AVZ Discussion 2022


Re the meeting today. A crowd of say about 100, and many people came from Interstate.

Earlier at the Herdsman Tavern Yianni went through the current situation as he sees it at the meeting before the AGM.

After the resolutions were completed and current details of the outstanding legal issues were outlined Nigel and John Clarke took questions. As I see it Nigel felt that getting the Locke funding allows AVZ to now start pushing harder to get issues resolved. The Locke funding also gives a foundation for getting additional capital.

A query was raised about selling the project or going to mining John Clarke felt that being prepared to mine needs to be a priority as it gives you greater flexibility depending on what shareholders want and what options are available.

The question was raised about AVZ current value. Nigel's response was that with a Mining license in place and depending on Lithium prices the project value varied between $2.5 billion and $7.5 billion.

John Clarke, Nigel and Graeme Johnston went to the Hersdman Tavern and spoke further to any shareholder present.

Overall feeling that the Directors projected was that the Locke funding was a catalyst to be more proactive. They are still optimistic about getting value back to shareholders.
Thanks mate :)

Now somebody please DM the real goss so my wife will let me sleep in the house again.
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Interesting Nigel said those figures on stock value.
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Thanks for feedback


Soooooo thirsty for the intel....

Zodiac Leon GIF by Believeinyourgoals
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I have intel, JUICY intel!
Can not share, because of the Chinese.
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I have intel, JUICY intel!
Can not share, because of the Chinese.

And these "Chinese", are they in the room with you right now?

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Re the meeting today. A crowd of say about 100, and many people came from Interstate.

Earlier at the Herdsman Tavern Yianni went through the current situation as he sees it at the meeting before the AGM.

After the resolutions were completed and current details of the outstanding legal issues were outlined Nigel and John Clarke took questions. As I see it Nigel felt that getting the Locke funding allows AVZ to now start pushing harder to get issues resolved. The Locke funding also gives a foundation for getting additional capital.

A query was raised about selling the project or going to mining John Clarke felt that being prepared to mine needs to be a priority as it gives you greater flexibility depending on what shareholders want and what options are available.

The question was raised about AVZ current value. Nigel's response was that with a Mining license in place and depending on Lithium prices the project value varied between $2.5 billion and $7.5 billion.

John Clarke, Nigel and Graeme Johnston went to the Hersdman Tavern and spoke further to any shareholder present.

Overall feeling that the Directors projected was that the Locke funding was a catalyst to be more proactive. They are still optimistic about getting value back to shareholders.
Thank you very much.
Was there any question if the company has received any compensation for the legal cost mentioned in previous announcement about winning against Zijin?
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Dave Evans

Re the meeting today. A crowd of say about 100, and many people came from Interstate.

Earlier at the Herdsman Tavern Yianni went through the current situation as he sees it at the meeting before the AGM.

After the resolutions were completed and current details of the outstanding legal issues were outlined Nigel and John Clarke took questions. As I see it Nigel felt that getting the Locke funding allows AVZ to now start pushing harder to get issues resolved. The Locke funding also gives a foundation for getting additional capital.

A query was raised about selling the project or going to mining John Clarke felt that being prepared to mine needs to be a priority as it gives you greater flexibility depending on what shareholders want and what options are available.

The question was raised about AVZ current value. Nigel's response was that with a Mining license in place and depending on Lithium prices the project value varied between $2.5 billion and $7.5 billion.

John Clarke, Nigel and Graeme Johnston went to the Hersdman Tavern and spoke further to any shareholder present.

Overall feeling that the Directors projected was that the Locke funding was a catalyst to be more proactive. They are still optimistic about getting value back to shareholders.

The question was raised about AVZ current value. Nigel's response was that with a Mining license in place and depending on Lithium prices the project value varied between $2.5 billion and $7.5 billion”

Nearly sounds like Nigel could be prepared to negotiate a deal at a price somewhere between the price when we went into suspension to around $2 a share.

That would be a lot less than an ICSID finding in our favour which could value our shares at: The value of the project as at the start date of production including increased processing capacity (4.5 Mtpa to 10 Mtpa), updated mineral resource (840MT of SC6), updated ore price forecasts (SC6, PLS, Tin), change in mine life and updated BFS.

Personally I hate every one of those corrupt cunts that have worked against us, including the DRC’s fat potato headed prick of a president. I’ve spent every day accumulating information on all of them since this started and I would love to see them all fucked up the arse, so I personally have been ready to put all my investment on the line and wait for the ICSID.

I know there’s a lot of shareholders who just want to cash out at reasonable price and I understand that and also understand that the BOD are probably sick of the DRC. On top of the fact that a lot of shareholders can’t make up their minds half the time, a case in point being all the shareholders that kicked up a stink at the thought of giving up CDL and now would be happy to lose it if they can get something for Roche Dure.

Just like some questioning the Locke deal and the sweeteners they are getting when a lot of shareholders we’re probably shitting themselves that we wouldn’t get it over the line and we’d go into VA.

The BOD has had to deal with all the corrupt wankers I mentioned in previous posts, that’s why I will back them but I’ll be fucked if I’m going to vote for a piss fart $2 offer after fighting the corruption for the last two and half years. Our shares are worth no less than $3 even at this stage.
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Would love to know if there was any questions as to why the fucking Chinese are all over the Manono tenement digging and building.

We are paying for security after all.

Thanks all for your input
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Interesting Nigel said those figures on stock value.
Hi, Nigel was originally asked what AVZ's current value was. As this was difficult to comment on he changed the parameters to what the value may be. His answer was not definitive and he inferred that there were a lot of variables. Eg if we got a license for all of 13359, what else was included such as Dathomir's and Comminere's shareholding and control of the hydropower. Other issues of other shareholding is another matter. I assumed that he was trying to indicate to shareholders that you need to be realistic. My interpretation is that a possible figure of less than $ 1 per share is the most likely outcome.
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Thank you very much.
Was there any question if the company has received any compensation for the legal cost mentioned in previous announcement about winning against Zijin?
The meeting was advised that they had not received any funds. AVZ like our opponents have not paid the ICC funds etc and AVZ will be paying up shortly. Because of AVZ's poor cash position they have been very frugal and many staff have not been paid for some time. Other supplier bills have also been deferred with supplier support.
I have not bothered to add other minor comments such as USA support for Lobito corridor and whether USA or Australian Govt's are showing any support. Indications are that the USA have shown interest and the Aust Govt not much.
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When asked about others accessing our core sample library Nigel stated that no one has accessed the core sample store or camp without AVZ permission
He stated that they do indeed have a good relationship with the DRC government in general apart from the paper bag receivers and was hopeful that they will be removed going forward.
When asked about possible support from the US government, he said that the US ambassador was well informed on the situation but said that the Australian government told them that they do not get involved in private businesses!
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5 board members attended: John Clarke (chair), Nigel, Graeme, Rhett, Ben.

About 50 people attended, no or very few suits.

Pretty calm/quiet atmosphere.

One of the MMGA lawyers (the one in the far left in that recently posted photo) was there in casual dress. I didn't spot Carrick, Ludbrook or Hjulich or those other two big lawyers from last time.

2-3 DLA Piper folks sat in the front row but not on stage. Their main guy was the same one from last AGM I think. He was holding a big wad of answers, kind of like last time but the board didn't have them, and Nigel was speaking freely rather than reading responses.

Start of meeting
JC mumbled and bumbled his way through the initial proceedings and gave a brief initial address:
- Continuing to pursue confirmation of the 13359 title.
- Locke funding secured
- Audit in progress and will be made available
- Special thanks to DLAPiper for their work

Both resolutions (Rhett Brans and Salome Sijaona) passed with about same number of votes for each - around 650M for, 50M against.

Business concluded

Overview & update (NF)
- Won't be talking technical stuff, just legal & arbitration
- Locke finding gets us what we need to get through arbitration
- DLA Piper have done the budget for the legal campaign
- Money covers arbitration legal cost, experts fees, etc
- Acknowledged that it was a tough deal but explained that Locke want a decent return for their risk but maintained that it's a small price for AVZ to pay when compared to the potential return
- Exact repayment amount depends on level of draw down and time (there's some kind of time multiplier)
- Board's objective is to get the value out ASAP (NF referred to this several times throughout)
- 60m shares from ATM will go to Locke ASAP
- ICSID: we're in the box seat and have been getting minor wins
- ICC (Dathcom JV): hearing next week; have been winning 99% of matters so far
- ICC (Jin Cheng): pushing hard
- ICC (Dathomir 15%): has been movement recently; pushing hard; Locke funding gives us more' bump'

Expressed desire to talk about geology. "The deposit is still there."

Summarised with the need to get the funding and maximise the return through whatever avenue will most likely deliver value to shareholders.


When can we expect to re list?
- lot of legal action to go before that
- expects legal proceedings to end 2026/2027 (I was a bit surprised by the 27 bit, given Locke conditions)
- could also play out with DLA Piper enforcing penalties
- or could get the licence
- it will be 6-12 months at least (I didn't really follow this answer, seemed all over the place)

Have there been any off market transfers of shares?
- have seen some go through
- not large amounts
- appears to be same entity transferring to itself(?)

What is the current valuation of the asset?
-[slight exasperation from NF] anywhere from $2.5 - 10B (unclear if that was USD)

What is our strategy: mining or takeover?
- "let me put the same question to you?"
[when pressed NF continued]
- Not worried about Zijin, only a small part of government is in with Zijin
- talk of a bad relationship with the government is rubbish
- if we put this into production it's going to be another 18 months of waiting (NF's tone seemed to be "is that what you really want?")
- JC interjected at this point and said in his opinion, focusing on building the mine would deliver best value (interesting difference of opinion, expressed openly; this was the only time any of the other board spoke during Q&A I think)

Status of the 20m escrow account?
- AVZ has filed a complaint
- They have no access to the account
- Status of account is unknown

Kobold's visit to Manono?
- Done without AVZ's permission
- No-one accessed AVZ's core samples
- They weren't weren't with us
- They weren't on our site

How is the relationship with the DRC government?
- it's not all of the DRC government making trouble
- MoM has been misled; with the funding it will be clear that AVZ isn't falling over
- Funding means we have a bigger stick
- the president now has a problem: either AVZ litigates or Zijin does (implication here seemed to be 'negotiate')
- AVZ's remaining portion of the subdivided 13359 holds 95% of the DFS value with a life of 50-100years
- MoM must now come to the table and talk

What is the company valuation now?
- can't put a value on it right now

ICSID outstanding payment?
- Neither side has paid
- AVZ can now sort it out ASAP with Locke funds

Travel to DRC
(I thought both NF and BC looked a bit uncomfortable/sheepish)
- not as often as we'd like to
- needed to save money
- visited "about twice" in 2024

Status of local Fat Tail case ?
- still in discovery

What is the overall objective of the ICSID action?
- we'll show the DRC we're not going away; aim is to negotiate
- otherwise will enforce penalties; we have an expert in NYC preparing for this avenue
- expect a domino effect with the various cases

Can we be confident of working in the DRC if we get the PE?
- If government has the confidence to grant us the PE they will be confident of working with us
- tax and community benefits
- it's only a small obstructive group working against us

Are we looking at raising further funds?
- yes
- if you want to contribute, contact AVZ admin and they will send paperwork

Is the US government aware of the situation?
- yes. Kamala Harris in particular
- Ambassador and a "group in Texas" (huh?) are also onto it

What about Australian government?
- "I'm not going to answer that one"
- they're ambivalent
- joked about the WA government's assistance for lithium miners: where's ours?

End of meeting

I was left with the distinct impression that Nigel is looking for a quick end to this in a way that provides a decent return to shareholders. It was a recurring theme; those references were peppered throughout. I don't think he wants to go mining.
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JC interjected at this point and said in his opinion, focusing on building the mine would deliver best value (interesting difference of opinion, expressed openly; this was the only time any of the other board spoke during Q&A I think)
I wonder if JC and the other board members are also thinking along the same lines as NF (ie not wanting to mine) but it’s a good strategic move to plough on, set the wheels in motion like it’s happening, so it’s a more attractive purchase for buyers than a stagnant company wanting to get out.

PS thanks for the detailed update. Hoping we see some good progress from here.
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When asked about others accessing our core sample library Nigel stated that no one has accessed the core sample store or camp without AVZ permission
He stated that they do indeed have a good relationship with the DRC government in general apart from the paper bag receivers and was hopeful that they will be removed going forward.
When asked about possible support from the US government, he said that the US ambassador was well informed on the situation but said that the Australian government told them that they do not get involved in private businesses!
That’s bullshit. Remember the Timor gas project? The Australian government fucked over an entire nation to secure gas rights for Australian companies.

The government providing security over a loan to AVZ, say $20M, would have been but a rounding error in the budget statements.
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5 board members attended: John Clarke (chair), Nigel, Graeme, Rhett, Ben.

About 50 people attended, no or very few suits.

Pretty calm/quiet atmosphere.

One of the MMGA lawyers (the one in the far left in that recently posted photo) was there in casual dress. I didn't spot Carrick, Ludbrook or Hjulich or those other two big lawyers from last time.

2-3 DLA Piper folks sat in the front row but not on stage. Their main guy was the same one from last AGM I think. He was holding a big wad of answers, kind of like last time but the board didn't have them, and Nigel was speaking freely rather than reading responses.

Start of meeting
JC mumbled and bumbled his way through the initial proceedings and gave a brief initial address:
- Continuing to pursue confirmation of the 13359 title.
- Locke funding secured
- Audit in progress and will be made available
- Special thanks to DLAPiper for their work

Both resolutions (Rhett Brans and Salome Sijaona) passed with about same number of votes for each - around 650M for, 50M against.

Business concluded

Overview & update (NF)
- Won't be talking technical stuff, just legal & arbitration
- Locke finding gets us what we need to get through arbitration
- DLA Piper have done the budget for the legal campaign
- Money covers arbitration legal cost, experts fees, etc
- Acknowledged that it was a tough deal but explained that Locke want a decent return for their risk but maintained that it's a small price for AVZ to pay when compared to the potential return
- Exact repayment amount depends on level of draw down and time (there's some kind of time multiplier)
- Board's objective is to get the value out ASAP (NF referred to this several times throughout)
- 60m shares from ATM will go to Locke ASAP
- ICSID: we're in the box seat and have been getting minor wins
- ICC (Dathcom JV): hearing next week; have been winning 99% of matters so far
- ICC (Jin Cheng): pushing hard
- ICC (Dathomir 15%): has been movement recently; pushing hard; Locke funding gives us more' bump'

Expressed desire to talk about geology. "The deposit is still there."

Summarised with the need to get the funding and maximise the return through whatever avenue will most likely deliver value to shareholders.


When can we expect to re list?
- lot of legal action to go before that
- expects legal proceedings to end 2026/2027 (I was a bit surprised by the 27 bit, given Locke conditions)
- could also play out with DLA Piper enforcing penalties
- or could get the licence
- it will be 6-12 months at least (I didn't really follow this answer, seemed all over the place)

Have there been any off market transfers of shares?
- have seen some go through
- not large amounts
- appears to be same entity transferring to itself(?)

What is the current valuation of the asset?
-[slight exasperation from NF] anywhere from $2.5 - 10B (unclear if that was USD)

What is our strategy: mining or takeover?
- "let me put the same question to you?"
[when pressed NF continued]
- Not worried about Zijin, only a small part of government is in with Zijin
- talk of a bad relationship with the government is rubbish
- if we put this into production it's going to be another 18 months of waiting (NF's tone seemed to be "is that what you really want?")
- JC interjected at this point and said in his opinion, focusing on building the mine would deliver best value (interesting difference of opinion, expressed openly; this was the only time any of the other board spoke during Q&A I think)

Status of the 20m escrow account?
- AVZ has filed a complaint
- They have no access to the account
- Status of account is unknown

Kobold's visit to Manono?
- Done without AVZ's permission
- No-one accessed AVZ's core samples
- They weren't weren't with us
- They weren't on our site

How is the relationship with the DRC government?
- it's not all of the DRC government making trouble
- MoM has been misled; with the funding it will be clear that AVZ isn't falling over
- Funding means we have a bigger stick
- the president now has a problem: either AVZ litigates or Zijin does (implication here seemed to be 'negotiate')
- AVZ's remaining portion of the subdivided 13359 holds 95% of the DFS value with a life of 50-100years
- MoM must now come to the table and talk

What is the company valuation now?
- can't put a value on it right now

ICSID outstanding payment?
- Neither side has paid
- AVZ can now sort it out ASAP with Locke funds

Travel to DRC
(I thought both NF and BC looked a bit uncomfortable/sheepish)
- not as often as we'd like to
- needed to save money
- visited "about twice" in 2024

Status of local Fat Tail case ?
- still in discovery

What is the overall objective of the ICSID action?
- we'll show the DRC we're not going away; aim is to negotiate
- otherwise will enforce penalties; we have an expert in NYC preparing for this avenue
- expect a domino effect with the various cases

Can we be confident of working in the DRC if we get the PE?
- If government has the confidence to grant us the PE they will be confident of working with us
- tax and community benefits
- it's only a small obstructive group working against us

Are we looking at raising further funds?
- yes
- if you want to contribute, contact AVZ admin and they will send paperwork

Is the US government aware of the situation?
- yes. Kamala Harris in particular
- Ambassador and a "group in Texas" (huh?) are also onto it

What about Australian government?
- "I'm not going to answer that one"
- they're ambivalent
- joked about the WA government's assistance for lithium miners: where's ours?

End of meeting

I was left with the distinct impression that Nigel is looking for a quick end to this in a way that provides a decent return to shareholders. It was a recurring theme; those references were peppered throughout. I don't think he wants to go mining.
I was there in person and this reflects a very accurate account of proceedings, well done.
I did a headcount of 70 persons seated in the mosh pit.


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Hi All

Well it looks like @grassseeds , @j.l have given a good assessment of the AGM, i concur with all of the info they shared, i am a bit late with my assessment due to the fact i was on the piss from 11.30 am - 6pm, then had to drive @EarleofBarrow back home, which meant i was in the shit from my missus for being late for dinner and then i passed out on the couch as my brain was fried......lol


So the AGM was chalk and cheese compared to last year.

Instead of doom and gloom shrouded by fat tail in the back ground ( last year ) , it was upbeat and very positive this year

Pre AGM remained the same tho ( without the party poppers ), with Yianni cajoling the 20 odd folks in for a chat about the lay of the land, he mentioned it was unlikely that question time would be available at the AGM considering the strong possibility that Carrick and other adversaries could be there, so the plan was the BOD would quickly get the business of getting Rhett Brans & Salome Sijaona re elected then they would come back to the Herdsman Tavern for question time instead without the pests involved , but to our great surprise, our adversaries were not there so question time was freely invited ........so as usual, i didnt hold back.

a) Does AVZ have the support of Australian & US government ?

Sadly, our Australian govt doesnt give a fuck about our predicament, they are simply subserviants to China, even Pauline Hasnson couldnt give a shit either, I got talking to @Jazz and he mentioned to me he scripted a letter and sent it to all the main stream media in Australia, same attitude, not interested..........PATHETIC !

The irony of that ( which wasnt lost on Nigel ) is this recent development.....

Yet AVZ manono whos size dwarfs the likes of MIN, LTR, PLS etc collectively cant get a cracker and if China was able to achieve the steal of the century, then LTR, PLS, MIN and a whole heap of other lithium producers would be in permanent C & M !!...........nuts!

The good news is tho, US Government are very aware of AVZ predicament thru the Biden administration and BOD is confident that Trump administration will follow with interest too

b) Locke funding / working capital

DLA piper are absolutely thrilled to get this funding finally sorted, despite AVZ dominant positition in the respective ICSID / ICC arbitration cases, the cupboard was virtually bare in the way of funds to get to the finish line. Fact of the matter, DLA piper has virtually been working pro bono the last few months, BOD havnt taken a wage for months too, make no mistake folks, the aim of the chinese to bleed AVZ dry was very close to succeeding ...........now they are FUCKED !


With Locke funding secured, Corporate world will fill the void for working capital to see AVZ thru, with DEBOSS in the back ground making that happen.

Funding is no longer a problem and it has flipped the coin big time to our advantage , this is the pivotal moment to get the snow ball to grow and evolve to a ultimate conclusion and everyone is confident that it will happen, just a matter of time as DRC / China are backed into a wall now

c) ISCID - lack of court fees paid

Unbelievably, both DRC govt & AVZ didnt pay their respective fees and if you hadnt worked it out by now, you know why AVZ didnt pay theirs until Locke funding arrived.......;)

Now AVZ will pay their fees and the DRC fees to keep the pressure on..........its farken bonkers, but it is what it is.

d) Dathomir $20m Escrow payment gone AWOL

Investigation still pending, heat on the respective bank / Lawyer firm to provide paper trail.


Not sure whether Nigel was playing coy, but if they were the real deal, they would of contacted AVZ for permission to look in the core library / data room etc , site visit, but they did not, so its a non event for now, not sure what the situation is there to be honest

f) Mining or For sale ?

I asked Nigel the direct question, his opinion ,to achieve the best valuation, is to give suitors the impression you are going to mine, so first things first, now Locke funding is secured, first action is to get in touch with DRC govt and get them to finally get serious about negotiating a deal that would give AVZ the ML for PR13359 along with the Mpiana hydropower rights and then ultimately put it up for tender.

MOU discussions were organised prior some months ago , but AVZ were fucked around and it never eventuated as word got around that it wasnt going to be necessary due to AVZ parlous financial position..........;)

Believe it or not AVZ BOD still maintain that in general they still have a good relationship with the DRC govt, its just that there a few corrupt cunts that have done a hatchet job on them , the architect in Yianni mind is this dude.....


but there is a number of members of government that are sympathetic to AVZ cause and just wants a resolution.

Make of that as you will.

In any case, if ML is obtained with Mpiana package in tow, a evaluation could be anything from 2.5b - 10b depending on the lithium cycle./ pricing etc.

g) Mpiana Hydropower plant

I talked to Nigel one on one about this pivotal asset given Zijin has taken illegal posession and has commenced refurb.

He told me that lawyers advised Zijin not to trespass and take possession as AVZ had the legal rights, but Zijin told them to fuck off and did it anyway.

The situation is very simple, any negotiation regards to ML includes the rights to Mpiana and any illegal work done by Zijin would be remunerated back to them and then they would be told to fuck off

Its my impression that the DRC dont want to be beholden to China alone, they do want western investment, so maybe the tide is turning Saudi Arabia style if you get my drift..........;)

Well, i have dribbled long enuff, time for bed.

Cheers @EarleofBarrow , @Scoota30 , @Jazz , @Golden Years for a good catchup and chat, very illuminating to say the least and a big thankyou to the the main man DEBOSS a ripper bloke and the driving force behind AVZ BOD.

He wants to cut a deal bad, he wants to be the deal maker, but as John Clarke said to me eloquantly, he hasnt got a hope cause he doesnt know the lay of the land like he does, cant speak french nor does he have the credential like he has with over 25yr of experience working in Africa.


Its a different world over there and Johns resume is impressive, plus DLA piper are no mugs either, i am sure the entire BOD collective will cut the best deal for us long suffering shareholders..........just a matter of when ?

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