AVZ Discussion 2022


Master of Quan
Last Friday of the month. I think we about here
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Cumquat Cap

one step forward by way of CAMI (surely they wouldn't invite us to meet for no reason) - 2 steps back with those cunts at Cominiere getting the top jobs - bit flattening this week
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one step forward by way of CAMI (surely they wouldn't invite us to meet for no reason) - 2 steps back with those cunts at Cominiere getting the top jobs - bit flattening this week
Did CAMI invite us or did we just "pop" in to say hi on a courtesy visit? :rolleyes:
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Cumquat Cap

Now that's a good question noting we we're not shared on their official timeline - who fkn knows.

Our lawyer sure was quick to proclaim victory like a fkn novice
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Did CAMI invite us or did we just "pop" in to say hi on a courtesy visit? :rolleyes:
100% we invited ourselves . As you would . I'm sure Nigel was onto it like white on rice . Nice photo op as well . How many days to the AGM ?
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Anyone who's visiting the forum for new information is kidding themselves unfortunately. While there is an awesome collection if info, it's just too hard to sift out the fake stuff. While the latest news article may put a bit of a positive spring in my step, end of the day I'm only believing official announcements from the worlds best BOD and due to the situation, they aren't saying boo (and rightly so). That said, to those doing the digging and keeping the records, love your work. The official documents are a treasure trove.

The main reason I check here daily is for the tantrums. My 7yo throws less tantrums after a long day than some on here, so it gives me reassurance that it's all fine and life will go on.

The waiting game sucks, but not much to do except crack a VB and wait it out.
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100% we invited ourselves . As you would . I'm sure Nigel was onto it like white on rice . Nice photo op as well . How many days to the AGM ?
There is no way they would just pop in, imagine popping into government department in OZ without an appointment ? You wouldn’t get past the front door.

Given that AVZ haven’t been able to talk to that other fuckwit for over a year I’d assume new management of cami would know the history of what’s going on. Then to agree to a photo shoot indicates imo that it was an appointment or invitation.
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There is no way they would just pop in, imagine popping into government department in OZ without an appointment ? You wouldn’t get past the front door.

Given that AVZ haven’t been able to talk to that other fuckwit for over a year I’d assume new management of cami would know the history of what’s going on. Then to agree to a photo shoot indicates imo that it was an appointment or invitation.
Ok . Pop in = Arranged an appointment . Nigel would have been champing at the bit no doubt .
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Ok . Pop in = Arranged an appointment . Nigel would have been champing at the bit no doubt .
Then to get one of the very first meetings with the new management in such a short time compared to where we have been speaks volumes imo.
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IMO and realistically, nothing is going to happen before the ICC case - Jin Cheng v AVZ and confirmation of the MMCS holding. If Jin Cheng and MMCS get booted it will either give clarity for a merger / TO, OR it will give clarity for the Dathcom holdings going to mine. If Comminere are our partner then we will have to make it work! A new JV, stringently legalise each parties' obligations and responsibilities with a clear dispute resolution mechanism. Let's get this thing moving.
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From twitter

Jens Emil Soderlund

Up to his old tricks Mafia Kibeya
claims he “is now in a position to renegotiate a win win contract for #Manono #REC #DRC with a real partner” then proceeds to to express “the wish to integrate the project alone by getting rid of $AVZ

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"In connection with the arbitration in Paris, RAC, a negotiation is in sight with the majority shareholder in AVZ,... get rid of AVZ,... the condition put on the table is the withdrawal of the arbitration complaint."

Negotiations with conditions seemingly taking place!?
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Cumquat Cap

"In connection with the arbitration in Paris, RAC, a negotiation is in sight with the majority shareholder in AVZ,... get rid of AVZ,... the condition put on the table is the withdrawal of the arbitration complaint."

Negotiations with conditions seemingly taking place!?
Celestin the dumb corrupt cock sucka has been talking like $avz is out quite abit of late (whether we trust that CominiereSA is run by him or proxy) - my guess is a negotiated settlement has been agreed upon most receipt of ML/release of BFS at the battery conference in September - anyone thinking similar?
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Celestin the dumb corrupt cock sucka has been talking like $avz is out quite abit of late (whether we trust that CominiereSA is run by him or proxy) - my guess is a negotiated settlement has been agreed upon most receipt of ML/release of BFS at the battery conference in September - anyone thinking similar?
I honestly don't know what to think anymore

All the guessing and conjecture so far has proven to be futile

The only recent piece of information that is verifiable is that two DRC corrupt actors have been re-installed at the very head of Cominiere

Fuck me...
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Special K has no authority to cancel the JV - any dispute needs to be taken to the ICC first.

With the weight of the IGF and their findings and what AVZ has accumulated over time (contracts and the like). Comm does not have a leg to stand on in my opinion. Where's the money that was apparently paid for the 15% by Sin Bin?

The last thing the DRC wants are rulings against it, its ministers and quasi government enterprises.

The IGF was more than likely established so that the DRC can work towards coming off the Grey List (US Treasury).

Special K can run around and sign all the contracts he wants - my thoughts are they are not likely valid.

With the speculation of TO's I would also note its the life of the mine, future anticipated shortages of lithium and quality of the product is where the true value sits.

AVZ taking action within the ICC & ICSID are very strategic moves - the DRC does not want a ruling against it by the ICSID especially with World Bank affiliation.

Just a thought bubble.

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If this is to be believed, its good news to me. What are the risks associated with going to court. The obvious one is time. Then there is the tainted relationship. Then there is the ongoing nightmare of doing business here.
If there is an opportunity to avoid this then get me the F out. 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. I don't want to play this game any more. Opportunity cost has been horrific.
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IMO and realistically, nothing is going to happen before the ICC case - Jin Cheng v AVZ and confirmation of the MMCS holding. If Jin Cheng and MMCS get booted it will either give clarity for a merger / TO, OR it will give clarity for the Dathcom holdings going to mine. If Comminere are our partner then we will have to make it work! A new JV, stringently legalise each parties' obligations and responsibilities with a clear dispute resolution mechanism. Let's get this thing moving.
Why would Jin Cheng / Zijin show up to an ICC hearing they know they wont win ? They will either find a way to postpone it again or they will drop the case . IMO
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Why would Jin Cheng / Zijin show up to an ICC hearing they know they wont win ? They will either find a way to postpone it again or they will drop the case . IMO
Wombat that would be good news for all sorts of reasons one being that if they don't show up they are likely to have incurred fees regardless, which will need to be paid.

I would speculate that these fees will not go away if they are incurred.

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You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in and you shake it all about....🎶

It's the DRC Hokey Pokey....
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