BRN Discussion Ongoing


I'm Spartacus!
Secretly filmed BrainChip investors group at "the home" where they discuss the "share price" using the safe word pseudonym of "the wife."🤣

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How good are unsubstantiated claims on a forum where it's impossible to verify anyone's true identities, true intentions or even stock disposals. Almost like you can say anything you want and no one can truly prove otherwise hahaha

I'll tell you now, although I will always have a soft spot for BRN, and will always hold at least a few shares, the day I decide to sell most of my shares, I won't be anywhere near a forum like this. My hope is I'll be driving around in a nice Merc but I know I won't be here gloating or shitting on any holders.

What a perplexing group of posts today.
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Would like to see some on market buys by mgmt at these prices, just to help the sentiment
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I dunno folks. 🤷‍♀️
Maybe I've just finally gone fully batshit crazy, but the more they push our price down, the more confident I feel, and the more I want to buy.🤣
It's almost like the fear they seek to engender and which my intellect tells me I should be feeling has swapped polarity and instead makes me more determined than ever to ride this thing either straight on up to heaven or into the dirt.🤪
It's like when I was a kid and someone dared me to do something. 😏
No advice intended for any soul out there.
Just where I'm at atm.
I feel ya brother... exactly the same. Bought more today. In the 1mill club now. Heavy red but... f@#k it! Let ride this mo$#er f$%er into the sunset!!!
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What has TESLA Discovered ?????????????????

Gday @Diogenese
Your reply to @TECH regarding Akd 1500 having 8 nodes and being capable of supporting powerful NNs has me wanting to ask of your opinion here.

Recently Tesla announced they have undertaken a "different method of achieving FSD ". It was disclosed by Tesla that they had reduced the "coding used " by 99% -- ie from 300,000 lines down to 3,000.

Now, within the last 48hrs Elon Musk did a livestream on X ( posted below) of a Tesla Model S driving on FSD without any code program, relying soley on "camera vision & Ai ".

Comments made during the video by Musk,
# Using 8 nodes/Python
# No pre-mapping/routing, just NNs
# No Internet connection required
# Through vision alone has learnt how to drive, just like a human would.

My thoughts/questions are, has this ability been the product of SMART SENSORS/CAMERAS ?

And of course, "bring out the Ogre " if none of this IYO makes you think that there isn"t any chance of Akida technology being at the heart of this.


REMEMBER "HEY HEY " SAYING .................."ONCE YOUR IN, .....YOUR IN"


Hi @mrgds .

That's impressive to be sure. A car mostly driving itself on 3000 lines of code is mind blowing. It reminded me of an early Spikenet presentation where they were using 30000 lines of source code for pattern learning & recognition. Worth a look, don't think too many here have seen it. (page 8)

Spikenet Technology

My take on the Telsa video is that they are still using a central (super) computer for all the ML grunt work to train their model. It's not learning on the fly like it could with a neuromorphic approach. They had to override it and send video of where it failed back to help train the system/model. We need to see more of its ability to work offline. The car seemed to be finding its way by trial and error and using a form of SLAM (simultaneous Localization and Mapping), one area that I always thought that Akida would excel in but its been years since the company has made mention of it.
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Nothing changes if nothing changes
How good are unsubstantiated claims on a forum where it's impossible to verify anyone's true identities, true intentions or even stock disposals. Almost like you can say anything you want and no one can truly prove otherwise hahaha

I'll tell you now, although I will always have a soft spot for BRN, and will always hold at least a few shares, the day I decide to sell most of my shares, I won't be anywhere near a forum like this. My hope is I'll be driving around in a nice Merc but I know I won't be here gloating or shitting on any holders.

What a perplexing group of posts today.
Yeah tell me about it…. Side note just bought another million.. no big deal😏
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Some food for thought....AKIDA1500 availability from today. AKIDA 2 due out shortly. Mercedes reveal coming out soon. Valeo to begin ramping up with Scala3, And then you have renesas with their release due out soon.

All of this also potentially coincides with the release of Intel's 14th Gen chips, aka Meteor lake, potentially due for release in September. This is Intel's first chip that moves away from a monolithic chip design to one that is disaggregated. These new chips will contain an SOC tile that will have on it an AI visual procesing unit, and intel have mentioned that the new VPU will not be Movidius based, like what is available with the current 13th gen chips.

So, the question is what technology will these VPU's entail? Nobody knows (other than people at intel, and hopefully Brainchip), but there has been some strange wording used to describe the VPU design/function, etc. Take for instance, the passage below, in particular the underlined sentence:

View attachment 43201

"It starts with the “chiplet” system-on-chip (SoC) design that allows Intel to deliver advanced intellectual properties (IPs) and leading-edge processes to optimize segment-relevant performance and lower power."

So, Intel are going to be using some "advanced intellectual properties (IP's)" in their new pc chips. Hmmmmm :)

"Some food for thought....AKIDA1500 availability from today."


"The AKD1500 chips from
GlobalFoundries are fully functional at first silicon and will be available in limited quantities in the
coming quarter."

But if you go back to the AGM in May you get this........

"Engineering and Development: This past year was an exciting year for our product
effort. We have just completed the tape out of another chip, the Akida 1500, in the
MCU-friendly 22nm process technology. This configuration, which is different from the
AKD1000, is geared towards a companion module for industrial, MCU, automotive
and smart home solutions and highlights the configurability and portability of the
Akida IP. We’ve received our first samples and will begin building different

demonstration boards and modules for use by our sales prospects immediately."

I believe that the EAP customers driving the changes made for the Akida 1500 would already have chips in hand. This news release is for general availability for new comers.

Could be wrong, I usually am..
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Someone's upset because we are not upset?!

That's like someone p!ssing on your schadenfreude.

Sorry, Diogenes, I do not understand your reply. Schadenfreude, a nice German word 😉, should not be found in my post. Maybe the fine tunes of my English made it sound wrong? 🤔

I do not feel Schadenfreude at all, I really understand him A BIT for selling, but not the time he chose. But maybe he had reached his financial limit??
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Just from a recent submission call from...

ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems

Special Issue on Full-Stack Codesign for Robust and Secure AI-enabled Autonomous Transportation Systems

Some snips below which were interesting given the Tesla commentary today.

Unlikely anything, but nice to see the words neuromorphic and Tesla FSD chip in the same sentence :LOL:

Original paper HERE

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Hi @cosors ,

Can you confirm that schadenfreude is "your friends umbrella"?
This has been clarified below, hence my adjustment. But the gif remains, it's good;)
I'm not sure how to interpret that. What do I care about the umbrellas of my friends and I think:

I am here for many years to look back later with Schadenfreude.)

[I will never have to say to myself again - if I had once (Amazon, MS, Google). The game at the table goes into the next round. I am very patient. So patient, in fact, that the vacation season in Sweden which pushes the MC down by dozens of millions doesn't make me itch.

Looking forward to the MB with
Akida, Talnode Si and ReRAM on board, sometime. I still don't find that improbable. Rather the opposite.]
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
How good are unsubstantiated claims on a forum where it's impossible to verify anyone's true identities, true intentions or even stock disposals. Almost like you can say anything you want and no one can truly prove otherwise hahaha

I'll tell you now, although I will always have a soft spot for BRN, and will always hold at least a few shares, the day I decide to sell most of my shares, I won't be anywhere near a forum like this. My hope is I'll be driving around in a nice Merc but I know I won't be here gloating or shitting on any holders.

What a perplexing group of posts today.
Meme of the day

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8.40 ish :unsure:

Uploaded 2 days ago.

UNCUT: Elon Musk’s MIND BLOWING Live Tesla FSD Demo​

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Just from a recent submission call from...

ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems

Special Issue on Full-Stack Codesign for Robust and Secure AI-enabled Autonomous Transportation Systems

Some snips below which were interesting given the Tesla commentary today.

Unlikely anything, but nice to see the words neuromorphic and Tesla FSD chip in the same sentence :LOL:

Original paper HERE

View attachment 43204 View attachment 43205 View attachment 43206
Anything of interest here?

Screenshot_20230828_212750_Samsung Notes.jpg

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Founding Member
Yep…. Might be our last time to top up at these prices…. Just wish I had some, I’ve torn my couch to pieces and nothing 🤷‍♂️
What a great post .. omg. So great.
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Some food for thought....AKIDA1500 availability from today. AKIDA 2 due out shortly. Mercedes reveal coming out soon. Valeo to begin ramping up with Scala3, And then you have renesas with their release due out soon.

All of this also potentially coincides with the release of Intel's 14th Gen chips, aka Meteor lake, potentially due for release in September. This is Intel's first chip that moves away from a monolithic chip design to one that is disaggregated. These new chips will contain an SOC tile that will have on it an AI visual procesing unit, and intel have mentioned that the new VPU will not be Movidius based, like what is available with the current 13th gen chips.

So, the question is what technology will these VPU's entail? Nobody knows (other than people at intel, and hopefully Brainchip), but there has been some strange wording used to describe the VPU design/function, etc. Take for instance, the passage below, in particular the underlined sentence:

View attachment 43201

"It starts with the “chiplet” system-on-chip (SoC) design that allows Intel to deliver advanced intellectual properties (IPs) and leading-edge processes to optimize segment-relevant performance and lower power."

So, Intel are going to be using some "advanced intellectual properties (IP's)" in their new pc chips. Hmmmmm :)

HG can you imagine your and anyone's dot joining have much less meaning as compared to what the company is telling us.
Brainchip had reached at 5th position in short selling. Three months ago at investor update Sean told us SP will do what it has to do and this time Antonio told us akida 1.0 was not robust enough to support the sp. And partners are waiting for akida 2.0 now
So what you want to get from those investor updates. Is that the company is trying to tell holders that shorters had out smart us?? Or company is thinking actually shorters are right and we holders are idiot.
There was a time when I always get happy when shorter increase their bet, because that will mean holders can benefit but the last two investor updates had ruined my confidence in management. Just today 27 million shares are traded and we holders does not know other than dot joinings.
At the AGM Sean cannot speak well with share holders but the same Sean was confident while interviewing with someone on social media.
To me last two investor updates only benefitted the shorters.
Why the company could not tell us 2 years ago that we are getting headwinds with software. That would had be detrimental at that time but would had been wise advise to holders. Now when the shorters are all over us they are telling us that akida 1.0 was launched without any after market support. Donot you think LDN was removed because of that reason but company never try to tell to the holders what is going wrong.
Rob was saying to us tip of iceberg while they were not having right partners to support the iceberg.
I have only simple point if they keep quite that long and product is really good then why to come out and talk about weaknesses at a crucial point and demotivate the holders.
I believe SP would had been better without those investor updates. That is a reason I assume the investor updates are either to support the shorts or the worse has to come yet.
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The Pope

Been over 12 months since interacted with TSE. Thought I'd gauge mood after the terrible results.

Very sad to see everyone is writing precisely the same drivel here as 12 months and even 24 months ago.

It seems TSE has bred a cult, where mutual agreement helps to wash away the acidic taste of share price decline.

When someone dares raise a negative opinion, many of you rally around to patronise their lack of knowledge, understanding, and their impatience.

I've held since Aziana. I feel fiercely let down by repeated failures of management.

Mr Hehir's honeymoon is long over. The tide has gone out and the emperor had no clothes on.

From being a Top 20 holder to having sold my last share is odd. But I'm feeling a pleasant sense of weight off my shoulders .
Thanks for providing some solid drivel as well.
Wish you all the best for the future and I hope that is your last post as you don’t have any more BRN shares.
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Sorry, Diogenes, I do not understand your reply. Schadenfreude, a nice German word 😉, should not be found in my post. Maybe the fine tunes of my English made it sound wrong? 🤔

I do not feel Schadenfreude at all, I really understand him A BIT for selling, but not the time he chose. But maybe he had reached his financial limit??
Hey CHIPS, he's not a genuine person, in my opinion, just a "character" a muppet.

I'd say he was a sock puppet, but I don't think he even bothered with the sock..


When you've been around here a while, you can smell maggots like him/her from a mile away..
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
8.40 ish :unsure:

Uploaded 2 days ago.

UNCUT: Elon Musk’s MIND BLOWING Live Tesla FSD Demo​

Very interesting,

'It's doing this on hardware 3, on 100W of inference compute. So its not on massive Data Center. If we are off-line, their will be no different. All the inference is happening locally and does not need an internet connection"

I do think 100w is high for what we know of Akida. However, what happens if Akida is add to a Nvidia GPU. Because all that processing would require the processing power of a GPU and Akida can help with some of the local inference when the internet is disconnect. (Just layman thought)

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