Hi stuart,Thanks Rise for the heads up. Looking forward to this benchmarking! The momentum of the Brainchip low power smarts is trending nicely!
I searched for: low power edge tinyml benchmarking best practices. Lots of info on this, deep stuff.
The Brainchip team will put it in a format that everyone will understand. Should be awesome.
The variety of available neural network architectures, configurations, and performance-related parameters makes it challenging to compare alternative ML/DL products and services. To facilitate this, engineers often turn to proven benchmarks for compute intense and data intense systems. For example:
These benchmarks aid in evaluating different components of ML/DL systems, which are typically deployed over computationally intensive platforms. However, they are overly focused on conventional computational workloads and hence not sufficient for training and executing deep learning tasks that are typically more complex.
- The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) family of benchmarks focuses on computational workloads over different computing architectures including cloud-based systems.
- The LINPACK Benchmarks provide measures of a computer’s floating-point rate of execution i.e., they focus on floating-point computing power.
- The TPC consortium includes industry leaders in computing systems and datasets, which have provided a suite of benchmarks for stress testing the transaction processing and data warehousing capabilities of data intensive systems.
- The High Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) benchmark provides novel metrics that enable the evaluation and ranking of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems.
The primary measure of the performance of CPU/GPU is TOPS - tera operations per second - in other words how much power they can burn per second. This does not tell you how long it takes to perform a task or how much power it burns doing it. Such yardsticks are not applicable to Akida which is designed to minimize power consumption and improve speed.
A first meaningful measure of Akida's performance would be inferences per second (IPS) or frames per second (FPS), where the inferences/frames are tested against a standardized set of data. This tells you how fast the chip can perform a task. The second measure would be IPS per Watt or FPS per Watt.
IPS/FPS would clearly demonstrate how much faster Akida is compared to a software CNN run on CPU/GPU, and IPS/FPS per Watt would clearly demonstrate how much power the von Neumann computers use compared to Akida in performing the same tasks. Clearly, the amount of power used is a critical measure for edge devices, and the time is important for applications requiring real time responses.