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Holding onto what I've got
One interesting aspect of the Russian invasion and sanctions is that it could drive a faster move to renewables and low energy alternatives in Europe to reduce the reliance on Russian fossil fuels. The way I see it, this can only be good for Brainchip.

Of course on the flip side it is very sad that Russian has taken this step, both for Ukraine and the world. I only hope that the weight of public opinion in both Russia and the rest of the world puts considerable pressure on Putin in the hope of easing the situation.
With the added DDOS attacks on servers etc, having Akida used in edge devices this might also be a massive driving force
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Hi Brainer,

The IPS (Inferences per second) and micro Joules per inference are important statistics:
ARM = 9 ips @ 120 MHz - 7374 microjoues per inference
Akida = 1683 ips @ 300 Mhz - 59 microjoues per inference
Akida = 27 ips @ 5 Mhz - 37 microjoues per inference

Akida is a few orders of magnitude to the good of ARM when you compare these figures.

Thanks Dio, to technical for me (y)
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Because the video is so big I don't think you will be able to watch it by just clicking on it they way we normally do but what I just did was hover over the video & then click the little download box top right of video & then download it & then it worked. Sorry guys & gals but should work that way...
Same way worked for me .... watching now! cheers TG ...nice work 👏
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Because the video is so big I don't think you will be able to watch it by just clicking on it they way we normally do but what I just did was hover over the video & then click the little download box top right of video & then download it & then it worked. Sorry guys & gals but should work that way...
Is it worth uploading the video to Youtube? Other than making it easier for some folk, it will also reach a larger audience.
(And I'll be able to lay down on the couch tonight and watch it on the big screen!)
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Thanks Dio, to technical for me (y)
Hi TG,

"Microjoules per inference" is the amount of power required to recognize a single word.
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Founding Member
Is it worth uploading the video to Youtube? Other than making it easier for some folk, it will also reach a larger audience.
(And I'll be able to lay down on the couch tonight and watch it on the big screen!)

Hi JK,

Yes that would be better, I don't have a Youtube account, can you or someone else do it for me?

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FANTASTIC! I like the very very low power consumption of AKIDA in the graph above.
You could probably run it for a year by slicing a lemon in half and plugging in some electrodes :)
Do you have a direct link to the google folder so that I can download it, and then upload to Youtube?


Founding Member
Do you have a direct link to the google folder so that I can download it, and then upload to Youtube?

No sorry all I have is the shared link & when I put it here it automatically changes it to the video that just keeps processing, maybe you could download the video to your computer, save it & then upload it to Youtube? Not sure if that will work though as I have never uploaded to youtube?


No sorry all I have is the shared link & when I put it here it automatically changes it to the video that just keeps processing, maybe you could download the video to your computer, save it & then upload it to Youtube? Not sure if that will work though as I have never uploaded to youtube?
OK, I'll give it a go. Its just that I still have the circle in the video still spinning for a few minutes (even though I'm on 200Mb/s download).


Founding Member
OK, I'll give it a go. Its just that I still have the circle in the video still spinning for a few minutes (even though I'm on 200Mb/s download).
Now when you click on the video little download box, it just plays now, so maybe don't worry about it.
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Great thanks,

A great video I just watched through. Thanks tech girl! Muchly appreciated. Some very key nuggets in there…

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Hi Guys,

I have just uploaded the video on YT
Youtube link of the video below

Enjoy :)
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Founding Member
Hi Guys,

I have just uploaded the video on YT
Youtube link of the video below

Enjoy :)

Thanks mate 👍
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For mine, the recent Mercedes pronouncements will have sent shockwaves through the auto segment. Whilst most of us know that many manufacturers and suppliers are aware of Akida, me myself personally think that what one of the most respected and prestigious brands say they’ve achieved with their EQXX, would have surprised most of their competitors.
No doubt this would have caused a mad scramble to discover as much as they can, about how Mercedes did it.
On their part, Mercedes did offer a glowing appreciation for the assistance and support provided by Brainchip, although at the same time as some here have suggested, perhaps not revealing just how big a role Akida played.

Where am I going with this?

In relation to NDA’s, it’s not a stretch to accept that within each industry segment, participants want to keep what they’re working on as close to their chests as possible. But once the cat is out of the bag as it is now in the auto sector, the race is on.
Do we not think that all players within the auto industry will now want to make it known as soon as they can, that they to are doing stuff at least the equal of Mercedes?

For mine…an ‘explosion’ of announcements, if not sales is gunna happen sooner rather than later.
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Arm looks pretty bloody good on that chart??? Did they talk about their solution?
Anymore feedback from the event? Thanks in advance!
The graph shows the total amount of power to process 10000 word database (see first slide).

The IPS is the number of words processed per second.

ARM would take 280 times as long as the Akida 300 Mhz version to process 10000 words.

Akida 300 MHz would use a bit over twice the power (99/41 milliWatts) used by ARM.

Akida 5 Mz version is 3 times faster than ARM and would use about 1/40 times the power used by ARM to process the 10000 words.
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Now when you click on the video little download box, it just plays now, so maybe don't worry about it.
Great stuff Tech Girl
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and I have uploaded it too, and created the AKIDA BALLISTA youtube channel!

and I have uploaded it too, and created the AKIDA BALLISTA youtube channel!

Brilliant stuff, I will take mine upload offline soon.
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