BRN Discussion Ongoing

Didn't search & couldn't recall if posted already but anyway.


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Hi Dang Son and everyone else,

I intend to now put this question to bed once and for all.

Many here will remember an Australian company GetSwift and the games it tried to play to 'ramp' its share price which led to it delisting on the ASX and I believe moving to Canada.

In short it was committing a fraud on its shareholders and the market by fabricating and exaggerating the extent of an engagement that it claimed to have achieved. It was discovered and successful prosecutions launched.

In consequence of this case the ASX revised completely its approach to 'ramping' and how it deals with companies it considers are engaged in this practice. The prosecution of the female tech founder and her subsequent imprisonment in the USA has placed even greater focus at the ASX on technology companies particularly those like Brainchip which has revolutionary technology that is not understood by most and which organisations like the Australian Financial Review, Motley Fool and ***************** have been calling out for being driven by retail to unstainable levels with unproven technology the 'WANCA' effect in other words.

Though I am a retired lawyer the very fact I am retired means I cannot provide legal advice so I will reproduce advice from actual practising Lawyers to their clients regarding this issue:

Thinking | 9 June 2021

ASX cracks down on ‘ramping announcements’

By Michelle Eastwell and Vanessa Murphy
The use of ‘ramping announcements’ has been on ASX’s radar for some time now. Listed companies should carefully consider the content of and language used in market announcements, following ASX’s latest update to Guidance Note 8, which came into effect on 5 June 2021.
As the name suggests, a ‘ramping announcement’ is made with a view to ‘ramping up’ the price of securities and can take a variety of forms. Examples include announcements that contain no new material information or substance but are issued under the guise of ‘business updates’ or on the back of strong market sentiment in a sector. A quick series of announcements intended to pique investor interest but which aren’t particularly material can also be ‘ramping announcements’.
‘Ramping announcements’ can also take the form of an announcement that an entity has entered into what appears to be a material contract but with very limited information disclosed to actually assess the materiality of the contract and its impact on the price or value of the entity’s securities. This has been a particular area of focus for ASX.
Examples of ‘ramping announcements’ identified by ASX include:

  • announcing a contract with a major customer to leverage off the customer’s reputation, without properly quantifying the benefit to the entity. In one instance, this included disclosure of a ‘material commercial agreement with a leading financial entity’ under which the entity was to receive less than $1,000;
  • announcing a contract when in fact it is only a non-binding heads of agreement or a framework agreement that only establishes contractual arrangements that will apply to future orders (if any are made);
  • projecting substantial revenues, without reasonable grounds; and
  • describing a contract as ‘material’ when clearly it is not.
ASX has previously observed instances of ‘ramping announcements’ being made just prior to or after a capital raising, presumably with the intent of boosting the raising price or the post raise trading price or following the appointment of advisors where they are remunerated in securities.
If ASX suspects a ‘ramping announcement’ has been made, it will carefully consider whether to suspend trading and issue a query letter to the entity seeking further information about the announcement. In particular, ASX may ask the entity to advise what information was market sensitive, and, if not market sensitive, to explain the purpose of the announcement, and, if the announcement includes any projections or forward looking statements, the reasonable grounds on which those statements are based. This also aligns with ASX’s recent monitoring activities in relation to the disclosure of material contracts, which have involved revisiting historical announcements to assess whether matters previously disclosed are consistent with, and do not overstate, the true position reached by the listed company in relation to the relevant contract or transaction.
Where an announcement relates to a contract, ASX may ask for a copy of the contract (not for release to market) in order to verify compliance with disclosure obligations.
ASX may also require corrective disclosure to be made where information in a ‘ramping announcement’ was not material or was incomplete or misleading, advising of these matters and stating that investors should not make investment decisions based on the announcement. This is unlikely to be well received by the market.
With the continued focus by ASX on ‘ramping announcements’, listed companies should ensure they turn their minds to the appropriateness of announcements that do not clearly contain price sensitive information. While there will often be a range of legitimate reasons for making such announcements, careful consideration should be given to the language used, the timing and proximity to other announcements and the substance of the announcement.
For further information regarding disclosure obligations, please contact our team.

So having read this advice and having communicated with Tony Dawe I can say that Brainchip being made aware in discussions with the ASX that they are specifically watching technology stocks and that they will come down very hard on what they consider to be 'ramping’’. Brainchip decided to take the approach that it will only release on the ASX solid gold price sensitive announcements with real income presently attaching. Potential will not be enough no matter how much it appears to be.

The above advice explains the wisdom of taking this approach as even a marked 'non price sensitive' update such as we have formed a partnership with SiFive for example could be called out as ‘ramping’ by the ASX.

Brainchip has taken the view that as a result of all of the attacks that it suffered and continues to suffer, its Australian and International reputation, at this critical point in its success trajectory would be significantly affected even by an enquiry from the ASX regarding an allegation to the effect that it was engaging in 'ramping.

Brainchip and those that control the levers clearly know they do not need to 'ramp' they are on the road to success and even though some short term pain might be encountered as a result of this approach, the company's future and its potential customer engagements are far too important to have their reputation tarnished by a 'ramping' allegation even if later found not to be proven.

I would now suggest that if you have not listened to the Rob Lincourt of DELL Technologies podcast you take the time to do so because he talks about the need for his industry which is Brainchip's industry to regain trust because of the errors that have occurred in the past with artificial intelligence and the general suspicion that exists across the market when Ai is mentioned.

The need for explainable Ai which I am sure you have read about and for trust in the automotive sector to gain the approval of Governments and politicians for autonomous driving and supporting legislation, requires Brainchip to have a squeaky clean reputation as any scandal could cause a potential partner to look elsewhere even if in doing so they give up the opportunity to be using the best technology.

So we have lots of things to thank the corrupt end of the share market for and this is but one more thing but in the end because we have the right people running the company we will come out on top in my opinion. By being ultra careful no mistakes or missteps can occur.

Please therefore in your dealings with Brainchip try to be understanding as to the tightrope they are walking with the absolute best interests of the company and shareholders always at the forefront of their thinking.

My opinion only DYOR

I wonder if this outstanding post deserves a separate thread by which can be directly referenced whenever anyone complains why BRN are not announcing future non-price sensitive information via the ASX. AIMO.
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Dang Son

Thanks Dang Son.
I'm not familiar with "The Great Reset Movement" so will check it out over the weekend.
Bring on Akida baby and have a good'n. :)
Have a look at this one for a light heart explanations
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Another day as a Brainchip holder down a mere 8% never a dull moment cant turn your back for a second.
Really has me wondering on this 4C isnt it due next week?
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I think AKD500 will be where real revenue will reign...
I was just reading the following and two answers jumped out. One being the effects of the war in Ukraine (someone thought the war has had no implications for the stock market value of BRN) and the second was about the diversion of spending to digital and SOC away from analogue (why?):

To: All Shareholders
April 13, 2022 Renesas Electronics Corporation
The 20th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Questions Received from Shareholders and Answers
At the 20th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 30, 2022 (the “Shareholders’ Meeting”), we received a total of 77 questions from shareholders, including questions submitted in advance, and questions made by online and in-person attendees at the Shareholders’ Meeting.
We aim to provide as many shareholders as possible a fair and equal opportunity to ask questions. However, in consideration of shareholders’ time and scheduling requirements, and due to the necessity of prioritizing questions related to the purpose of the Shareholders’ Meeting, we were unable to answer some of the questions during the Shareholders’ Meeting.
In order to answer to shareholders’ questions to the greatest extent possible, and to ensure transparency of the question and answer session at the Shareholders’ Meeting, we have compiled the below summary of all questions received from shareholders and answers thereto. Please note that the questions and answers below have been consolidated and summarized for ease of understanding, due to the large number of questions received, including a number of similar questions regarding certain topics.
This is the first time we have published questions and answers for the shareholders’ meeting, but we will continue to actively consider and implement measures to further enhance communication with shareholders, including the option of holding a virtual-only shareholders’ meeting as was approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting. We thank you for your continued support.

Q: The impact of the offshore earthquake near Fukushima Prefecture (on March 16, 2022), and disaster preparedness
A: The recent earthquake affected production at our Naka, Takasaki, and Yonezawa factories. The Naka factory completely restored production within 10 days (March 26 JST) after the earthquake, the Takasaki factory within 7 days (March 23 JST), and the Yonezawa factory within 4 days (March 20 JST). (*Please refer to the press releases our website for details on the impact on a production volume basis.)
We have created a business continuity plan (BCM and BCP) as risk mitigation for natural disasters. In addition to measures at our own factories, we have built a cooperative system to mitigate procurement risks with our suppliers and customers.
Q: The impact of the war in Ukraine on Renesas
A: The direct impact of the war in Ukraine on the Company can be broadly classified into the following three categories:
(1) Impact on research and development (R&D) :
We are currently working to shift R&D work that was done in Ukraine to other substitute areas. We see our employees and business partners in Ukraine as indispensable, so we are making a range of preparations for the future.
(2) Impact on raw material procurement including production contractors:
Both our company and our production contractors have enough inventory to continue current production for several months without any issues. However, there would still be uncertainty in the event of a prolonged conflict, so we are closely monitoring the situation, and carefully considering and implementing countermeasures.
(3) Sales:
Initially, we experienced impacts such as production suspension with our customers as well as supply chain disruptions, but as of the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the situation is relatively stable. However, given the possibility of a prolonged conflict, we are closely watching the situation, and planning and carrying out mitigation measures as required.

Q: Measures to secure product supply during the current global semiconductor shortage
A: In terms of securing production capacity, for the front-end, we are carrying out activities to obtain commitments to secure supply by sharing the medium- to long-term outlook with foundries.
We are also investing in increasing production of products that have insufficient foundry production capacity or that are better produced in-house.
On the post-process side, in addition to securing the capacity of OSATs we trade with, we are also reducing supply risk by diversifying sourcing partners.
For raw materials, we are sharing our outlook with our suppliers and concluding long- term contracts to secure supply.
Q: Renesas’s response to the TSMC factory construction in Kumamoto
A: As a manufacturing partner, we have a favorable view of TSMC's Kumamoto factory construction, which will increase production capacity of 12nm, 16nm 22nm and 28nm wire diameters, as this is preferable from the perspective of securing production quotas. We are considering various possibilities for our response..
Q: The progress of the Yamaguchi factory closure
A: The Yamaguchi factory is scheduled to close at the end of June 2022. We are carrying out bulk production as planned in anticipation of the upcoming shutdown.
We continue to make efforts to secure employment for employees, both inside and outside the group, and continue work to select a successor for the facility.
Q: Shareholder return measures such as dividends and share buybacks
A: Our aim is primarily to prioritize investment in growth areas in order to generate stable profits and cashflow. As the returns on such investments have gradually become apparent, we are proactively considering shareholder returns.
We aim to start with share buybacks which are more agile and will work towards distributing dividends once we are able to do so in a stable manner.

Q: Mid- to long-term management policies, and important management indicators
A: We have set mid- to long-term targets for both the Automotive and Industrial, Infrastructure, and IoT business units as well as the entire group, aiming for sales exceeding market growth, company-wide gross profit of 50-55%, and company-wide operating profit margin of 25-30%.
The indicators that we are focusing on as managerial KPIs are sales growth rate, gross profit margin, and operating profit margin. Of these, the sales growth rate is our highest priority, and we are continuously monitoring our design-in activities which generate future sales.
Q: Renesas’s view on the company's stock price
A: In relation to our stock price, our focus is on market capitalization (particularly in terms of multiples), but we recognize that our company's intrinsic value is not yet fully reflected in our stock price. We therefore are implementing various measures to strengthen communication with the market and close this gap.
Q: The current status of and plan for R&D expenses
A: We invested in R&D in an amount equivalent to approximately 15% of sales in the fiscal year ended December 2021.
In terms of the breakdown of this cost by business unit, less than half of the total R&D investment went to the Automotive business unit, and more than half for Industrial, Infrastructure, and IoT.
For the breakdown by product type, more than half of the total investment went into microcomputer / SoC digital products, and less than half for analog power products.
By region, the majority of R&D investment was made in Japan, followed by the US, then Europe.

Q: Trends in the number of domestic patent applications and publications, technological capabilities, as well as hiring trends for domestic engineers
A: The number of domestic patent applications and publications has seen a decline in recent years, but this is the result of shifting our approach from that of obtaining a large number of patents over a broad area, towards a policy of building a high-quality patent portfolio and striving to achieve a rationalization of intellectual property maintenance costs, with focus on patents that are truly necessary for the business.
Even after rationalization, we hold about 20,000 patents worldwide, and we have no concern that our technological capabilities will decline.
In recent years, we have hired approximately 100 new graduates within Japan each year, and we have also been proactively hiring mid-career engineers.
Q: The accounting auditors' oversight of losses resulting from large-scale investments
A: For investment projects, impairment losses are determined on a regular basis and when signs of a decline in profitability are recognized.
The accounting auditor has conducted audits in accordance with auditing standards, and we have received their unlimited and appropriate opinions as outlined in the audit report.
Q: The company's approach towards production-related capital investment
A: In terms of production-related capital investments, our policy is to increase capacity in cases where it is more reliable to produce at our own factories.
We are also investing in mitigation measures for the impact of potential disasters, as well as in renewal of aging equipment.

Q: Impact of the recent depreciation of the Japanese Yen on business performance
A: From a profit/loss perspective, the ratio of foreign currency is high in sales and the ratio of Japanese yen is high in expenses, so a depreciating yen has a positive effect.
From a balance sheet point of view, many of our assets are foreign currency- denominated while our liabilities tend to be yen-denominated, so yen depreciation will improve the balance.
Most market share information is US dollar-denominated, so we are aware of cases where our market share decreases when the yen depreciates.
Q: Strengths of the power semiconductor business and plans for future wide- gap semiconductor product development
A: By maximizing the synergy of recent mergers and acquisitions on our analog businesses and technologies, we will expand our product and solution portfolio in power solutions for the EV, ADAS and Gateway market.
Watching the future market and customer movement closely, we will continue to investigate how to enforce and expand our wideband gap product capability.
Q: Renesas should strengthen its IR activities
A: We will continue to increase our focus on IR activities.
Q: Renesas’s human resources and compensation system
A: In response to changes in the semiconductor industry, and in order to realize "Pay for Performance", since 2014 we have implemented a human resources system based on job scope.
Going forward, we will continue initiatives to ensure our human resources and compensation system continues to improve in its suitability to the business environment.

Q: Renesas's policy on remote work
A: We proactively introduced a work-from-home system (including investing in the IT necessary to enable this) from an early stage and continue to provide employees with various working style options.
The remote work system is in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Q: Compliance with labor laws and regulations at present and in the past
A: We are operating in compliance with labor-related laws and regulations.
No illegal acts have occurred during past business structural reforms, and we will continue to comply with laws and regulations when responding to various situations.
Q: The introduction of the hourly annual leave system
A: We have introduced an hourly annual leave system only recently in January 2022, but it is already being actively used for childcare, long-term care, school events, and other needs (so far, about 100 people have used it each month).
Q: The timeline for mRNA vaccinations at Renesas
A: Regarding mRNA vaccination timelines, we communicate these internally as appropriate and necessary.
All answers above are based on information available as of the date of the 20th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (March 30, 2022).
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Another day as a Brainchip holder down a mere 8% never a dull moment cant turn your back for a second.
Really has me wondering on this 4C isnt it due next week?
Yes, the 4C is due, maybe mid-week...but if you are hanging your hat on some major increase in revenue, well then, I've got bad news for you...the company, including our Founder have made it very clear, revenue isn't expected to ramp up until 2023, but the second-half of this year will see increases as earlier announcements will have revenue attached.
The share price is still being manipulated (in my educated opinion).....and why ?... because our stock has real potential and as such is being accumulated by smart money...I'd suggest that you and others stop focusing on the "real-time price" and consider focusing on a two year time frame, at a minimum, you will be rewarded, why ?...because not only of Peter's brilliance in this field, the team that he and Anil have formed around them only suggests one thing...success.

Brainchip is the clear leader, name another company that is at our stage of development, there isn't any, there's a few talkers, a few hopefuls, but the bottom line is, Patents don't get awarded on fluff and fake news.

As I have said to our Founder and Co-Founder...I really hope that they both enter the stage and are honoured for their brilliance in the field of Neuromorphic Computing, both our leaders are workaholics, are driven by a force that isn't "self-centred", both terrific blokes, kind, have a passion for their lifetimes work, and I for one are blessed to have discovered Brainchip and feel very privileged to know Peter and I'm hoping to fly to the US at some point to met Anil in person, to thank him, so without rambling too much...try to appreciate what our founders and the teams around the world are trying hard to achieve, and that is ?....advancing humankind and creating a very successful business...God Bless Brainchip (y)
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Sean's words made me think in terms of next years revenue.

Sean says
"remember I talked about building up to 100 people end of this year we think that at that point we are at a pretty good sized scale where the revenue growth will start to outgrow the expense growth pretty rapidly.thats the model that we are going to see leveraged " unquote !

So he was referring to the end of this year or early next year not the results of revenue this year.
Hey TasTroy77, my read of what he said, is that our costs will be relatively the same by years end, as they are now.

Our costs are increasing, with all the hires, marketing, intellectual investments (AKIDA 3 etc) as our business grows.

So I'm guessing, stab in the dark guessing, that we will be looking at around 4 million quarterly revenue, by years end.
But expenses, would have increased by most of that, leaving us in a bit of a status quo..

Things will just continue to get better from there though, all going to plan.

This is trickles of revenue, like small streamlets, not even a small stream yet.
Eventually, it will become a small stream, many streams, feeding into creeks and those creeks feeding into rivers, those rivers feeding into mighty rivers, etc etc..

But there is still a fair way off all of that, we are just getting started here..

My opinions only.

Sean's words made me think in terms of next years revenue.

Sean says
"remember I talked about building up to 100 people end of this year we think that at that point we are at a pretty good sized scale where the revenue growth will start to outgrow the expense growth pretty rapidly.thats the model that we are going to see leveraged " unquote !

So he was referring to the end of this year or early next year not the results of revenue this year.
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I am sure that the words ‘net user of revenue’ were used by Sean Hehir. I cannot tell you which of his presentations but it was fairly recent.

But I am not sure what it means as we know Brainchip has a complete commitment to continuing to drive its lead by research and development.

I get the impression that a lot of money will be channeled into Perth to keep the five to six year lead for AKD3000 so income could be growing but being spent in this area.

I have the impression that AKD3000 might surface all going well in 2024 if so 2025 makes sense for when they outstrip expenditure.

My son-in-law recently needed to hire another Data Scientist and to get the right person with experience he had to pay them more than he receives which worked out OK because the CEO increased his salary to establish parity.

The point is though that across the whole semiconductor space the right people are harder and harder to get so Peter’s end of the business is going to eat up cash at greater rates than it has in the past on salaries.

There is so much global demand the right people are thinking of a number, doubling it and then demanding more.

My opinion only DYOR


Another day as a Brainchip holder down a mere 8% never a dull moment cant turn your back for a second.
Really has me wondering on this 4C isnt it due next week?
@Chilling - are you William H Macey? I've read your posts for a while and they remind me of the role he played in The Cooler. Friendly, slightly diffident but a real downer on everyone around him. It was a deliberate tactic by his casino employer to reduce the buzz of a successful punter. We're not punters, we're investors - and I have a suspicion you're not an investor like us - I think you may be a little escapee from that other place, just sowing seeds of doubt. If I'm wrong then tell me so and I'll back off while I read your positive posts about our great company. BAAAAAALLLLISTA
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Makeme 2020

Yes, the 4C is due, maybe mid-week...but if you are hanging your hat on some major increase in revenue, well then, I've got bad news for you...the company, including our Founder have made it very clear, revenue isn't expected to ramp up until 2023, but the second-half of this year will see increases as earlier announcements will have revenue attached.
The share price is still being manipulated (in my educated opinion).....and why ?... because our stock has real potential and as such is being accumulated by smart money...I'd suggest that you and others stop focusing on the "real-time price" and consider focusing on a two year time frame, at a minimum, you will be rewarded, why ?...because not only of Peter's brilliance in this field, the team that he and Anil have formed around them only suggests one thing...success.

Brainchip is the clear leader, name another company that is at our stage of development, there isn't any, there's a few talkers, a few hopefuls, but the bottom line is, Patents don't get awarded on fluff and fake news.

As I have said to our Founder and Co-Founder...I really hope that they both enter the stage and are honoured for their brilliance in the field of Neuromorphic Computing, both our leaders are workaholics, are driven by a force that isn't "self-centred", both terrific blokes, kind, have a passion for their lifetimes work, and I for one are blessed to have discovered Brainchip and feel very privileged to know Peter and I'm hoping to fly to the US at some point to met Anil in person, to thank him, so without rambling too much...try to appreciate what our founders and the teams around the world are trying hard to achieve, and that is ?....advancing humankind and creating a very successful business...God Bless Brainchip (y)
Peter stated in a previous interview that we will see a EXPLOSION IN REVENUE IN 2022 why has that changed?
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Peter stated in a previous interview that we will see a EXPLOSION IN REVENUE IN 2022 why has that changed?
It's just my opinion, maybe I'm completely wrong...and I would be very happy to's all good :)
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Markus Schäfer from Mercedes Benz just posted this on LinkedIn regarding DRIVE PILOT

Time is a valuable and precious asset – and with DRIVE PILOT, our Level 3 conditionally automated driving system, we plan to offer our clients this new level of luxury enabled by technology: additional time while driving. In December 2021, I told you about the ground-breaking news that we at Mercedes-Benz AG are the first automotive manufacturer in the world to receive the world's first internationally valid system approval for conditionally automated driving (SAE Level 3).

As a first step, we’re offering this world-leading technology to our customers in Germany in the first half of 2022. Moreover, we’re working intensively to obtain approval from the authorities for the two U.S. states of California and Nevada by the end of this year – assuming the legal and regulatory framework allows for the use of the system.

We’re super happy that our DRIVE PILOT meets the demanding regulatory equirements of the international UN-R157 for a Level 3 system enabling conditionally automated driving. Together with the corresponding legal framework, it initiates a radical paradigm shift that permits the vehicle to take over the driving task under certain conditions. This ultimate luxury experience enables our customers to win back precious time when in the car through relaxation or productivity. For instance, they can communicate via in-car office tools, browse the internet or sit back and relax. We’re very confident and extremely excited to bring this new level of luxury to the customers in the states soon.

Want to know more about our technology?

Our DRIVE PILOT builds on the surround sensors of the Driving Assistance Package and comprises additional sensors that we consider indispensable for safe, conditionally automated driving. These include LiDAR and a camera in the rear window along with microphones, used for detecting signals from emergency vehicles. There is also a wetness sensor at the wheel as well. Our #SClass with the optional DRIVE PILOT also has redundant steering and braking systems as well as a redundant on-board electrical system.

The top priority for us at Mercedes-Benz when introducing such a system is safety, which includes high demands on operational reliability. The exact location of the S-Class is determined using a highly accurate positioning system. This is much more powerful than a conventional GPS. In addition, data obtained from satellite navigation are matched with sensor data and data from an HD map. The type of data collected by LiDAR, camera, radar and ultrasonic sensors can include information on road geometry, route characteristics, landmarks or traffic signs.

For us as a pioneer in #safety #technology, avoiding or safely managing critical situations on the road to protect both vehicle occupants and other road users continues to be our core brand value. So I’m looking forward to ever-decreasing accidents in the future.

#AutomatedDriving #LeadInSoftware #Innovation #FutureOfMobility #VisionZero
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Top 20
Sorry I switched off after a short time. I have been jaded by the system.

When I studied law one of my Professors was fully immersed in the campaign to close mental hospitals and create safe houses in the community for these lost souls. I argued with him in a tutorial that from a practical point of view I was against the idea simply because my limited life experience told me that out of sight out of mind was a government embraced concept and that closing down such hospitals would allow lip service but in the end these community houses would be underfunded and understaffed and we would find increasing numbers of these lost souls in the prison systems.

My idea was shut down by the Professor who lived in his academic tower with higher ambitions and well today we have academics decrying the numbers of mentally ill in gaols around the country. These artificial think tanks are full of these academics and PR Cops now engage with them rather than confront them because of politics as they are simply there to try and create credibility and appear caring and responsible.

This is not the role of a constable at common law. Police enforce the law they do not make the laws. Injecting Police into the process of making the laws is fraught. If they are given a law that is impossible to enforce for some practical reason they hand it up the chain of command to the Minister for Police setting out the practical issues. Then it is up to the Parliament who represent the people to sort out.

My opinion only DYOR

Yes - it would be interesting to see a graph illustrating the incidence of homelessness and the closure of those hospitals. I'm sure they could point to examples of people who did not need to be institutionalized, and swallows always portend spring.

Still, the government cut costs and some bureaucrat got their KPI bonus, so all was not lost.

We should all show our appreciation for the free market fundamentalists who taught us unbridled rapacity the real value of everything.
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Markus Schäfer from Mercedes Benz just posted this on LinkedIn regarding DRIVE PILOT

Time is a valuable and precious asset – and with DRIVE PILOT, our Level 3 conditionally automated driving system, we plan to offer our clients this new level of luxury enabled by technology: additional time while driving. In December 2021, I told you about the ground-breaking news that we at Mercedes-Benz AG are the first automotive manufacturer in the world to receive the world's first internationally valid system approval for conditionally automated driving (SAE Level 3).

As a first step, we’re offering this world-leading technology to our customers in Germany in the first half of 2022. Moreover, we’re working intensively to obtain approval from the authorities for the two U.S. states of California and Nevada by the end of this year – assuming the legal and regulatory framework allows for the use of the system.

We’re super happy that our DRIVE PILOT meets the demanding regulatory equirements of the international UN-R157 for a Level 3 system enabling conditionally automated driving. Together with the corresponding legal framework, it initiates a radical paradigm shift that permits the vehicle to take over the driving task under certain conditions. This ultimate luxury experience enables our customers to win back precious time when in the car through relaxation or productivity. For instance, they can communicate via in-car office tools, browse the internet or sit back and relax. We’re very confident and extremely excited to bring this new level of luxury to the customers in the states soon.

Want to know more about our technology?

Our DRIVE PILOT builds on the surround sensors of the Driving Assistance Package and comprises additional sensors that we consider indispensable for safe, conditionally automated driving. These include LiDAR and a camera in the rear window along with microphones, used for detecting signals from emergency vehicles. There is also a wetness sensor at the wheel as well. Our #SClass with the optional DRIVE PILOT also has redundant steering and braking systems as well as a redundant on-board electrical system.

The top priority for us at Mercedes-Benz when introducing such a system is safety, which includes high demands on operational reliability. The exact location of the S-Class is determined using a highly accurate positioning system. This is much more powerful than a conventional GPS. In addition, data obtained from satellite navigation are matched with sensor data and data from an HD map. The type of data collected by LiDAR, camera, radar and ultrasonic sensors can include information on road geometry, route characteristics, landmarks or traffic signs.

For us as a pioneer in #safety #technology, avoiding or safely managing critical situations on the road to protect both vehicle occupants and other road users continues to be our core brand value. So I’m looking forward to ever-decreasing accidents in the future.

#AutomatedDriving #LeadInSoftware #Innovation #FutureOfMobility #VisionZero
I said it yesterday and I’ll keep repeating it.

My opinion is that our involvement with Valeo which will be incorporated into Mercedes Benz will be our first significant income source.

Thanks TLS for posting this as it again shows Mercedes Drive Pilot. Just yesterday there was a video from Valeo showing how the Lidar is incorporated into the system. I’ve posted Valeo’s 5 year plan numerous times which is full of solid gold nuggets. Valeo make $20 billion a year and have an agreement with us. Our strength is Lidar. Mercedes is stating ”they’re offering this world-leading technology to our customers in Germany in the first half of 2022.”

The path to success has been laid out in front of us all, we just have to have the patients to let Brainchip do their thing and follow it!

It still hasn’t been formally confirmed but in my head it’s a done deal!

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Hi Hoppy
"Have nothing and be happy " is a catch phrase from The Great Reset Movement
$40 per day couldn't sustain my consumption and I can't think of anyone in this country that it would .
For that movement and catch phrase to work it would have to come from a socialist base and provide for everyone's every need.
I think it's a futuristic concept coming from The World Economic Forum, that can't happen till Akida's everywhere doing the all heavy lifting.
Yes, but ScoMo has raised it to $46 a week.

There is discussion of a universal basic income, but that would involve taxing us billionaires, so its not going to happen as long as trickle down is working so well.
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I am sure that the words ‘net user of revenue’ were used by Sean Hehir. I cannot tell you which of his presentations but it was fairly recent.

But I am not sure what it means as we know Brainchip has a complete commitment to continuing to drive its lead by research and development.

I get the impression that a lot of money will be channeled into Perth to keep the five to six year lead for AKD3000 so income could be growing but being spent in this area.

I have the impression that AKD3000 might surface all going well in 2024 if so 2025 makes sense for when they outstrip expenditure.

My son-in-law recently needed to hire another Data Scientist and to get the right person with experience he had to pay them more than he receives which worked out OK because the CEO increased his salary to establish parity.

The point is though that across the whole semiconductor space the right people are harder and harder to get so Peter’s end of the business is going to eat up cash at greater rates than it has in the past on salaries.

There is so much global demand the right people are thinking of a number, doubling it and then demanding more.

My opinion only DYOR

Once upon a time, when there was only American Express and Diners Club, on my first overseas trip, I had to get my boss to approve the travellers cheques order, and he said:

"Why haven't you got a credit card?"

My flippant (serendipitous) reply was:

"My salary isn't high enough."

Outcome - instant and substantial salary adjustment.
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Peter stated in a previous interview that we will see a EXPLOSION IN REVENUE IN 2022 why has that changed?
I have discussed this with another poster but Peter van der Made did not say an ‘Explosion in Revenue’ he said ‘Explosive SALES’ which is entirely different to revenue as Brainchip is not Woolworths.

Brainchip is the tomato grower who sells its tomatoes to the providore who sells them to Heinz who process the tomato into sauce then send it to Woolworths who then sell it to retail and then pay Heinz who then pay the providore who pay the tomato grower. They all work on 90 day payment terms so a sale today at every level does not mean instant money in the bank.

An Explosion of SALES of AKIDA technology is the same only with much longer cycles.

Go to the second announcement regarding MegaChips payments to Brainchip to gain an understanding of the sales revenue cycle.

An Explosion of SALES means at least the remaining EAP’s moving to licensee status like Renesas & MegaChips.

My opinion only DYOR

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