BRN Discussion Ongoing

On the unanswered question of whether Brainchip is in bed with Samsung the following position with Samsung seems potentially very relevant:

My opinion only DYOR

Great find FF,

I like the job requirements included:
  • Proficiency in a neural network library (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.)
I could be wrong but my understanding is these are both used with Akida.

I realise there are a few members/shareholders wanting a big name to be announced and so do I but; it will happen when it happens!

I have full confidence in the great leadership and management team. My opinion is they appear to be world class professionals doing their best. We just have to wait for the implementation stage to occur. As FF pointed out recently Renesas paid their licence fee over a year ago and their product is yet to be commercially available so It takes time. It is new technology which has to be understood, tested designed and manufactured and tested again before release. As another member says: “It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen!”

It’s easier said than done, but if you have confidence in the company just chill out and have patients. An exciting part of this journey is that an announcement could happen at any time and every day brings us closer to it occurring. We know the technology has been validated and is top of class so there it is very likely it will be utilised for it’s advantages. I’m sure the companies involved are all doing their best to produce their products and get a market leading edge as well!

The good thing is that even when competition is finally available they will have to go through that same development process. With Loihi it will be even harder as they are using their own language which is Intel specific. This may be a reason once Akida is taken up it will be easier to stay with it, especially when it is very competitively priced etc.

There are several public discussions of interest taking place in the next week. To think that Brainchip has a seat at the table with Google and Collins Aerospace is amazing in itself. I can’t wait!

Cheers all.
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Is Samsung going to take up AKIDA IP?

This question until answered by Brainchip in an ASX announcement or until Samsung 'does a Merc' will remain complete conjecture.

Therefore what I am about to say is entirely my own opinion based upon facts that I personally find compelling:

1. The former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated early 2020 that a large Sth Korean company was testing AKIDA to an even greater extent than Brainchip. Following this statement I did a lot of rabbit hole research and became convinced that at that time which would have been 2019/2020 Samsung had the most advanced neuromorphic computing research program of the large Sth Korean companies that might be involved.

2. In a joint presentation/webinar where the former CEO Mr. Dinardo, Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar all presented Anil Mankar went out of his way to personally thank Samsung for providing the DVS camera used in the AKIDA demonstration.

3. Samsung have continued to engage in research around neuromorphic computing up to the present date. NASA, Renesas, MegaChips, Valeo, Ford, Mercedes and a number of independent researchers have all viewed AKIDA technology and continue to engage with and promote openly in some cases, the benefits of AKIDA technology despite having full exposure to Intel's offering in the form of Loihi and IBM's TruNorth. Indeed in January, 2022 the US Airforce funded a research project around AKIDA technology. So if all these others are impressed then why not Samsung and at the very least why would Samsung not still be looking at the AKIDA technology particularly as Brainchip has since the comments by Mr. Dinardo Brainchip has produced the AKD1000 engineering sample, introduced MetaTF, cracked open the champagne on a number of critical patent grants, and produced the Commercial AKD1000 that has with minor modifications greatly improved performance over the engineering sample.

4. Then you throw in the use of the Samsung Fridge in Brainchip promo videos and as I said over on the other site either Anil Mankar has a mate in the warehouse who lends him stuff without the boss knowing or there is some formal tie up with Samsung.

5. This is not a proven fact because it would require a few individuals in the world of neuromorphic computing to concede the point but on all the evidence it does seem to be that Brainchip's AKD1000 is the first commercial neuromorphic chip to be released in all the World and that it has around a 3 year lead over any known competitor.

6. In addition AKD2000 which takes a further technology leap is highly likely to reach the market in 2022 and based upon the release of the AKD1000 IP about 12 months before the engineering samples it is highly likely that it could already as IP be in the hands of lets say a large Sth Korean company being tested and a major European Automobile manufacturer being trialled for identifying flying plastic bags.

As I made clear the above is just my personal opinion and I am sure many may have reservations which is completely reasonable but I believe Samsung is a given.

It does not of course mean that Brainchip will make an announcement because I think that is what the deal with MegaChips is all about given that it prides itself on not disclosing its customer base beyond Nintendo.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR


PS: 'does a Merc' - a new term which means to crow about being partnered with Brainchip for the purpose of out performing all your competitors by using AKIDA technology - (not yet listed in any dictionary of phases however I think by popular usage it will be in coming years and you read it hear first)
FF - nice logic. I also wonder about Akida500. This could easily be a response from interactions with a company such as Samsung?
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He's replying to himself lol Hilarious.

Feaby, stop stealing the content from here. You are fighting a losing battle. HC is a shit hole and it's going down.
If you look at the history of his/her posts, they have always been bullish on BRN. He/she is also clearly invested in TMH (again from post history) and is trying to protect their investment. Poaching content from here without acknowledging it isn’t cool though!
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Just for interest, I visited HC today and I kept thinking "hey, I saw this reference on TSE before"
I double checked, and sure enough, a poster on HC, Fealby, has to my knowledge, read at least 7 posts here, then posted to HC as his own research. A grub!
I know I shouldn't even bother over there...curiosity killing the cat
I was very surprised by the criticism this particular poster levied at those of us who had left HC. Not shall I say as robust as the poster BL told me not to be upset about but still very strident.

It was suggested today that this poster has another motive and I have no evidence to support that but the actions of these posters is very difficult to understand. Slavery was outlawed a long time ago. No one, myself included was sentenced to community service requiring they post on HC for 2 years. I did not sign a contract of service with HC.

It makes absolutely no sense to behave in the way they have unless they have more than our previous casual interest in HC.

As to the present conduct at least they are posting solid research however I could go out on a limb and suggest that as trolls and shorters of the manipulative kind are excluded here the only way they can attack research posted here is to have someone take it from here and post on HC as if they are a genuine share holder so they can attack it. Is this too big a bow to draw. I hope so.

My opinion only DYOR

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On the unanswered question of whether Brainchip is in bed with Samsung the following position with Samsung seems potentially very relevant:

My opinion only DYOR

Is Samsung going to take up AKIDA IP?

This question until answered by Brainchip in an ASX announcement or until Samsung 'does a Merc' will remain complete conjecture.

Therefore what I am about to say is entirely my own opinion based upon facts that I personally find compelling:

1. The former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated early 2020 that a large Sth Korean company was testing AKIDA to an even greater extent than Brainchip. Following this statement I did a lot of rabbit hole research and became convinced that at that time which would have been 2019/2020 Samsung had the most advanced neuromorphic computing research program of the large Sth Korean companies that might be involved.

2. In a joint presentation/webinar where the former CEO Mr. Dinardo, Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar all presented Anil Mankar went out of his way to personally thank Samsung for providing the DVS camera used in the AKIDA demonstration.

3. Samsung have continued to engage in research around neuromorphic computing up to the present date. NASA, Renesas, MegaChips, Valeo, Ford, Mercedes and a number of independent researchers have all viewed AKIDA technology and continue to engage with and promote openly in some cases, the benefits of AKIDA technology despite having full exposure to Intel's offering in the form of Loihi and IBM's TruNorth. Indeed in January, 2022 the US Airforce funded a research project around AKIDA technology. So if all these others are impressed then why not Samsung and at the very least why would Samsung not still be looking at the AKIDA technology particularly as Brainchip has since the comments by Mr. Dinardo Brainchip has produced the AKD1000 engineering sample, introduced MetaTF, cracked open the champagne on a number of critical patent grants, and produced the Commercial AKD1000 that has with minor modifications greatly improved performance over the engineering sample.

4. Then you throw in the use of the Samsung Fridge in Brainchip promo videos and as I said over on the other site either Anil Mankar has a mate in the warehouse who lends him stuff without the boss knowing or there is some formal tie up with Samsung.

5. This is not a proven fact because it would require a few individuals in the world of neuromorphic computing to concede the point but on all the evidence it does seem to be that Brainchip's AKD1000 is the first commercial neuromorphic chip to be released in all the World and that it has around a 3 year lead over any known competitor.

6. In addition AKD2000 which takes a further technology leap is highly likely to reach the market in 2022 and based upon the release of the AKD1000 IP about 12 months before the engineering samples it is highly likely that it could already as IP be in the hands of lets say a large Sth Korean company being tested and a major European Automobile manufacturer being trialled for identifying flying plastic bags.

As I made clear the above is just my personal opinion and I am sure many may have reservations which is completely reasonable but I believe Samsung is a given.

It does not of course mean that Brainchip will make an announcement because I think that is what the deal with MegaChips is all about given that it prides itself on not disclosing its customer base beyond Nintendo.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR


PS: 'does a Merc' - a new term which means to crow about being partnered with Brainchip for the purpose of out performing all your competitors by using AKIDA technology - (not yet listed in any dictionary of phases however I think by popular usage it will be in coming years and you read it hear first)
Hi FF,
Additionally, I think Samsung are the only ones out of the Lilly candidates citing our patents.


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Is Samsung going to take up AKIDA IP?

This question until answered by Brainchip in an ASX announcement or until Samsung 'does a Merc' will remain complete conjecture.

Therefore what I am about to say is entirely my own opinion based upon facts that I personally find compelling:

1. The former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated early 2020 that a large Sth Korean company was testing AKIDA to an even greater extent than Brainchip. Following this statement I did a lot of rabbit hole research and became convinced that at that time which would have been 2019/2020 Samsung had the most advanced neuromorphic computing research program of the large Sth Korean companies that might be involved.

2. In a joint presentation/webinar where the former CEO Mr. Dinardo, Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar all presented Anil Mankar went out of his way to personally thank Samsung for providing the DVS camera used in the AKIDA demonstration.

3. Samsung have continued to engage in research around neuromorphic computing up to the present date. NASA, Renesas, MegaChips, Valeo, Ford, Mercedes and a number of independent researchers have all viewed AKIDA technology and continue to engage with and promote openly in some cases, the benefits of AKIDA technology despite having full exposure to Intel's offering in the form of Loihi and IBM's TruNorth. Indeed in January, 2022 the US Airforce funded a research project around AKIDA technology. So if all these others are impressed then why not Samsung and at the very least why would Samsung not still be looking at the AKIDA technology particularly as Brainchip has since the comments by Mr. Dinardo Brainchip has produced the AKD1000 engineering sample, introduced MetaTF, cracked open the champagne on a number of critical patent grants, and produced the Commercial AKD1000 that has with minor modifications greatly improved performance over the engineering sample.

4. Then you throw in the use of the Samsung Fridge in Brainchip promo videos and as I said over on the other site either Anil Mankar has a mate in the warehouse who lends him stuff without the boss knowing or there is some formal tie up with Samsung.

5. This is not a proven fact because it would require a few individuals in the world of neuromorphic computing to concede the point but on all the evidence it does seem to be that Brainchip's AKD1000 is the first commercial neuromorphic chip to be released in all the World and that it has around a 3 year lead over any known competitor.

6. In addition AKD2000 which takes a further technology leap is highly likely to reach the market in 2022 and based upon the release of the AKD1000 IP about 12 months before the engineering samples it is highly likely that it could already as IP be in the hands of lets say a large Sth Korean company being tested and a major European Automobile manufacturer being trialled for identifying flying plastic bags.

As I made clear the above is just my personal opinion and I am sure many may have reservations which is completely reasonable but I believe Samsung is a given.

It does not of course mean that Brainchip will make an announcement because I think that is what the deal with MegaChips is all about given that it prides itself on not disclosing its customer base beyond Nintendo.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR


PS: 'does a Merc' - a new term which means to crow about being partnered with Brainchip for the purpose of out performing all your competitors by using AKIDA technology - (not yet listed in any dictionary of phases however I think by popular usage it will be in coming years and you read it hear first)
I see that the release of the new Galaxy S22 phone 3 days ago has improved energy management; regulates temperature; AI engine capable of deep learning ; controls for Smart Home, etc.

How long before we might see Brainchip technology a new Samsung smartphone?
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I'm not sure if anyone here caught this, but the day before yesterday Brainchip posted a tweet from Mercedes, in Spanish and in English, but both posts were deleted very quickly. It was about this post.

Just for interest, I visited HC today and I kept thinking "hey, I saw this reference on TSE before"
I double checked, and sure enough, a poster on HC, Fealby, has to my knowledge, read at least 7 posts here, then posted to HC as his own research. A grub!
I know I shouldn't even bother over there...curiosity killing the cat
Fealby, is also a TMH (hotcrapper) shareholder, which is why he's so "positive" about how it's run..

Someone who still has access there, should report those posts, for plagiarism! 👹
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On the unanswered question of whether Brainchip is in bed with Samsung the following position with Samsung seems potentially very relevant:

My opinion only DYOR

Does Mrs FF constantly roll her eyes when you tell her about more dots joined with BRN? I know when I mention this to my ‘darling’ wife she says ‘show me the money’. It is largely my ongoing promises of another company for the past few years that give her the $hits with me but even that is showing hope (rap).
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Founding Member
Fealby, is also a TMH (hotcrapper) shareholder, which is why he's so "positive" about how it's run..

Someone who still has access there, should report those posts, for plagiarism! 👹

He is just talking to himself and the downrampers.

He has no audience. I'd love to see how long he will last lol

I say we can move on, he will have to stop eventually when that company goes under water. Which is going to happen imo. Hopefully there is enough liquidity to sell his shares before that happens. Which is unlikely because that's the most illiquid stock ever on ASX. Not FA, dyor, but if you do you will know feaby and his mates are in trouble with tmh, my opinion only.
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Founding Member
I see that the release of the new Galaxy S22 phone 3 days ago has improved energy management; regulates temperature; AI engine capable of deep learning ; controls for Smart Home, etc.

How long before we might see Brainchip technology a new Samsung smartphone?

Am I really hearing this or am I imagining it? Must be my rose coloured glasses.
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Founding Member

Must listen from 6 minute mark. (Ofcourse I have commented about Akida lol)

This channel has 6.7 MILLION subscribers!!

Already viewed 1 million plus as of now.

I am getting a bit light headed.
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Does Mrs FF constantly roll her eyes when you tell her about more dots joined with BRN? I know when I mention this to my ‘darling’ wife she says ‘show me the money’. It is largely my ongoing promises of another company for the past few years that give her the $hits with me but even that is showing hope (rap).
You’re not Robinson Cruisoe ;)
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Does Mrs FF constantly roll her eyes when you tell her about more dots joined with BRN? I know when I mention this to my ‘darling’ wife she says ‘show me the money’. It is largely my ongoing promises of another company for the past few years that give her the $hits with me but even that is showing hope (rap).
We have a unique relationship as we worked together for almost 30 years very happily. She knows me very well and despite that she trusts my judgment and refers to me as her legal and financial adviser.

I also tend to limit the information flow to that which I know she will find interesting. Having her first career in the medical field I tend to keep it too the biotech space and with BRN to the medical tech oops.

I know many here will not necessarily believe it but BRN is just part of our portfolio.

Real estate is a significant part and tends to dominate our conversations as well as her buying and selling of antiques and collectables.

In fact only today she suggested we relocate down to the Southern Highlands for the next few months now that Covid restrictions have been lifted so we can catch up the building and landscape projects that have been drifting while we were in isolation and she can build up her stock again. Having my heart fixed means I can be the grunt in her business again. Not sure having it fixed was such a great idea now. LOL

Then there are my cars.

My opinion only DYOR

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Is this the fruit of our tie-up with Democritus University of Thrace?
Hi Dio
I had not looked at Cybersecurity on the BRN web site for months and when I looked today it has clearly been updated and more aggressively sells the cybersecurity message.

I think you are correct.

My opinion only DYOR

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Is Samsung going to take up AKIDA IP?

This question until answered by Brainchip in an ASX announcement or until Samsung 'does a Merc' will remain complete conjecture.

Therefore what I am about to say is entirely my own opinion based upon facts that I personally find compelling:

1. The former CEO Mr. Dinardo stated early 2020 that a large Sth Korean company was testing AKIDA to an even greater extent than Brainchip. Following this statement I did a lot of rabbit hole research and became convinced that at that time which would have been 2019/2020 Samsung had the most advanced neuromorphic computing research program of the large Sth Korean companies that might be involved.

2. In a joint presentation/webinar where the former CEO Mr. Dinardo, Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar all presented Anil Mankar went out of his way to personally thank Samsung for providing the DVS camera used in the AKIDA demonstration.

3. Samsung have continued to engage in research around neuromorphic computing up to the present date. NASA, Renesas, MegaChips, Valeo, Ford, Mercedes and a number of independent researchers have all viewed AKIDA technology and continue to engage with and promote openly in some cases, the benefits of AKIDA technology despite having full exposure to Intel's offering in the form of Loihi and IBM's TruNorth. Indeed in January, 2022 the US Airforce funded a research project around AKIDA technology. So if all these others are impressed then why not Samsung and at the very least why would Samsung not still be looking at the AKIDA technology particularly as Brainchip has since the comments by Mr. Dinardo Brainchip has produced the AKD1000 engineering sample, introduced MetaTF, cracked open the champagne on a number of critical patent grants, and produced the Commercial AKD1000 that has with minor modifications greatly improved performance over the engineering sample.

4. Then you throw in the use of the Samsung Fridge in Brainchip promo videos and as I said over on the other site either Anil Mankar has a mate in the warehouse who lends him stuff without the boss knowing or there is some formal tie up with Samsung.

5. This is not a proven fact because it would require a few individuals in the world of neuromorphic computing to concede the point but on all the evidence it does seem to be that Brainchip's AKD1000 is the first commercial neuromorphic chip to be released in all the World and that it has around a 3 year lead over any known competitor.

6. In addition AKD2000 which takes a further technology leap is highly likely to reach the market in 2022 and based upon the release of the AKD1000 IP about 12 months before the engineering samples it is highly likely that it could already as IP be in the hands of lets say a large Sth Korean company being tested and a major European Automobile manufacturer being trialled for identifying flying plastic bags.

As I made clear the above is just my personal opinion and I am sure many may have reservations which is completely reasonable but I believe Samsung is a given.

It does not of course mean that Brainchip will make an announcement because I think that is what the deal with MegaChips is all about given that it prides itself on not disclosing its customer base beyond Nintendo.

My anonymous opinion only DYOR


PS: 'does a Merc' - a new term which means to crow about being partnered with Brainchip for the purpose of out performing all your competitors by using AKIDA technology - (not yet listed in any dictionary of phases however I think by popular usage it will be in coming years and you read it hear first)
FF "Samsung, does a Merc"
I like the way you think.

After reading your Samsung analogy, it only strengthened my own opinion also. Cheer

Its great to be a shareholder.
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A brief lesson on why AKIDA is the GAME CHANGER in the computing and Ai space:

1. Yes it can perform functions unconnected at the Edge. If you want to take action at the Edge this is brilliant one of a kind no competition full stop amazing attribute.

2. There are however many things happening at the Edge which do not require functions to be performed at the Edge but elsewhere in the public Cloud or private Cloud. Current Edge sensors are not SMART and so the information that is needed elsewhere is sent along with all the irrelevant information gathered by the sensor to the Cloud were it is processed and action taken.

Doing this creates issues around bandwidth, latency and connection quality.

Before AKIDA the only solution was accelerators which compressed the data so less bandwidth was required.

If you listen again to the DELL podcast Rob Lincourt speaks about this problem and how if you could put some compute at or next to the sensor and by so doing pull out the relevant or needed information it could dramatically reduce bandwidth and latency and connection quality by sending this required information as Meta Data.

So fellow Brainchip holders this is why AKIDA is a game changer and why when Peter van der Made speaks about saving 97% of the power used in data centres this is possible. AKIDA is processing at the Edge for action at the Edge but also for action at the Cloud.

Is it not absolutely wonderful to hold Brainchip shares as a long term investor.

My opinion only DYOR

Thanks @Fact Finder. This is a terrific summary as to why AKIDA is a game changer!

You state "There are however many things happening at the Edge which do not require functions to be performed at the Edge but elsewhere in the public Cloud or private Cloud ..... if you could put some compute at or next to the sensor and by so doing pull out the relevant or needed information it could dramatically reduce bandwidth and latency and connection quality ".

The recent thread started by @uiux about Microsoft Azure helps to then conceptualise use cases where this vital relationship may exist between AKIDA at the edge and the processing that may occur in the cloud for Brainchip's customers.
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If you look at the history of his/her posts, they have always been bullish on BRN. He/she is also clearly invested in TMH (again from post history) and is trying to protect their investment. Poaching content from here without acknowledging it isn’t cool though!
I posted about him on the HC mods losing their shit or whatever it's called thread. I'm 95% convinced he's an employee of HC. Certainly knows a lot about the company and it's direction. They certainly don't have a strong, well researched retail contingent. Clearly they've resorted to talking to eachother there and stealing our content cause they have none of their own anymore.
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Currently find Sunday evenings/ Monday mornings an exciting time of the week. A new week is upon us. What will BrainChip have in store for us this week? The suspense is palpable.
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We all jumped ship to this new site to escape the crap, only to read hot crapper constantly being referenced? Those jerkers ( I mean lurkers) looking here would be loving it. Ignorance is bliss
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Thanks @Fact Finder. This is a terrific summary as to why AKIDA is a game changer!

You state "There are however many things happening at the Edge which do not require functions to be performed at the Edge but elsewhere in the public Cloud or private Cloud ..... if you could put some compute at or next to the sensor and by so doing pull out the relevant or needed information it could dramatically reduce bandwidth and latency and connection quality ".

The recent thread started by @uiux about Microsoft Azure helps to then conceptualise use cases where this vital relationship may exist between AKIDA at the edge and the processing that may occur in the cloud for Brainchip's customers.
Just to add to where AKIDA must surely find another home:


Smarter applications demand faster communications.
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A simpler, smarter approach to IIoT communications.
Now you can build bigger networks, add more intelligence, and secure it all—using your existing wiring infrastructure. HD-PLC Broadband Power Line (BPL) overcomes cost and performance challenges in Industrial IoT applications by delivering blazing-fast megabit data rates over any wire (power lines, coax, and twisted-pair). So you can design smarter systems and deploy them with ease.”

Processing at the edge by AKIDA allows existing infrastructure to cope and MegaChips has taken a full AKIDA IP licence.

My opinion only DYOR

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