Yes, surface rights or ML or PR/PE has not had much discussion, but is IMO the main thing dragging out this suspension. It's most likely now all issues are interrelated.
In the absence of any information whatsoever from the company, which as frustrating it is for us LTH, it is IMO the right way to go about this when things are in the courts
So what have we learned or what can we piece together from the various posts and opinions:
After Ministerial decree to issue the ML things went off the rails. This is in my view most plausible scenario:
1) Decree issued
2) CAMI puts forward a clipped tenement for the PE with rest (most of CDL) issued under a new PR to be awarded to a new JV for which negotiations are to be held in future. This was IMO an attempt by Tantalex and/or others to get a foot in the door of the new PR over most of CDL. Also rights to the tailings and tin might have been messed with. This was naturally resisted by Dathcom (AVZ) and challenged. What the process for that challenge and resolution is I do not know and we have not heard or read much if anything about this other then some changes on the CAMI website.
3) In parallel there are the simultaneous Dathcom ownership attacks by Zijin and Dathomir. It is possible that in an attempt to delay and procrastinate issuing the ML to Dathcom, CAMI have seized on this ownership dispute and put the issue of ML on hold until Dathcom ownership issues are resolved.
3a) Zijin: cominiere being a government institution was audited by IGF and we all know about the IGF report. It appears although not officially confirmed, Zijin have back away from their 15% Datchom shares purchase claim and are now good corporate citizens 'giving' the shares back and not wanting a refund of the 'down-payment'.
3b) Dathomir is a private company and now that Datrhomir realises the value of this Li deposit has been rising they are fighting for more money for their old 5% + 10% sale of Dathcom to AVZ . As crazy and audacious as this sounds it will be decided by court (ruled on on the 31st Aug?).
So with 3a and 3b now most likely put to bed all focus should return to item 2. The 2 week extensions make me think that finalising the PR/PE issue is not to be resolved through a long court case, but how Dathcom gets its rightful ML over all of RD and CDL I do not know. It can well be that some give and take is required to get the ML over CD and part of CDL issued so we can move on whilst still being in a new PR for the northern part.
Looking forward to hear other people's views.
PS: put your pineapples in an off-topic thread like was suggested to us bike picture brigade