Are they using Akida ?
Yes, those Fraunhofer HHI researchers from the Wireless Communications and Networks Department were indeed using Akida - an Akida Raspberry Pi to be precise - for their PoC:
I’ve been sort of keeping an eye on them ever since.
Last week, the team showed India’s Minister of Communications and Development their neuromorphic wireless cognition demo with the help of one of their Spot robot dogs. I zoomed in on the blue flatscreen and very much liked what I saw…
… as it reminded me of a podcast I had shared here a while ago, with Slawomir Stanczak as guest (the gentleman laughing in the above picture), who is Professor for Network Information Theory at TU Berlin, Head of Fraunhofer HHI’s Wireless Communications and Networks Department as well as Coordinator of the 6G Research and Innovation Cluster (6G-RIC):
Here is a quote from my post:
“From 17:12 min onwards, the podcast host picks up the topic of connected robotics and mentions a collaboration with Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, which is Germany’s biggest (and very renowned) university hospital, regarding the development of nursing robots and their control via 6G.
Stanczak confirms this and shares with his listeners they are in talks with Charité doctors in order to simplify certain in-hospital-processes and especially to reduce the workload on staff. Two new technological 6G features are currently being discussed: 1. collaborative robots and 2. integrated communication and sensing (ICAS).”
And today I can serve up some visuals to go along with that podcast:
An example for ICAS (Integrated Communication and Sensing) in a hospital setting:
The Digicare Project 2030 even has its own website with lots of intriguing information (German only).
The agenda below not only lists Fraunhofer HHI’s Zoran Utkovski giving a talk on “Next-generation AI: Neuromorphic Computing and its Applications”, but also two other interesting presentations by NXP (ML for smart sensors as part of remote monitoring of cardiovascular patients) and Infineon (Next-generation cardiovascular monitoring: continuous non-invasive blood pressure estimation with the help of radar sensors).
More details about connected and collaborative robotics in healthcare and about cognition and sensors in wireless networks (some of it was already featured in the podcast…)
Use Case 1: Autonomous cleaning robots in healthcare facilities
Use Case 2: Intelligent patient monitoring using wearable sensors and in-hospital camera technology that continuously measure vital parameters
Use Case 3: Virtual morning rounds by means of telepresence robotics
Use Case 4: Automated medication logistics with IoT
Use Case 5: Personalised room control and automated healing architecture
Use Case 6: Intelligent workforce management through IoT and AI
While there is no guarantee that Akida will be part of Fraunhofer HHI’s future neuromorphic research, they are definitely an institution to keep an eye on, even if they only let us have a peak preview as to how NC can one day be utilised in a hospital setting.