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So tempted to steel some more candy at these prices. 🧐
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I might have shared this video a few months ago but it gives a little insight to computer challenged people like me, about analog vs. digital. The bloke mentions a computer company called Mythic which I think we have touched on before.

I emailed the host who is part Australian about how Brainchip has made advances in Spiking neural networks and the type of situations our tech can be adapted to. Hopefully it might motivate him to explore the future with Brainchip. BTW these videos each receive 4 to 6 million views.

And for something totally different yet fascinating, here is another Veritasium video done recently partially about some venomous Australian snakes. Scared the pants off me!

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Wow! These rediculous prices today!
Managed to procure a matched pair of shares today before next weeks 4c. These will be framed and straight to the pool room, to go with my other pair. Am pretty sure they'll be collectors items one day😁
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I'm all for a universal income ...
for those over 65.

Same with driving licences.
Now there is a lie for them to run with universal income. They could claim to be paying the dole to 300 million low income earners on distant planets around the universe how would we ever audit it. LOL

The naivety of the Australian electorate is staggering on the Solomon Island China issue. In the Wheat Board scandal the defence was the only way we can compete when selling to the tin pot regimes that pass themselves off as democratically elected is to pay bribes just like China and others in this space.

Australia was hauled over the coals for the payment of bribes to sell Australian wheat for Australia and made scape goats of those at the Board. The fantasists here in Australia joined with the United Nations in decrying this conduct with nations like China and Russia cheering them on as they just continued on their merry way paying bribes and assassinating people who disagreed with their democratically elected leaders.

Now ignoring the past and all the evidence it is Australia's fault that China has been able to hijack the Solomon Islands. The worlds former greatest Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern who was lauded by the left and middle of politics here in Australia with the way she has embraced her island brothers and sisters in the Pacific was also blindsided on this yet it is all Australia's fault.

We here need to accept that outside Australia the majority of the World's population live in countries where they do not play by the rules. They do not prosecute their own soldiers for killing the wrong people in fact they give them medals. They do not play fair in trade and bribery of corrupt officials is only criticised if they miss the deal because they did not offer enough to secure the required agreement or sale:

"The AWB oil-for-wheat scandal (also known just as the AWB scandal) refers to the payment of kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein in contravention of the United Nations Oil-for-Food Humanitarian Programme. AWB Limited is a major grain marketing organisation based in Australia. For much of the 20th and early 21st century, it was an Australian Government entity operating a single desk regime over Australian wheat, meaning it alone could export Australian wheat, which it paid a single price for. In the mid-2000s, it was found to have been, through middlemen, paying kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein, in exchange for lucrative wheat contracts. This was in direct contradiction of United Nations Sanctions, and of Australian law.

AWB delivered 90% of the Iraqi wheat market, before its practices were questioned in 2005. United Nations investigator Paul Volcker found that the Australian Wheat Board, and later AWB Limited, were not the only, but certainly the largest source of kickbacks to the Iraqi regime. The Australian Government also launched a Royal Commission, which recommended that criminal proceedings commence against 12 people. Ultimately, criminal charges were dropped by the Australian Federal Police. Several Australian civil cases were however successful. Since the payments were discovered, AWB Limited has undergone a major restructuring, losing its monopoly supply of Australia wheat exports, and appointing an entirely new management. However, its profitability continues to suffer.

Although AWB and by extension the Australian Government were not the only entities to be implicated in the Oil-for-Food scandal, the event earned a place in Australian political consciousness"

Our share market is allowed to be the play thing of overseas institutions on the spurious basis that we need liquidity and competition what an absolute joke.

Then these foreign manipulators transfer the profits offshore, do not pay tax, then bring back their ill gotten gains and buy our assets because it is great to have a safe harbour outside their own countries with the rule of law and a stable democracy that will protect their property rights and not imprison or prosecute them without due and fair process which requires evidence even though the whole world knows what they are doing.

The purpose of the above rant is to ensure ordinary retail investors understand that they cannot compete all they can do is try and get on the life boat before it is launched and stay seated even when while being lowered it starts to tilt because someone on the ship has stuck a spike in one of the rollers to try and make room on the life boat by tipping out and drowning a few retail holders who panic and let go of their seat.

My opinion only DYOR

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I'm Spartacus!
I've retired self funded but why work when you can "have nothing and be happy" on the roll
I have just retired recently too, after 46 years in the workforce and am also self funded but don't think I'd be very "happy" trying to survive on $40 a day. For some people circumstances are just hard and sometimes "things" just turn bad. From my perspective I want there to be a decent safety net available for "hard times" which can befall any of us. I have had need of it at a certain point in my life and benefited from it, although found it to be very poorly administered at the time. I worked my way out of that situation but only through "knowing someone" who gave me a much needed break, allowing me an opportunity which I seized and ran with. I don't want a dog eat dog society that just spawns more problems. We have evolved beyond that. GLTAH
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
That cannot be because our political leaders on both sides of the house have for decades now since we floated the dollar told us that these nice people who come here on holiday do not take our jobs they simply perform the jobs that Australian residents will not perform (for cash and below award wages - I added this bit) and that they bring us billions in tourist dollars so I don't think this person you listened too knew what they were talking about. If they are correct then this would mean our politicians have been untruthful and have misled the electorate time and time and time again.

We the Australian electorate may not be mushrooms but I know what we are forced to eat.

My opinion only DYOR


I just read a very informative article in the Betoota Advocate about this very subject!

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I have just retired recently too, after 46 years in the workforce and am also self funded but don't think I'd be very "happy" trying to survive on $40 a day. For some people circumstances are just hard and sometimes "things" just turn bad. From my perspective I want there to be a decent safety net available for "hard times" which can befall any of us. I have had need of it at a certain point in my life and benefited from it, although found it to be very poorly administered at the time. I worked my way out of that situation but only through "knowing someone" who gave me a much needed break, allowing me an opportunity which I seized and ran with. I don't want a dog eat dog society that just spawns more problems. We have evolved beyond that. GLTAH
Agree entirely but the system is flawed and abused. I never had a true career criminal client who was not also receiving government benefits of some form. Why not it is a nice little earner and takes little time to put in place when you are happy to lie and can thereby manipulate the system. One family enterprise of parents and two brothers a real case. The brothers did Break Enter and Steal as their primary occupation and had been arrested a number of times over the years. They shared the carer duties of their two parents and received carers pensions. Their father was on long term Workers Compensation benefits and their mother on sickness benefits. When they came to me they had been arrested again for a series of break and enters which in accordance with their previous form they could not have possibly committed unless there was DNA or fingerprint evidence as they were with their parents all night. The brief of evidence was served and of course there was DNA evidence so their alibi defence was abandoned immediately and they then wanted to rely upon their carers duties as being a reason they should not go inside again. They moved on at that time when they were told they would have to pay my fees as legal aid would not provide a private solicitor grant and used the legal aid solicitor again paid for by your taxes. They were all young enough that they would be now able to take advantage of the NDIS scheme. Experience makes some of us very cynical as to the ability of the system to help those who both you and I know need such assistance.

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Top 20
Agree entirely but the system is flawed and abused. I never had a true career criminal client who was not also receiving government benefits of some form. Why not it is a nice little earner and takes little time to put in place when you are happy to lie and can thereby manipulate the system. One family enterprise of parents and two brothers a real case. The brothers did Break Enter and Steal as their primary occupation and had been arrested a number of times over the years. They shared the carer duties of their two parents and received carers pensions. Their father was on long term Workers Compensation benefits and their mother on sickness benefits. When they came to me they had been arrested again for a series of break and enters which in accordance with their previous form they could not have possibly committed unless there was DNA or fingerprint evidence as they were with their parents all night. The brief of evidence was served and of course there was DNA evidence so their alibi defence was abandoned immediately and they then wanted to rely upon their carers duties as being a reason they should not go inside again. They moved on at that time when they were told they would have to pay my fees as legal aid would not provide a private solicitor grant and used the legal aid solicitor again paid for by your taxes. They were all young enough that they would be now able to take advantage of the NDIS scheme. Experience makes some of us very cynical as to the ability of the system to help those who both you and I know need such assistance.

So now you're unmasked as Rumpole.

And we thought John Mortimer was making it all up.
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So now you're unmasked as Rumpole.

And we thought John Mortimer was making it all up.
No not a lot of fiction in the works of John Mortimer that is why I loved Rumpole and refuse to watch most Australian police shows well actually all of them much to my wife's annoyance but she accepts that this is better than my constant corrections of the script. LOL
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Something for a Sunday

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I'm Spartacus!
Agree entirely but the system is flawed and abused. I never had a true career criminal client who was not also receiving government benefits of some form. Why not it is a nice little earner and takes little time to put in place when you are happy to lie and can thereby manipulate the system. One family enterprise of parents and two brothers a real case. The brothers did Break Enter and Steal as their primary occupation and had been arrested a number of times over the years. They shared the carer duties of their two parents and received carers pensions. Their father was on long term Workers Compensation benefits and their mother on sickness benefits. When they came to me they had been arrested again for a series of break and enters which in accordance with their previous form they could not have possibly committed unless there was DNA or fingerprint evidence as they were with their parents all night. The brief of evidence was served and of course there was DNA evidence so their alibi defence was abandoned immediately and they then wanted to rely upon their carers duties as being a reason they should not go inside again. They moved on at that time when they were told they would have to pay my fees as legal aid would not provide a private solicitor grant and used the legal aid solicitor again paid for by your taxes. They were all young enough that they would be now able to take advantage of the NDIS scheme. Experience makes some of us very cynical as to the ability of the system to help those who both you and I know need such assistance.

I'm sure the system is abused and understand that cynicism develops amongst those caught up in it and in those trying to assist.
It is often notably present in medical practitioners too.
I guess I view it similarly to any system or process whether in nature or by design, in that, none of them are perfect and all are subject, at the least, ultimately to entropy.
Lights produce heat as an unwanted by-product of their function, many suffer and die, apparently randomly, in nature, as evolution enhances a species adaptability to changing environments. I don't expect systems to perform flawlessly or without waste or inequities, and even though it may be considered a Pollyannaeristic view I merely hope for better things for all of us. But I recognise it as such, and would not knowingly put my hand in a lions mouth expecting other than to be bitten.
We do what we can for others, accepting that there will always be the poor and sick and unwise amongst us.
I am sure you have managed much good in your time as evidenced by your contributions here and though we oft rage against the machine, for some, wisdom comes as by-product of our being.
Thank you for what you have done for the greater good. :)
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Something for you to either watch or listen too @Fact Finder

Sorry I switched off after a short time. I have been jaded by the system.

When I studied law one of my Professors was fully immersed in the campaign to close mental hospitals and create safe houses in the community for these lost souls. I argued with him in a tutorial that from a practical point of view I was against the idea simply because my limited life experience told me that out of sight out of mind was a government embraced concept and that closing down such hospitals would allow lip service but in the end these community houses would be underfunded and understaffed and we would find increasing numbers of these lost souls in the prison systems.

My idea was shut down by the Professor who lived in his academic tower with higher ambitions and well today we have academics decrying the numbers of mentally ill in gaols around the country. These artificial think tanks are full of these academics and PR Cops now engage with them rather than confront them because of politics as they are simply there to try and create credibility and appear caring and responsible.

This is not the role of a constable at common law. Police enforce the law they do not make the laws. Injecting Police into the process of making the laws is fraught. If they are given a law that is impossible to enforce for some practical reason they hand it up the chain of command to the Minister for Police setting out the practical issues. Then it is up to the Parliament who represent the people to sort out.

My opinion only DYOR

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I am not dealing with your numbers simply the alternative logic. You are assuming he intended to convey that the revenue would be sufficient to make this current year break even.

The alternative view is he was intending to imply that the income which was being received by day 255 projected forward for 2023 would create break even.

For what it’s worth this was my impression 2023 is the true going concern year.

My opinion only DYOR

I recall somewhere Sean saying the business would be a net user of revenue until 2025, perhaps in relation to funding sources such as LDA. I may have injected my thinking into this so take with a grain of salt - but if it was accurate then something would have had to change to make it breakeven in 2022 or even 2023. I'm hopeful of more revenue in the next quarterly but still don't expect to shoot the lights out until 2024.
Of course, our SP should move ahead of a 2024 revenue explosion so I'm still excited under my scenario above.
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Dang Son

I have just retired recently too, after 46 years in the workforce and am also self funded but don't think I'd be very "happy" trying to survive on $40 a day. For some people circumstances are just hard and sometimes "things" just turn bad. From my perspective I want there to be a decent safety net available for "hard times" which can befall any of us. I have had need of it at a certain point in my life and benefited from it, although found it to be very poorly administered at the time. I worked my way out of that situation but only through "knowing someone" who gave me a much needed break, allowing me an opportunity which I seized and ran with. I don't want a dog eat dog society that just spawns more problems. We have evolved beyond that. GLTAH
Hi Hoppy
"Have nothing and be happy " is a catch phrase from The Great Reset Movement
$40 per day couldn't sustain my consumption and I can't think of anyone in this country that it would .
For that movement and catch phrase to work it would have to come from a socialist base and provide for everyone's every need.
I think it's a futuristic concept coming from The World Economic Forum, that can't happen till Akida's everywhere doing the all heavy lifting.
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I'm Spartacus!
Hi Hoppy
"Have nothing and be happy " is a catch phrase from The Great Reset Movement
$40 per day couldn't sustain my consumption and I can't think of anyone in this country that it would .
For that movement and catch phrase to work it would have to come from a socialist base and provide for everyone's every need.
I think it's a futuristic concept coming from The World Economic Forum, that can't happen till Akida's everywhere doing the all heavy lifting.
Thanks Dang Son.
I'm not familiar with "The Great Reset Movement" so will check it out over the weekend.
Bring on Akida baby and have a good'n. :)
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Had some good I heard that the company is going to follow-up on that lead I served up,

I'll keep you posted if I hear anything positive over the coming months.

Please accept my apologies, something has come up, so I have decided to delay our little get-together for coffee/tea until later in the's all cool.

But on the bright side, I have been invited to visit the new offices of the Research and Innovation Centre in June/July, as the company is moving to bigger premises (for less rent) as the brains trust expands.....(I assume).

Hope to be able to take some photos of the Perth team's new work environment, with Peters permission...stay tuned.

Go ANZACS.....Tech 🤓
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Had some good I heard that the company is going to follow-up on that lead I served up,

I'll keep you posted if I hear anything positive over the coming months.

Please accept my apologies, something has come up, so I have decided to delay our little get-together for coffee/tea until later in the's all cool.

But on the bright side, I have been invited to visit the new offices of the Research and Innovation Centre in June/July, as the company is moving to bigger premises (for less rent) as the brains trust expands.....(I assume).

Hope to be able to take some photos of the Perth team's new work environment, with Peters permission...stay tuned.

Go ANZACS.....Tech 🤓

@TECH best thing I’ve read all day thanks 👌🏼
Be sure to rifle through the filing cabinet marked TOP SECRET while PVDM has his back turned!
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I recall somewhere Sean saying the business would be a net user of revenue until 2025, perhaps in relation to funding sources such as LDA. I may have injected my thinking into this so take with a grain of salt - but if it was accurate then something would have had to change to make it breakeven in 2022 or even 2023. I'm hopeful of more revenue in the next quarterly but still don't expect to shoot the lights out until 2024.
Of course, our SP should move ahead of a 2024 revenue explosion so I'm still excited under my scenario above.
I am sure that the words ‘net user of revenue’ were used by Sean Hehir. I cannot tell you which of his presentations but it was fairly recent.

But I am not sure what it means as we know Brainchip has a complete commitment to continuing to drive its lead by research and development.

I get the impression that a lot of money will be channeled into Perth to keep the five to six year lead for AKD3000 so income could be growing but being spent in this area.

I have the impression that AKD3000 might surface all going well in 2024 if so 2025 makes sense for when they outstrip expenditure.

My son-in-law recently needed to hire another Data Scientist and to get the right person with experience he had to pay them more than he receives which worked out OK because the CEO increased his salary to establish parity.

The point is though that across the whole semiconductor space the right people are harder and harder to get so Peter’s end of the business is going to eat up cash at greater rates than it has in the past on salaries.

There is so much global demand the right people are thinking of a number, doubling it and then demanding more.

My opinion only DYOR

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I am sure that the words ‘net user of revenue’ were used by Sean Hehir. I cannot tell you which of his presentations but it was fairly recent.

But I am not sure what it means as we know Brainchip has a complete commitment to continuing to drive its lead by research and development.

I get the impression that a lot of money will be channeled into Perth to keep the five to six year lead for AKD3000 so income could be growing but being spent in this area.

I have the impression that AKD3000 might surface all going well in 2024 if so 2025 makes sense for when they outstrip expenditure.

My son-in-law recently needed to hire another Data Scientist and to get the right person with experience he had to pay them more than he receives which worked out OK because the CEO increased his salary to establish parity.

The point is though that across the whole semiconductor space the right people are harder and harder to get so Peter’s end of the business is going to eat up cash at greater rates than it has in the past on salaries.

There is so much global demand the right people are thinking of a number, doubling it and then demanding more.

My opinion only DYOR

I think AKD500 will be where real revenue will reign...
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