You can also look at all of this another way, that it, this is all very inconvenient for the BOD. Surly they would rather have issues that are far less complex that can be easily explained. In this situation there are active serving Ministers of the DRC Government attacking AVZ, trading their positions of power for more power, favours in other areas or just cash / secrete equity held offshore. (I'm only referring to the questions around ML delay, not the whole list that has been tabled)
In short, the MoP is attacking AVZ (with the support of others) FOR AN OUTCOME THAT SERVES HER AGENDA, what that truly is would be hard to ascertain. How to best manage this situation I doubt is not straight forward by any means. Hence unsurprisingly, information on this cannot be easily provided to shareholders.
I've lost my shit a couple of times here recently around lack of disclosure, Nigel's AJN holding and other things, however this attack by MoP takes this to another level, in the public arena since the weekend. The villains have exposed themselves publicly, this would likely be a move of desperation by the MoP due to pressure being applied on her elsewhere.
How can AVZ resolve this by going public, will that speed things up? or ensure everyone digs in for a fight to surpass the next DRC elections. Or is this getting sorted behind closed doors, will the MoP get what she really wants here, either way until resolved AVZ should keep any sensitive information that could adversely affect a positive outcome for AVZ commercial in confidence as required.
I do like Franck who on Twitter just comes out and says MoP should be arrested as she is attempting to cover up her bad deeds via the recent public press conference and announcements. I'm sure AVZ BOD would love to say this publicly, however let's hope they are playing the right cards and there is some progress in our favour working through the likes of Marius etc.
Cheers The Fox