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I think he's trying to tell us something........🤭

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I think he's trying to tell us something........🤭

View attachment 38171

If it’s been on the road in Germany since 2022, and we haven’t received and revenue yet, doesn’t that indicate that we aren’t in it?
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If it’s been on the road in Germany since 2022, and we haven’t received and revenue yet, doesn’t that indicate that we aren’t in it?
🤔, good point, unless the German version is inferior initially?

Perhaps the "like" isn't in reference to drive pilot? Hard to say.

What i do know is, this is the 4th "like" by anil on this topic in the last 24hrs
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🤔, good point, unless the German version is inferior initially?

Perhaps the "like" isn't in reference to drive pilot? Hard to say.

What i do know is, this is the 4th "like" by anil on this topic in the last 24hrs
Thanks for pointing out the number of likes Anil is giving.

To me it says there is a lot of respect between Brainchip and Mercedes, and therefore possibly a very tight and prosperous relationship developing here.

I'm guessing things are progressing well between the two and the excitement levels are really building.
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I see our mates :unsure: at Prophesee presenting shortly at the following symposium.

Having some challenges they say and are discussing a stacked event sensor. We know they work with Sony (one of the Chairs for this session) stacked sensor but also acknowledge the emphasis on connectivity to neuromorphic processor would trust Akida is one such processor.

Original paper HERE

2023 Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits Advance Program

Circuits Session 22
Advanced Imagers [Suzaku II]
Thursday, June 15, 14:00-15:40

Chairpersons: T. Takahashi, Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp.
M. Dielacher, Infineon Technologies AG

C22-2 - 14:25
A 320 x 320 1/5" BSI-CMOS Stacked Event Sensor for Low-Power Vision Applications, G. Schon, D. Bourke, P.-A. Doisneau, T. Finateu, A. Gonzalez, N. Hanajima, T. Hitana, L. Janse Van Vuuren, M. Kadry, C. Laurent, F. Le Goff, D. Matolin, A. Mezaour, B. Michel,
T. Naguleswaran, T. Opperman, P. Perrin, E. Reynaud, F. Shahrokhi, H. Tahachouite, C. Tianfan, G. van den Branden, A. Ziram, J.-L. Jaffard and C. Posch, Prophesee, France

Event-based vision is an emerging paradigm of acquisition and processing of visual information. The highly efficient way of acquiring sparse data and the robustness to uncontrolled lighting conditions make event-based vision attractive for applications in industrial, surveillance, IoT, AR/VR, automotive.

However, the unconventional format of the event data, non-constant data rates, non-standard interfaces pose challenges to usage and integration. A 320x320 6.3Îźm pixel BSI stacked event sensor was designed with the explicit goal to improve integrability and usability in embedded at-the-edge vision systems. Emphasis has been put on event data pre-processing and formatting, data interface compatibility and low-latency
connectivity to various processing platforms including low-power uCs and neuromorphic processor architectures.

Furthermore, the sensor has been optimized for ultra-low power operation, featuring a hierarchy of low-power modes and application-specific modes of operation. On-chip power management and an embedded microcontroller
Opps. Reply meant for SharesForBrekky. On the BRN Website one of the reasons given to invest is the BRN tie up with Mercedes and others. Its a matter of when not if.
" Marquee brands include Mercedes, Valeo, Vorago, and NASA, and commercial IP licenses with Renesas and MegaChips. Commercial availability of semiconductor chips, IP, tools, and boards."
The when just has to be within our first mover timeframe. I am sure it will be. That is why i am accumulating.
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If it’s been on the road in Germany since 2022, and we haven’t received and revenue yet, doesn’t that indicate that we aren’t in it?
This is a very good point.
Do we know how many cars they have sold in Germany with that feature? It'd be good to try and calculate "missing" revenue.
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I think he's trying to tell us something........🤭

View attachment 38171
Great photo of the Golden Gate bridge over to Marin County, I lived for a short while in the Bay area when I was just 20.

For the golfers out there, my great, great Uncle (Sam Whiting) designed the Olympic Golf Club (Lakeside course) in 1927/8 and worked there as the Golf Pro/ Superintendent before retiring in 1955, Lakeside has been the home to a number of US Majors, the 2028 US PGA and the 2032 Ryder Cup currently scheduled there, certain holes have been altered over the years, but it still remains a proud family part of history !

One point to remember is that by January 2025 (my performance judgement day :ROFLMAO:) Sean will have just completed 3 of the 5 year plan that he presented to the Board back in early 2022, so now you may get the picture of why I personally chose that time period, things (should) be unfolding beautifully by that point, if not, well, "Houston, we have a problem" "Where's that AKIDA technology you promised us back at Astronauts college" :ROFLMAO::unsure:;)

Happy Sunday Believers....Tech.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
If it’s been on the road in Germany since 2022, and we haven’t received and revenue yet, doesn’t that indicate that we aren’t in it?

Sean recently mentioned Mercedes was working on bringing out 3 chips. My guess is that Mercedes would have to be one of the lead adopters currently working on AKIDA 2nd Gen (with general availability in 3rd quarter 2023).

I'm also going to take a stab in the dark and suggest that it's no co-incidence that Arm recently (April 2023) updated the full portfolio of their Cortex-M micro-controllers certifying them with an external assessor for ISO 26262 to speed time-to-market for automotive controllers. Every component in the vehicle that could have an impact on passenger safety must comply with the ISO 26262 standard.

So, one of the ways I see it potentially unfolding is something like this:

Mercedes Chip 1 = Updated Arm M-23 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - E
Mercedes Chip 2 = Updated Arm M-33 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - S
Mercedes Chip 3 = Updated Arm M-85 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - P

Also, you can see from this previous post #3,158 that Mercedes plan was to bring most of the elements of the Vision EQXX into real vehicles in a time frame of 2024 to 2025 and in an interview on the 8th January, Markus Schäfer said Mercedes plans to “make sure we have custom, standardized chips in the car", rather than using a thousand different chips.

It's all proceeding very much according to plan if you ask me.

IMO and do't forget to DYOR.

B 💋
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Sean recently mentioned Mercedes was working on bringing out 3 chips. My guess is that Mercedes would have to be one of the lead adopters currently working on AKIDA 2nd Gen (with general availability in 3rd quarter 2023).

I'm also going to take a stab in the dark and suggest that it's no co-incidence that Arm recently (April 2023) updated the full portfolio of their Cortex-M micro-controllers certifying them with an external assessor for ISO 26262 to speed time-to-market for automotive controllers. Every component in the vehicle that could have an impact on passenger safety must comply with the ISO 26262 standard.

So, one of the ways I see it potentially unfolding is something like this:

Mercedes Chip 1 = Updated Arm M-23 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - E
Mercedes Chip 2 = Updated Arm M-33 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - S
Mercedes Chip 3 = Updated Arm M-85 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - P

Also, you can see from this previous post #3,158 that Mercedes plan was to bring most of the elements of the Vision EQXX into real vehicles in a time frame of 2024 to 2025 and in an interview on the 8th January, Markus Schäfer said Mercedes plans to “make sure we have custom, standardized chips in the car", rather than using a thousand different chips.

It's all proceeding very much according to plan if you ask me.

IMO and do't forget to DYOR.

B 💋
Time will tell I guess… I really hope this comes to fruition.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Sean recently mentioned Mercedes was working on bringing out 3 chips. My guess is that Mercedes would have to be one of the lead adopters currently working on AKIDA 2nd Gen (with general availability in 3rd quarter 2023).

I'm also going to take a stab in the dark and suggest that it's no co-incidence that Arm recently (April 2023) updated the full portfolio of their Cortex-M micro-controllers certifying them with an external assessor for ISO 26262 to speed time-to-market for automotive controllers. Every component in the vehicle that could have an impact on passenger safety must comply with the ISO 26262 standard.

So, one of the ways I see it potentially unfolding is something like this:

Mercedes Chip 1 = Updated Arm M-23 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - E
Mercedes Chip 2 = Updated Arm M-33 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - S
Mercedes Chip 3 = Updated Arm M-85 + AKIDA (2nd gen) - P

Also, you can see from this previous post #3,158 that Mercedes plan was to bring most of the elements of the Vision EQXX into real vehicles in a time frame of 2024 to 2025 and in an interview on the 8th January, Markus Schäfer said Mercedes plans to “make sure we have custom, standardized chips in the car", rather than using a thousand different chips.

It's all proceeding very much according to plan if you ask me.

IMO and do't forget to DYOR.

B 💋

And that time-frame is also consistent with the following...

Screen Shot 2023-06-11 at 4.45.59 pm.png
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As late as September 2020, Apple seemed to believe NNs were software in this eye-tracking patent application:


View attachment 37868

[0040] In some implementations, the gaze tracker 246 is configured to determine a gaze direction of a user via one or more of the techniques disclosed herein. To that end, in various implementations, the gaze tracker 246 includes instructions and/or logic therefor, configured neural networks, and heuristics and metadata therefor.

So is it probable that the scales fallen from Apple's eyes in the last 32 months ... and just think how much they could reduce the size of that external battery ...

I can’t hold a candle to your technical expertise, @Diogenese, that is to say, you are probably right about the Apple non-connection.
Then again, losing yourself in reverie is said to be beneficial for your health.
Or to express it in a way better suited to a stock market forum:
“Daydreaming can be a daily investment with extremely interesting returns.” ( )

Hailing from the land of the Brothers Grimm, a penchant for story-telling and fairy tales is conceivably part of my genetic makeup - but whereas Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were actually collectors and publishers of oral folk tales that had been passed on from generation to generation, I prefer to create my own stories.
So let me share my latest daydream with you - featuring Disney’s Snow White (well, sort of) telling an (unpoisoned) Apple a fantastic story:


(Image copied from

“Once upon a time, there was an ingenious Dutch boy called Peter Adrianus Johannes who wasn’t yet aware he was destined to revolutionise Edge AI one day, in another millennium, in a wondrous country far far away from home, where mysterious mammals lay eggs and other equally mysterious mammals prefer to spread a disgusting brown goo on what they call their “brekkie toast” rather than feasting on fairy bread, which the Seven Dwarfs serve me each morning on a rotating roster. How utterly dreadful!
Their saving grace is that a select few amongst them know how to turn grapes into a ruby-red magic potion that I like to imbibe in order to drown my worries, as my vain and wicked stepmother is apparently persisting in plotting my death, all because of that enchanted mirror of hers which - being centuries old - surely must be one of the first ever recorded use cases of Edge AI…

… And the myriad of businesses that had had the foresight to seal contracts with the company that Peter Adrianus Johannes’s brainchild had spawned thrived happily ever after.”

Some fairy tales do come true… 😊
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I can’t hold a candle to your technical expertise, @Diogenese, that is to say, you are probably right about the Apple non-connection.
Then again, losing yourself in reverie is said to be beneficial for your health.
Or to express it in a way better suited to a stock market forum:
“Daydreaming can be a daily investment with extremely interesting returns.” ( )

Hailing from the land of the Brothers Grimm, a penchant for story-telling and fairy tales is conceivably part of my genetic makeup - but whereas Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were actually collectors and publishers of oral folk tales that had been passed on from generation to generation, I prefer to create my own stories.
So let me share my latest daydream with you - featuring Disney’s Snow White (well, sort of) telling an (unpoisoned) Apple a fantastic story:

View attachment 38113
(Image copied from

“Once upon a time, there was an ingenious Dutch boy called Peter Adrianus Johannes who wasn’t yet aware he was destined to revolutionise Edge AI one day, in another millennium, in a wondrous country far far away from home, where mysterious mammals lay eggs and other equally mysterious mammals prefer to spread a disgusting brown goo on what they call their “brekkie toast” rather than feasting on fairy bread, which the Seven Dwarfs serve me each morning on a rotating roster. How utterly dreadful!
Their saving grace is that a select few amongst them know how to turn grapes into a ruby-red magic potion that I like to imbibe in order to drown my worries, as my vain and wicked stepmother is apparently persisting in plotting my death, all because of that enchanted mirror of hers which - being centuries old - surely must be one of the first ever recorded use cases of Edge AI…

… And the myriad of businesses that had had the foresight to seal contracts with the company that Peter Adrianus Johannes’s brainchild had spawned thrived happily ever after.”

Some fairy tales do come true… 😊
And i have heard that PAJ is a excellent wordworker, basing his work upon the unique characteristic of the "Frangipani "
IE ............ the 3 legged stool ".......................;)(y)
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