AVZ Discussion 2022


zzz, R U OK, still too scared to speak to Jag to prove you wrong hey? prefer to grip onto the ego and hope the cult keep giving you thumbs up to make you feel all fuzzy inside, very sad

best you have a chat with ya parents mate (or someone close), hopefully they can help, mental issues are serious, looks like even the cults getting a bit bored of you now, poor thing

View attachment 50239
Catching up with JAG tomorrow …will ask him “Who’s this Yaseen kunt “ …your so invested in the last week (for some reason) 70 posts so you may be there yourself so maybe will catch up with you as well
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The Fox

Well, I guess we all know who Yaseen is now.
Let me guess. L inda bipolar B ruce is back? Trust me, better you put the piece of shit on ignore, its bliss. 😇
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Catching up with JAG tomorrow …will ask him “Who’s this Yaseen kunt “ …your so invested in the last week (for some reason) 60 posts so you may be there yourself so maybe will catch up with you as well
haha Jag will let ya know
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Let me guess. L inda bipolar B ruce is back? Trust me, better you put the piece of shit on ignore, its bliss. 😇
use ya brain mate, If I was Linda obviously Jag would oust me immediately
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If your SO invested …you be there …See you tomorrow then
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Cumquat Cap

Good luck tomorrow John, please report back as soon as you can. Cheers
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If you are going tomorrow just remember the rest of us hanging in there for the news!!
Good luck TSE crew hopefully this time tomorrow night we will be able to have a quiet celebration as we look forward to more good news.
Cheers Dazz
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use ya brain mate, If I was Linda obviously Jag would oust me immediately
It doesn't matter who the fuck you are or if you hold any stock, you just need to stop carrying on like a fuckwit.
I've reported you enough times, now I'm putting you on ignore until @zeeb0t kicks you out.
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If your SO invested …you be there …See you tomorrow then
Im in Melb mate, and Im more invested in the business I run, unfortunately cant be in both place as once, but Ive got faith Beisha and some others will keep it real
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It doesn't matter who the fuck you are or if you hold any stock, you just need to stop carrying on like a fuckwit.
I've reported you enough times, now I'm putting you on ignore until @zeeb0t kicks you out.
"carry on" read the context, every time you claim im carrying on I have actually responded to some lamo who wants to go off topic carrying on with false allegations. So what you're really saying is I dont have the right to defend myself

noted, but disagree, now we gonna leave it at that or more carrying on?
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Think my mate may have had one too many of said beers hahah
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For context. This mate works for a brokerage. Wine/dine part of the job.
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For context. This mate works for a brokerage. Wine/dine part of the job.
Bloody hell that's worse as he should be more tuned into the bullshitters 😂😂

Lenny didn't pay for the beers, that was Zijin 👍
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If you are going tomorrow just remember the rest of us hanging in there for the news!!
Good luck TSE crew hopefully this time tomorrow night we will be able to have a quiet celebration as we look forward to more good news.
Cheers Dazz
Remember…… any news is sent via WeChat 😘 and not shared publicly here unless it’s via PM 👍
frog GIF
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Dave Evans

yes we do;)

Do you not think Zeebot can see who keeps initiating all the personal attacks here based on sweet F all?

He also knows Ive offered to even prove to him Im a holder, I can even prove how I voted to silence the lemmings, and now Jag knows who I am as well. I've only done this to bring this cult insanity to an end and defend myself against ongoing false allegations based on, wait for it....."timing" :ROFLMAO:. Lets hope some here leave the investigating to those who can judge without emotion, as the last thing AVZ needs is more holier than thou holders with brown noses

honestly the games up, dont keep getting sucked into Azzler type ego trips, stick to the stock and lets keep our eye on the prize, a ML and trading, we are fighting for the same thing here mate, and we're all backing the current board to do just that

A lot of shareholders here have been doing everything they can to support the company for the last 18 months before you turn up, full of your own self importance, start off by telling everyone you’re a muslim, then post 10 posts a day talking about yourself, complaining about cult members and boring everyone while tying up multiple pages on tse with your boring bullshit.

Well mate, seeing how you want to talk all about yourself and say “If you knew who I was, you’d be sorry” and making a big hullabaloo about who you might or might not be, I’ll tell everyone.

I know you are ‘Oreally’. You started off posting here last year but couldn’t take the criticism back then because YOU are the one with the ego problem and since you came back on the scene, so have other trolls.

Just fuck off mate, you’re an idiot, you don’t post anything worth reading and no one gives a shit what you have to say. Read the room, you have wasted enough of every one’s time.
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Good luck for tomorrow everyone, especially those attending the AGM.

Looking forward to the feedback and MMGA's heads on a stick (wouldn't be the first time those parasites have been on a spit together).

Feel free to PM me anything juicy that can't be public.

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A lot of shareholders here have been doing everything they can to support the company for the last 18 months before you turn up, full of your own self importance, start off by telling everyone you’re a muslim, then post 10 posts a day talking about yourself, complaining about cult members and boring everyone while tying up multiple pages on tse with your boring bullshit.

Well mate, seeing how you want to talk all about yourself and say “If you knew who I was, you’d be sorry” and making a big hullabaloo about who you might or might not be, I’ll tell everyone.

I know you are ‘Oreally’. You started off posting here last year but couldn’t take the criticism back then because YOU are the one with the ego problem and since you came back on the scene, so have other trolls.

Just fuck off mate, you’re an idiot, you don’t post anything worth reading and no one gives a shit what you have to say. Read the room, you have wasted enough of every one’s time.
here we go again

I didnt start off saying that, your mate Rediah started telling me he's going to try get me banned because apparently he thought he had a trademark on the name 'Yaseen', and others trying to play sherlock by giving hte definition of the name as if its a secret code for Chinese imposter :LOL:, and they all got many likes along the way for that trash believe it or not, thats how that bs started, with cultist diatribe, which I then set them straight on, then came more troll gifs because they had no intelligent retort, and now instead of reflecting on that you try to twist it and keep carrying this on, just give it a rest

im not even going to entertain the rest of your false allegations

boring Davo, just get back to the stock

blatantly obvious who keeps carrying this on

I'll discuss the stock only as Ive only wanted to do from the start, now lets see who can stick to that without the cult dogma, attacks, childish bullying, troll gifs and false allegations....very obvious to any neutral bystander or rational thinker who the real trolls are here, and its so sad that numerous members have to contact me to say they agree because they cant even be bothered attempting to fight the cult in the main thread. You post some decent stuff Dave so stop lowering yourself by getting dragged into this sh**
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Hello shareholders, I come from Germany and live in tranquil Bremen, Yaseen writes a lot but how do you know that he is a troll, why can't Jag get this out of the way if he knows who Yaseer is? The forum is the best I have read so far, thank you for all the information you share, it is very informative. Unfortunately, sometimes I have the feeling that some people are too biased. Greetings go to Australia and best hope for tomorrow.


Remember…… any news is sent via WeChat 😘 and not shared publicly here unless it’s via PM 👍
frog GIF

Knocked in the door and no cunt answered, Just wanted to see if KE would put a couple of you guys/gals heading over for the AGM up for a night or 2 😆

Guess not.



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