Potatoe Potato..
Wonder what "useless ASIC" thinks about private investor meetings where the share price spiked 38% in a day.
Let them decide if these investors traded on inside knowledge that was unavailable to the ASX market.. Oh, the NDAs they say.
Or the one way positive traffic said about Brainchip here throughout 2022 and 2023.
Honestly, hypocricy at its best.
View attachment 56080
"defending BRN's underwhelming results the past 2 years"
Let the record show:
2022 SP of 68c - 74c (+8.1%)
2023 SP of 74c- 17c (-77%)
Underwhelming, not an unfair adjective to describe Brainchip's performance the last 2 years.
At the start of 2023 I highlighted TA showing reasons not to buy more shares or wait until certain conditions met. I was told, "Go to the Chart Page". Fair enough each to their own..
Good luck to you and all your folk.
I will not bother you anymore. This place is as toxic as any online forums and I've come to the conclusion life is a lot better focusing energy elsewhere.
All the best to the genuine people here who do have good intentions and are good people.
I hope you are not led astray by the others.