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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
It’s too early in the morning to feel sexy but I hear what you’re saying. YEEHAWWW BRAIN FAM! I’m going to jump out of bed, turn up the heat on the hot tub and get all the jets primed and pumping at full throttle!
Bravo's new hot tub

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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BrainChip Introduces Second-Generation Akida Platform
Introduces Vision Transformers and Spatial-Temporal Convolution for radically fast, hyper-efficient and secure Edge AIoT products, untethered from the cloud

Laguna Hills, Calif. – March 6, 2023 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY), the world’s first commercial producer of ultra-low power, fully digital, neuromorphic AI IP, today announced the second generation of its Akida™ platform that drives extremely efficient and intelligent edge devices for the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) solutions and services market that is expected to be $1T+ by 2030. This hyper-efficient yet powerful neural processing system, architected for embedded Edge AI applications, now adds efficient 8-bit processing to go with advanced capabilities such as time domain convolutions and vision transformer acceleration, for an unprecedented level of performance in sub-watt devices, taking them from perception towards cognition.

The second-generation of Akida now includes Temporal Event Based Neural Nets (TENN) spatial-temporal convolutions that supercharge the processing of raw time-continuous streaming data, such as video analytics, target tracking, audio classification, analysis of MRI and CT scans for vital signs prediction, and time series analytics used in forecasting, and predictive maintenance. These capabilities are critically needed in industrial, automotive, digital health, smart home and smart city applications. The TENNs allow for radically simpler implementations by consuming raw data directly from sensors – drastically reduces model size and operations performed, while maintaining very high accuracy. This can shrink design cycles and dramatically lower the cost of development.

Another addition to the second generation of Akida is Vision Transformers (ViT) acceleration, a leading edge neural network that has been shown to perform extremely well on various computer vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. This powerful acceleration, combined with Akida’s ability to process multiple layers simultaneously and hardware support for skip connections, allows it to self-manage the execution of complex networks like RESNET-50 completely in the neural processor without CPU intervention and minimizes system load.

The Akida IP platform has a unique ability to learn on the device for continuous improvement and data-less customization that improves security and privacy. This, combined with the efficiency and performance available, enable very differentiated solutions that until now have not been possible. These include secure, small form factor devices like hearable and wearable devices, that take raw audio input, medical devices for monitoring heart and respiratory rates and other vitals that consume only microwatts of power. This can scale up to HD-resolution vision solutions delivered through high-value, battery-operated or fanless devices enabling a wide variety of applications from surveillance systems to factory management and augmented reality to scale effectively.

“We see an increasing demand for real-time, on-device, intelligence in AI applications powered by our MCUs and the need to make sensors smarter for industrial and IoT devices,” said Roger Wendelken, Senior Vice President in Renesas’ IoT and Infrastructure Business Unit. “We licensed Akida neural processors because of their unique neuromorphic approach to bring hyper-efficient acceleration for today’s mainstream AI models at the edge. With the addition of advanced temporal convolution and vision transformers, we can see how low-power MCUs can revolutionize vision, perception, and predictive applications in wide variety of markets like industrial and consumer IoT and personalized healthcare, just to name a few.”

“Advancements in AI require parallel advancements in on-device learning capabilities while simultaneously overcoming the challenges of efficiency, scalability, and latency,” said Richard Wawrzyniak, principal analyst at Semico Research. “BrainChip has demonstrated the ability to create a truly intelligent edge with Akida and moves the needle even more in terms of how Edge AI solutions are developed and deployed. The benefits of on-chip AI from a performance and cost perspective are hard to deny.”

“Our customers wanted us to enable expanded predictive intelligence, target tracking, object detection, scene segmentation, and advanced vision capabilities. This new generation of Akida allows designers and developers to do things that were not possible before in a low-power edge device,” said Sean Hehir, BrainChip CEO. “By inferring and learning from raw sensor data, removing the need for digital signal pre-processing, we take a substantial step toward providing a cloudless Edge AI experience.”

Akida’s software and tooling further simplifies the development and deployment of solutions and services with these features:

An efficient runtime engine that autonomously manages model accelerations completely transparent to the developer
MetaTF™ software that developers can use with their preferred framework, like TensorFlow/Keras, or development platform, like Edge Impulse, to easily develop, tune, and deploy AI solutions.
Supports all types of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Deep Learning Networks (DNN), Vision Transformer Networks (ViT) as well as Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), future-proofing designs as the models get more advanced.
Akida comes with a Models Zoo and a burgeoning ecosystem of software, tools, and model vendors, as well as IP, SoC, foundry and system integrator partners. BrainChip is engaged with early adopters on the second generation IP platform. General availability will follow in Q3’ 2023.

See what they’re saying:
“At Prophesee, we are driven by the pursuit of groundbreaking innovation addressing event-based vision solutions. Combining our highly efficient neuromorphic-enabled Metavision sensing approach with Brainchip’s Akida neuromorphic processor holds great potential for developers of high-performance, low-power Edge AI applications. We value our partnership with BrainChip and look forward to getting started with their 2nd generation Akida platform, supporting vision transformers and TENNs,” said Luca Verre, Co-Founder and CEO at Prophesee.

Luca Verre, Co-Founder and CEO, Prophesee
“BrainChip and its unique digital neuromorphic IP have been part of IFS’ Accelerator IP Alliance ecosystem since 2022,” said Suk Lee, Vice President of Design Ecosystem Development at IFS. “We are keen to see how the capabilities in Akida’s latest generation offerings enable more compelling AI use cases at the edge”

Suk Lee, VP Design Ecosystem Development, Intel Foundry Services
“Edge Impulse is thrilled to collaborate with BrainChip and harness their groundbreaking neuromorphic technology. Akida’s 2nd generation platform adds TENNs and Vision Transformers to a strong neuromorphic foundation. That’s going to accelerate the demand for intelligent solutions. Our growing partnership is a testament to the immense potential of combining Edge Impulse’s advanced machine learning capabilities with BrainChip’s innovative approach to computing. Together, we’re forging a path toward a more intelligent and efficient future,” said Zach Shelby, Co-Founder and CEO at Edge Impulse.

Zach Shelby, Co-Founder and CEO, Edge Impulse
“BrainChip has some exciting upcoming news and developments underway,” said Daniel Mandell, Director at VDC Research. “Their 2nd generation Akida platform provides direct support for the intelligence chip market, which is exploding. IoT market opportunities are driving rapid change in our global technology ecosystem, and BrainChip will help us get there.”

Daniel Mandell, Director, VDC Research
“Integration of AI Accelerators, such as BrainChip’s Akida technology, has application for high-performance RF, including spectrum monitoring, low-latency links, distributed networking, AESA radar, and 5G base stations,” said John Shanton, CEO of Ipsolon Research, a leader in small form factor, low power SDR technology.

John Shanton, CEO, Ipsolon Research
“Through our collaboration with BrainChip, we are enabling the combination of SiFive’s RISC-V processor IP portfolio and BrainChip’s 2nd generation Akida neuromorophic IP to provide a power-efficient, high capability solution for AI processing on the Edge,” said Phil Dworsky, Global Head of Strategic Alliances at SiFive. “Deeply embedded applications can benefit from the combination of compact SiFive Essential™ processors with BrainChip’s Akida-E, efficient processors; more complex applications including object detection, robotics, and more can take advantage of SiFive X280 Intelligence™ AI Dataflow Processors tightly integrated with BrainChip’s Akida-S or Akida-P neural processors.”

Phil Dworsky, Global Head of Strategic Alliances, SiFive
“Ai Labs is excited about the introduction of BrainChip’s 2nd generation Akida neuromorphic IP, which will support vision transformers and TENNs. This will enable high-end vision and multi-sensory capability devices to scale rapidly. Together, Ai Labs and BrainChip will support our customers’ needs to address complex problems,” said Bhasker Rao, Founder of Ai Labs. “Improving development and deployment for industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, power generation, and water treatment, preventing costly failures and reducing machine downtime.”

Bhasker Rao, Founder, Ai Labs
“We see an increasing demand for real-time, on-device, intelligence in AI applications powered by our MCUs and the need to make sensors smarter for industrial and IoT devices,” said Roger Wendelken, Senior Vice President in Renesas’ IoT and Infrastructure Business Unit. “We licensed Akida neural processors because of their unique neuromorphic approach to bring hyper-efficient acceleration for today’s mainstream AI models at the edge. With the addition of advanced temporal convolution and vision transformers, we can see how low-power MCUs can revolutionize vision, perception, and predictive applications in a wide variety of markets like industrial and consumer IoT and personalized healthcare, just to name a few.”

Roger Wendelken, Senior Vice President IoT and Infrastructure Business Unit, Renesas
“We see a growing number of predictive industrial (including HVAC, motor control) or automotive (including fleet maintenance), building automation, remote digital health equipment and other AIoT applications use complex models with minimal impact to product BOM and need faster real-time performance at the Edge” said Nalin Balan, Head of Business Development at Reality ai, a Renesas company. “BrainChip’s ability to efficiently handle streaming high frequency signal data, vision, and other advanced models at the edge can radically improve scale and timely delivery of intelligent services.”

Nalin Balan, Head of Business Development,, a Renesas Company
“Advancements in AI require parallel advancements in on-device learning capabilities while simultaneously overcoming the challenges of efficiency, scalability, and latency,” said Richard Wawrzyniak, Principal Analyst at Semico Research. “BrainChip has demonstrated the ability to create a truly intelligent edge with Akida and moves the needle even more, in terms of how Edge AI solutions are developed and deployed. The benefits of on-chip AI from a performance and cost perspective are hard to deny.”

Richard Wawrzyniak, Principal Analyst, Semico Research
“BrainChip’s cutting-edge neuromorphic technology is paving the way for the future of artificial intelligence, and Drexel University recognizes its immense potential to revolutionize numerous industries. We have experienced that neuromorphic compute is easy to use and addresses real-world applications today. We are proud to partner with BrainChip and advancing their groundbreaking technology, including TENNS and how it handles time series data, which is the basis to address a lot of complex problems and unlocking its full potential for the betterment of society,” said Anup Das, Associate Professor and Nagarajan Kandasamy, Interim Department Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University.

Anup Das, Associate Professor, Drexel University
“Our customers wanted us to enable expanded predictive intelligence, target tracking, object detection, scene segmentation, and advanced vision capabilities. This new generation of Akida allows designers and developers to do things that were not possible before in a low-power edge device,” said Sean Hehir, BrainChip CEO. “By inferring and learning from raw sensor data, removing the need for digital signal pre-processing, we take a substantial step toward providing a cloudless Edge AI experience.”

Sean Hehir, CEO, BrainChip
About BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN, OTCQX: BRCHF, ADR: BCHPY)

BrainChip is the worldwide leader in edge AI on-chip processing and learning. The company’s first-to-market, fully digital, event-based AI processor, AkidaTM, uses neuromorphic principles to mimic the human brain, analyzing only essential sensor inputs at the point of acquisition, processing data with unparalleled efficiency, precision, and economy of energy. Akida uniquely enables edge learning local to the chip, independent of the cloud, dramatically reducing latency while improving privacy and data security. Akida Neural processor IP, which can be integrated into SoCs on any process technology, has shown substantial benefits on today’s workloads and networks, and offers a platform for developers to create, tune and run their models using standard AI workflows like TensorFlow/Keras. In enabling effective edge compute to be universally deployable across real world applications such as connected cars, consumer electronics, and industrial IoT, BrainChip is proving that on-chip AI, close to the sensor, is the future, for its customers’ products, as well as the planet. Explore the benefits of Essential AI at

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JPR Communications


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The post BrainChip Introduces Second-Generation Akida Platform appeared first on BrainChip.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
IMO Intel realised that their Loihi 2 is several centuries behind Akida Next Gen.
Their rapid adaptation of Akida serves to stop their haemorrhaging of Loihi clients in waiting.

In short Loihi clients are now Akida clients, all in my opinion of course 😉.

Next to declare their love for everything Akida is IBM.
Because I'm happy ... (cue Pharrell )🎶🎶🎶🎶 :cool::love::cool: ...... The updated website looks amazing......

Technology Partners​

Technology partners improve vertical value with demonstrated pre-integration interoperability. Our neuromorphic IP is processor and OS independent. Let’s demonstrate the power of Essential AI together.
We work with our partners to support integration and market-relevant use cases.
BrainChip is a member of the Arm AI Partner Program, an ecosystem of hardware and software specialists enabling the next generation of intelligent AI solutions.

BrainChip is a partner with Intel Foundry Services – IP Alliance. Partners in this alliance collaborate with IFS to enable designers to access high-quality IPs, supporting their design needs and project schedule, while optimizing for performance, power and area. Building upon Intel’s advanced technology offering.

BrainChip partners with Prophesee driving the optimization for computer vision AI performance and efficiency to deliver next generation intelligent platforms for OEM’s looking to integrate event-based vision systems with high levels of AI performance coupled with an ultra-low power framework.

Integrating BrainChip’s Akida technology and SiFive’s multi-core capable RISC-V processors will provide a highly efficient solution for integrated edge AI compute.

Enablement Partners​

Enablement partners optimize the performance of their AI/ML development, modeling, or inference software with Akida integration. Pre-integration provides a vertically complete solution to simplify evaluation and implementation.
We work with our partners to create integrated AI solutions that are rich in capability with unparalleled performance.


The Minsky AI Engine from AI Labs and the ultra efficient sensory inference capabilities of BrainChip’s Akida™ provides a compelling and cost-effective solution in system health monitoring in industrial efficiency and productivity. Detecting anomalies, identifying challenges, analyzing impacts are easily addressed with AI Labs and BrainChip working seamlessly together.

Combining BrainChip’s Akida technology and the Edge Impulse platform, tools, and services allows current and future customers to achieve their ML objectives with fast and efficient development cycles to get to market quicker and achieve a competitive advantage.

BrainChip’s technology combined with emotion3D’s state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning software for image-based analysis of in-cabin environments enables our mutual customers to achieve an ultra-low-power working environment with on-chip learning while processing everything locally on the device within the vehicle to ensure data privacy.

BrainChip and NVISO are targeting battery-powered applications in robotics and mobility devices addressing the need for high levels of AI performance in ultra low power environments. Implementing NVISO’s AI solutions with BrainChip’s Akida drive next generation solutions.

Integration Partners​

Integration partners utilize BrainChip’s technology through designing the Akida IP into System on Chip (SoC) products that will be into ready-to-use systems or implementing Akida silicon into ready-to-use modules.

Partnering with BrainChip, MegaChips is incorporating the Akida technology into it’s ASIC solutions service. Enabling the development and support required to design and manufacture integrated circuits and systems on chips with intelligence that will drive AI into the next generation of edge based devices.

Teksun focuses on end to end IoT product development and enabling intelligent solutions, such as predictive and preventative maintenance devices, analytics and diagnostics for portable healthcare, and vision based devices for security and surveillance. The partnership between BrainChip and Teksun proliferates intelligence through the Teksun product development channels.


University AI Accelerator Program​

BrainChip is bringing its neuromorphic technology into higher education institutions via the BrainChip University AI Accelerator Program, which shares technical knowledge, promotes leading-edge discoveries and positions students to be next-generation technology innovators.
BrainChip’s University AI Accelerator Program provides hardware, training, and guidance to students at higher education institutions with existing AI engineering programs. BrainChip’s products can be leveraged by students to support projects in any number of novel use cases or to demonstrate AI enablement. Students participating in the program will have access to real-world, event-based technologies offering unparalleled performance and efficiency to advance their learning through graduation and beyond.
Current university participants include:




By partnering with BrainChip’s AI Accelerator Program, universities are able to ensure that students have the tools and resources needed to encourage development of cutting-edge technologies that will continue to usher in an era of essential AI solutions.
Have your university become AI smarter, join the University AI Accelerator Program today.

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More of the same fabulous news through different channels !!
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Because I'm happy ... (cue Pharrell )🎶🎶🎶🎶 :cool::love::cool: ...... The updated website looks amazing......

Technology Partners​

Technology partners improve vertical value with demonstrated pre-integration interoperability. Our neuromorphic IP is processor and OS independent. Let’s demonstrate the power of Essential AI together.
We work with our partners to support integration and market-relevant use cases.
BrainChip is a member of the Arm AI Partner Program, an ecosystem of hardware and software specialists enabling the next generation of intelligent AI solutions.

BrainChip is a partner with Intel Foundry Services – IP Alliance. Partners in this alliance collaborate with IFS to enable designers to access high-quality IPs, supporting their design needs and project schedule, while optimizing for performance, power and area. Building upon Intel’s advanced technology offering.

BrainChip partners with Prophesee driving the optimization for computer vision AI performance and efficiency to deliver next generation intelligent platforms for OEM’s looking to integrate event-based vision systems with high levels of AI performance coupled with an ultra-low power framework.

Integrating BrainChip’s Akida technology and SiFive’s multi-core capable RISC-V processors will provide a highly efficient solution for integrated edge AI compute.

Enablement Partners​

Enablement partners optimize the performance of their AI/ML development, modeling, or inference software with Akida integration. Pre-integration provides a vertically complete solution to simplify evaluation and implementation.
We work with our partners to create integrated AI solutions that are rich in capability with unparalleled performance.


The Minsky AI Engine from AI Labs and the ultra efficient sensory inference capabilities of BrainChip’s Akida™ provides a compelling and cost-effective solution in system health monitoring in industrial efficiency and productivity. Detecting anomalies, identifying challenges, analyzing impacts are easily addressed with AI Labs and BrainChip working seamlessly together.

Combining BrainChip’s Akida technology and the Edge Impulse platform, tools, and services allows current and future customers to achieve their ML objectives with fast and efficient development cycles to get to market quicker and achieve a competitive advantage.

BrainChip’s technology combined with emotion3D’s state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning software for image-based analysis of in-cabin environments enables our mutual customers to achieve an ultra-low-power working environment with on-chip learning while processing everything locally on the device within the vehicle to ensure data privacy.

BrainChip and NVISO are targeting battery-powered applications in robotics and mobility devices addressing the need for high levels of AI performance in ultra low power environments. Implementing NVISO’s AI solutions with BrainChip’s Akida drive next generation solutions.

Integration Partners​

Integration partners utilize BrainChip’s technology through designing the Akida IP into System on Chip (SoC) products that will be into ready-to-use systems or implementing Akida silicon into ready-to-use modules.

Partnering with BrainChip, MegaChips is incorporating the Akida technology into it’s ASIC solutions service. Enabling the development and support required to design and manufacture integrated circuits and systems on chips with intelligence that will drive AI into the next generation of edge based devices.

Teksun focuses on end to end IoT product development and enabling intelligent solutions, such as predictive and preventative maintenance devices, analytics and diagnostics for portable healthcare, and vision based devices for security and surveillance. The partnership between BrainChip and Teksun proliferates intelligence through the Teksun product development channels.


University AI Accelerator Program​

BrainChip is bringing its neuromorphic technology into higher education institutions via the BrainChip University AI Accelerator Program, which shares technical knowledge, promotes leading-edge discoveries and positions students to be next-generation technology innovators.
BrainChip’s University AI Accelerator Program provides hardware, training, and guidance to students at higher education institutions with existing AI engineering programs. BrainChip’s products can be leveraged by students to support projects in any number of novel use cases or to demonstrate AI enablement. Students participating in the program will have access to real-world, event-based technologies offering unparalleled performance and efficiency to advance their learning through graduation and beyond.
Current university participants include:




By partnering with BrainChip’s AI Accelerator Program, universities are able to ensure that students have the tools and resources needed to encourage development of cutting-edge technologies that will continue to usher in an era of essential AI solutions.
Have your university become AI smarter, join the University AI Accelerator Program today.

View attachment 31389

Renesas is missing from the list.
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Because I'm happy ... (cue Pharrell )🎶🎶🎶🎶 :cool::love::cool: ...... The updated website looks amazing......

Technology Partners​

Technology partners improve vertical value with demonstrated pre-integration interoperability. Our neuromorphic IP is processor and OS independent. Let’s demonstrate the power of Essential AI together.
We work with our partners to support integration and market-relevant use cases.
BrainChip is a member of the Arm AI Partner Program, an ecosystem of hardware and software specialists enabling the next generation of intelligent AI solutions.

BrainChip is a partner with Intel Foundry Services – IP Alliance. Partners in this alliance collaborate with IFS to enable designers to access high-quality IPs, supporting their design needs and project schedule, while optimizing for performance, power and area. Building upon Intel’s advanced technology offering.

BrainChip partners with Prophesee driving the optimization for computer vision AI performance and efficiency to deliver next generation intelligent platforms for OEM’s looking to integrate event-based vision systems with high levels of AI performance coupled with an ultra-low power framework.

Integrating BrainChip’s Akida technology and SiFive’s multi-core capable RISC-V processors will provide a highly efficient solution for integrated edge AI compute.

Enablement Partners​

Enablement partners optimize the performance of their AI/ML development, modeling, or inference software with Akida integration. Pre-integration provides a vertically complete solution to simplify evaluation and implementation.
We work with our partners to create integrated AI solutions that are rich in capability with unparalleled performance.


The Minsky AI Engine from AI Labs and the ultra efficient sensory inference capabilities of BrainChip’s Akida™ provides a compelling and cost-effective solution in system health monitoring in industrial efficiency and productivity. Detecting anomalies, identifying challenges, analyzing impacts are easily addressed with AI Labs and BrainChip working seamlessly together.

Combining BrainChip’s Akida technology and the Edge Impulse platform, tools, and services allows current and future customers to achieve their ML objectives with fast and efficient development cycles to get to market quicker and achieve a competitive advantage.

BrainChip’s technology combined with emotion3D’s state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning software for image-based analysis of in-cabin environments enables our mutual customers to achieve an ultra-low-power working environment with on-chip learning while processing everything locally on the device within the vehicle to ensure data privacy.

BrainChip and NVISO are targeting battery-powered applications in robotics and mobility devices addressing the need for high levels of AI performance in ultra low power environments. Implementing NVISO’s AI solutions with BrainChip’s Akida drive next generation solutions.

Integration Partners​

Integration partners utilize BrainChip’s technology through designing the Akida IP into System on Chip (SoC) products that will be into ready-to-use systems or implementing Akida silicon into ready-to-use modules.

Partnering with BrainChip, MegaChips is incorporating the Akida technology into it’s ASIC solutions service. Enabling the development and support required to design and manufacture integrated circuits and systems on chips with intelligence that will drive AI into the next generation of edge based devices.

Teksun focuses on end to end IoT product development and enabling intelligent solutions, such as predictive and preventative maintenance devices, analytics and diagnostics for portable healthcare, and vision based devices for security and surveillance. The partnership between BrainChip and Teksun proliferates intelligence through the Teksun product development channels.


University AI Accelerator Program​

BrainChip is bringing its neuromorphic technology into higher education institutions via the BrainChip University AI Accelerator Program, which shares technical knowledge, promotes leading-edge discoveries and positions students to be next-generation technology innovators.
BrainChip’s University AI Accelerator Program provides hardware, training, and guidance to students at higher education institutions with existing AI engineering programs. BrainChip’s products can be leveraged by students to support projects in any number of novel use cases or to demonstrate AI enablement. Students participating in the program will have access to real-world, event-based technologies offering unparalleled performance and efficiency to advance their learning through graduation and beyond.
Current university participants include:




By partnering with BrainChip’s AI Accelerator Program, universities are able to ensure that students have the tools and resources needed to encourage development of cutting-edge technologies that will continue to usher in an era of essential AI solutions.
Have your university become AI smarter, join the University AI Accelerator Program today.

View attachment 31389
The new Brainchip website is impressive.

The partner and other testimonials are technology affirming.

But for my money as an old bloke who only knew a few names in the tech space when I commenced this journey to see ARM & INTEL at number one & two on the Technology Partners page is as some would say next level.

The naysayers will have their work cut out today trying to diminish what this means and what Edge Impulse and SiFive have put in writing about AKIDA ESP.

Taking the SiFive testimonial at face value does anyone have a credible argument to make against AKIDA being the Ai component in the SiFive Microchip NASA program?

My opinion only DYOR

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Renesas is missing from the list.
Hi Steve10,

My understanding is Renesas is a customer of BrainChip.
Still in the home page.

Learning 🏖
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I have been topping up every single fortnight since the start of the year to 50 cents. Hope it is the turning page of our journey
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
The new Brainchip website is impressive.

The partner and other testimonials are technology affirming.

But for my money as an old bloke who only knew a few names in the tech space when I commenced this journey to see ARM & INTEL at number one & two on the Technology Partners page is as some would say next level.

The naysayers will have their work cut out today trying to diminish what this means and what Edge Impulse and SiFive have put in writing about AKIDA ESP.

Taking the SiFive testimonial at face value does anyone have a credible argument to make against AKIDA being the Ai component in the SiFive Microchip NASA program?

My opinion only DYOR

"To see ARM & INTEL at number one & two on the Technology Partners page is as some would say next level"

Totally agree FF... It doesn't get much bigger than that.... or does it!!???
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Top 20
"To see ARM & INTEL at number one & two on the Technology Partners page is as some would say next level"

Totally agree FF... It doesn't get much bigger than that.... or does it!!???
Still to come !


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I wish I could paint like Vincent
💪"untethered from the cloud"💪
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Stealth Mode
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Deleted member 2799

Good morning!!

I was just in Vietnam checking out a house right by the beach, no tourists, all-day sunshine, nearby authentic markets, an international school, and so on. I told the seller I wanted to buy the house.. price around 3.5 million US dollars, but when it came to payment, I said I had no money, everything is in Brainchip invested. He hugged me and said crying, "The house is yours! I admire people who have foresight, and Brainchip is worth every penny." Then I reached out to grab the contract, but suddenly the alarm went off and I woke up. 😭😭😭😭
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How good would it be now that they have released this if Mercedes grabbed a license and then by Friday Prophasee jumped on board also?

$2.34 would seem like a bargain for sure. Ahhh to dream hey?
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They seem to be more exited than us and it can only mean one thing ❤️

Edge Impulse's revenue is up x3 in the past year.

They are the leading development platform for ML on edge devices.

Akida enables Edge Impulse's ML algo's to operate in actual products, hence, more developers/projects & revenue.
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Going to faint from information overload
A new chapter is certainly being written right before our eyes .
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