Top 20
While we already know that a team from Technische Hochschule (University of Applied Sciences) Nürnberg successfully used Akida to win 2nd prize in this year’s tinyML Hackathon Challenge Pedestrian Detection…
… it is nice to see Brainchip also getting exposure on the institute’s website now (under ‘equipment’), alongside other development boards:
/ Informatik / Forschung / Cognitive Neurocomputing /
PROPHESEE Metavision® EVK3 – VGA/HD Event-Based Neuromorphic Vision sensor
SynSense SpeckTM Event-driven neuromorphic visual computing SoC Development Kit
Brainchip Akida with Raspberry Pi Carrier Edge Device
KTH NCS PushBots with event-based cameras
nVidia Jetson TX1 Embedded Development Board
GiantAxon Lu.i Electronic neuron circuit boards
Arduino Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) Development Kits
Manchester Robotics nVidia Jetson PuzzleBot
… it is nice to see Brainchip also getting exposure on the institute’s website now (under ‘equipment’), alongside other development boards:
Ausstattung – Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
Durch die Größe der Fakultät Informatik, mit rund 1000 Studierenden, ist das Angebot vielfältig. Die Praxisorientierung des Studiums zeigt sich insbesondere bei Praxissemestern und Abschlussarbeiten in Kooperation mit den vielen großen und kleineren Unternehmen vor Ort.
/ Informatik / Forschung / Cognitive Neurocomputing /

PROPHESEE Metavision® EVK3 – VGA/HD Event-Based Neuromorphic Vision sensor

SynSense SpeckTM Event-driven neuromorphic visual computing SoC Development Kit

Brainchip Akida with Raspberry Pi Carrier Edge Device

KTH NCS PushBots with event-based cameras

nVidia Jetson TX1 Embedded Development Board

GiantAxon Lu.i Electronic neuron circuit boards

Arduino Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) Development Kits

Manchester Robotics nVidia Jetson PuzzleBot