
Here's Goldman Sachs' worst-case scenario for markets amid Ukraine-Russia conflict
What will happen to equities, oil, and the euro and ruble if Russia and Ukraine reach 'outright conflict'?
Great to see you here Tech. This is a much saner, less manipulative, nicer place to be. Welcome Friend.Well hello again, I'm back from my holiday a few weeks earlier than planned, why is that ?
I could sense some panic or fear in the air, so I thought now's the time to spread the positive word.
What's changed with regards the technology, absolutely NOTHING, it's being marketed much more aggressively than ever before, headed by our new gun signing.
Geopolitical events, that we all have no control over what-so-ever, markets panic, fear ramps up and the smart money makers stand aside, rubbing their hands together, just waiting to pounce !'s just a repeating pattern that keeps on repeating.
What's important this week ?...oh yes, that's right, the agreement with LDA Capital closes out on Friday 25 February, I notice that the share price has moved southwards rather aggressively over the last week or so, despite our new CEO presenting, talking up our company, as well he what's going on ?
On that other forum I'd gave my opinion of a share price range of $1.30 to $1.75, which has been mentioned pretty well until the start of this week, I'm thinking that once Friday 25 February has passed, correct me if I'm slightly off here, but we issue shares to the value of 20.3 million AUD to LDA Capital with 5.3 million at 90% VWAP and 15 million at 91.5% VWAP calculated over the respected periods.
The lower the share price the more shares get issued for the same amount of funds that we, Brainchip will receive, not long after this financial instrument was announced did our share price rocket to $2.34, which in my own opinion wasn't justified one bit, despite the fact that my share portfolio started looking rather impressive, I realised many new buyers or fence sitters thought, this is it, Samsung are going to make an announcement (joke), we're heading for $10 bucks overnight !!!!
Without trying to ramble too much in my first post on this great new site, I leave you with this thought, has your view of the technology changed, has your view of Peter, Anil and all our great dedicated staff changed, have you all forgotten the price tag on 31 December 2021 of 0.68c ?
It's all about prospective, being bullied to sell your shares, parties with an agenda trying hard to trigger all your stop losses, no one can ever take away your belief in our company if you've done our research, understand how disruptive this technology is, the led in times etc etc etc...stop worrying, and possibly stop watching so close, take it from someone who knows, it will do your head in, that's the truth...Amen.
Tech (Perth) x
Hey Zeebot if we are doing ads here now can we have an ad page directed to Brainchips website and purchase page
I too am quite interested in seeing/hearing others perspective, over the last few days trading, with not only BRN’s SP but the markets (other stocks) overall performances.I just had a quick look over at Commsec for the first time today triggered by your post and Foxdog's.
When we ran out of retail investors and institutions did not have Brainchip on their radars which is 8 to 10 months ago give or take we would have daily volumes of 3 to 9 million odd shares. Today over 30 million have traded according to Commsec as at about 2.40pm. Every share on my watch list, which contains many I do not hold, are very red, one might say blood red. Some have quite low volumes though which indicates to me that the present market conditions mean that retail pretty much have no sentiment for accumulating in the present environment.
So this begs the question who or what are accumulating Brainchip shares in these numbers? Certainly not retail on past experience and on what is happening in the market generally.
If we accept that institutions do understand that there has been absolutely no change in Brainchip's fundamentals then it stands to reason that they are taking advantage of retail fear and gorging themselves giving high fives and laughing all the way to the bar to celebrate meeting targets for less money and sooner than expected.
Perhaps this is totally wrong but just like Foxdog I have not yet pulled the trigger on purchases I intend to make on other shares because I am not certain about what will happen in the Ukraine tomorrow now that Russian Peace Keepers are reportedly going in.
What are other retail meaning those who post here doing?
If you are doing the same as myself and Foxdog then someone or something must be buying and perhaps also selling just the right number to keep sliding the price down to keep the bargains coming??
My opinion only DYOR
Hehe, yep 2’s day.Did anyone else notice today's date.......22/2/22
Sorry just needed a distraction from the share price![]()
Hello to our Australian colleagues,
the tensions at the moment in Europe with Russia are quite annoying. I could philosophize for hours now about why. But that's not going to get us anywhere. The fact is that Putin is being more aggressive than I could have imagined and wanted. It is suspected that he is doing everything to be able to "restore the UDSSR" and wants to get into the history books..
However, none of this has anything directly to do with Brainchip.
I did some research on Mercedes and its EQXX over the weekend. In Germany there are a lot of people who believe that it is and will remain only a concept car. So I did some research and found out the following points why the EQXX will NOT remain a concept car.Certainly not everything, but a lot. Just my opinion that I want to share with you.
If we look at the strategic goals of Mercedes/Daimler, many things become clear:
"make mobility and freight transport more sustainable with a clear commitment to CO₂ neutrality"
"implement electric driving as a priority"
"drive forward automated and autonomous driving and mobility services with a focus on customer benefits and profitability"
Let's now move on to the operational goals of how all of this will be implemented:
"By the end of the decade, the brand with the star will be ready to go fully electric - wherever market conditions allow."
As we know, the market is more than ready for it: climate crisis, higher CO2 taxes. Not taking care of e-mobility would be more than negligent and mean financial ruin in the long run.
"By 2022, Mercedes-Benz will offer Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) in all segments where the brand is present."
That's just the beginning!
"From 2025, all new vehicle architectures will be exclusively electric, and customers will have a fully electric alternative to choose from for every model."
Here I have attached an overview of how many models we are currently talking about to get an idea of the scale.
"The company is significantly accelerating investments in research and development. A total of more than €40 billion is earmarked for investment in battery electric vehicles between 2022 and 2030"
By comparison, in 2020 the entire Daimler AG spent approximately €8.6 billion on research & development. This shows the pressure with which they now want to move forward if battery electric vehicles alone are to account for more than €40 billion.
In 2025 Mercedes-Benz will introduce three all-electric architectures:
"MB.EA covers all mid-size and large passenger cars and, as a scalable modular system, will be the electric basis of the future BEV portfolio.
AMG.EA is an electric platform designed for peak performance, addressing the needs of Mercedes-AMG's technology-savvy and performance-oriented customers.
VAN.EA heralds a new era for electric vans and light commercial vehicles that will contribute to zero-emission transportation and CO2-free cities in the future."
So Mercedes continues to focus on all its divisions. Even the AMG segment will continue to be served. Let's see how acceptance will be there when the car no longer "rattles like a pig."
"Mercedes-Benz is currently developing the VISION EQXX, an electric vehicle with a real-world range of more than 1,000 kilometers and the goal of achieving a single-digit consumption value for kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers at normal highway speeds - equivalent to a range of more than 6 miles per kilowatt hour."
And that's the sticking point for e-mobility. In Germany, at least, there will only be acceptance for e-cars if the range is right. Mercedes MUST use this technology to increase acceptance. Otherwise, we will continue to drive gasoline and diesel cars.
"An interdisciplinary team including experts from Mercedes-Benz F1 High Performance Powertrain (HPP) is making great progress on this project. The world premiere is planned for 2022."
First, there we have the connection again to the Formula 1 team - am curious to see what will be presented.
As we've already seen, there's no way around implementing these technologies. In order to continue to generate sales and to remain competitive in the future.
And I would like to end this long post with the following point:
"The technological advances from the VISION EQXX are to be transferred to the new vehicle architectures from Mercedes-Benz."
*Drop microphone" - Akida Ballista
I am with you. Right now the market as a whole is operating on fear. Fear of what may unfold globally on a couple of fronts and in this situation cash is king. The current SP is somewhat detached from our company’s worth and is primarily being influenced by the markets reaction to these (potential) global events.I too am quite interested in seeing/hearing others perspective, over the last few days trading, with not only BRN’s SP but the markets (other stocks) overall performances.
Understanding that the current shenanigans with the overseas turmoil between Russia and the Ukraine (among other things) may very well be the reason behind the current market sentiment and its fluctuations. Maybe more to follow, who knows but what I do know is this has unmercifully thrust upon us an ideal buying opportunity for those that wish to partake, obviously where funds are available. I for one am taking advantage of the opportunity to gain more skin in BrainChip as I should have done before when we had lower lows. But that’s my opinion.
I haven’t been able to get my daily dose of this wonderful forum nor know if it’s been mentioned but I noticed yesterday there was a trade that went through at 1700hrs, after close, of over half a million shares. Now that can’t be retail. The biggies are taking full advantage of our companies recent downside and obviously that hasn’t been the only large trade over the last few days.
I am now more so happy with my investment choice and so looking forward to what, in my opinion, will be bestowed unto us LTH’s.
22/2/22 and my 2nd wedding anniversaryHehe, yep 2’s day.
Welcome back Tech, great to hear your positive words and thoughts again in this new forum. Love itWell hello again, I'm back from my holiday a few weeks earlier than planned, why is that ?
I could sense some panic or fear in the air, so I thought now's the time to spread the positive word.
What's changed with regards the technology, absolutely NOTHING, it's being marketed much more aggressively than ever before, headed by our new gun signing.
Geopolitical events, that we all have no control over what-so-ever, markets panic, fear ramps up and the smart money makers stand aside, rubbing their hands together, just waiting to pounce !'s just a repeating pattern that keeps on repeating.
What's important this week ?...oh yes, that's right, the agreement with LDA Capital closes out on Friday 25 February, I notice that the share price has moved southwards rather aggressively over the last week or so, despite our new CEO presenting, talking up our company, as well he what's going on ?
On that other forum I'd gave my opinion of a share price range of $1.30 to $1.75, which has been mentioned pretty well until the start of this week, I'm thinking that once Friday 25 February has passed, correct me if I'm slightly off here, but we issue shares to the value of 20.3 million AUD to LDA Capital with 5.3 million at 90% VWAP and 15 million at 91.5% VWAP calculated over the respected periods.
The lower the share price the more shares get issued for the same amount of funds that we, Brainchip will receive, not long after this financial instrument was announced did our share price rocket to $2.34, which in my own opinion wasn't justified one bit, despite the fact that my share portfolio started looking rather impressive, I realised many new buyers or fence sitters thought, this is it, Samsung are going to make an announcement (joke), we're heading for $10 bucks overnight !!!!
Without trying to ramble too much in my first post on this great new site, I leave you with this thought, has your view of the technology changed, has your view of Peter, Anil and all our great dedicated staff changed, have you all forgotten the price tag on 31 December 2021 of 0.68c ?
It's all about prospective, being bullied to sell your shares, parties with an agenda trying hard to trigger all your stop losses, no one can ever take away your belief in our company if you've done our research, understand how disruptive this technology is, the led in times etc etc etc...stop worrying, and possibly stop watching so close, take it from someone who knows, it will do your head in, that's the truth...Amen.
Tech (Perth) x
A very interesting story there FF, it's pretty remarkable how close you/we can be to the edge (in all manner of ways), yet still manage to survive.The market is quite boring really. I love the research and knowledge shared here otherwise I think I would just go and do up a few chairs for my wife. However with the fragility of life being mentioned today by Stable Genius I thought I would share this for older forum members with whom I share a common bond ie closer to the end than the beginning. LOL
Recently as you know I had to have an urgent surgical intervention for what turned out to be a collapsed bypass from 2012 causing the bottom of my heart to complain when not receiving appropriate blood supply. My symptoms have always been atypical.
My first was a chest tightness while listening to my wife talk about her very recent heart attack and stenting. Normally I would have called it stress and moved on. That would have been a mistake but I decided to see my GP. Probably my wife's heart attack spooked me enough to take notice. He said it was likely stress as my BP and ECG were both normal. He looked at when I had last had a stress test and it was a couple of years over due so off to the cardiologist.
Three months later at my non urgent appointment the cardiologist gets the same results BP and ECG and agrees probably stress reaction but listens with stethoscope for a very long time and says he thinks I might have a slight valve noise so rather than a stress test decides to send me for a scan of the heart with contrast.
I go back he says some minor blockages but not really significant only real way to confirm is an angiogram, probably could just medicate, but to be safe. After angiogram told I cannot leave until cardiologist sees me to discuss his findings. His words "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Bad news please. "You have one vessel 100% blocked and two 80 to 90 percent blocked." What's the good news then "We found it. This is very serious." It all becomes urgent. LOL
So first warning to my cohort do not ignore even a one off symptom.
Most recent episode. Again if I was working physically I would feel a bit off. If I was bent over working say pulling weeds or sanding a piece of furniture I would feel breathless. I went to GP and exactly the same story. Everything normal. Sent back to cardiologist. Everything normal again. Been a while since last stress echo so that is scheduled non urgent and on Monday before Christmas I hit the treadmill and onto the bed to have the ultra sound of the heart.
Cardiologist is quite impressed apparently saying things like "Did you see that?" "Wow, did you see that?" "I don't like the look of that." "Wow." etc, etc, etc for about 10 minutes completely ignoring my presence in the room before turning to me and saying "I don't like the look of what the bottom half of your heart is doing. I suppose you know what I am going to say etc, etc. Three days later in hospital and they find that one of the bypasses had failed and they put multiple stents into the vessel to restore blood flow.
So second warning to my cohort do not ignore symptoms just because the preliminary results like blood pressure and ECG's are coming back fine.
By the way during all of the above I continued with my normal activities of renovating houses. Moving very heavy furniture. Driving the tractor. The point being these symptoms were very minor but the causes were not.
Not relevant to your investments unless of course you want to enjoy the fruits of having invested in Brainchip. LOL
WoW ....... LUCKY I DIDN'T LEAVE A COMMENT ..... at first I believed was a comment box for Mr Zee, then was not sure so skipt it.Signed done ! but I think it is important to add a comment. This is your opportunity to tell ASIC what you think ! More substantial than just a signature on a petition.
Cheers Solotrader
I am no fanboy for Putin whatsoever, but he has completely outmanoeuvered the West, who have basically abandoned Ukraine anyway.Absolutely makes no sense at all for China to want to be in a protracted conflict when they already dominate with soft diplomacy and through commerce. What does make more sense is for Western govts to manufacture conflict when they're economies and/or their respective leaders' popularity is going down the toilet. Most of it is all hyperbole anyway but who knows what will happen if we continue playing this dangerous game of poking the bear.
One must understand the car industry to appreciate that model/series take about 8yrs by industry standards to come to the market then they normally would be around for 2 to 4 yrs before any updates. Most of this is getting suppliers to provide what you need a at cost level so you can sell the car at a cost to make a profit! Now every manufacturer will have preferred suppliers that they will have signed agreements to supply over those yrs a model is running. My theory is Akida will be in most Mercedes Benz in the near future and that announcement will come when either current supplier contracts run out or the current supplier has made provision to integrate Akida with their product. So a lot needs to happen in the back ground before they’ll make this a concrete announcement.Car & Driver reports that Mercedes has promised that its electric powertrain displayed in the EQXX will make it into production vehicles in 2024. So it would seem that they are using components of their concept vehicle and it is not just rumored.
Additionally, a recent article about the EQXX voice assistant notes:
So, is has this all been an academic exercise with no bearing on reality? Not quite.
“The Vision EQXX is a new technology blueprint for series production in many ways,” says Schanz.
“We started some years back with integrating AI in our MBUX System (e.g. predicting calls or commuting routes). We continuously will improve the MBUX system, especially the MBUX Voice Assistant, by integrating the latest AI and machine-learning technologies and bringing the UX to the next level.”
This certainly leads me to believe that while the Mercedez-Benz EQXX is a concept vehicle, it's not just a throw-away marketing tool, but instead, showcases production-ready subsystems that Mercedes will soon be integrating into their production line.
Hey Yak, Stan posted broker reports yesterday.Yes Galaxycar it would be good to see a couple of Broker Reports for the last week , and Feb to see who and how much shares have been bought/sold and who is driving this trend currently. I noted that daily short positions nearly stopped last Thursday but then 2.9 mil where taken out on last Friday and more on Monday. the overall "Short" position have dropped off dramatically as they have been closed off but unfortunately new short positions have been taken out due to the Ukraine/Russia love affair in the last 7 trading days.
Stan .......any chance of posting some Broker Reports for us?
ps. I also forgot about LDA and the PUT Option in play. Well who profits from a lower SP with that little play.!!
Thanks Milo. will go check them out.Hey Yak, Stan posted broker reports yesterday.