For us to have the explosive growth, don't we need multiple announcements on licensing agreements?If these deals where already penciled in between customers and Brainchip, then the surrounding economic factors are unlikely to affect them. It is highly unlikely that tech giants (Fortune 500, etc.) would change their strategic plan based on a war in Ukraine, or high (as expected following COVID) inflation figures.
Tech is a race, and it always has been - to use Samsung and Apple as an example, Apple has a plan to release an iPhone in two years, as would Samsung with the Galaxy. Each of these companies are testing, signing, making deals with whomever suppliers to implement into these future offerings. If they terminate a deal that is required to develop these products in a effort to reduce expenditure in the short-term, they pay for that exponentially in the long-term. Say Apple puts a deal on hold and Samsung decides to push ahead - then when two companies each release their respective product, the better one will gain more market share. Besides, for the most part payment for these suppliers (Brainchip in this case) is made as the company releases their products into the wild - (e.g., in two years time), so by tis logic, these deals have already been signed (perhaps under the umbrella for an existing material customer), and the payment/revenue to Brainchip is due on X,Y,Z. This is especially true in a world where tech innovation has plateaued, I mean how impressive are new phone (as an example) releases over their predecessors?
Obviously this is a dream scenario (Apple and Samsung), but the principal remains consistent with tech companies of all valuations. Its a brutal industry - dog eat dog - survival of the fittest. Evident if we cast our eyes back over the years when considering companies like Nokia, Compaq, Blackberry, even Blockbuster... They failed to innovate, and they failed as a company. These lessons have already been learnt, and big tech knows this. This is why Intel is pumping $billions into SNN research - its failed to innovate over recent years, and now it needs to make up ground.
The other indicator for me is Sean Hehir, our own CEO. A seasoned Silicon Valley executive who obviously understands business and big tech. During an interview with Tom Piotrowski (Commsec), this May, he stated, and I quote, "I look forward to standing in front of you next year, and talking about results". I for one did not take that statement lightly, and I'm pretty sure that Sean wouldn't have said it unless he was absolutely certain that he (they) would be successful in delivering - free markets have a nose for bullshit, and a failure to deliver would be career suicide, especially for a new CEO, regardless of surrounding economic factors (especially true given he made that statement during COVID and an already fractured market).
Peter has said it, Sean has said it, the company has a market ready product - explosive growth is what I expect.
Is there any chance that the license ageeement is not being announced to the market as it is considered as "trade secret"? (I dont think its realistic to say they will alm flow through MegaChips / Renesas)