@Diogenese posted an extract, some commentary and the following link:
Espacenet: free access to millions of patent documents. Find out if your invention is unique or if other inventors have filed patent applications that are considered to be prior art.
This patent protects AKIDA’s on chip learning.
Neither DYNAP or GrAi Matter have this ability nor do they have ONE SHOT LEARNING.
Neither do they have on chip convolution or SNN2CNN conversion.
Nor do they come in a package as IP allowing you to purchase a tiny bit of Ai or a massive stack of Ai.
On the question of are they competition yes but consider the Smart Light switch. Both you and I are competition to AKIDA because we can tell whether the light needs to be turned on or off.
Considering the above and assuming no price advantage which of the above technologies would you chose for your Smart Light switch if you decide not to compete.
My opinion only DYOR