AVZ Discussion 2022


Nothing to do with Linda. Moneybags did his own trolling and then couldn't handle it when he got trolled back.

Shouldn't dish it out if you can't take it.
But the party was just getting started?
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Still butthurt because you got owned?


edit: Quite a few established and respected members laugh reacted to that burn Azzler 🤣🤣
more laughing emojis, you need to use like a whole row.

God you're boring.
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Well it's Saturday night.
So here's one for the woke, PC, humour police.

If you respond to the trolls, then u give them a platform.
Just sayin'.
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Sorry mate, are you telling me there’s already enough people speculating, posting rumours and making up bullshit…. Noted

@Azzler you know we have chatted in private, no disrespect to you mate, just making a point

@Largus Averta what a stupid name you have, pity your in the west and not over here in NSW…. This is for you and your fuckwit mates 🖕

And on ignore where ignorant fuckwits go

Thank goodness I’m starting to feel like my old self again 👊💥🤪
Would have thought adding a Bettlejuice gif would imply I was being [big sarcasm tag] veeeerrrry serious[/big sarcasm tag].
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Jag my man... you know you replied to solo's tweet from a year ago right?
Of course, I reckon I got some people excited 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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*Meanwhile, In other News, I see where




* To Remind the 🤡 back in the DRC :rolleyes:

Mpiana Mwanga Hydro Electric Power Plant (HEPP)

AVZ has through its 100% owned DRC based legal entity, AVZ Power SAU (AVZP), successfully negotiated and signed an MOU with the DRC government.

This MOU now grants AVZP the right to begin full studies into the redundant and abandoned Hydro Electric Power Plant
(HEPP) located 87 km south east of Manono at a town called Mpiana Mwanga, which is situated on the Luvua river a large tributary of the upper Congo river further to the north.

The intent of the MOU is to progress the studies to a point where ownership of the HEPP will transfer to AVZP for operation by AVZP or whomever AVZP engages to do so.

AVZ has commissioned a DFS report on the HEPP and has determined that the power plant can be refurbished and that it could operate viably.

The DFS determined that the HEPP could be refurbished for USD 50.5 M16, including high voltage (HV) substations, HV powerline and a
contingency and produce power at an operating cost of USD 0.04/kWh.

The timeline to complete the reconstruction is 18 months start to finish.
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The Inga dam in the DRC, the emergency solution for the electrification and development of Africa according to Ramaphosa, Sassou and Lula

The realization of the Inga III project in DR Congo at the moment is still at the ping-pong stage of the Congolese government, which under the regime of Joseph Kabila had signed an exclusive development agreement for the Inga III project with a Sino- Spanish, including the Chinese company Three Gorges Corporation;

But in 2020, the regime of Félix Tshisekedi withdrew the exclusivity of the Inga III project from the Chinese of the Three Gorges Corporation, to begin negotiations with the Fortescue group of the Australian billionaire, Andrew Forrest, an 80,000 megawatt project.

But now, this same year, on his return from his visit to China, Felix Tshisekedi wants to give back the exclusivity of the Inga III project to the Chinese of Three Gorges.

At the summit for a new global financial pact organized in Paris by French President Emmanuel Macron, four African presidents are advocating for the urgent implementation of the Inga III project and funding from international institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank.

They are the South African President, Cyrill Ramaphosa, the Congolese Denis Sassou Nguesso and the Brazilian Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva.

The Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah al-Sissi would even be ready to send back the Cairo railway project to Cape Town to cede it urgently to the Inga III project.

South Africa, in energy difficulties at the moment, is betting a lot on the Inga dam and the possibility of diverting water from the DR Congo to its land in order to exploit it for the production of electrical energy.


“Now I want to talk about something very practical, President Sassou-Nguesso Nguesso raised the issue yesterday.

He said he would be happy if following this summit, we do something very practical, in terms of infrastructure.

That said, 600 million people in Africa do not have electricity, yet we have all the resources to generate electricity, especially the mighty Congo River.

And that there have been plans to build a number of power stations which will produce, according to my calculations, up to 70,000 megawatts.

And he said and I want to speak in favor of this proposal.

To prove that these summits are not just talkative summits that stem from the Paris conference and other summits.

Let us now put the money on the table and say collectively that we are going to tackle this mega-project, a mega-project that will ultimately produce electricity for 12, 15 African countries in one go.

And this is a project that I think the multilateral development banks are working together.

The appeal that you have launched, Mr President Macron, can indeed be financed.

And when we get out of it, we had to be able to say that the Inga dam is now going to be developed into a power station in Inga, the one that President Sassou-Nguesso Nguesso mentioned, and the next one as well.

If we can do that, then we will be convinced as Africans that these summits are really meaningful.

“President Sisi of Egypt and I have been talking about a railway from Cape Town to Cairo for years, we are leaving that for the next summit.

But the one on the production of electricity and the construction of power plants on the Inga dam is more important, which is immediate and which in my opinion must be tackled now.

This is what needs to be done and then we will be convinced that you are serious about the promises you make.


“We listened to the President of Congo Brazzaville talk about the Congo River, this river can accommodate three Itaipu which is a Brazilian hydroelectric plant, but he cannot do it because there is no funding.

The DRC, which owns the entirety of the mighty Congo River, represented by its Prime Minister, Sama Lukonde Kyenge in the absence of the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi, has not deployed much energy to make its voice heard and define as the decision-making and essential country of the Inga III project. :rolleyes:

Kiki Kienge

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Master of Quan
With the crazy good results from drilling does the DFS2.0 that we haven’t seen get thrown out and now we do a DFS3.0? What could this produce? Forget the 2 x 10mt pa plants. Enough spod for how much more?
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With the crazy good results from drilling does the DFS2.0 that we haven’t seen get thrown out and now we do a DFS3.0? What could this produce? Forget the 2 x 10mt pa plants. Enough spod for how much more?
We don't have cash to spend on a DFS 3.0
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Was that a 5bn lawsuit? DFS 3.0 should make it 10
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Wheres the cheese?

the cheese is inside the pineapple
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At the China-Africa Expo: Paluku unfolds the economic opportunities of the DRC

The Congolese Minister of Industry, Julien Paluku Kahongya spoke on Friday June 30, 2023 at the conference organized on the sidelines of the exhibition. He unfolded the economic opportunities that abound in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Kinshasa government delegate invited Chinese companies to strengthen their presence in the country of Lumumba, which needs, he demonstrated, their expertise in the industrial sector with the training of a qualified local workforce, but also capital and infrastructure.

Advocating the strengthening of cooperation between China and the DRC, the former governor of North Kivu pleaded for the construction of a strong economic empire with China by involving the development of special economic zones.

Before the Chinese authorities and business leaders interested in the development of Africa, he maintained that thanks to this cooperation, the DRC will be able to locally transform its natural resources in order to create wealth and jobs. :ROFLMAO:

*Yeah, For them it will - That's why it's called a "Win-Win" Wealth & Jobs - When will you 🤡 wake up to that ffs !!!:rolleyes:

Julien Paluku called on China to join the major pan-African project to install a first manufacturing plant for batteries and electric vehicles in the province of Haut-Katanga, because, according to him, the DRC has strategic minerals to ensure the global energy transition.

On this day when we celebrate the 63ᵉ anniversary of the political independence of our country, we wanted to advocate our economic independence.

And on the second day of these meetings, we talked about the economic opportunities of the DRC by presenting the country as a giant in the middle of Africa, with 100 million inhabitants and consumers.

All these opportunities are described in the Industrialization Master Plan (PDI) namely the roads, railways, ports and also the special economic zones which constitute the main components of the industrialization of our country, declared the Minister of Industry following his speech.

In addition to the educational presentation by Minister Paluku, several speeches by Chinese officials and economic operators as well as African ministers were enriching.

This second day was devoted to several panels including the one on the promotion and deepening of economic and trade cooperation between Hunan and Africa.

A strong delegation from the DRC participates in this work as guest of honor at the Exhibition.

A vast stand of more than 300 square meters was made available to the country of Tshisekedi for the exhibition of its products and services.

Many Congolese economic operators have made the trip to Changsha to present their products and hope to capture markets.


Don't Shoot the Messenger 🙏

Who invites the 👿 over to the DRC for 🍽️

Paluku that's who :rolleyes:

Just Food for thought 🥢

Frank 😇
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At the China-Africa Expo: Paluku unfolds the economic opportunities of the DRC

The Congolese Minister of Industry, Julien Paluku Kahongya spoke on Friday June 30, 2023 at the conference organized on the sidelines of the exhibition. He unfolded the economic opportunities that abound in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Kinshasa government delegate invited Chinese companies to strengthen their presence in the country of Lumumba, which needs, he demonstrated, their expertise in the industrial sector with the training of a qualified local workforce, but also capital and infrastructure.

Advocating the strengthening of cooperation between China and the DRC, the former governor of North Kivu pleaded for the construction of a strong economic empire with China by involving the development of special economic zones.

Before the Chinese authorities and business leaders interested in the development of Africa, he maintained that thanks to this cooperation, the DRC will be able to locally transform its natural resources in order to create wealth and jobs. :ROFLMAO:

*Yeah, For them it will - That's why it's called a "Win-Win" Wealth & Jobs - When will you 🤡 wake up to that ffs !!!:rolleyes:

Julien Paluku called on China to join the major pan-African project to install a first manufacturing plant for batteries and electric vehicles in the province of Haut-Katanga, because, according to him, the DRC has strategic minerals to ensure the global energy transition.

On this day when we celebrate the 63ᵉ anniversary of the political independence of our country, we wanted to advocate our economic independence.

And on the second day of these meetings, we talked about the economic opportunities of the DRC by presenting the country as a giant in the middle of Africa, with 100 million inhabitants and consumers.

All these opportunities are described in the Industrialization Master Plan (PDI) namely the roads, railways, ports and also the special economic zones which constitute the main components of the industrialization of our country, declared the Minister of Industry following his speech.

In addition to the educational presentation by Minister Paluku, several speeches by Chinese officials and economic operators as well as African ministers were enriching.

This second day was devoted to several panels including the one on the promotion and deepening of economic and trade cooperation between Hunan and Africa.

A strong delegation from the DRC participates in this work as guest of honor at the Exhibition.

A vast stand of more than 300 square meters was made available to the country of Tshisekedi for the exhibition of its products and services.

Many Congolese economic operators have made the trip to Changsha to present their products and hope to capture markets.


Don't Shoot the Messenger 🙏

Who invites the 👿 over to the DRC for 🍽️

Paluku that's who :rolleyes:

Just Food for thought 🥢

Frank 😇
All we can hope for is we get our money back via a takeover.
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All we can hope for is we get our money back via a takeover.
Geez Geo thats very unlike your upbeat posts of the past.


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Well things do change don't they. The weak leaders in Africa or should I say corrupt leaders like their brown paper bags and the Europeans have shown no interest in investing there. What this means is they don't give a damn about their starving population. Of course I could be wrong but the signs are not looking good at present.
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