My mind thinks I have enough, my heart wants 10 times more, my liver suffers as a result.How many shares do people own if i may ask?
Enough if they go like I think they will but not nearly enough if they go like I KNOW they will!!How many shares do people own if i may ask?
buying 1 share at a time seems like the new trendHow many shares do people own if i may ask?
Suggest you go to the Brainchip Inc website and under the banner heading LEARN read, watch and listen to everything there it might give you the answer you seek. Then you could go to the Products and read the technical details provided.Can someone point me to a post or website that gives a comprehensive technical review/paper dealing with Akida? I like to have my friend (IT, ex Google) read up on it. There are too many posts here now and ... I can't see the forrest for trees. I checked already "The Brainchip Story" by Fact Finder or general information dealing with neuromorphic engineering ... and look for something more technical.
This might have something to do with it.Omg why is the SP climbing down so much what is going on in Ukraine ?
That will spread fallout over all of Europe.I have just heard Russia bombing nuclear sites in Ukraine ......... maybe some panick for that ??
Need to find out more.
1.7 billion less what the instos own.How many shares do people own if i may ask?
I agree, some of the instos aren't people1.7 billion less what the instos own.
Yeah I've been nibbling too - bit surprised by the drop today but a fire in Ukraine nuclear reactor scares the crap out of everyone. 5k at 1.22 and 10k at 1.16 for me. Might hold off a bit for next tranche and see how far this drops. Personally I think any panic selling to below 1.00 will present good value pending some announcements. My opinion only (I really have no idea how this will pan out).....Just bought another 10k@1.125