BRN Discussion Ongoing

Hi Cgc

One of the things to keep in mind with Brainchip is that it’s AKIDA technology is about much, much more than just the glamorous and sexy autonomous driving end of the technology market.

If you personally are a newbie you may have missed this partnership:

“BrainChip’s Neuromorphic Technology Enables Intellisense Systems to Address Needs for Next-Generation Cognitive Radio Solutions​

Laguna Hills, Calif. – March 21, 2023 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd(ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, event-based, neuromorphic AI IP, today announced that Intellisense Systems Inc. has selected its neuromorphic technology to improve the cognitive communication capabilities on size, weight and power (SWaP) constrained platforms (such as spacecraft and robotics) for commercial and government markets.

Intellisense’s intelligent radio frequency (RF) system solutions enable wireless devices and platforms to sense and learn the characteristics of the communications environment in real time, providing enhanced communication quality, reliability and security. By integrating BrainChip’s Akida™ neuromorphic processor, Intellisense can deliver even more advanced, yet energy efficient, cognitive capabilities to its RF system solutions.

One such project is the development of a new Neuromorphic Enhanced Cognitive Radio (NECR) device to enable autonomous space operations on platforms constrained by size, weight and power (SWaP). Intellisense’s NECR technology provides NASA numerous applications and can be used to enhance the robustness and reliability of space communication and networking, especially cognitive radio devices. Smart sensing algorithms will be implemented on neuromorphic computing hardware, including Akida, and then integrated with radio frequency modules as part of a Phase II prototype.

“We are excited to partner with BrainChip and leverage their state-of-the-art neuromorphic technology,” said Frank T. Willis, President and CEO of Intellisense. “By integrating BrainChip’s Akida processor into our cognitive radio solutions, we will be able to provide our customers with an unparalleled level of performance, adaptability and reliability.”

BrainChip’s Akida processor is a revolutionary computing architecture that is designed to process neural networks and machine learning algorithms at ultra-low power consumption, making it ideal for edge computing applications. By utilizing this cutting-edge technology, Intellisense will be able to deliver cognitive radio solutions that are faster, more efficient and more reliable than ever before.

“Intellisense provides advanced sensing and display solutions and we are thrilled to be partnering with them to deliver the next generation of cognitive radio capabilities,” said Sean Hehir, CEO of BrainChip. “Our Akida processor is uniquely suited to address the demanding requirements of cognitive radio applications and we look forward to continue partnering with Intellisense to deliver cutting-edge embedded processing with AI on-chip to their customers.”

In my opinion Cognitive Communications has huge potential.

Just think about going for a drive and you see standing in the middle of the road a policeman.

You obey his signal to stop. He walks up to your car window and advises you that a bushfire has closed the road 40 kilometres ahead and tells you that you need to use the alternate route to get to your destination.

In today’s world the Police Officer is often replaced by traffic Apps that tell you the best route to take.

This is what Cognitive Communications are all about. Choosing the best route for digital communications to be routed so that too many messages do not go the same way causing congestion or log jams.

In space radio communications are routed to Earth via satellites and at each satellite AKIDA will allow decisions to be made as to which is the best route to take.

On Earth you will know about 3G, 4G and 5G networks. You may even have heard they are working on another upgrade a 6G network.

In this technology age as more and more devices are made needing connection to the Cloud networks are quickly reaching capacity.

A way to increase the capacity of existing networks is to apply intelligence at every node and make smart decisions about which way to send a given communication to its destination so as to avoid contesting bandwidth.

There are millions and millions of these nodes that will need to be made smart to create cognitive communications.

But to do this the solution will need to be smart and run at ridiculously low power capable but still capable of real time decision making at very low cost.

AKIDA technology stands head and shoulders above all other technology when you factor size, power and cost into the equation.

It is predicted that in the not to distant future 75% of all data will be created at the Edge.

Even if AKIDA is adopted by say 30% of all these Edge applications the other 70% will still be there trying to send this collected date over networks to have it processed and stored in the cloud.

This is where even if it is not adopted at the Edge AKIDA will be needed to make networks as smart or cognitive as possible to handle the avalanche of demand that is going to crush existing and future networks.

Not as sexy as autonomous Tesla vehicles but still a massive market.

My opinion only DYOR
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Hi cosors,

Mentium has licenced an analog neuromorphic chip from US-SB.



A hybrid switch and memory cell includes a transistor device that has an atomically-thin semiconductor material channel, source/drain electrodes, and gate dielectric. The cell includes a resistive-random-access-memory having a thin conductive edge and a 2D insulator layer over the thin conductive edge, wherein the 2D insulator layer extends over the semiconductor channel and serves as the gate dielectric in the transistor device.


Present implementations can include a system with a transistor array including a plurality of charge-trap transistors, the charge-trap transistors being operatively coupled with corresponding input nodes, and a neural integrator including a first integrator node and a second integrator node operatively coupled with the transistor array, and generating an output corresponding to a neuron of a neural network system. Present implementations can include a neural integrator with a first integrator node operatively coupled with a first charge-trap transistor of a transistor array, a second integrator node operatively coupled with a second charge-trap transistor of the transistor array, the second charge-trap transistor being operatively coupled with the first charge-trap transistor, and a capacitor operatively coupled with the first integrator node and the second integrator node, and operable to generate an output based on a first voltage at the first integrator node and a second voltage at the second integrator node.
I wonder when they will start shouting they have helped one of the USA DARPA approved foundries IFS & Global Foundries to overcome the production variabilities that plague analogue and that stopped Rain Ai in its tracks and forced Innatera to go tiny rather than scaling up to AKIDA’s digital heights?

I wonder when they will announce that like AKIDA technology they were found compatible with the NASA approved Vorago Hardsil process for hostile deep space missions?

I wonder when they will prove out compatibility with all major foundry process like digital AKIDA technology?

I wonder when they will announce what it costs to implement a new production method that removes the variability issue, what yields they achieve over what nodes and what the increased costs of this production method will be against standard digital production costs used for AKIDA?

Quite a few questions to answer before I will actually start to worry.

My opinion only DYOR
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Let's not forget it was Bernie Madoff who supported the introduction of computer trading on the NYSE.
The one who virtually invented the NASDAQ, the greatest financial criminal of all time, who made his money with dealing chocolate in prison ... alongside his (criminal) genius? May he rest in peace too. Completely value-neutral. I appreciate his work for computer-based trading and other regulations, but damn.
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Hi SG,

From the look of this patent application which is your third patent, as of March 2020, Nintendo thought NNs were software:

View attachment 57813

[0044] Returning to FIG. 1, game device 100 stores and executes a video game application program 108 . Included in the video game application program are a game engine 110 and a neural network 112.

This does not exclude the possibility that Nintendo has adopted Akida after 2020, but it certainly does not support that idea.
Thanks @Diogenese

We’re very fortunate to have you kindly sharing your knowledge and expertise on this forum.

Your patience, humour and intelligent commentary is very much appreciated.

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Australian investors are not able to participate in the “upswing” being experienced by Northern Hemisphere stocks due to a lack of technology exposure, says CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski.

Earnings numbers from Nvidia exceeded the market’s expectations by a considerable measure, up 16.4 per cent.

US markets also pushed on to new record highs.

“The benchmark was set very high,” Mr Piotrowski said.

“It was eclipsed by Nvidia there - forward-looking estimation of how the next quarter is going to go was about 17 per cent better than what the market had anticipated.

“Sadly, for Australian investors, we don’t have that technology exposure in the local share market, so we’re not participating in that upswing that we’ve seen for Northern Hemisphere stock.”

Presented by CommSec.

Commsuc failed to mention the recent huge upswing for Brainchip and the only ASX holy grail. W.A.N.C.A's
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Thriving on the Edge with Efficient Neuromorphic Processors​

Nandan Nayampally Chief Marketing Officer Brainchip

“The growth of AI services requires increased compute capabilities on edge devices.

Neuromorphic techniques are critically important for obtaining the levels of efficiency needed to achieve this transition.

BrainChip has been a pioneer in bringing digital, portable, event-based neuromorphic solutions to market.

The second generation of Akida, BrainChip’s neural processor, adds additional efficient intelligent processing for multidimensional streaming data with Temporal Event-based Neural Networks (TENNs) and vision transformer acceleration in hardware.

This enables:

A. much more capable,
B. portable,
C. passively cooled devices,

that can perform:

D.advanced processing for vision,
E. voice,
F. vibration and
G.other modalities,
H. close to the sensor,
I. without need for cloud connections,

serving a wide variety of applications from:

i. autonomous drones, to

ii. health wearables.

In this talk, we discuss how the natural compression offered by TENNs algorithms can:

1. radically reduce model size, and

2. computation,

without compromising accuracy for more advanced multimodal applications that use:

a. large language models and

b. large vision models.”

May 21-23, 2024 at the Santa Clara Convention Center!​

The above was posted here recently as part of a link to this event and upon reading the summary of what Nandan Nayampally is scheduled to speak too it was such a useful summary I thought it should be reproduced and broken up to emphasis the significant points. The words remain the same but I have introduced the breaks, numbers and letters.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder

PS: I wonder if Sam Altman was treated to a dress rehearsal of Nandan’s presentation???
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The one who virtually invented the NASDAQ, the greatest financial criminal of all time, who made his money with dealing chocolate in prison ... alongside his (criminal) genius? May he rest in peace too. Completely value-neutral. I appreciate his work for computer-based trading and other regulations, but damn.
Correction. Second greatest. The greatest is still running the system and yet to be identified. 🤡🤡🤡
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Gives quantitative meaning to the phrase "take it in the shorts"

I really love reading this. Let this be just the beginning. Across the board. They have destructively stuffed their pockets. Time to milk them and get it back.
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Correction. Second greatest. The greatest is still running the system and yet to be identified. 🤡🤡🤡
Ok, to avoid this I claim to he was the biggest financial criminal of all time to be condemned.
Now finally is dead as his son and others who took their own lives because of him.
His legacy remains, the NASDAQ.
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Annual Report? Tuesday?
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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Thriving on the Edge with Efficient Neuromorphic Processors​

Nandan Nayampally Chief Marketing Officer Brainchip

“The growth of AI services requires increased compute capabilities on edge devices.

Neuromorphic techniques are critically important for obtaining the levels of efficiency needed to achieve this transition.

BrainChip has been a pioneer in bringing digital, portable, event-based neuromorphic solutions to market.

The second generation of Akida, BrainChip’s neural processor, adds additional efficient intelligent processing for multidimensional streaming data with Temporal Event-based Neural Networks (TENNs) and vision transformer acceleration in hardware.

This enables:

A. much more capable,
B. portable,
C. passively cooled devices,

that can perform:

D.advanced processing for vision,
E. voice,
F. vibration and
G.other modalities,
H. close to the sensor,
I. without need for cloud connections,

serving a wide variety of applications from:

i. autonomous drones, to

ii. health wearables.

In this talk, we discuss how the natural compression offered by TENNs algorithms can:

1. radically reduce model size, and

2. computation,

without compromising accuracy for more advanced multimodal applications that use:

a. large language models and

b. large vision models.”

May 21-23, 2024 at the Santa Clara Convention Center!​

The above was posted here recently as part of a link to this event and upon reading the summary of what Nandan Nayampally is scheduled to speak too it was such a useful summary I thought it should be reproduced and broken up to emphasis the significant points. The words remain the same but I have introduced the breaks, numbers and letters.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder

PS: I wonder if Sam Altman was treated to a dress rehearsal of Nandan’s presentation???
Damn, May 21.....much of the techie world will remain in a state of ignorance for three more months. And worse yet this is a leap year! (Each year contains 365.24 days plus, so a slight recalibration is called for))

Keeping this science fiction top secret has caused a lot of stress for shareholders. Especially __________ (fill in the blank with someone close to you).

Maybe you have diagnosed that this little run-up in price has encouraged me to re-enter my manic phase.....after a long, dark, extended winter. May 21...

And please remember....AKIDA ADVANTAGE

And I ask where did you hear the above first?
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Australian investors are not able to participate in the “upswing” being experienced by Northern Hemisphere stocks due to a lack of technology exposure, says CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski.

Earnings numbers from Nvidia exceeded the market’s expectations by a considerable measure, up 16.4 per cent.

US markets also pushed on to new record highs.

“The benchmark was set very high,” Mr Piotrowski said.

“It was eclipsed by Nvidia there - forward-looking estimation of how the next quarter is going to go was about 17 per cent better than what the market had anticipated.

“Sadly, for Australian investors, we don’t have that technology exposure in the local share market, so we’re not participating in that upswing that we’ve seen for Northern Hemisphere stock.”

Presented by CommSec.

Commsuc failed to mention the recent huge upswing for Brainchip and the only ASX holy grail. W.A.N.C.A's
I think as per investor point of view that are talking about a stock where they can park their billions which Australian investors miss totally on asx. So they have to dependent upon companies from elsewhere than asx.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent

Australian investors are not able to participate in the “upswing” being experienced by Northern Hemisphere stocks due to a lack of technology exposure, says CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski.

Earnings numbers from Nvidia exceeded the market’s expectations by a considerable measure, up 16.4 per cent.

US markets also pushed on to new record highs.

“The benchmark was set very high,” Mr Piotrowski said.

“It was eclipsed by Nvidia there - forward-looking estimation of how the next quarter is going to go was about 17 per cent better than what the market had anticipated.

“Sadly, for Australian investors, we don’t have that technology exposure in the local share market, so we’re not participating in that upswing that we’ve seen for Northern Hemisphere stock.”

Presented by CommSec.

Commsuc failed to mention the recent huge upswing for Brainchip and the only ASX holy grail. W.A.N.C.A's
A simple Google search and looks who's first to appear
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Brainchip now has over 12,000 followers on LinkedIn.
Would be interesting to know how many members are on this forum, too gage how many have access to the incredible research that is so generously shared here. Thanks again to Zeebot for providing us with such an amazing space. 🙌 👏🙏
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bavarian girl ;-)

Ian Interviews: Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO​

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Australian investors are not able to participate in the “upswing” being experienced by Northern Hemisphere stocks due to a lack of technology exposure, says CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski.

Earnings numbers from Nvidia exceeded the market’s expectations by a considerable measure, up 16.4 per cent.

US markets also pushed on to new record highs.

“The benchmark was set very high,” Mr Piotrowski said.

“It was eclipsed by Nvidia there - forward-looking estimation of how the next quarter is going to go was about 17 per cent better than what the market had anticipated.

“Sadly, for Australian investors, we don’t have that technology exposure in the local share market, so we’re not participating in that upswing that we’ve seen for Northern Hemisphere stock.”

Presented by CommSec.

Commsuc failed to mention the recent huge upswing for Brainchip and the only ASX holy grail. W.A.N.C.A's
I assume the govt and ASX has to review their priorities and policies to attract better tech companies on the asx.
e.g altassian is there on asx
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Australian investors are not able to participate in the “upswing” being experienced by Northern Hemisphere stocks due to a lack of technology exposure, says CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski.

Earnings numbers from Nvidia exceeded the market’s expectations by a considerable measure, up 16.4 per cent.

US markets also pushed on to new record highs.

“The benchmark was set very high,” Mr Piotrowski said.

“It was eclipsed by Nvidia there - forward-looking estimation of how the next quarter is going to go was about 17 per cent better than what the market had anticipated.

“Sadly, for Australian investors, we don’t have that technology exposure in the local share market, so we’re not participating in that upswing that we’ve seen for Northern Hemisphere stock.”

Presented by CommSec.

Commsuc failed to mention the recent huge upswing for Brainchip and the only ASX holy grail. W.A.N.C.A's

Also didn't someone post not all that long ago that CommSuc said that BrainChip was one to watch! They clearly haven't been watching or have they? The plot thickens!
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And I didn’t mention Todd Vierra’s comment in his CES 2024 interview about the Tape Out of AKIDA 2.0 which potentially allows Nandan Nayampally to hold up a real live fully functioning AKIDA 2.0 for his audience in May, 2024.

Perhaps even ask it about how well it thought he handled the presentation and whether there was anything else he might say before concluding.😂🤣😂

My opinion only DYOR
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