BRN Discussion Ongoing

I'm sorry, but I need to repeat some of the quotes that @YLJ made because I nearly fell off my chair whilst reading them:

Some quick quotes and a quote or two from the interview:

"I'm even more convinced today. The tech is real, it's transformational - nothing even comes close."

"The technology is extremely flexible"

"We have the best-kept secret in the world."

"Tech companies and investors are beating a path to our door right now." - Tony

The last two statements really amazed me. Left field question: wouldn't the ASX be a little uncomfortable with our CEO making public statements like that?
Cannot speak for the ASX but I am extremely comfortable with those statements because if I walked through the doors at Maurice Blackburn with those statements typed out on a piece of paper and said this is why I believed in the company they would knock me over in their rush to file a class action and sign up former shareholders who said they believed these statements.

I personally do not know what more a CEO can do to instil confidence in his shareholders than expose himself to indefensible litigation that would leave him bankrupt.

The current share price is a product of manipulation in the perfect environment of world wide fear and uncertainty.

Go and read about historically what happens in markets at these times. Bank shares are going up???

The macro economic theory is that when inflation is in play and mortgage default risk rises bank shares go down.

Despite this retail are retreating to traditional safe harbours and banks are going up which is illogical.

Become educated about how it all works and DYOR and be proactive.
Fear is unnecessary.

Just hate manipulators if you want to be ruled by emotion.

Think about those who claimed before Puto threw everything up in the air that the share price was going back to 80 cents. They along with the bots are creating an artificial over sold share price.

They do not care what the CEO says unless it is in an ASX
announcement as they know existing shareholders are not making this market they are.

The CEO cannot manufacture ASX announcements nor should he.

My opinion only DYOR

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for people with freshly delivered Akida development kits, I found Aliexpress has a huge range of various sensors available . Just search for the one that you can make smart.

This site has some good stuff as well...

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Would you consider Cisco a telecommunications company? They might not be a provider, but they manufacture and sell telecommunications equipment. And we've got links with them from our work with them at the Cisco Internet of Everything Centre (CIIC) and through Anup's work with them. Could be an option?!...
I am trying to remember a dot thrown up by someone as far back as 2019 or earlier. It involved an idea that had AKIDA sitting on modems doing cybersecurity before data even made it into the box and Cisco was somewhere in the picture.

The above is a hazy recollection so be flexible in how you think about it but hopefully it might trigger the memory of the person who found the dot back then.

My hazy memory only DYOR

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Move on, nothing to see.
I think I remember you were a WBT holder as well.
Not sure if you heard the BRN interview as well, but one thing that was asked of Sean is whether he had heard of WBT (and another company,
the name of which I did not hear clearly).
His response what that he had not heard of them, but that anyone who knows him would know that he will look into them now.
The other company was StrategicElements.

I asked the question. I continue to seed my ideal for the ultimate, completely self contained, far edge device.

Akida combined with WeetbitNano ReRAM and powered by a StrategicElements self-charging printable battery.

I see that to be the perfect combination for a fully autonomous, intelligent devise that need not be connected to anything other than the thing it is monitoring and controlling. As per my latest edit of the Wiki AIoT page, there is no need for the internet in the AIoT. BrainChip can achieve that ideal. No other company yet can.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Wouldnt it be fitting to have access to the brainchip studio with these new pcie cards and development kits?
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Anyone able to share a link for the latest interview with Sean and Tony?
Thanks in advance.
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fact collector
I am trying to remember a dot thrown up by someone as far back as 2019 or earlier. It involved an idea that had AKIDA sitting on modems doing cybersecurity before data even made it into the box and Cisco was somewhere in the picture.

The above is a hazy recollection so be flexible in how you think about it but hopefully it might trigger the memory of the person who found the dot back then.

My hazy memory only DYOR

is this it?
"You work with Cisco and they're building a new router"...
"That is a great deal of the innovation and that intellectual property which we need to protect. That's the ability to take regular data, whether it's from a camera, could be internet traffic for cybersecurity, it could be LIDAR, radar,..."

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Move on, nothing to see.
I would love you to be right but I always take the worst view case.

I am not sure that their numbering system starts at zero and I have not seen any sales numbers for the two big ticket items only that whatever number of Raspberry Pi’s they started with are sold out.

I will not lodge a complaint with Tony Dawe if you are correct. 🤣

My opinion only DYOR

Sean said the number of mini PCIe cards sold was on the order of hundreds. But that was in answering my question identifying the serial number on mine as 195. Maybe that somewhat co-erred his answer.
I’d love to know thee serial number on other cards.
I have heard mention of 214.
Surely they didn‘t start at 195. But I’d be over the moon if they did. :)
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It sounds like Sean tried to get a few more logos to come out of the dark but got a solid “no”.

Or to follow with the current trends……

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is this it?
"You work with Cisco and they're building a new router"...
"That is a great deal of the innovation and that intellectual property which we need to protect. That's the ability to take regular data, whether it's from a camera, could be internet traffic for cybersecurity, it could be LIDAR, radar,..."

Potentially false memories coming back to me having read Mr. Dinardo’s presentation just now. I think the sequence of events may have been a paper or a patent by or about Cisco proposing/exploring the use of Ai with their router but not referencing Brainchip and then when the CEO referenced Cisco in the presentation you posted it gained traction.

The more I have thought on this the more I think the papers or patent involved Cisco working on this with a partner that was primarily in data centres just cannot retrieve a name.

Sorry best I can do at the moment.

My opinion only DYOR


PS: When reading the CEO’s presentation and everything he spoke of which we know now we’re real customer engagements it is no wonder he decided it was a job for a younger CEO he and the rest of the team back then must never have slept. Many thanks Mr. Dinardo.
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I have been hesitant to guess/speculate on the likely sales (to date) as really it is just a guessing game. The use of the word 'mass' production of chips caused a lot of angst amongst holders as to what this actually meant. It was a shame we never got any concrete figures on this!

However, I have to hope that if that number was in the vicinity of 7,000 as previously discussed that this resulted in a similar number of products i.e. Raspberry Pi and later the PCIe Boards. Also there was a mention of production slots being booked for further chips, whatever that really meant is anyone's guess? Did we produce more or were we just waiting for a customer to come on board with an order?? Why book the production slots at all if we were not anticipating a need for them???

So I want to believe that the company would not have hesitated to produce a large number of their products in anticipation of a huge uptake considering they are the first to market in this area. It is then realistic, in my opinion, that the quarterly sales will be much higher than some are thinking.

Of course I base all of this on my assumption on how our company wanted to be perceived by it's likely competitors and the market place in general. A few hundred sales is not what I am expecting, I am hoping to see thousands. The fact that they sold out of the Raspberry Pi indicates a genuine desire for such a product in the market and is encouraging that the demand is there.

If I am right then revenue for this quarter should be up to $5 million but of course you will notice that I use the word 'guess' a lot so I will just wait and see.
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Potentially false memories coming back to me having read Mr. Dinardo’s presentation just now. I think the sequence of events may have been a paper or a patent by or about Cisco proposing/exploring the use of Ai with their router but not referencing Brainchip and then when the CEO referenced Cisco in the presentation you posted it gained traction.

The more I have thought on this the more I think the papers or patent involved Cisco working on this with a partner that was primarily in data centres just cannot retrieve a name.

Sorry best I can do at the moment.

My opinion only DYOR


PS: When reading the CEO’s presentation and everything he spoke of which we know now we’re real customer engagements it is no wonder he decided it was a job for a younger CEO he and the rest of the team back then must never have slept. Many thanks Mr. Dinardo.
I believe the name was Quantum (data servers) we are still a partner on the website
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The other company was StrategicElements.

I asked the question. I continue to seed my ideal for the ultimate, completely self contained, far edge device.

Akida combined with WeetbitNano ReRAM and powered by a StrategicElements self-charging printable battery.

I see that to be the perfect combination for a fully autonomous, intelligent devise that need not be connected to anything other than the thing it is monitoring and controlling. As per my latest edit of the Wiki AIoT page, there is no need for the internet in the AIoT. BrainChip can achieve that ideal. No other company yet can.
I read up on that battery being charged by human sweat which is certainly a much better idea for plugging into with AKIDA intelligent wearables than needing to carry around a potted plant in a pack on your back. Don’t envy the idea of having to go outside and stand in the rain to keep it wet. It’s bad enough having to put my wife’s indoor plants out every time it rains because they love it. 🤪😂 FF
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I have been hesitant to guess/speculate on the likely sales (to date) as really it is just a guessing game. The use of the word 'mass' production of chips caused a lot of angst amongst holders as to what this actually meant. It was a shame we never got any concrete figures on this!

However, I have to hope that if that number was in the vicinity of 7,000 as previously discussed that this resulted in a similar number of products i.e. Raspberry Pi and later the PCIe Boards. Also there was a mention of production slots being booked for further chips, whatever that really meant is anyone's guess? Did we produce more or were we just waiting for a customer to come on board with an order?? Why book the production slots at all if we were not anticipating a need for them???

So I want to believe that the company would not have hesitated to produce a large number of their products in anticipation of a huge uptake considering they are the first to market in this area. It is then realistic, in my opinion, that the quarterly sales will be much higher than some are thinking.

Of course I base all of this on my assumption on how our company wanted to be perceived by it's likely competitors and the market place in general. A few hundred sales is not what I am expecting, I am hoping to see thousands. The fact that they sold out of the Raspberry Pi indicates a genuine desire for such a product in the market and is encouraging that the demand is there.

If I am right then revenue for this quarter should be up to $5 million but of course you will notice that I use the word 'guess' a lot so I will just wait and see.
My estimate of sales for the quarter is between US$5 -US$11Million.
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Well US $10 million would really shake a few shorters up they would be very nervous to hear that sort of figure.
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My estimate of sales for the quarter is between US$5 -US$11Million.
I hope your estimate is spot on, that would be an awesome amount at this point of time
Show Me The Money GIF
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I just want to give an update from my view of the German BRN community:

I could name a lot of 100 % BRN holders that are convinced from the company as I am - but what I have to say is that unfortunately to broad base that we won with the MB announcement at the beginning of this year breaks away piece by piece.

The current SP confirms this trend. If there won't be good news in the near future we will just lose the good mood that has been from 21 to 22.

I absolutely understand any confidentialy clauses - but leaving your loyal private investors hanging in the air like it has been happening here for weeks is a no-go.

Just my frustrated 2 Cents at the moment...
100% agree,I am with you,frustrated that the sp gains have disappeared through the worrying lack of news out of our management team.
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Well US $10 million would really shake a few shorters up they would be very nervous to hear that sort of figure.
So when is the next quarter due


Sean said the number of mini PCIe cards sold was on the order of hundreds. But that was in answering my question identifying the serial number on mine as 195. Maybe that somewhat co-erred his answer.
I’d love to know thee serial number on other cards.
I have heard mention of 214.
Surely they didn‘t start at 195. But I’d be over the moon if they did. :)
I don't know what the highest number is, but they're definately one up numbers because I have 196.
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Dang Son

My question is , for how long will management leave the retail product shelves empty/sold out?
I vaguely remember that around US$2.5m was paid to TSMC for our last known order.
Divided by say $10/15 should equate to 250,000/166,666 chips having been supplied by TSMC.
But no one could ever know, as there's always a few key point of info missing that keeps SH's guessing and speculating.
Personally, I see no reason why patient shareholders have not been informed, how many chip were purchased and any subsequent reorder.
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