Rise from the ashes
What VPN are you using?What advertising?
What VPN are you using?What advertising?
Where’s DOLCI ?
I was going to drop a heart but I feel I need to personally thankyou for your wise and reassuring words. I have further accumulated on hope and to hear that the team are full steam ahead is just what I wanted to hear.Lots of Brainchip shareholders are really hurting, maybe you should have sold out if you are that convinced it's all doom and gloom.
It's not my job or the companies to calm your nerves, if you are so driven by the share price that you have entered the panic mode, well sell
your shares and move away from this forum...all I do know is, as of the start of this week our staff have never been more engaged with
customers (potential or otherwise) in our history, that our founder from Perth, Peter, is currently over in the US helping Anil and the team
complete the final process of AKD 2.0.
This indicates to me at least that, the release of AKD 2.0 to EAP's followed by the general public is fast approaching, while I'll personally
concede that this current period towards commercialization feels rather frustrating, it's better to get it right now, rather than later, we
(Brainchip) can't afford any major mistakes at this delicate time in our journey.
I have asked Sean a specific question to be addressed at the upcoming quarterly podcast update with Tony, if he doesn't address my
question, I'll let you know what it was after.
Have a great weekend back in Australia.
If u sold, at the short sellers artificially created prices instead of buying, yes u lost. I increased my holding by 20%.Stop blaming the short sellers. They were right with their decisions and we were wrong. Whilst the long term holders were influenced by statements like the explosion of sales etc. did the short sellers all earn money while we lost any gains we’ve had. And yes even if we’re fans of the company… we want to earn money. That’s the point of investing. And we’ve lost. There is not one sign whatsoever that this will change in the following years.
Thanks for this Jason,![]()
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Aktuelles Stellenangebot als Entwicklungsingenieur Hard/Software AI - ADAS (w/m/d) in Böblingen bei der Firma Mercedes - Benz AGwww-stepstone-de.translate.goog
Yes, I think its an insensitive post.Tech, you know it’s not as easy as just selling up. Surely you’d understand that people are hurting here - some weren’t as lucky as us to get in under .20cents… I’ve come to expect better posts from you mate.
I also don’t think anyone has asked you, or the company to specifically calm their nerves either. People are allowed to vent though.
This whole “don’t post here if it’s negative about the company” sentiment is no better than the comment it’s aimed at.
Its not that BRN is slow the problem is that AI at the Edge has been moving way slower than anticipated.
Not much different to the many years holders of EV related stocks waited for returns.
It is not a matter of 'if' its a matter of when!
Yes, I think its an insensitive post.
Its easy for people to hide behind words such as "not advice" or "DYOR" on these forums, but I suppose peoples decision to invest in a stock like Brainchip is a combination or "sum total" of all the information they can find out about the company. There were plenty of regulars here and on the other site providing positive commentary on the company, some even having direct or personable contact with key members of BRN. When comments such as "2022 will be our best year ever".....good luck trying to prove that statement wrong" are made by our trusted forum regulars, also considering all the positive announcements and their contact with BRN personnel, people may have invested in the company (based on their sum total analysis - these forums being part of their analysis, irrespective of the DYOR etc, that is written....
So what I'm trying to say is that people have invested in this co, pre 21-22 on the basis of the information they have gathered, and all indicators where that by 22-23 the company was going to be pushing upwards in terms of sales/revenue and ultimately SP. But that has happened. People did their research and unfortunately they are in negative territory. people did have a plan based on the information at that time and I bet no one would have thought we'd drop back in the 30's at this time.
I'm not bitching, but feel for all the people who bought at a higher price, who are angry now, and yes its not that easy to just sell. They had anticipated (as everyone else) that the SP would be significantly higher than where it is now, and things didn't go according to their plan. Things like increasing interest rates on peoples home loans are putting pressure on them, and it would hurt to just sell up BRN shares at this low SP to get by, after being in the company for so long. I'm sure people who have bought in at 4-5cents (that includes me) are feeling some sort of pain or disappointment also, and there is nothing wrong with that.
In saying all the above, I am still very positive on BRN (have not sold 1 share to date), and what they have. I am just concerned about the timeline left to market, and that of potential competitors.
You waddle in to push your usual narrative then frame it as something that you needed to get off your chest.
GREAT POST!!!!!!!![]()
You waddle in to push your usual narrative then frame it as something that you needed to get off your chest.
GREAT POST!!!!!!!![]()
Ahhh so you’re the duck whisperer everyone is talking about lol… relax. We’re all entitled to our own opinionLMAO...
You waddle in to push your usual narrative then frame it as something that you needed to get off your chest.
GREAT POST!!!!!!!![]()
Hmm... so many myths yet share price relfects otherwiseWow that was a great few pages to read after dinner.
Hope everyone feels better. Just thought id post a couple of my thoughts as a few misconceptions were thrown around. Also I'd like to finish with our Forward Looking Statement that I'm sure you've all read ad nauseum.
Myth 1: Akida 1 was a failure
Only version of Akida to generate revenue
Only version of Akida being taped out by IP licensees
Only version of Akida linked to NASA, Valeo, Nviso, Prophesee, Mercedes, et al
Myth 2: No revenue last year
Easy debunk, check the financials for > 0 dollars
Myth 3: Management made promises of specific figures or timelines
See below forward looking Statement, and consider interpretation of messages from management PRIOR to the headwinds experienced
Myth 4: Brainchip owes any kind of return on investment to any of us, within a specified timeframe.
We all have different position sizes and avg holding values
We all had free will and were warned as per below FLS.
We all chose to invest in a volatile and very, very new technology.
We all have a different time horizon for when we anticipate returns.
Myth 5: Shorters are to blame
The market contains many participants.
The Shorters are likely instos who could care less about the company and rely on numerical values and charting.
Like it or not our TA looked shocking, got better briefly and now looks shocking again.
Until we have significant positive news, there's no reason for the instos to swim against the tide, we need positive news or a change in TA conditions to see a turn in our SP for good.
Myth 6: Brainchips performance is tied to it's shareprice
See above, we are now closing in on prices that predate Mercedes, and are closing into our rerate after NASA.
This is Nov 2020 levels.
At that time, we had a fraction of the partnerships, no licensees, no Akida 1.5, no Akida 2.0, no global recognition, a fraction of the news and media releases and no NDA bending tweets.
A follow up question on myth 6, is the market incorrectly pricing BRN as of Nov 2020, or is the market incorrectly pricing Brainchip as of today?
Edit: Bonus comment, Sean said 7 figures not 1m.
This means between 1m and 9.99m.
At the quoted 3-5 multiple, we are looking at anywhere between $3m and $49m on top of the initial fee.
Just something to think about when expecting 100+ licenses a week (my favourite comment from the whole night)
Forward looking statements
This announcement contains forward-looking statements, which address a variety of subjects including, for example product development, marketing position and technical advances. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs, plans and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on our current expectations and information currently available to management and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The Company's management believes that these forward looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, you should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements because such statements speak only as of the date when made. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law or the ASX Listing Rules. In addition, forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, events, and developments to differ materially from our historical experience and our present expectations.
I was going to drop a heart but I feel I need to personally thankyou for your wise and reassuring words. I have further accumulated on hope and to hear that the team are full steam ahead is just what I wanted to hear.
A great, balanced post mate!Yes, I think its an insensitive post.
Its easy for people to hide behind words such as "not advice" or "DYOR" on these forums, but I suppose peoples decision to invest in a stock like Brainchip is a combination or "sum total" of all the information they can find out about the company. There were plenty of regulars here and on the other site providing positive commentary on the company, some even having direct or personable contact with key members of BRN. When comments such as "2022 will be our best year ever".....good luck trying to prove that statement wrong" are made by our trusted forum regulars, also considering all the positive announcements and their contact with BRN personnel, people may have invested in the company (based on their sum total analysis - these forums being part of their analysis, irrespective of the DYOR etc, that is written....
So what I'm trying to say is that people have invested in this co, pre 21-22 on the basis of the information they have gathered, and all indicators where that by 22-23 the company was going to be pushing upwards in terms of sales/revenue and ultimately SP. But that has happened. People did their research and unfortunately they are in negative territory. people did have a plan based on the information at that time and I bet no one would have thought we'd drop back in the 30's at this time.
I'm not bitching, but feel for all the people who bought at a higher price, who are angry now, and yes its not that easy to just sell. They had anticipated (as everyone else) that the SP would be significantly higher than where it is now, and things didn't go according to their plan. Things like increasing interest rates on peoples home loans are putting pressure on them, and it would hurt to just sell up BRN shares at this low SP to get by, after being in the company for so long. I'm sure people who have bought in at 4-5cents (that includes me) are feeling some sort of pain or disappointment also, and there is nothing wrong with that.
In saying all the above, I am still very positive on BRN (have not sold 1 share to date), and what they have. I am just concerned about the timeline left to market, and that of potential competitors.
Great post hop!The share price at these levels certainly sucks and I doubt you'll find many holders apart from the abominable shorter's who are happy about it.
I am surprised and disappointed to find it back down here and I too have empathy for those who are doing it particularly tough at the moment.
It is a difficult time for many who find they have not allocated sufficient reserves to accomodate this unpleasant circumstance and turn of events.
For many, this is a lesson previously learned from perhaps bitter experience, which is I guess, the basis of that wisdom, that comes with age.
For those who have not yet had this lived experience, it can indeed be a bitter pill.
I hope you can adapt your posture, tighten your belts and live through it, as many of us have, in the past.
There are lessons to be learned from it, and though some are unpalatable at the time, those who can, may learn some sympathy with those who passed through the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's of a previous century.
Time marches on, and though we each can only play the cards we're dealt, in the game we've inherited, we do have some agency, and most here are indeed fortunate to be dealing in mainly "first world problems".
I continue to hold in the hope and conviction that we won't all be blasted, frozen, par boiled, shot, drowned, suffocated or eaten by hyena's before the current cycle turns, our product is widely adopted and our share price is reflecting our Company's success.
I still believe that we have an experienced, competent and diligent management team working in a coordinated manner, with the approval and support of our founder, in following a well conceived and considered plan in order to achieve our goals with the right tech, in the right place at the right time.
But, it's not magic, nor the highly condensed version of life we see in the movies.
In this real world, we'll likely find ourselves popping Champer's corks and suddenly hailed an overnight success, whilst we few, who knew early, and hung on, wryly grin at each other, remembering the years in the making.