Captain Obvious summary is it's highly likely (given the timing) that CATH re-engaged because AVZ had the Locke funding for legal fees, meaning the "bleeding AVZ dry" strategy (as well as the amateurish attempts to take over the AVZ Board and allege "bribes") hasn't worked. CATH know AVZ will probably ultimately win the legal case.
The core question is whether CATH's reengagement is:
A) just the Chinese covering their bases. As in, China is in no particular rush and will be happy to let the legal situation play out for a few more years safe in the knowledge that China has locked in a future generational lithium supply via CATH or Zijin regardless of whether AVZ wins or loses the legal battle. If this is the case, China and their paid supporters in DRC will probably continue to rat f*** AVZ because Zijin is the cheaper cost and their preferred outcome.
B) because CATH and Zijins' has decided to actively pursue the strategy, aided and abetted by the DRC Govt, of getting AVZ to agree that AVZ will get the South and Zijin the North, via the carrot and stick approach of promising a Mining Licence for the South and promising to continue to rat f*** AVZ if they don't agree. Legal case goes away, China happy, AVZ salvages something, sweetened by the CATH funding (needed to buy the additional 15% and for mine/plant construction) and the option of 49% of a possible hydroxide plant. Under this scenario CATH reengaged with AVZ to lock in 100% of Manolo lithium supply for China.
C) CATH stepping in is a sign China want this crapola sorted ASAP so that mining can start. China has concluded the global scramble to secure sovereign controlled supplies of critical minerals currently underway will get more costly, frenetic and unpredictable with Trump. China knows a lithium supply squeeze is coming, most of the lithium supply will otherwise come out of the West, and it has decided Zijin has had it's chance and it's now time for action to lock in a cheap secure generational lithium supply.
Being optimistic perhaps it's C). The Chinese Govt would ultimately be calling the shots and they would have to had to agree to CATH helping out AVZ in such a material way. The looming supply issue and global scramble to secure sovereign supply rules out A) and CATH funding & strong legal case means AVZ is unlikely to agree to a South/North split, ruling out B).
Time will tell but seems all is not lost. Very happy with today's announcement. I was getting very antsy about why Locke funding hadn't actually been received.