engines, these EVs have motors and the latest technology for their functions.

Here's Tesla's Q3 2020 earnings report presented by Elon Musk, which was referred to in the above article. I've also attached a patent "System and Method for Adapting a Neural Network Moodel on a Hardware Platform". Looks like Tesla could adopt Akida if it wanted to.

At 25.30 mins Elon describes the neural network approach and working with no cell phone connectivity.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hmmm, I could swear I saw more links in the past stating Akida 2000 is scheduled to be realesed in 2022, along with details around it working.
I could now only find this:
[PVdM] "At least Akida 2000 is already…the simulation is working already. And we are getting ready to hand it over to engineering."

Hi Vojnovic,

I wonder why Peter "priced the chip for use in hand-held solar-powered equipment"? Any guesses as to what equipment he would be referring to?
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Is China allowing a bit of Ying and Yang regarding the tech sector??

I wonder how they feel about data being processed at the edge?
It does appear that China realises the importance of the private sector tech?
I'm sure there are plenty that are sceptical.


China's Vice Premier Beijing’s smiliest senior official Liu He is on the case. REUTERS/Leah Millis.

The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a toothless but symbolically important advisory body to the Chinese government, held a special symposium on the digital economy on Tuesday.
The government will support the “healthy development of the platform economy and private sector,” Chinese Vice Premier Liú Hè 刘鹤 said to an audience of nearly 100 people, including CPPCC members Baidu founder Robin Li (李彦宏 Lǐ Yànhóng) and Qihoo 360 founder Zhōu Hóngyī 周鸿祎.
The meeting was full of soothing noises from the government on Big Tech, as Beijing rolls out more measures to ease the fallout from the COVID zero policy and last year’s crackdowns on internet companies that continue to weigh down the world’s second largest economy.
  • Last month, China’s powerful Politburo pledged to ramp up policy support for the economy, including the platform economy, in order to achieve its 5.5% GDP growth target.
Despite the tech crackdowns, Beijing has placed big bets on the digital economy: Industrial digitization is a core component of the 14th Five Year Plan and the government’s development plans up to 2035.
  • Beijing launched a new national project to build centralized data systems across the country to channel the growing demand for computing and data analysis.
  • Shanghai officials published an implementation plan for the comprehensive digital transformation of the economy last month, in a bid to become the digital capital of the world by 2035.
  • A new state-backed metaverse committee will help “lead the healthy and orderly development of the metaverse industry,” the group said per the South China Morning Post.
Whether that means an end to the crackdown, however, remains to be seen. As Rui Ma said in an interview with SupChina just last week:
There are two facts one should always remember when it comes to China tech:
First, the government is in favor and indeed prioritizes building a highly digitized society…So there is no motivation to “kill” the industry.
Second, the government also believes that private enterprises need to be reined in by regulations and higher socio-political-economic objectives than just financial returns. In their minds, they need to balance these two forces, which they believe to be complementary and both necessary, instead of choosing one over the other.
The reception to the latest signals has been generally positive: The H-Share and Hang Seng Indexes were both up by an excess of 3% on Monday, and tech stocks have made further gains today.
  • JP Morgan upgraded its China tech outlook, raising the ratings for the stocks of seven Chinese internet firms including Tencent, Alibaba, Meituan, NetEase and Pinduoduo, despite calling the sector “uninvestable” for the next six to 12 months in March.
But some are not optimistic: “I think Big Tech companies will have a grace period for maybe the next six months. However, this is really not a U-Turn on the tech crackdown. The long term outlook hasn’t changed, because Beijing has already come to the conclusion that this is a bad idea to let Big Tech companies [run] wild,” Trivium China tech analyst Linghao Bao said in an interview with CNBC. “The tech crackdown is here to stay for the long term.”

Nadya Yeh

Nadya Yeh is a Staff Writer and Editorial Associate at SupChina. Nadya has previously done research at the China Institute and worked in the Indian and Southeast Asian art department at Sotheby’s, New York. Read more
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I don't think anyone actually reads my posts because I thought by now the following would have been mentioned:

"A 32-bit RISC-V processor controls Ikva, captures the data from the camera and provides a programmer-friendly runtime environment."

What is it that SiFive does again I have forgotten?

My opinion only DYOR

I actually did notice FF just too busy trying to understand BNNs 😂😂

All the dots are joining into a pattern with BRN in the middle and with more and more dots joining. What I mean is these companies being linked to BRN are interconnected to each other and the pattern and links are becoming clearer and clearer!! It is like the picture of a jigsaw emerging once enough pieces are in place
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Anyone else’s mind feel like it’s going to explode. The little Dutch boy will soon flood the tech market with Akida. Akida everywhere!

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Timing sucked. was in middle of a conversation on Adelaide st and low and behold licence plate
9 BRN 9 drives right past me and so only managed to get the blurry back end..

9 BRN 9 who r u legend! 😀
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Hi Vojnovic,

I wonder why Peter "priced the chip for use in hand-held solar-powered equipment"? Any guesses as to what equipment he would be referring to?
Plumerai? I wonder if the Akida500 is at play here.
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Hi @Vojnovic

If you go to Ken Scarince's presentation to the German Investors he speaks about the AKD2000 going to TSMC this year etc;


Thanks FF, I also found the original article I had in mind:
"Rob Telson, vice president of worldwide sales, said BrainChip is drawing up plans for smaller and larger versions of Akida under the names Akida500, Akida1500 and Akida2000. Some of these may well comply to a new generation of the Akida architecture – Akida 2.0 – due to arrive in 2022."
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Vojnovic, thanks for posting this, had not realized that so much progress had been made. This IMO is outstanding evidence of real disruptive progress, for AKD2000, ( much beyond ) and AKD3000, bringing up the rear, will possibly be more disruptive, and just around the corner.

Thanks, firstly to ilL and you Voj for this clarifying news post for the AKD hardware update, and let's hope these developments don't cease, ever.

Oh, so much to read and so little time to appreciate it all. We'll never properly keep up with progress and innovation, it's never ending, thank goodness.

Akida Ballista


Happy voting comrades, I think you know who I'm favoring, there really is only one way for this day to perform, if trustworthiness means anything at all, then don't give it a second thought, it's just obvious in my mind. Just like Bainchip and Akida, progress and not stagnancy is the order of the day. 3 More years of what we've witnessed, would be turning back the clock, to despondency and absolute neglect of our nation.

Just some food for serious thought chippers.

Please ,No Politics in this thread.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Here are a few dots involving Nviso. -( @chapman89 - please note)

Nviso is on the Twitter page of xSoar promoting a podcast relating to Cortex XSoar automation security. When I visit Cortex XSoar's website they are very large in websecurity and have a very long list of customers and are currently hiring engineers and software developers able to work on Micro frontend architecture.

Below I have put up two links the first explains as captioned the 5 reasons to adopt Micro frontend architecture and the second is from AWS which runs a Micro frontend architecture model.

If you are going to run Micro frontend architecture models and break up your platform into manageable bits it, in my opinion, makes sense to move some cybersecurity along with processing to the frontend enter Nviso and Brainchip's AKIDA.

Anyway I expect some amongst the 1,000 Eyes will be able to put more meat on these bones.

The interesting thing to me was that I did not find Nviso promoting this event except on CortexXSoar's Twitter. It also does provide a further link to AWS remembering that Peter van der Made has spoken of AKIDA's ability to monitor key strokes to ensure the user is who they have logged in as which teamed with Nviso and its ability to profile humans all starts to make a lot of sense in a devolved workplace ie remote working environment connected via AWS.

My opinion only DYOR


5 Reasons to adopt Micro frontend architecture

AWS and Micro frontend architectureórtex

See new Tweets




Join us for a deep dive into #Cortex #XSOAR automations! In our upcoming webinar we will show you advanced use cases of #automation together with practical examples and code snippets. Register now:

SOAR For Fun and Profit

Event details

25/05/2022, 19:00 - 25/05/2022, 20:00

Time zone: (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Microsoft Teams meeting

The SOAR For Fun and Profit webcast will provide you a deep-dive into technical topics for Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR. We will share our knowledge we gained the last couple of years while developing automated workflows for the NVISO Managed Detect and Response Server.

In this first webcast episode we will do a deep dive into Cortex XSOAR automations where we will show you some advanced use cases of automation together with practical examples and code snippets.

Attendees will learn:

  • Developing automations in Cortex XSOAR
  • Using the Cortex XSOAR API in automations
  • Executing commands in automations

Wouter Stinkens
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Newk R

Vojnovic, thanks for posting this, had not realized that so much progress had been made. This IMO is outstanding evidence of real disruptive progress, for AKD2000, ( much beyond ) and AKD3000, bringing up the rear, will possibly be more disruptive, and just around the corner.

Thanks, firstly to ilL and you Voj for this clarifying news post for the AKD hardware update, and let's hope these developments don't cease, ever.

Oh, so much to read and so little time to appreciate it all. We'll never properly keep up with progress and innovation, it's never ending, thank goodness.

Akida Ballista


Happy voting comrades, I think you know who I'm favoring, there really is only one way for this day to perform, if trustworthiness means anything at all, then don't give it a second thought, it's just obvious in my mind. Just like Bainchip and Akida, progress and not stagnancy is the order of the day. 3 More years of what we've witnessed, would be turning back the clock, to despondency and absolute neglect of our nation.

Just some food for serious thought chippers.

Please don't bring BRN and AKIDA into politics.
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Renault morphoz:

Facial recognition and gesture control. It is an ev which means Akida?

Watch from 3:06
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Founding Member
Was just reading something on Professor Hossam Haick, who of course has been leading the charge with Nanose on the breathalyser using sensors with Akida and detection of VOC’s in our breath detecting covid-19 and other diseases, he was asked a question by EuroTech universities, the question was-

“What project or endeavour are you looking forward to?”

His answer- “
In the advent of extreme industrialization, bio-warfare, pesticide and nuclear waste, the dependence on “natural regeneration” becomes unrealistic in today’s world when an environmental or healthcare catastrophe occurs. According to the EU policy, three main principles are needed to combat the environmental and healthcare issues: (i) precaution; (ii) prevention and rectifying pollution/disease at source; and (iii) monitoring the related process dynamically. This needs a global scale monitoring of the environment/human body from billions of implanted sensors everywhere and every time. However, before taking such feasible step to counteract and to make earliest decision making, detailed information of wide array of substances (such as, accidental leakage of biochemicals and obnoxious volatile organic compounds, pesticide from agriculture, sudden outbreaks of bio-warfare) from the atmosphere need to constantly monitor from wide range of area encompassing local to global scale. This mammoth amount of data generated from sensor hardware needs to create effortlessly and autonomously anywhere and anytime both in local and global scale with minimum human intervention. However, such organized sensor network demands: (i) unification and miniaturization of wide range micro-detectors integrated in one platform which can recognize array of substances as mentioned before, (ii) low-cost scalable and printable production; and (iii) highly efficient distributed and decentralized computing system and AI based data processing.

In the front of these challenges, my group develop disruptive ultra-miniaturized chemical scanners that could be suspended everywhere in our daily life (indoor, outdoor, building, human body, plants, etc.) to analyse in-situ the widest spectrum of chemical compounds in a local environment, exactly as analytical lab do. Such system would bring remarkable proliferation both as individual systems as well as network of systems that communicate between them and probably other mobile devices over large surface areas to identify health risks, optimize agricultural production, and manage supply chains”

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