Watch our interview with Michael Carrick, a nominated director for the board of AVZ Minerals. He discusses concerns with the company as part of the Make Manono Great Again initiative
Watch here:
Just my take on that interview.....
a) MMGA movement is not hostile, but believe they have a different skill set to difuse the " lack of harmony "...

b) They sent a open letter to AVZ BOD to offer assistance,............they got the cold shoulder...
c) Essentially, DRC govt cant be a part of the JV.......due to disharmony of relations...
d) Regards to ML decree, apparently the understanding was AVZ was to exploit the southern part of Manono , but cede parts of the north ( exploration ) ....
e) Puts the boot in regards to non disclosure !!.......has a point there ,
f) Suggests AVZ BOD could of offered a sweetner to Dathomir for them to go away......

g) AVZ are courageous to take DRC govt to court, but not wise, limited funds , cant last the duration.
h) Sympathises with the DRC govt, AVZ should of negotiated terms of ML decree (

), so development of Manono could proceed, DRC govt missing out due to the disharmony of JV , thus delay in reaping royalties, taxes....
i ) States that MMGA has had no contact with Dathomir / Cominiere............but has a plan ...
My take, much like
@wombat74 view, AVZ should just take it up the arse and submit to the corruptors and appease the DRC govt whos focus is on re election, not with Manono.
Guys / girls others, i really think its time i set up a thread .......AGM 2023 QUESTIONS TO ASK THE BOD
My limited brain cells is hurting with truth v misinformation, ...
I / we desperately need some clarity as to what the fark is going on !!