Hey BD...your name reminds me of a water hazard on a golf course I was once the Club Professional at in the late 70's in Wellington, NZ. !
Anyway, back on topic.....Tony is a good bloke, some may find his manner a little abrupt, which is a fair comment, but if you had to put
up with the amount of bullshit Tony has to deal with on a daily basis from disgruntled shareholders, it would drive you mad, and I'm sure
Peter wouldn't mind me saying this, even he wouldn't have wanted Tony's position, and that's coming from a very, very tolerant man, who
knows how to forgive rudeness....honestly, the abuse he receives (he's told me) is disgusting !
So, try to cut him some slack, he still holds shares, and is only told what he's told, which I'd guess is rather limited....regarding the Investor
Update, it should have been delivered, face the music, say what needs to be said and lets move on......UNLESS.....he's waiting on a very
important signature....I'm just not that sure it's coming.....maybe late January, or is Mercedes going to reveal something nice early in
January....CES 2025 fingers crossed etc....
Had a nice smoked fish delivered to my door this afternoon, ah it's good to be back in the Far North...love New Zealand and Perth.
God Bless All....Tech