Are we not an IP company? Those companies produce chips. Maybe that’s why we’re not on the list
Hi Jo...nice to see you post, try it more often, what you questioned is 100% correct, Sally knows our company extremely well, she wouldn't leave us out to be vindictive, either it was paid content which is a strong possilbility or she doesn't like Sean ..none the less, who really cares, our engagements tell the "real story" don't they.
We are definitely getting what I'd term..strong interest from, NASA, ESA, USAFRL, RATHEON, DOD, US NAVY, AIRBUS, THALES, DOE...just to name a few...think of aerospace companies, think of anything that the human imagination can vision, we are in "a" boxseat.
Remember what our former poster used to say, we only need 1% of the future action to be successful, my only criticism would be, "I'll never sell below $40 a share"...absolute bullshit, I hope we are both still alive to shake hands on that...we will be sold prior to that...check Seans record.
Keep the great posts coming through, lots of excellent opinions being shared...opinions are never right nor wrong...just different viewpoints, and they are all valuable.
God Bless Believers.
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