BRN Discussion Ongoing


Holding onto what I've got
I think he (ASX Investor) would love to be part of this new platform (under the radar!) he has so much passion for this awesome company and is a shareholder I believe! He's a top lad :cool:(y)
Very enthusiastic, clear and to the point, yep top lad! I think flying under the radar would be the best idea.
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is fullmoon here?
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Can anyone get in touch with our euro mates?

They need word of this eden.
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Can anyone get in touch with our euro mates?

They need word of this eden.
We already know. Greetings from Germany
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Hi everyone, glad to be aboard; could not fathom the terrible behaviour of HC admin in pinning that thread - made me feel sick. Thanks @zeeb0t for your effort to set this up.
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is fullmoon here?
All good i found him :) hey @Fullmoonfever thanks for the transcript of Robs podcast in Hc. thought i would reply on here though cause those muppets on hc don't deserve good things lol.
I love the name Higgins for ken robots companion as higgins was all time fav Benji dog so very clever of brn to perhaps reserruct higgins in robot form! :)
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I don´t really represent Europe anymore, I chose to live in the most free country in the world instead :)
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Founding Member

Kimberly Vaupen​

Director of Sales at BrainChip Likes This

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Hello first time poster here. I followed the HC posts and read all good posts. Never read a thread.
Im in BRN only since may. Im from germany but live in perth. But now actually in Germany. Lill bit confusing. I have quite a big group here with friends who are all invested in BRN - 13 people now.
Thanks for setting up that page and THANKS to all the greatingormative posts. 1000 eyes back again. Cant wait for AKIDA to go BALLISTA
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Been a HC BRN contributor for 7 years now and havent been on for a few weeks due to work. Can someone fill me in on WTF happened??? How did it get trashed to this extent
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Been a HC BRN contributor for 7 years now and havent been on for a few weeks due to work. Can someone fill me in on WTF happened??? How did it get trashed to this extent
The people stood proud

"Stand ye calm and resolute,
Like a forest close and mute,
With folded arms and looks which are
Weapons of unvanquished war.

And if then the tyrants dare,
Let them ride among you there;
Slash, and stab, and maim and hew;
What they like, that let them do.

With folded arms and steady eyes,
And little fear, and less surprise,
Look upon them as they slay,
Till their rage has died away:

Then they will return with shame,
To the place from which they came,
And the blood thus shed will speak
In hot blushes on their cheek:

Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!"
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I was a newbie on H.C. only to follow BRN but now it seems many are moving over here so I follow, I am pretty flexible.

Danish dude living in SEA somewhere.

I am expecting a lot from BrainChip, a lot, it will possible be one of the biggest M.C. ever in Australia one day and I can understand your local guys/girls are proud of it.
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Top 20
And the 500th person to join the site is...........trifles!!!!!
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i might to change my name from Mdcopper to say MdEXCop or something like that to disassociate me from the brn hotcrapper meltdown lol what do u think ( only cause i want to remove my "copper" signature) Zeebot is their away i can divorce myself from the word copper once registered? lol
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HI all. Glad to join you here too. Will bookmark this now.

Will still chip in (maybe pun intended) at HC though. With more interest there will come more retail at HC, and if I can save a few anonymous souls from the trolls it helps our cause too. Glad to see a lot of familiar names here.

Have a great weekend all. Our future looks grand with BRN. BTW, it seems according to FullMoonFever's post on HC that Ken Scarince may be leaving according to a German article the middle of this month. Very sad to seem him leave if true. Haven't DD'd this though.
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HI all. Glad to join you here too. Will bookmark this now.

Will still chip in (maybe pun intended) at HC though. With more interest there will come more retail at HC, and if I can save a few anonymous souls from the trolls it helps our cause too. Glad to see a lot of familiar names here.

Have a great weekend all. Our future looks grand with BRN. BTW, it seems according to FullMoonFever's post on HC that Ken Scarince may be leaving according to a German article the middle of this month. Very sad to seem him leave if true. Haven't DD'd this though.
that's WRONG as you write it --- " Current CFO, Ken Scarince, will present his company and answer questions for free at the Online International Investment Forum on February 17th " ---
... here the right article ...
das ist FALSCH wie S´sie es schreiben --- " der derzeitige CFO, Ken Scarince, wird am 17. Februar auf dem Online International Investment Forum kostenlos sein Unternehmen vorstellen und Fragen beantworten " ---
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Holding onto what I've got

Brainchip twitted a few minutes ago, we can now re-watch the conference from yesterday by the looks of it, grabbing a coffee and I am going to start, have a great weekend all.
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A company couldn't ask for a more loyal following! From the ghost readers lurking, to the useless comments like myself, to the deep dive information gurus and 1000 eyes. You all rock! Each person here makes everyone's journey enjoyable. Cheers and thanks to everyone
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I'm glad to be starting this new journey with you all, although I'm more of a lurker than a poster.
However in time I hope that changes and I develop the skills to research and present meaningful information, be that to you or some other companies SH's.

With every new article that gets posted I have such a great time reading and learning how the technology is developing and I appreciate all of the articulate posters on both sides of the argument who go in-depth with their comments.

I wish you all the best of luck on the journey, be that if you sell up next month or never.
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