Well if they couldn't get to 5% to call an EGM, I doubt they will have any numbers to be worried about. If they could have called an EGM, they would have. This rubbish is the best they can do.
Also, there is a long time till the AGM, if AVZ sort their shot out tomorrow or within two months time to the satisfaction of shareholders, their piss weak effort has been a complete waste to time, I assume you agree?
Lastly, even if for some reason there are matters outstanding (still) by the time the AGM comes around, the person with the microphone who has done the hard yards over the last 6/7 years and can explain themselves will crap all over these poor quality and dubious nominations. The only way one or all of these three dickheads get on the board is if Nigel and friends resign IMO.
Do you agree?
Cheers The Fox