Maybe. And maybe they just want to slow down the adoption of their competitor’s technology while pushing forward their own.
Be good to hear from someone from BrainChip comment.
Hi Slade,
It's a roller-coaster mate....are we in or are we out, are we ??
So much speculation, and I wonder why, we have always had so many questions about how and why our company make certain
decisions, lets be honest here, Sean, as far as he is concerned is only 3.5 years into building a companies credibility with customers,
potential or otherwise, I think the Board is strong enough to pull Sean into line if they think he's leading the company down a dead
end ally, but like you I'd suggest, we all wish to see something more solid by 4 years into a 5 year plan, so I guess he's expecting
fireworks over the next 9 months !
On a very positive note, Peter told me awhile ago when Tony was about to takeover his role that, Tony was a go-getter, he doesn't
mess around, this to me is exactly what I've witnessed, he is pretty active on Linkedin, some of his comments are quite detailed, he
clearly is proud of where Peter and Anil left off and has taken the reins in a no-mucking around approach.
I like his style, and tomorrow, later in the day will be making a presentation at Nuremberg, he has a different type of personality than
Peter or Anil, who are both reserved, and I say that with the utmost respect, I love Peter and Anil, true gentlemen and the true face of
Brainchip forever.
I have a question for some whom have commented about the move to the US market, if it's not a Nasdaq Listing, why bother ?
My views are clear, convince me why this move is key by years end, early 2026, I'd like Antonio to sell me the idea, let's be honest,
he's the gun IP salesman ! Apparently !
No Regerts (bloody tattoo).......Tech