However the writer only signed with his name on Zoom Eco with 'Writing'.
If you click on that name Writing it says "Articles by the editorial name" and after the main heading it says "Press Release".
Zoom Eco:
DRC: Manono Lithium project, the next administrators of AVZ called to favor negotiations and not trials (press release)
4 days ago
September 8, 2023
In the other rags the writer was anonymous, so the source highly likely had to pay to get their story published in all three papers.
In Mediacongo and 7sur7 after the heading it states 'Communication'.
It looks like you can get any bullshit posted, as long as the price is right.
Truth in that case is not important.
Problem with these publications is, if you use it as toilet paper, you finish up with cheap ink on your delicate part 1st would fin
Seems to be everything the drc elites are not.![]()
Mohamed Shelbaya - GBS Disputes
Mohamed Shelbaya is a founding partner of Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes and is recognized as “a leading figure in arbitration”
" Christians after all, do make the best hypocrites."If memory serves, Christian virtue is something about being selfless and helping others less fortunate than yourself. I’ve often wondered how people reconcile their personal greed, which has real-world impacts to the less fortunate, against their so-called Christian virtues. I hope it tortures their minds, but it probably does not. Christians after all, do make the best hypocrites.
Just imagine if some morally-bankrupt, sycophantic, cretin posted obsequious comments to said individual on Twitter as a way trying to curry favour for her own company, whilst simultaneously making us look like bastards. Oh wait, that vile kunt Lars already did that.
Religious and intelligence should never be used together" Christians after all, do make the best hypocrites."
Not just Christians but Muslims and many other religions it is all about absolute control of the mind through fear, and so-called well educated and intelligent people fall in the same trap.
Well looks like he has some similar experience in Africa and the middle east.![]()
Mohamed Shelbaya - GBS Disputes
Mohamed Shelbaya is a founding partner of Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes and is recognized as “a leading figure in arbitration”
'In most of the abritration cases, he found that the local lawas applied'....Good!...adherence to the DRC mining code is all we have ever wanted!In most of the abritration cases, he found that the local lawas applied
The report can be accessed here:![]()
Amnesty International report on battery minerals and human rights violated in the DRC by foreign multinationals and authorities
September 12, 2023
Kiki Kienge
By Kiki Kienge
A message was sent to the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi by Amnesty International asking him to put an end to forced evictions and other human rights abuses committed in copper and cobalt mines.
This is a report presented this September 12 which is based on the extractions of cobalt and copper in Grand Katanga and precisely in the province of Lualaba, minerals which are used in the manufacture of electric batteries, particularly for vehicles and other products. for renewable energies, a global challenge for the survival of our planet.
A report co-written by Candy Ofime and Jean-Mobert Menga , all Amnesty International researchers and collaborators, who said:
“We found multiple violations of legal protections provided by both international human rights standards and domestic law, as well as blatant disregard for the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. »
Several facts going against human rights were noted by the two OMG international researchers in Greater Katanga, especially:
Demolished housing ;
In the Cité Gécamines district of Kolwezi in the Lualaba province where more than 39,000 people live, Compagnie Minière de Musonoie Global SAS (COMMUS) , a joint venture between the Chinese group Zijin Mining Group Ltd and Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA ( Gécamines ), state mining company of the DRC.
House that was demolished to expand a mineral mine in Kolwezi![]()
Hundreds of residents have received orders from the authorities of the Lualaba province to leave their homes and many have already left since the resumption of mining activities without being consulted and the plans to expand the ZIJIN mine. have not been made public, many houses have already been destroyed to make way for mining activities.
Some compensation has been granted by COMMUS to a few people, but this does not allow those compensated to buy housing equivalent to that which they have just lost.
“We did not ask to be relocated, it was the company and the government who came to tell us that there are minerals here,” Edmond Musans , 62 years old.
“I had a big house, with electricity, water... Now, I have a small house, that's all I was able to buy with the compensation received [...], we have to consume the water from the boreholes […] We have almost no electricity. » declared a former resident evicted from the Gécamines city.
Cécile Isaka , another former resident, said explosions for the mine expansion created such large cracks in her house that she feared it would collapse. With no other solution, she accepted the compensation offer and demolished her damaged house in 2022 so that she could reuse the bricks to rebuild another one elsewhere.
Houses burned and residents injured ;
The Mutoshi site, operated by the Chemical of Africa SA (Chemaf) group, a subsidiary of Chemaf Resources Ltd, headquartered in Dubai, soldiers are said to have burned an entire informal settlement in Kolwezi, named Mukumbi.
“After Chemaf obtained the lease for the concession in 2015, three people claiming to be representatives of the company visited me with two police officers to inform me that it was time for the residents of Mukumbi to clear the site which is our village, these Chemaf representatives came to see me four times. » Ernest Miji , chief of Mukumbi, a village which was made up of around 400 structures, including a school, a health facility and a church, which were destroyed on November 7, 2016 for the construction of the Chemaf mine.
“The Chemaf representative told us that now we should leave the village, we asked him where would we go if this is our village where we raise our children, we cultivate and educate our children. We had nothing to survive, we spent nights and nights in the bush. Soldiers from the Republican Guard, an elite military unit led by the Presidency of the Republic, arrived one morning and began burning homes and beating villagers who tried to stop them. We couldn't recover anything, we had nothing to survive, we spent nights and nights in the bush. » Kanini Maska, another former resident aged 57.
A little girl, who was two years old at the time and who we have chosen not to name, was badly burned and left with irreversible scars. Her uncle said the mattress she was lying on caught fire.
Little girl burned and injured during the destruction of the village of Mukumbi![]()
After several protests, Chemaf agreed in 2019 to pay US$1.5 million through local authorities, but some people only received US$300. Chemaf denies any fault, responsibility or involvement in the destruction of Mukumbi and claims not to have ordered the military to destroy it.
As during the genocide in Germany, red crosses were marked on the fences of houses whose inhabitants were to be evicted and their houses demolished.
Destruction of crops and sexual assaults, stop forced evictions ;
The Kazakh group, Eurasian Resources group SARL (ERG), with its Metalkol Roan Tailings Reclamation (Metalkol RTR) project, was not spared from the report of this investigation into cobalt and copper from Grand Katanga.
Near Kolwezi, a subsidiary of Eurasian Resources Group SARL (ERG), headquartered in Luxembourg and whose majority shareholder is the State of Kazakhstan, manages the Metalkol Roan Tailings Reclamation (Metalkol RTR) project.
In February 2020, twenty-one farmers whose crops were located around the concession near the village of Tshamundenda, without being consulted by the authorities and without any notice, soldiers of the Republican Guard with dogs, occupied their fields by force and on the other side bulldozers were razing their crops.
Kabibi , the alias of a farmer from Tshamunenda, told investigators:
“To date, I have no job or other sources of income. I go from house to house to find food for my children. As I tried to harvest my crops before they were destroyed, three soldiers grabbed me before raping me, while others watched the scene. I remained pregnant after this rape, I gave birth later without complications, fortunately despite the lack of medical care. I am a widow, I cannot afford to enroll my children in school…”
The ERG group declared that it did not control nor had it requested the authorities to deploy soldiers. The company said the Congolese government believes the farmers' collective had been compensated by a former mine operator, something the farmers deny.
Stop forced evictions ;
“The international mining companies involved have ample means to make the changes needed to protect human rights, put in place procedures that improve the lives of people in the region, and provide reparations for the harm caused. » Donat Kambola, coordinator of the IBGDH, said.
“The Democratic Republic of Congo can play a central role in the energy transition to abandon fossil fuels, but human rights must not be trampled in the race to extract minerals to decarbonize the global economy. » Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said.
Amnesty International's report urges Congolese authorities to immediately end forced evictions, create an impartial commission of inquiry, and strengthen and enforce national laws relating to mining activities and evictions in line with international human rights standards. .
Authorities actively participated in or facilitated forced evictions and failed in their obligation to protect human rights, including those under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Guiding Principles on Business and human rights. The military should never be involved in evictions.
Companies' claims that they adhere to strict ethical standards ring hollow. They have a responsibility to investigate identified human rights abuses, provide meaningful reparations and take necessary steps to prevent future harm. All companies must ensure that their operations do not harm populations on the front lines of mining activity.
While we wait for the good news, here I share somewhat off-topic and something different
Had a very strange dream last night, it was an encounter between myself and one of the major detractor and he shall remain nameless because of the nature of the dream, he looks like an overcooked whole eggplant with no hair and ugly prescription glasses.
To describe the dream, I asked ChatGPT to word it for me, so here it is....
In the midst of the remote island's thick jungle, I found yourself in a precarious situation. The heat and humidity of the island seemed to bear down on me as I stared at the lifeless body of the man who had met an unfortunate end during your heated argument. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized that disposing of the body on such a small and closely monitored island would be no easy task.
Just when desperation was beginning to settle in, a voice from behind startled me. I turned to find a stranger, a man I had never met before, standing there. His name, he introduced himself, MB (@MoneyBags1348) . I couldn't help but feel relief at the sight of a familiar face, even though I had never crossed paths with him before.
"MB, it's so good to see a familiar face," I sighed, feeling a glimmer of hope.
MB raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation. "You seem to be in a bit of a bind," he remarked, glancing at the lifeless body nearby.
Nodding anxiously, I recounted the argument that had spiraled out of control, leading to the unfortunate death of the man. "I didn't mean for this to happen," I explained, my voice trembling.
MB considered my words for a moment before he spoke. "I've got a chopper," he said calmly. "We can load the body and take it out into the middle of the ocean, where we can dispose of it. No body, no crime."
A sense of relief washed over me, but doubt lingered in the back of my mind. "Will it work, MB? It was an accident," I emphasized.
He chuckled softly, as though he held some profound secret. "You've done a huge favor to the whole DRC and AVZ," he replied mysteriously. "If anything, you should be proud."
I couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic past and connections of this stranger, MB. With no other options at my disposal, I decided to trust him and follow his plan. The two of us hastily loaded the lifeless body onto the chopper and set off towards the vast expanse of the ocean, leaving behind the dense jungle and the secrets it held.
As the chopper's blades whirred in the hot, humid air, I couldn't help but hope that this unexpected turn of events would indeed erase the traces of the accident and allow me to return to your secluded life on the remote island, forever haunted by the memory of that fateful encounter.
And I woke up, not sure if that helped us get the ML or not, I will try again tonight![]()
Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade"We can load the body and take it out into the middle of the ocean, where we can dispose of it. No body, no crime."
While we wait for the good news, here I share somewhat off-topic and something different
Had a very strange dream last night, it was an encounter between myself and one of the major detractor and he shall remain nameless because of the nature of the dream, he looks like an overcooked whole eggplant with no hair and ugly prescription glasses.
To describe the dream, I asked ChatGPT to word it for me, so here it is....
In the midst of the remote island's thick jungle, I found myself in a precarious situation. The heat and humidity of the island seemed to bear down on me as I stared at the lifeless body of the man who had met an unfortunate end during our heated argument. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized that disposing of the body on such a small and closely monitored island would be no easy task.
Just when desperation was beginning to settle in, a voice from behind startled me. I turned to find a stranger, a man I had never met before, standing there. His name, he introduced himself, MB (@MoneyBags1348) . I couldn't help but feel relief at the sight of a familiar face, even though I had never crossed paths with him before.
"MB, it's so good to see a familiar face," I sighed, feeling a glimmer of hope.
MB raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation. "You seem to be in a bit of a bind," he remarked, glancing at the lifeless body nearby.
Nodding anxiously, I recounted the argument that had spiraled out of control, leading to the unfortunate death of the man. "I didn't mean for this to happen," I explained, my voice trembling.
MB considered my words for a moment before he spoke. "I've got a chopper," he said calmly. "We can load the body and take it out into the middle of the ocean, where we can dispose of it. No body, no crime."
A sense of relief washed over me, but doubt lingered in the back of my mind. "Will it work, MB? It was an accident," I emphasized.
He chuckled softly, as though he held some profound secret. "You've done a huge favor to the whole DRC and AVZ," he replied mysteriously. "If anything, you should be proud."
I couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic past and connections of this stranger, MB. With no other options at my disposal, I decided to trust him and follow his plan. The two of us hastily loaded the lifeless body onto the chopper and set off towards the vast expanse of the ocean, leaving behind the dense jungle and the secrets it held.
As the chopper's blades whirred in the hot, humid air, I couldn't help but hope that this unexpected turn of events would indeed erase the traces of the accident and allow me to return to your secluded life on the remote island, forever haunted by the memory of that fateful encounter.
And I woke up, not sure if that helped us get the ML or not, I will try again tonight![]()
While we wait for the good news, here I share somewhat off-topic and something different
Had a very strange dream last night, it was an encounter between myself and one of the major detractor and he shall remain nameless because of the nature of the dream, he looks like an overcooked whole eggplant with no hair and ugly prescription glasses.
To describe the dream, I asked ChatGPT to word it for me, so here it is....
In the midst of the remote island's thick jungle, I found myself in a precarious situation. The heat and humidity of the island seemed to bear down on me as I stared at the lifeless body of the man who had met an unfortunate end during our heated argument. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized that disposing of the body on such a small and closely monitored island would be no easy task.
Just when desperation was beginning to settle in, a voice from behind startled me. I turned to find a stranger, a man I had never met before, standing there. His name, he introduced himself, MB (@MoneyBags1348) . I couldn't help but feel relief at the sight of a familiar face, even though I had never crossed paths with him before.
"MB, it's so good to see a familiar face," I sighed, feeling a glimmer of hope.
MB raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation. "You seem to be in a bit of a bind," he remarked, glancing at the lifeless body nearby.
Nodding anxiously, I recounted the argument that had spiraled out of control, leading to the unfortunate death of the man. "I didn't mean for this to happen," I explained, my voice trembling.
MB considered my words for a moment before he spoke. "I've got a chopper," he said calmly. "We can load the body and take it out into the middle of the ocean, where we can dispose of it. No body, no crime."
A sense of relief washed over me, but doubt lingered in the back of my mind. "Will it work, MB? It was an accident," I emphasized.
He chuckled softly, as though he held some profound secret. "You've done a huge favor to the whole DRC and AVZ," he replied mysteriously. "If anything, you should be proud."
I couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic past and connections of this stranger, MB. With no other options at my disposal, I decided to trust him and follow his plan. The two of us hastily loaded the lifeless body onto the chopper and set off towards the vast expanse of the ocean, leaving behind the dense jungle and the secrets it held.
As the chopper's blades whirred in the hot, humid air, I couldn't help but hope that this unexpected turn of events would indeed erase the traces of the accident and allow me to return to your secluded life on the remote island, forever haunted by the memory of that fateful encounter.
And I woke up, not sure if that helped us get the ML or not, I will try again tonight![]()
I thought you were going to say we both fell out of the helicopter while we were trying to dump the body.
Hopefully just having a mental health break away from the forums for a whileHas anyone heard from Jag? No twitter posts for days and it looks like his TSE is deleted or just restricted?
Either way I hope he's ok, has been a great advocate for us
Cant help but think his count down was if nothing happens he off for a bit. Timing is about rightHopefully just having a mental health break away from the forums for a while
I reckon all of us need one from time to time![]()
i reckon there are about 15,000 posters on HC who need a break from it including me hahahHopefully just having a mental health break away from the forums for a while
I reckon all of us need one from time to time![]()
Dunno why people wade into that cesspit to be honest.i reckon there are about 15,000 posters on HC who need a break from it including me hahah