BRN Discussion Ongoing


And I suspect that those of us who lived through those times and holding our shares down to 4 cents and yet still investing further of our scarce funds in the capital raise at 6 cents to try and keep the lights on find it more difficult than might otherwise be the case when some are upset by an absence of price sensitive announcements.

My opinion only DYOR

So true FF,and then after the 6 cent capital raise 1 share for 6 cents for every 4 share we owned,to then see the share price to drop well below the offer,well say no more,some dont realise this journey a lot of us have been on,and it takes time to be the leader in this space 😊
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Me being a retired fireman with 30 years experience,although no experience in water bombing,your theory sounds good,but it would need to be put into trial, as the evaporation rate,because of the heat updraft,is huge,and as a consequence,large volumes need to be dropped at once,but im sure it could be fine tuned 😊
How about these?




Im not sure we can raise enough funds through a Robot calender though! Thoughts?
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I am more than happy if we can stay in the .80 - .90 cent range until we get news.

I understand it’s probably not easy for some others;

especially long term holders who have been waiting for many many more years than me for the company to explode,

people who bought at a much higher price,

or those needing to sell in a hurry for personal reasons;

to read my comments that I’m happy for the price to drift for a while given our current macro environment.

However I say that when the world settles down (which will take a while) that I have confidence in the technology and work the Brainchip Team are doing that the uptake will occur (enter Valeo, MB Etc) and the SP will take off when Royalties become consistent and grow!

This year is flying by so I am content to wait patiently until it occurs and every day brings it closer!
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seeds have the potential to become trees.

Edge AI and vision alliance posted Robs section on their YouTube account. Good exposure


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Who needs down rampers when we have Fact Finder and @Diogenese

If this helps all those who are lying desolate on the kitchen floor pleading for someone to kill them I can say this, in one of my very robust debates with Brainchip over my differing view as to how they might disclose more information without falling foul of the ASX I received the response that in relation to one of the NDA's that any disclosure would be 'devastating for the company and its shareholders' and as such they would continue with an absolute no risk approach.

Where does this take me well to two publicly stated facts:

1. The former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated that the NDA's were with Fortune 500 and Household Named companies - as a retired lawyer the significance of this statement is clear. If there was ever a class action by shareholders this is such an easily proven lie if it were to be a lie that only a complete fool would make the statement and Mr. Dinardo is anything but a fool.

2. Ken Scarince the CFO in his German Investor presentation made the point that one of the companies was adamant about its desire for secrecy and would not tolerate any breach - the same legal issue arises as there would be a documentary trail covering such interactions and Board minutes and again Ken Scarince is nobodies fool and in my assessment over a number of years now completely trustworthy.

So putting these all together I have significant confidence that one day a company like Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook (Meta), IBM, Intel, Nvidia etc will reveal itself but that at the point of the reveal the current CEO Sean Hehir's request for shareholders to look to the income to judge the companies progress will have long proven that Brainchip has become an economic powerhouse in the semiconductor industry.

My opinion only DYOR

To me the overall market is in bearish mood and a good investor buy in bear market and wait for good time to offload. If you frustrated by
The new Bosch smart oven sounds awesome, but is heavily reliant on cloud connectivity - based upon this article

Sounds like the sensors are continually transmitting data as opposed to sending only critical data?

Also is anonymised data what is achieved by Akida?

‘Sally connected her oven to the Home Connect server via Wi-Fi and the internet.

She also consented to data communication, so her oven continuously streams all its anonymized sensor data — temperature, humidity, control settings, and the like — to the Home Connect appliance server, which in turn communicates with the Home Connect AI cloud…

…An AI algorithm has to gain experience before it can make reliable forecasts. Machine learning is a method of getting systems to learn from vast amounts of data.

In this case, the algorithm learns from baking processes in its oven — and from those in the ovens of all other users. The oven gets smarter over time, and the more frequently households use these smart ovens, the more accurate their predictions for baked, roasted, braised, and broiled dishes will be’.

I assume it is too much for the shareholders to think that brainchip IP should be there in every new product.
We are a start up. We are providing solutions on the edge but to start with we should expect our product somewhere, where other products cannot reach. In a home environment we get sufficient power and internet, which means they may not akida right now there. But on the edge like cars, in the space we do not have enough energy and internet and that is why a product like akida is required there. So expect akida to be getting there 1st than to coming to our mobiles and appliances.
So when the brn is targeting market with limited resources, please do not expect too much too quickly.
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Did someone say KFC
A Brief Brainchip History Lesson:

Once upon a time in a country called Canada there was a firm called SN Technologies. The two principles claimed to be experts in the security and gaming industry. They had open necked shirts, hairy chests and gold chains so clearly they were experts in crime and fraud that exists in these areas.

SN Technologies became agents for Brainchip.

Their first achievement was to secure a trial of SNAP at the Native American Indian casino Mohegan Sun Casino. This trial was technically successful but as that casino regularly does it became insolvent.

The next achievement of SN Technologies was a school security project in New York. That project went well and they secured the contract however despite having used and promoted Brainchip technology in the tender process and in the contract after it was entered when Brainchip asked for their commission SN Technologies claimed they were not using Brainchip technology in the installed system.

Keeping this part of the story short Brainchip commenced the first stages of legal action but at the same time issues around the tender process came to light which saw a repudiation of the contract by the School Board, the involvement of a parent group and US Civil Liberties and the hairy chested good old boys high tailed it across the river/s back to Canada.

This SN Technologies engagement with Brainchip predated the arrival of former CEO Mr. Dinardo and from my discussion with him at the 2019 AGM it was clear he had formed an opinion about SN Technologies after the failed Casino trial and before the schools fraud that led him to move Brainchip away from SN Technologies and in so doing secured the Gaming Partners International deal to develop a smart gaming table to monitor their smart chips while in play on tables indecently of these experts.

This agreement involved the up front payment to Brainchip of $US500,000 plus an additional $US100,000 for engineering fees and then royalties if the project was successful and the tables were put into production and sold to Casinos.

These payments were made and the prototype table was revealed at a trade show to apparently some industry interest but a Japanese playing card company lept from the shadows with a takeover bid for GPI. The bid was successful.

The Japanese company did not want GPI’s gaming table and equipment business only their smart playing chip technology and they effectively did an asset stripe and GPI disappeared.

The End.

My opinion only DYOR

Wasn't aware of the SN Technology's, near swindle of our early BRN tech.
As I think, we have now passed Brn's, event horizon, so to speak, it has now got all the hallmarks of a great movie plot.
The BRN story is well written and engaging , with interesting characters that you will barrack for or against. The plot has been unpredictable, to say the least. The down side is, everyone already knows the ending, the company makes 1000x Microsoft's in revenue in 3rd year of sales. Factfinder buys Allure of the Seas for 1% of his shares and gives every TSX members and family free cruising for life. Oh and hotcrapper gets bought out by New Idea as they want to take out the opposition.
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People need to realize that company values can grow in bear markets to less speck value but with products comming it will grow. It's more the pe in debt companies that risk off happens. Specks are risk off but if our revenue gets to 10 million per quarter say in 3 quarters then we will still be north of today's prices.imo
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And I suspect that those of us who lived through those times and holding our shares down to 4 cents and yet still investing further of our scarce funds in the capital raise at 6 cents to try and keep the lights on find it more difficult than might otherwise be the case when some are upset by an absence of price sensitive announcements.

My opinion only DYOR

F/F, great to see u back on board. I remember going much lower than 4c, and seriously questioning my investment decision. Held my nerve, and belief. The rest is history. My view is we're starting again, from the current base price. I'll be holding strong. Each to their own. GLTA.
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F/F, great to see u back on board. I remember going much lower than 4c, and seriously questioning my investment decision. Held my nerve, and belief. The rest is history. My view is we're starting again, from the current base price. I'll be holding strong. Each to their own. GLTA.

Congratulations to those who have held for so long and when the price was so low.

The risk at that stage would have been far greater than what I see it at now!

You’re conviction in the Founder, the technology and where it was headed must have been strong.

Although I paid significantly more than 4 cents I believe the company is also in a great position and therefore the price reflects that.

Personally I don’t see how the company could go belly up at this stage of it’s commercialisation (so long as the car industry has the uptake like expected). The next decade has been touted as “A golden age for the semi-conductor industry“ and even a small percent of the TAM will be sufficient for success.

Just looking at the speakers at the Edge Impulse presentations, there are other technologies that can complete the similar tasks, maybe not as efficiently or elegantly etc but Edge Impulse is happy to partner with anyone, and why wouldn’t they!

Akida won’t have the entire market for itself. But I’m not expecting that, nor going to be disappointed when it doesn’t occur. There will be plenty of market share to go around!

But it’s like Adam first said to Eve: “Better stand back as I’m not sure how big this gets!” 😂
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Congratulations to those who have held for so long and when the price was so low.

The risk at that stage would have been far greater than what I see it at now!

You’re conviction in the Founder, the technology and where it was headed must have been strong.

Although I paid significantly more than 4 cents I believe the company is also in a great position and therefore the price reflects that.

Personally I don’t see how the company could go belly up at this stage of it’s commercialisation (so long as the car industry has the uptake like expected). The next decade has been touted as “A golden age for the semi-conductor industry“ and even a small percent of the TAM will be sufficient for success.

Just looking at the speakers at the Edge Impulse presentations, there are other technologies that can complete the similar tasks, maybe not as efficiently or elegantly etc but Edge Impulse is happy to partner with anyone, and why wouldn’t they!

Akida won’t have the entire market for itself. But I’m not expecting that, nor going to be disappointed when it doesn’t occur. There will be plenty of market share to go around!

But it’s like Adam first said to Eve: “Better stand back as I’m not sure how big this gets!” 😂
Just call me Mr. One Percent of Cathy Woods trillion dollar market when the wildest dreams of many will be realised.

Now of course this Mr. One Percent is presently being born off the back of AKIDA 1.0 IP.

Mr. You can’t believe it Percent will be born off the back of AKIDA 2.0 with LSTM.

Mr. How many Microsoft’s did you say will be realised off the back of the AKIDA cortical column can it be artificial general intelligence.

My opinion only DYOR

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Dead Cat Bounce, the slide will think that the world money markets are stable, would reflect the view of a fool.

Choices, do I pull my stop-loss placements, do I buy more BRN, do I hope that the 4C delivers similar revenue to the previous quarter,
do I believe "explosive sales" are wrapped up in the coming 4C results or the results to be published in late many thoughts
one can have.

Carrying no debt, having cash on hand is a major positive, especially in times of uncertainty, and that's Brainchip down to a tee.

How's Magik Eye Inc going? (August 2020) 2 years 2 months, any word?

We have ALL been on a learning curve, including the company executives over many years, I have already penned 2025 as the year,
hopefully things ramp up prior to 2025, but for me, that's my current assessment, based on nothing to do with the technology, but
everything else that circles us, the financial markets, ideas to product conversion, continuous education of potential clients, building
positive partnerships with key world players that can blossom into the future, to me it's really come down to the time factor, which I
nor you or for that matter, even the company can control.

I notice DIGIMARC has had another patent granted, Brainchip's Akida is still mentioned, but so are other processors.

I'd keep checking patents regularly, they are worth their weight in gold, in my opinion moving forward.

Cheers and goodnight...Tech
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Interesting job advertisement from Oculus (Meta / Facebook).
They seem to quite interested in neuromorphic sensing, with mentions of neuromorphic computing for AR and VR applications.

What is perhaps the most intriguing part is the term "neuromorphic time based" machine learning. which I suspect refers to time-series analysis in machine learning, and which is used alongside the terms "spiking neural networks" and "event-based sensing". Time-series analysis is commonly done with LSTM's and transformer networks, and as far as we know the only neuromorphic chip with these capabilities will be Akida 2.0 (which hasn't been announced as completed but the simulator is likely ready and possibly in the hands of customers already, as others here have pointed out).

If the above is true, it leads to the question: is Meta an EAP customer?

Keep in mind that this is a research role so if Brainchip is involved it will likely be at least a year or two till potential products hit the market (especially since Akida 2.0 isn't even in silicon yet).

Computer Vision Researcher - Reality Labs Research​


Full Job Description​

Reality Labs Research (RL Research) brings together a world-class R&D team of researchers, developers, and engineers with the shared goal of developing AR and VR across the spectrum. The Surreal group at RL Research is seeking exceptional research scientists to solve the next generation of research challenges on the path to building future machine perception enabled technologies. As a Computer Vision Research Scientist, your role is to collaborate with other researchers and engineers of the team in building novel approaches for AR/VR based on neuromorphic event based sensing technologies. This involves contributing to all steps of the development, including but not limited to, developing novel event based algorithms, determining the architecture and microarchitecture required to operate efficiently the approach, verification, prototyping, and power/performance estimation.

Computer Vision Researcher - Reality Labs Research Responsibilities:

  • Research, develop and prototype advanced novel event based vision algorithms and time based machine learning techniques
  • Work with FPGA engineers to perform early prototyping of the developed methods
  • Collaborate with team members throughout the lifetime of a project, from prototyping to deployed products
  • Support integration of blocks with existing frameworks

Minimum Qualifications:

  • PhD degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering
  • 10+ years of research experience as a research scientist in the field of event based computation and neuromorphic engineering
  • Experience in developing event based vision algorithms
  • Experience in time based machine learning and spiking neural networks
  • Experience working on multidisciplinary projects
  • Interpersonal experience: cross-group and cross-culture collaboration
  • Must obtain work authorization in the country of employment at the time of hire and maintain ongoing work authorization during employment

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience with event based cameras
  • Experience with neuromorphic time based development environments
  • Tracking, visual odometry using event cameras experience
  • MATLAB, Python, C/C++ or similar coding experience
It‘s times like these we need a TSE crossed fingers emoji (as in please, please you great non-denominational, genderless, benevolent Spirit in the Sky, please let this come true)! I would have given you at least 20 crossed fingered emojis for this post @IndepthDiver but I had to make do with giving you a heart, which was very well deserved I reckon.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Just call me Mr. One Percent of Cathy Woods trillion dollar market when the wildest dreams of many will be realised.

Now of course this Mr. One Percent is presently being born off the back of AKIDA 1.0 IP.

Mr. You can’t believe it Percent will be born off the back of AKIDA 2.0 with LSTM.

Mr. How many Microsoft’s did you say will be realised off the back of the AKIDA cortical column can it be artificial general intelligence.

My opinion only DYOR


OK then. Hello Mr. One Percent 😝
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Sony, Prophesee and BRN are all collaborating.
WE really need to know that Sony is a client of Megachips.
If we can find that link we will be zeroing in on an announcement for vision, similar to what Mercedes did for audio.
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Dead Cat Bounce, the slide will think that the world money markets are stable, would reflect the view of a fool.

Choices, do I pull my stop-loss placements, do I buy more BRN, do I hope that the 4C delivers similar revenue to the previous quarter,
do I believe "explosive sales" are wrapped up in the coming 4C results or the results to be published in late many thoughts
one can have.

Carrying no debt, having cash on hand is a major positive, especially in times of uncertainty, and that's Brainchip down to a tee.

How's Magik Eye Inc going? (August 2020) 2 years 2 months, any word?

We have ALL been on a learning curve, including the company executives over many years, I have already penned 2025 as the year,
hopefully things ramp up prior to 2025, but for me, that's my current assessment, based on nothing to do with the technology, but
everything else that circles us, the financial markets, ideas to product conversion, continuous education of potential clients, building
positive partnerships with key world players that can blossom into the future, to me it's really come down to the time factor, which I
nor you or for that matter, even the company can control.

I notice DIGIMARC has had another patent granted, Brainchip's Akida is still mentioned, but so are other processors.

I'd keep checking patents regularly, they are worth their weight in gold, in my opinion moving forward.

Cheers and goodnight...Tech

Hi Tech,

It's getting on for 2 years since the announcement of the Renesas agreement.

The blurb on the Renesas agreement says:

Aliso Viejo, Calif. – 23 December 2020 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), a leading provider of ultra-low power, high-performance AI technology, today announced the signing of an intellectual property license agreement with Renesas Electronics America Inc., a subsidiary of Japan-based Renesas Electronics Corp., a tier-one semiconductor manufacturer that specializes in microcontroller and automotive SoC products. The unconditional agreement provides for:
• a single-use, royalty-bearing, worldwide IP design license for the rights to use the Akida™ IP in the customer’s SoC products, which continues while the customer continues to use the Akida IP in its products. The parties agreed to customary termination terms;
• BrainChip to provide implementation support services (at an agreed fee to cover costs) aimed at facilitating the customer’s adoption and commercialization of the Akida-licensed product during the first year of the license agreement.
• The agreement provides for various payment terms including the payment of ongoing royalties based on the volume of units sold, commencing at certain agreed volume threshold and the net sale price of the customer’s products. The royalties remain in effect throughout the life of the licensed product.
• Brainchip to provide softw
are maintenance services, which attract a separate fee if the customer elects to continue to use these services after the first two years of the agreement.

So we won't see any royalties from Renesas until there are units sold.

As Renesas is an automotive supplier, their products would need to undergo extensive testing, particularly if they are safety related. Also Renesas is a big company with a large number of products, so getting what may be a relatively minor product to market may not be critical to their commercial viability.
Late edition: Also Renesas has their own in-house DRP-AI which, it seems, they are giving preference to in larger AI applications.

As for the MegaChips partnership, announced 10 months ago, we appear to have received the initial licence fees for at least a couple of licences in the mid-year report.

MegaChips is a different business model from Renesas, as they design products at the behest of 3rd parties, whereas Renesas designs their own products.

We don't know the nature of the businesses of the licencees, so it's difficult to judge when we can expect royalties from the MegaChip licencees.

However, it may be assumed that some of the MC customers are smaller than Renesas and with a more limited product range, so getting a new product out the door could have a significant effect on their bottom line. Also their products may not be as critical to safety as many Renesas products, so testing may not need to be as extensive.

Of course there is the extensive task of getting the chip designed, manufactured and approved, but since the Akida IP has been proven in silicon, the Akida IP should not provide too many holdups in this process.

Thus, once the smaller companies pay the licence fee, they would be anxious to get the product out the door, so the licence money is not sitting idle for too long. So I'm hoping that we see royalties from the MegaChip licencees sooner rather than later.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
Hi Tech,

It's getting on for 2 years since the announcement of the Renesas agreement.

The blurb on the Renesas agreement says:

Aliso Viejo, Calif. – 23 December 2020 – BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), a leading provider of ultra-low power, high-performance AI technology, today announced the signing of an intellectual property license agreement with Renesas Electronics America Inc., a subsidiary of Japan-based Renesas Electronics Corp., a tier-one semiconductor manufacturer that specializes in microcontroller and automotive SoC products. The unconditional agreement provides for:
• a single-use, royalty-bearing, worldwide IP design license for the rights to use the Akida™ IP in the customer’s SoC products, which continues while the customer continues to use the Akida IP in its products. The parties agreed to customary termination terms;
• BrainChip to provide implementation support services (at an agreed fee to cover costs) aimed at facilitating the customer’s adoption and commercialization of the Akida-licensed product during the first year of the license agreement.
• The agreement provides for various payment terms including the payment of ongoing royalties based on the volume of units sold, commencing at certain agreed volume threshold and the net sale price of the customer’s products. The royalties remain in effect throughout the life of the licensed product.
• Brainchip to provide softw
are maintenance services, which attract a separate fee if the customer elects to continue to use these services after the first two years of the agreement.

So we won't see any royalties from Renesas until there units sold.

As Renesas is an automotive supplier, their products would need to undergo extensive testing, particularly if they are safety related. Also Renesas is a big company with a large number of products, so getting what may be a relatively minor product to market may not be critical to their commercial viability.

As for the MegaChips partnership, announced 10 months ago, we appear to have received the initial licence fees for at least a couple of licences in the mid-year report.

MegaChips is a different business model from Renesas, as they design products at the behest of 3rd parties, whereas Renesas designs their own products.

We don't know the nature of the businesses of the licencees, so it's difficult to judge when we can expect royalties from the MegaChip licencees.

However, it may be assumed that some of the MC customers are smaller than Renesas and with a more limited product range, so getting a new product out the door could have a significant effect on their bottom line. Also their products may not be as critical to safety as many Renesas products, so testing may not need to be as extensive.

Of course there is the extensive task of getting the chip designed, manufactured and approved, but since the Akida IP has been proven in silicon, the Akida IP should not provide too many holdups in this process.

Thus, once the smaller companies pay the licence fee, they would be anxious to get the product out the door, so the licence money is not sitting idle for too long. So I'm hoping that we see royalties from the MegaChip licencees sooner rather than later.
With the current energy crises playing out I would imagine that efficient and power saving devices will be fast tracked.

Data centers are a big example of where energy needs to be saved.

I think Rob and marketing team should gather the data on how much power Akida can save in things like fridges and washing machines as they have mentioned in the hey Mercedes and market it as green and power saving solutions.

Akida is in the right place at the right time.
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hmmm interesting my french fellows at Blue Frog have a little creature called Buddy which they could make use of Akida quite well in this funny little friend.

Won't be long now before we see Akida in something like this, farting or not it will walk off the shelfs when it hits the stores with a little logo or label saying "powered by Akida". :)


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And now she has gone and done it again, this time in a dedicated article in case people missed it buried in that other article.

Cars that think like you

As well as advertising it on Twitter.

View attachment 17680

Well looks like Richard Berry a senior journalist from Carsguide has is eye on EQXX aswell and why wouldn't he considering MB said this...

Mercedes engineers worked with California-based artificial-intelligence developer BrainChip to create systems based on the company's Akida hardware and software. Among other things, the technology makes the "Hey, Mercedes" voice control system in the EQXX five to ten times more efficient than conventional voice control.

Mercedes acknowledges that while neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, it says similar systems will be available in a variety of consumer products within a few years. And when applied at scale throughout an electric vehicle, neuromorphic computing has the potential to significantly reduce the energy needed to run the latest artificial intelligence technologies.

Know i know I'm being selective here with the MB statement I have chosen and it's hard not to be, but if I was dot joining and the headline was "EVs can be charged in 3 mins" with an image of the EQXX and you're a BRN shareholder you gotta be happy with that on a Sunday morning 😉.

Edge Compute.


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