BRN Discussion Ongoing


I love your inputs FF,

BUT I think you have misread the angst people are feeling, with what we are witnessing here.

Oranges with Oranges you say .... Hows about compared to the ASX all technology index XTX........IT HAS DROPPED 29% since its recent peak in November last year.

BRN has dropped 55% since its November peak ......... nearly double.

Is that a fair comparison ? ...... without having to dig too deep into stocks in particular, keeping in mind they all have their own individual background, present and future stories.

Even though the Brainchip has been well validated, not a speculator any longer with still to reveal the household names of its customers.......... and is touted as the next big disturber of technology

don't you think the 55% drop should be questioned ?

I am not questioning the product ......... it's a winner and the time to get in the queue and collect will eventually arrive, but the road we are on at present needs some legitimate questions asked

I believe.

That is my honest opinion, for something that is supposed to be the next best thing and in such HIGH DEMAND by buyers .......... does not seem right.

I understand there is a HOOVER job going on at present ..... biggest tree shake I have ever seen, which goes to show ....... this baby is a GOODUN.

At least I hope that is what is going on.
BALLISTA - AKIDA can it be said in reverse to suit the recent shareprice ?
The peak at over 2.3 was around mid January 2022 and now we are at 0.96.

The peak price was not sustainable because the income at that time was quite low, it was only news about Mercedes Benz (real good news) as I recall and then the market turned bear and the mad man Putin invaded Ukraine sending almost everything down.

News about major companies like Benz and an institution like NASA using BC are really good because they are extremely well known & respected all over the world but they will not bring in much sale at first but the commercial value is tremendous, bringing the name BrainChip out to the world and many companies will say; If M.B. and NASA are using B.C. maybe we should too.

I am sure a "snow ball" effect is slowly starting to gain speed, more and more companies will start using BC and hopefully that will be clear when we see the quarterly reporting but it takes time to get the ship moving.

When looking in the rear view mirror I wish I sold off my whole position when over 2 and then buy back, but who could had known? No one can time the market, no one!

I will weather the storm, I still have a good profit.

If I sell tomorrow, they will release news the day after and I will be chasing the company and that's not good.
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No buddy,
The market is still figuring out BRN's worth. We have had some very promising news through the early access clients and very positive validation of technology through the Like's of NASA and recently Mercedes. I feel brainchips sp is a guestimate based on future potential earnings which even the most experienced analysts are struggling with. You need to ask yourself what are u comfortable with spending and the timing of your spend... its that simple. You snooze, you buy too high, you worry about a slide... you wait for the bottom, you miss out entirely on cheap purchases. Every time I buy a parcel, whether it be 1.98, 1.56, 1.25, 0.99 I think to myself...yes!!! I have added to my rare collection of priceless shares... as I am a long term holder... each share to me is worth $25 to $225.. so you see brainchip has always been cheap my friend and will continue to be so, untill we collect serious billion dollar revenue... by then it will be just another Tesla et al
That's how I see it too, cents in the dollar now will be 'relatively' immaterial in the future. Although it's an inherent desire to get the best bargain, no one knows where the bottom is - probably not back to 46c (pre-Mercedes levels) but somewhere in the 80s might still be possible - worth keeping some powder dry just in case but I'm still topping up in the 90's......not advice just my opinion. If the share price ever reaches $225, as you suggest, then buying at $10 would still be a bargain - and that's over 10 X current price....makes you think 😲🤔
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
I feel ya.
I first bought in Oct 2015, so not so long before you.
I asked "how long" mainly due to your moniker. :)
But see you've been around long enough to have witnessed our share price's previous ups and downs along with it's prolonged sideways action.
I have recently retired and am no longer accumulating, so believe me when I say I understand your frustration and certainly will be more joyful when it is going up again. I will be even happier to see sustained incremental growth which I hope for and expect as more data is revealed, allowing for the validation of more traditional valuation methods
Like you I believe in the company, it's management and our product and prospective products in the pipeline.
Like you am presently comfortably in the green.
Like you do not like the games, manipulation and unfair playing field.
However, I accept it, like I accept death, taxes, and the often unsatisfactory state of the world and the fact that sometimes bad things happen to good people.
I do what I can, when I can, in my own small way to help alleviate or compensate injustices that fall within my orbit.
As far as our company and the wider ASX is concerned I have neither the means nor the power to do anything other than Buy, Sell or Hold.
I also believe the Company will release announcements as per their legal obligations and I neither expect nor want "sugar hits" just because the share price is dipping.
I want the company to continue acting in the professional and businesslike manner we have become accustomed to which is a necessary component in garnering the respect and support of the larger players out there.
The real influencers who buy in the millions rather than in the thousands as I do.
I want them to discover and support our Company helping to stabilise and sustainably grow our share price over time.
Do I want that time to be now... of course I do....
But wishing is like fishing and it takes as long as it takes.....:)
If something material happens that is sufficiently negative, I am watching, and on alert to reconsider my holding, but, everything I am presently aware of leads me to my current position of Holding, because i think the Company is doing everything it can to progress its plan.
Then, along with the Company, I will grow richer and more secure, and be in a position to be of greater benefit to those around me.
Ultimately I guess it comes down to faith, because my knowledge and understanding is limited and flawed by the nature of who I am.
I wish well for you Brother/Sister and hope for the news we are all waiting for soon.
In the meantime, I'll enjoy the days passing, down at the old fishin' hole.......:)
Looking forward to meeting some of the Melbourne crew tonight at the Harlow Bar in Richmond.

Hey Gang!

I hope you're all behaving at the Melbs catch-up (all except for Hoppy that is;)) ! Please send us some pics from the evening when you can!

B x
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Here are some things (which may help some here)that Ive learned over my investment journey to date,all which have been posted on these threads by many a poster previously in one form or another:
1.If you cant control your emotions,your emotions will control YOU outcome=irrational decision making
2.Stop blaming management for YOUR own investment decisions.if you are looking to apportion blame look FIRST into your bathroom mirror.
3.If you have failed to make a clear investment plan,then you have unwittingly set yourself up for failure. See point 1& 2
4.Instant gratification in the market is a rarity,get comfortable with being uncomfortable.BTW I dont consider 7 months a longterm hold 7 years is closer to the mark( imo tech stocks especially you are probably going to need 10 years at least)to see large returns.
5 Volatility is a given,accept it for what it is-an opportunity.
6.Do not over invest this only leads to fear when times get tough- see point 1.
7.Fear and greed rule the market.Stockmarket Sharks feed on (and rely on) emotional traders for their own success as it makes their job easier.
8.Emotions have no place in a solid well thought out investment plan.
9.Unfortunatley manipulation of a shareprice by nefarious puppet masters is a given (you dont have to like it but the reality is it happens) so accept it and plan for it.
10.The ASX is not a level playing field.
Best wishes to all.
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I'm Spartacus!
Hey Gang!

I hope you're all behaving at the Melbs catch-up (all except for Hoppy that is;)) ! Please send us some pics from the evening when you can!

B x
Some of the crew before everyone got pissed and became outrageous. :)

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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When it comes to NDA's and Announcements it is not that hard to say something without causing issues from both ASX compliance & NDA's.
Many other companies on the ASX do this every day! Just got to do your job I guess. lol.

An example of roughly what could be possible might be below -
BRN is happy to announce that it is stepping into the future with continual progress being made on its Cortical Akida project. BRN management see this being the next step in evolution of the "Chip" and in Edge Ai. While still under development which carries no guarantees it is hoped to be be completed within the 2023-2024 time frame if successful. Brainchip is not aware of any other company researching for commercial use a Cortical Ai Chip or IP.

Blah blah blah .... a bit about what a Cortical Ai is about etc.

BRAINCHIP is please to announce that they have entered the last frontier namely SPACE with several AKIDA chips being used in spacecraft to evaluate their performance and suitability to this challenging environment. While not currently of significant value to the company in a dollar sense (only 4 chips) it it hoped to open the way for future involvement in what is deemed to be the last great frontier.


NOW .......BRN Management has a DUTY to keep both the Market & Shareholders "informed" of its business including any advances being made. This is actually a requirement of the ASX and ASIC. To NOT do so is actually misleading the shareholders & Market.

ASX cannot ask for specifics if it is under development & or Evaluation and these are as yet unknown. Cannot even say who is using because they might decide to not be customers and naming them now would be inferring them to be customers & misleading the market.

But it is KEEPING the Market & more importantly shareholders informed of projects and their development.
Shareholders have the right to being kept informed of their companies progress beyond 4C etc.

Now I know we have a bunch of scientists running the show. But a Company and its CEO have a duty to shareholders to MAXIMISE the VALUE of the company both in its products & Share price (Asset base).
Its not just about making the world best Coffee Maker its about bringing VALUE to the shareholder and their assets (holdings).

Maybe we need a compliance Officer who will push back at ASX Compliance and fight a bit to get News and Info onto the ASX.
NOTE: Giving misleading or False info is a no, no and not what I am talking about.

All this is my own take and opinion on things. My compliance days were long ago but still relevant to understanding the issues. You just have to have a go at pushing stuff through , not take the easy way out. You have to have the desire to do this!

ps. A Lawyer can always find a problem with anything written or write (word) a document that will pass muster. Its his job & Career. His choice.

DYOR. ( I know I will get criticism for this post)


PPS. Some NDA .....B/S about naming companies. ASX Compliance cannot require names unless a contract has been made or is in progress.
Otherwise it is inferred and potentially misleading.

Hi Yak,

So where did you get the information about the Cortical Akida from?

... or the 4 chips in space?
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I'm Spartacus!
Love you beautiful people!

Big Thank you to JoMo68 for organising it. And you'll never guess what her line of work is???
Picture taken just before BaconLover turned up and rocked our world. :)
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Oat latte lover
images - 2022-03-15T225522.365.jpeg

If you are not confident to HOLD, it is very simple. "HOLD your breath for 10min, everything sorted"
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Yak52,Imo unfortunately your example announcements would be deemed marketing by the ASX,then all the HC downrampers would be at it again screaming all fluff no substance.The price will move up again when the big boys decide its time or we get price senstive annoucements.Until such time more pantene required from LTHs
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According to this guy, the war will end in 10 days. If that happens, markets will turn and we should see some light.
Possibly even an announcement. I have a feeling management are waiting for this moment.

Accumulate at these low levels and wait for the push upwards. We're at 96c but should be able to push $1.20 + on a decent announcement from the company. Whether this is next week or in April, is yet to be seen. Commercialisation can be a tricky thing..
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Hi Yak,

So where did you get the information about the Cortical Akida from?

... or the 4 chips in space?
Uh ......Barrelsitter(Dio) it was just 2 basic examples of what could be written that would probably past muster with ASX if pushed. I take it you did NOT read the actual post just skimmed it? The intent of the post was very clear.

As for the idea of just 4 chips ,well that low number would not be called "substantial" by any means (in the example) and with our connections we could be in anything from Cubes Sats , ISS, SpaceX/NASA to the next Mars Rover or Moon Rover being built by Australia. Any of them.
And we would not know and probably NEVER know due to NDA's, Secrecy Act, etc, etc. Space has become a "Black hole" for information for us regarding Brainchip and likely to remain that way.

The Cortical Colume(?) knowledge has been around since early last year from memory. Ask FF probably better.

Ok everyone is under pressure , getting this from reading the all posts and they are answering in 30,000 different ways which shows the stress.
Anyone who says all is cool is a fool, what with a mad man loose in Europe and good people being killed everyday there, 2.6 million refugees.
I broke one of my golden rules being when war or large conflicts start it is essential to leave the market and sideline. I lost focus.

Now its time in a few hrs to go off and have a CT scan of my heart and hopefully find out why people think I may end up pulling a Shane Warne at 58.
Rather more important than the Markets and BRN yes?

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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Morning Yak52,

I would have to agree with your thoughts on the company releasing more info to the market.

Slivers of information released with little follow-up. Makes it difficult for most investors to settle in, comfortably with their investment.

A few things management could convey information on..

1, number of employees globaly pressently. Then each time we add another say 10 new employees together with their location of employment and field of expertise.

2. Foward movement on the Akida 2000.
Sean Hehir said we were going ahead with investment... $4 to $5 million dollar investment.. slip us some pictures. Etc

3, Vidio tour of our facilities, employees working away in / on their specific fields in
America, Australia, France, India.

I also agree that FLUFF statements serve no purpose whatsoever.
The above three examples are not fluff, thay are facts which can & should be elaborated on by the company to keep all holders informed.

These are not snippets of information which are required by ASX to be released as soon as company became aware, but are informative to holders and can be released by the company during anoying periods such as we have pressently to help stabilise the share price.

* Any info on the Cortical columns progress would be great also.

Hope your heart scan go's well.
Have to say my ticker has been pulsing irradically lately....probably dua to 20 cups of caffeine daily combined with the chain smoking.

Fresh day today, several indicators looking good at this point in time, see how we go.

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Just to lighten things up a bit.

I phoned the wife and said, “I’ve got something to tell you, but it’s really hard to say.”

She said nervously, Go on.”

I said.”Ken Dodd’s
Dad’s Dog’s Dead.
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Deleted member 118

Rat alert

Uh ......Barrelsitter(Dio) it was just 2 basic examples of what could be written that would probably past muster with ASX if pushed. I take it you did NOT read the actual post just skimmed it? The intent of the post was very clear.

As for the idea of just 4 chips ,well that low number would not be called "substantial" by any means (in the example) and with our connections we could be in anything from Cubes Sats , ISS, SpaceX/NASA to the next Mars Rover or Moon Rover being built by Australia. Any of them.
And we would not know and probably NEVER know due to NDA's, Secrecy Act, etc, etc. Space has become a "Black hole" for information for us regarding Brainchip and likely to remain that way.

The Cortical Colume(?) knowledge has been around since early last year from memory. Ask FF probably better.

Ok everyone is under pressure , getting this from reading the all posts and they are answering in 30,000 different ways which shows the stress.
Anyone who says all is cool is a fool, what with a mad man loose in Europe and good people being killed everyday there, 2.6 million refugees.
I broke one of my golden rules being when war or large conflicts start it is essential to leave the market and sideline. I lost focus.

Now its time in a few hrs to go off and have a CT scan of my heart and hopefully find out why people think I may end up pulling a Shane Warne at 58.
Rather more important than the Markets and BRN yes?

Hi Yak
The purpose of this post is not the market. I will go to the heart of the matter.

A little spoken of medical side effect of a heart not working exactly as it should is mental vagueness a kind of light fog slowing your thought process.

I experienced this prior to my heart repair but assumed it was all part of being on the way out and having so many things to set in place. Following the heart repair the fog lifted almost immediately.

If you departed from your normal approach to the market it may not have been an inexplicable event.

I said it before Shane Warne and Rod Marsh passed make sure you do not ignore changes in your health.

If it’s sensible to have an investment plan it is bleeding obvious we should have a health plan if you want to enjoy the fruits of your investment plan.

Good luck with your scan followed by a stress echo and anything else your cardiologist advises.

My mantra take care of your health.

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Did anyone happen to catch the webinar with Eastronics and Brainchip last night (our time)?

It went for 1hr 36min, so must have been a decent session.

Had the usual suspects from Brainchip (Rob Telson and Todd Vierra), as well as Gilles Bézard (listed on the webinar as a Field Application Engineer, but he’s also our Senior Software Engineering Manager in the Toulouse, France office).

I registered as soon as I noticed it this morning, but still waiting for approval.

Link below FYI….

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Some of the crew before everyone got pissed and became outrageous. :)

View attachment 2609
You all look so normal, happy, intelligent and well adjusted.
Great to see. Life has become a bit third party thanks to Covid.
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