Stable Genius
Great find FF,On the unanswered question of whether Brainchip is in bed with Samsung the following position with Samsung seems potentially very relevant:
Samsung Research America
My opinion only DYOR
I like the job requirements included:
- Proficiency in a neural network library (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.)
I realise there are a few members/shareholders wanting a big name to be announced and so do I but; it will happen when it happens!
I have full confidence in the great leadership and management team. My opinion is they appear to be world class professionals doing their best. We just have to wait for the implementation stage to occur. As FF pointed out recently Renesas paid their licence fee over a year ago and their product is yet to be commercially available so It takes time. It is new technology which has to be understood, tested designed and manufactured and tested again before release. As another member says: “It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen!”
It’s easier said than done, but if you have confidence in the company just chill out and have patients. An exciting part of this journey is that an announcement could happen at any time and every day brings us closer to it occurring. We know the technology has been validated and is top of class so there it is very likely it will be utilised for it’s advantages. I’m sure the companies involved are all doing their best to produce their products and get a market leading edge as well!
The good thing is that even when competition is finally available they will have to go through that same development process. With Loihi it will be even harder as they are using their own language which is Intel specific. This may be a reason once Akida is taken up it will be easier to stay with it, especially when it is very competitively priced etc.
There are several public discussions of interest taking place in the next week. To think that Brainchip has a seat at the table with Google and Collins Aerospace is amazing in itself. I can’t wait!
Cheers all.