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and I have uploaded it too, and created the AKIDA BALLISTA youtube channel!

Awesome work, thanks
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Hi Guys,

I have just uploaded the video on YT
Youtube link of the video below

Enjoy :)

Fantastic, great to see Todd sharing his knowledge. I for one am very glad that he is heading the customer engagement side of things as his experience in IP is invaluable.
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NBN is down in my suburb. Will say more later. Rob Telson is excited about what AKIDA can do in ARVR.

I am excited because MegaChips is a licensee. MegaChips largest customer is Nintendo. Nintendo needs AKIDA ARVR in my opinion.

Rob Telson is excited specifically about this and in fact this was the most excited he seemed to be in the whole presentation.

My opinion only & speculation DYOR

My key points from this presentation which repeat some of those already made by others however it is a must watch:

Brainchip Headcount: Currently 71 and will be over 100 by years end - actively growing the business.

Brainchip Patents: Current 21 patents either granted or filed.

Brainchip in cabin demonstration: When this video was first released there was debate in another place about how many AKD1000's would be used to provide the demonstration. Well now we know. It is one AKD1000 doing all three functions being Facial Recognition at 22.6mw's, Keyword Spotting at 600uw's and Visual Wake at 6mw's.

Brainchip AKIDA accuracy: Once converted to 4 bit AKIDA is returning the same accuracy as the others running at 32 bit, 16 bit & 8 bit.

Brainchip Meta TF: In 2021 Brainchip Meta TF welcomed over 5,000 new users - there was debate over in another place about whether this statistic was new users or not. Well now we know. No wonder the small band at Brainchip spoke of explosive sales and insatiable demand.

Brainchip high speed recognition: May mean nothing but the Formula Racing Car has BMW printed large on its rear foil.

Brainchip & Mega Chips: As above but noting that to my knowledge the visual of the person using ARVR and holding a hand controller has not previously appeared in earlier presentations. Someone who is into gaming may be able to identify the hand controller.

Brainchip doing vibration & sound for defect detection: Rob and Tod were both excited by AKIDA processing both sound and vibration on chip and they revealed for the first time that I am aware the room fan demonstration.

Brainchip doing beer tasting: Slade would have been worried by this and would be imagining a world where machines take over drinking his beer, but for me it was the definitive statement by Rob and Tod that AKIDA can detect any chemical compound regardless of whether it is presented as a liquid or a gas. This opens up the full range of domestic, industrial, automotive, aerospace and defence applications where air quality or chemical infiltration is a potential issue. In motor vehicles AKIDA could be monitoring carbon monoxide infiltration in the passenger cabin. In passenger jets it has been hypothesised that MH370 may have been due to a gas escape into the air filtration system causing unconsciousness. Not to mention chemical warfare. In the home particularly in the UK and EU gas detectors as well as smoke detectors are legislated. If the detectors were made smart and could say what the chemical involved was this would reduce the hazard faced by emergency personnel and allow for the correct medical treatment at first instance. As a by the way one of the things I was taught as a first responder to a gas poisoning was not to do mouth to mouth as you would potentially put yourself at risk. Knowing what the gas inhaled was is critical.

My opinion only DYOR

AKIDA BALLISTA in 2022 and beyond.
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The graph shows the total amount of power to process 10000 word database (see first slide).

The IPS is the number of words processed per second.

ARM would take 280 times as long as the Akida 300 Mhz version to process 10000 words.

Akida 300 MHz would use a bit over twice the power (99/41 milliWatts) used by ARM.

Akida 5 Mz version is 3 times faster than ARM and would use about 1/40 times the power used by ARM to process the 10000 words.
Brilliant explanation. If that does not blow off a few socks even fancy ones the reader is brain dead or employed by MF or AFR which is the same thing anyway. LOL

My opinion only so DYOR

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The video is great. But what frustrates me is what Rob said around 57 minutes onwards, the question being along the lines of who are you doing things with besides Mercedes? Rob responded with it is a highly competitive environment and most companies don't want to talk about their partners because they want some differentiation from their competitors. There will be more but we have non disclosure agreements and most of them are very serious that there should be no communication about their products.

All that is well and good but the market needs more hints otherwise we continue lo languish around these levels. FF I like how you picked up the BMW logo. Maybe we continue to sleuth and take the hints as being close to facts. But we need more instos on board, or at least their buying power.
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Top 20
and I have uploaded it too, and created the AKIDA BALLISTA youtube channel!

Thanks JK,

I've watched this now.

Just to add that at from 42 minutes on Todd is discussing how an IP licensee can determine the number of NPUs they require, and he referred to scaling to 5 nm or 12 nm, which I optimistically interpret to mean that we have IP licensees for these 2 architectures.

He also discussed the way the power consumption varies with clock speed, which reminded me that I had forgotten to mention that, in the graph above, you could basically draw a straight line from the Akida 300 MHz result to the 5 MHz result showing that the power consumption is proportional to the clock speed and the clock speed is a controllable parameter which the user can select. The user can select any clock speed up to 300 MHz to optimize the power consumption for the intended application.

So maybe at about 160 MHz or so Akida would use about the same amount of power as ARM and process the 10000 words more than 100 times faster than ARM. In other words, Akida is more than 100 times more efficient at processing the word database than ARM.

Don't ask me to do the maths for Coral or Jetson.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Yesterday I was able to pick up another 11,800 shares in my "Member Direct" section of Aussie Super.
My initial buy in was $1.45 so as the price had dropped my 20% max had also come down and allowed me to top up.
For those that were late to the party like me, it may pay to check as you may be able to top up if you're keen.
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The video is great. But what frustrates me is what Rob said around 57 minutes onwards, the question being along the lines of who are you doing things with besides Mercedes? Rob responded with it is a highly competitive environment and most companies don't want to talk about their partners because they want some differentiation from their competitors. There will be more but we have non disclosure agreements and most of them are very serious that there should be no communication about their products.

All that is well and good but the market needs more hints otherwise we continue lo languish around these levels. FF I like how you picked up the BMW logo. Maybe we continue to sleuth and take the hints as being close to facts. But we need more instos on board, or at least their buying power.
You know the story about the glass being half full and half empty.

I read your comment and rather than being frustrated I know that Mercedes is still insisting that Brainchip keep to the NDA yet we know they are a customer/partner.

So I go to the statement there will be more but we have non disclosure agreements and most of them are very serious that there should be no communication about their products and I say to myself if this AKIDA technology was just any old incremental technology improvement like Hailo and others are producing and pretending to the world is the best thing since the atom was split why would these partners be fussed? Hailo gets to announce everyone that walks in the door why not Brainchip?

These partners of course would not be fussed if Brainchip's AKIDA was just an incremental improvement on existing technology.

But they are and that is because AKIDA technology is such a revolution, such a leap, such an advantage that they are all trying to fly under the radar, while they are incorporating same, until they are racing to the bank on the back of sales that their competitors just cannot match or catch up with even if they then give Brainchip a call.

Look at Mercedes. They have gone from relative obscurity where Electric Vehicle technology is concerned to outstripping by hundreds of kilometres the official ruler of the EV world Tesla.

Now think about that lead and extrapolate it across all of the other industries and partners that "are very serious that there should be no communication about their products" and what leads they will have when they hit the market with AKIDA on board.

Your frustration is my excitement. My confidence is over flowing. 5,000 new users in 2021 of Meta TF. The original 8 week delay on shipping AKIDA technology products no longer in play. A 3 year lead and widening.

My opinion only DYOR

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Thanks JK,

I've watched this now.

Just to add that at from 42 minutes on Todd is discussing how an IP licensee can determine the number of NPUs they require, and he referred to scaling to 5 nm or 12 nm, which I optimistically interpret to mean that we have IP licensees for these 2 architectures.

He also discussed the way the power consumption varies with clock speed, which reminded me that I had forgotten to mention that, in the graph above, you could basically draw a straight line from the Akida 300 MHz result to the 5 MHz result showing that the power consumption is proportional to the clock speed and the clock speed is a controllable parameter which the user can select. The user can select any clock speed up to 300 MHz to optimize the power consumption for the intended application.

So maybe at about 160 MHz or so Akida would use about the same amount of power as ARM and process the 10000 words more than 100 times faster than ARM. In other words, Akida is more than 100 times more efficient at processing the word database than ARM.

Don't ask me to do the maths for Coral or Jetson.
YOU KNOW ALREADY WHAT I AM GOING TO ASK. LOL. Can you do the maths for Coral and Jetson please? We all love you. FF
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My first buy in price were 0,49 and i topped up from there. Never sold a single share and never will :D
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YOU KNOW ALREADY WHAT I AM GOING TO ASK. LOL. Can you do the maths for Coral and Jetson please? We all love you. FF
Thanks JK,

I've watched this now.

Just to add that at from 42 minutes on Todd is discussing how an IP licensee can determine the number of NPUs they require, and he referred to scaling to 5 nm or 12 nm, which I optimistically interpret to mean that we have IP licensees for these 2 architectures.

He also discussed the way the power consumption varies with clock speed, which reminded me that I had forgotten to mention that, in the graph above, you could basically draw a straight line from the Akida 300 MHz result to the 5 MHz result showing that the power consumption is proportional to the clock speed and the clock speed is a controllable parameter which the user can select. The user can select any clock speed up to 300 MHz to optimize the power consumption for the intended application.

So maybe at about 160 MHz or so Akida would use about the same amount of power as ARM and process the 10000 words more than 100 times faster than ARM. In other words, Akida is more than 100 times more efficient at processing the word database than ARM.

Don't ask me to do the maths for Coral or Jetson.
Don't be sad. I feel bad now because you answered the question I had which was could you draw the straight line and compare both AKIDA and ARM at the same point. I am sure being 100 times more efficient than the most efficient commercial alternative from ARM will satisfy most. Some will not even care that you have not done the Jetson and Coral comparisons. Even my disappointment will pass. FF.
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Top 20
My key points from this presentation which repeat some of those already made by others however it is a must watch:

Brainchip Headcount: Currently 71 and will be over 100 by years end - actively growing the business.

Brainchip Patents: Current 21 patents either granted or filed.

Brainchip in cabin demonstration: When this video was first released there was debate in another place about how many AKD1000's would be used to provide the demonstration. Well now we know. It is one AKD1000 doing all three functions being Facial Recognition at 22.6mw's, Keyword Spotting at 600uw's and Visual Wake at 6mw's.

Brainchip AKIDA accuracy: Once converted to 4 bit AKIDA is returning the same accuracy as the others running at 32 bit, 16 bit & 8 bit.

Brainchip Meta TF: In 2021 Brainchip Meta TF welcomed over 5,000 new users - there was debate over in another place about whether this statistic was new users or not. Well now we know. No wonder the small band at Brainchip spoke of explosive sales and insatiable demand.

Brainchip high speed recognition: May mean nothing but the Formula Racing Car has BMW printed large on its rear foil.

Brainchip & Mega Chips: As above but noting that to my knowledge the visual of the person using ARVR and holding a hand controller has not previously appeared in earlier presentations. Someone who is into gaming may be able to identify the hand controller.

Brainchip doing vibration & sound for defect detection: Rob and Tod were both excited by AKIDA processing both sound and vibration on chip and they revealed for the first time that I am aware the room fan demonstration.

Brainchip doing beer tasting: Slade would have been worried by this and would be imagining a world where machines take over drinking his beer, but for me it was the definitive statement by Rob and Tod that AKIDA can detect any chemical compound regardless of whether it is presented as a liquid or a gas. This opens up the full range of domestic, industrial, automotive, aerospace and defence applications where air quality or chemical infiltration is a potential issue. In motor vehicles AKIDA could be monitoring carbon monoxide infiltration in the passenger cabin. In passenger jets it has been hypothesised that MH370 may have been due to a gas escape into the air filtration system causing unconsciousness. Not to mention chemical warfare. In the home particularly in the UK and EU gas detectors as well as smoke detectors are legislated. If the detectors were made smart and could say what the chemical involved was this would reduce the hazard faced by emergency personnel and allow for the correct medical treatment at first instance. As a by the way one of the things I was taught as a first responder to a gas poisoning was not to do mouth to mouth as you would potentially put yourself at risk. Knowing what the gas inhaled was is critical.

My opinion only DYOR

AKIDA BALLISTA in 2022 and beyond.
Great Summary, thank you FF.
Akida test tasting beer is great and shows just how healthy beer can be. From my analysis of the screenshot below it is clear to me that Akida has identified Pale Ale as a healthy drink, a 'winning' formula, providing essential vitamins and minerals through wheat and barley and giving the drinker a power ratio of 6.3. I am yet to work out what the 816 FPS is but I am sure it is good. I take it that Akida can spit the testing sample back into the glass, so really it's a win win. Pale Ale will be on the menu this weekend.

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As our fellow Youtubers say, "Whatssuuupppp guys!".....
Here's another video I've uploaded to the AKIDA BALLISTA Youtube Channel. I'm sure most of you have seen it before - its the Sean Hehir video from the other week.....

As always, if you've enjoyed the video, make sure you subscribe and hit the like button! (LOL)

But more importantly a big thank you to @TechGirl for recording the videos and making this possible (& if that tip button is still around, be sure to tip her!).
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White Horse

You know the story about the glass being half full and half empty.

I read your comment and rather than being frustrated I know that Mercedes is still insisting that Brainchip keep to the NDA yet we know they are a customer/partner.

So I go to the statement there will be more but we have non disclosure agreements and most of them are very serious that there should be no communication about their products and I say to myself if this AKIDA technology was just any old incremental technology improvement like Hailo and others are producing and pretending to the world is the best thing since the atom was split why would these partners be fussed? Hailo gets to announce everyone that walks in the door why not Brainchip?

These partners of course would not be fussed if Brainchip's AKIDA was just an incremental improvement on existing technology.

But they are and that is because AKIDA technology is such a revolution, such a leap, such an advantage that they are all trying to fly under the radar until they are racing to the bank on the back of sales that their competitors just cannot match or catch up with even if they then give Brainchip a call.

Look at Mercedes. They have gone from relative obscurity where Electric Vehicle technology is concerned to outstripping by hundreds of kilometres the official ruler of the EV world Tesla.

Now think about that lead and extrapolate it across all of the other industries and partners that "are very serious that there should be no communication about their products" and what leads they will have when they hit the market with AKIDA on board.

Your frustration is my excitement. My confidence is over flowing. 5,000 new users in 2021 of Meta TF. The original 8 week delay on shipping AKIDA technology products no longer in play. A 3 year lead and widening.

My opinion only DYOR

Hi FF,
I suggest a slight modification to your sentence.
"But they are and that is because AKIDA technology is such a revolution, such a leap, such an advantage that they are all trying to fly under the radar (whilst incorporating same,) until they are racing to the bank on the back of sales that their competitors just cannot match or catch up with even if they then give Brainchip a call."
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Ukraine supplies most of the world’s semiconductor-grade neon gas which is used in chip manufacturing and Russia is the major supplier of palladium which is used in many memory and sensor chips.

The concern is that the current conflict and the inevitable disruption it will have on semiconductor production and supply could cause a global economic crisis due the far-reaching effect across so many industries.

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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Rob & Todds video link of presentation below

Never heard this before "about half our engagements are with OEM's & the other half are with the semiconductor IP customers"

Enjoy :)

Afternoon TechGirl,

Big thankyou for the recording, appreciated.

Regards ,
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Founding Member
As our fellow Youtubers say, "Whatssuuupppp guys!".....
Here's another video I've uploaded to the AKIDA BALLISTA Youtube Channel. I'm sure most of you have seen it before - its the Sean Hehir video from the other week.....

As always, if you've enjoyed the video, make sure you subscribe and hit the like button! (LOL)

But more importantly a big thank you to @TechGirl for recording the videos and making this possible (& if that tip button is still around, be sure to tip her!).

Haha thanks, no tips needed for me guys, I do it for the love, save your money or to donate it to the Ukraine effort ❤️
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The video is great. But what frustrates me is what Rob said around 57 minutes onwards, the question being along the lines of who are you doing things with besides Mercedes? Rob responded with it is a highly competitive environment and most companies don't want to talk about their partners because they want some differentiation from their competitors. There will be more but we have non disclosure agreements and most of them are very serious that there should be no communication about their products.

All that is well and good but the market needs more hints otherwise we continue lo languish around these levels. FF I like how you picked up the BMW logo. Maybe we continue to sleuth and take the hints as being close to facts. But we need more instos on board, or at least their buying power.
From the expression on their faces, they were thinking you have no idea about how much we are being hammered by the companies on NDA's.

Would be highly surprised if BRN isn't involved in the rapid expansion. Ford are concentrating on 3 vehicles - F-150 Lightning, Transit Van and the Mustang Mach-E. Kicks off in earnest in a few months when production/electrification of the US most popular vehicle (F-150) begins. There is no bigger bang in the auto industry than this so Ford will want to wow.

Ford Shows How It Is Going To Scale Up Its BEV Capacity To 600,000/Year​

"That's just the beginning."​

Ford is in a process of unprecedented expansion of all-electric vehicle manufacturing capacity, which highly accelerated due to strong demand.
The current short-term target is to scale up the production to 600,000 all-electric vehicles globally by the end of 2023.

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My key points from this presentation which repeat some of those already made by others however it is a must watch:

Brainchip Headcount: Currently 71 and will be over 100 by years end - actively growing the business.

Brainchip Patents: Current 21 patents either granted or filed.

Brainchip in cabin demonstration: When this video was first released there was debate in another place about how many AKD1000's would be used to provide the demonstration. Well now we know. It is one AKD1000 doing all three functions being Facial Recognition at 22.6mw's, Keyword Spotting at 600uw's and Visual Wake at 6mw's.

Brainchip AKIDA accuracy: Once converted to 4 bit AKIDA is returning the same accuracy as the others running at 32 bit, 16 bit & 8 bit.

Brainchip Meta TF: In 2021 Brainchip Meta TF welcomed over 5,000 new users - there was debate over in another place about whether this statistic was new users or not. Well now we know. No wonder the small band at Brainchip spoke of explosive sales and insatiable demand.

Brainchip high speed recognition: May mean nothing but the Formula Racing Car has BMW printed large on its rear foil.

Brainchip & Mega Chips: As above but noting that to my knowledge the visual of the person using ARVR and holding a hand controller has not previously appeared in earlier presentations. Someone who is into gaming may be able to identify the hand controller.

Brainchip doing vibration & sound for defect detection: Rob and Tod were both excited by AKIDA processing both sound and vibration on chip and they revealed for the first time that I am aware the room fan demonstration.

Brainchip doing beer tasting: Slade would have been worried by this and would be imagining a world where machines take over drinking his beer, but for me it was the definitive statement by Rob and Tod that AKIDA can detect any chemical compound regardless of whether it is presented as a liquid or a gas. This opens up the full range of domestic, industrial, automotive, aerospace and defence applications where air quality or chemical infiltration is a potential issue. In motor vehicles AKIDA could be monitoring carbon monoxide infiltration in the passenger cabin. In passenger jets it has been hypothesised that MH370 may have been due to a gas escape into the air filtration system causing unconsciousness. Not to mention chemical warfare. In the home particularly in the UK and EU gas detectors as well as smoke detectors are legislated. If the detectors were made smart and could say what the chemical involved was this would reduce the hazard faced by emergency personnel and allow for the correct medical treatment at first instance. As a by the way one of the things I was taught as a first responder to a gas poisoning was not to do mouth to mouth as you would potentially put yourself at risk. Knowing what the gas inhaled was is critical.

My opinion only DYOR

AKIDA BALLISTA in 2022 and beyond.
Great summary and was a great webinar, the number of questions at the end spoke volumes. The only answer that gave me pause was the one about Lohi 2, would have liked a more technical response..
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This article is a few years old and may have been replicated before, but I love to keep dwelling on Bill Gates' quote below.

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) founder Bill Gates was speaking to a group of college students in 2004.
According to The New York Times, Gates was a bit concerned about the decline in the number of computer science majors, as well as the notion that the field had matured and there weren't many breakthroughs left to achieve in the area.
One student expressed doubt that there would ever be another tech company as successful as Microsoft. Gates' reply is eye-opening:
''If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts.''
He wasn't kidding...

Image Source: Getty Images.

Fast-forward to today, and of course someone has figured it out. This special kind of artificial intelligence is called machine learning.
If anything, Gates was too conservative in his estimates. Experts say the market opportunity is now far, fargreater than 10 Microsofts.
And Gates isn't alone in his optimism. Other top business leaders are on board as well.
  • Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), said he thinks this new technology is the key to Amazon's future.
  • Sun CEO Greg Papadopoulos is calling it "a real revolution."
  • Even super investor Warren Buffett says that it will have a "hugely beneficial social effect."

When machines go to college

We've referred to machine learning before as the beginning of today's AI explosion. It's "simply" software that ingests data, learns from it, and can then form a conclusion about something in the world.

Thus, the key to understanding machine learning is that it's software that writes itself. Instead of explicitly programming software what to do, you instead provide it with large amounts of data and let it learn on its own. This allows machine learning to solve problems that earlier software with even billions of lines of code couldn't have solved.
A more powerful subset of machine learning is deep learning, which essentially simulates how neurons in the human brain strengthen connections between one another to learn.
If you're wondering how companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have grown to be among the largest in the world, part of the answer is how well they've integrated machine learning and deep learning into all aspects of their businesses.

So many examples, so little space

Amazon is a perfect example. It was among the quickest companies in the world to embrace the technology and it serves as a preview for what's to come. As CEO Jeff Bezos noted in a letter to shareholders:

"Machine learning drives our algorithms for demand forecasting, product search ranking, product and deals recommendations, merchandising placements, fraud detection, translations, and much more. Though less visible, much of the impact of machine learning will be of this type — quietly but meaningfully improving core operations."
With Amazon's success, other retailers have been forced to up their games as well. Walmart Chief Data Officer Bill Groves mentioned at a tech conference last month how his company uses NVIDIA hardware and machine learning for product forecasting, supply chain management, and understanding consumer behavior, "So when the customer comes in the product they want is sitting on the shelf."
A great non-retail example of the power of machine learning is Facebook, which uses it to determine what goes in your news feed and what advertisements you might respond to. (The company's election-related controversy also points out the extreme challenges in employing a technology this powerful.)
Facebook benefits tremendously from the network effect, which makes a service more valuable as the number of users grows. And this company has one of the largest caches of consumer data in the world. All that data wouldn't be nearly as valuable without a way of making sense of it all, and that's where machine learning comes in, as Facebook can target advertising in extremely specific and effective ways.
Alphabet's (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Google has also been among the early leaders. It's another company with a gold mine of data that can target online ads in uncanny ways. Alphabet even offers services such as machine learning and image recognition through cloud services to other companies.
Of course, Alphabet's Waymo self-driving car division also relies heavily on AI. An autonomous car's "brains" have to constantly assess the ever-changing surroundings and make split-second life-or-death decisions. This is done so effectively that even now – in the early stages of the self-driving revolution – it's easy to see how AI can save millions of lives in the future.
There's much, much more than I have room for here. Credit card companies have used machine learning to improve fraud protection. Netflix uses it to give you movie recommendations. Advances in robotics will change our lives well beyond vacuums. There are huge implications in the field of healthcare.
To bring the story full circle, Gates' own Microsoft trails only Amazon in cloud computing and uses AI for things like object recognition and speech translation in its Azure platform.
Microsoft provides the Azure Machine Learning cloud service that allows any developer to build and train their own machine learning models, something Gates back in 2004 would have been very excited about.

Bottom line for investors

Honestly, this article is only a small first step to help you as an investor understand that AI, machine learning, and deep learning are an essential part of every industry and almost all major companies. It reminds me of a couple of decades ago when smart investors understood that eventually nearly every company would be an "Internet company." The same holds true for AI.
As processors get ever faster, storage becomes cheaper, software better, and data collection more efficient, AI will only get smarter and ever more important. It's clear to me that the great leading companies of the next decade and beyond will also be the most innovative in the development and use of AI.
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